John G. Augoustides, MD, FASe, FAHA

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Prevalence and predictors of and midlife: are we overpathologising the depressive symptoms in older premenopausal menopause Longitudinal pattern of depressive ceived control, lifestyle, health, socio-demo symptoms around natural menopause. Parity and risk of coro nary heart disease in middle-aged and older Chinese women. Methods: A working group of faculty and panelists composed of clinical and research experts in the fields of women s health and botanicals met during a 2-day translational symposium to cover the latest evidence-based science on isoflavones as they affect menopausal symptoms, breast and endometrial cancer, atherosclerosis, bone loss, and cognition. Full descriptions of the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of isoflavones were also presented. Subspecialty groups then broke off with the goal of translating the information into a report for general medical practice and identifying further research areas. Results: From the hundreds of studies reviewed in this report, there are mixed results of the effects on midlife women. Soy-based isoflavones are modestly effective in relieving menopausal symptoms; supplements providing higher proportions of genistein or increased in S(Y)-equol may provide more benefits. Soy food consumption is associated with lower risk of breast and endometrial cancer in observational studies. The efficacy of isoflavones on bone has not been proven, and the clinical picture of whether soy has cardiovascular benefits is still evolving. Preliminary findings on cognitive benefit from isoflavone therapy support a Bcritical window[ hypothesis wherein younger postmenopausal women derive more than older women. Conclusions: Several areas for further research have been identified on soy and midlife women. More clinical studies are needed that compare outcomes among women whose intestinal bacteria have the ability to convert daidzein to equol (equol producers) with those that lack that ability (equol nonproducers) in order to determine if equol producers derive greater benefits from soy supplementation. Larger studies are needed in younger post menopausal women, and more research is needed to understand the modes of use of soy isoflavone supplements in women. The interrelations of other dietary components on soy isoflavones consumed as a part of diet or by sup plement on equol production also require further study, as do potential interactions with prescription and over-the counter medications. And finally, greater standardization and documentation of clinical trial data of soy are needed. Key Words: Aglycone Y Daidzein Y Equol Y Equol nonproducer Y Equol producer Y Estrogen receptor-> Y Estrogen receptor-A Y Genistein Y Glycitein Y Glycoside Y R(+)-equol Y S(Y)-equol Y Phytoestrogen Y Soy Y Soy germ Y Soy isoflavone Y Soy protein Y Soy supplement. Terminology, Mechanisms, Bioavailability & Pharmacokinetics From the North American Menopause Society. The goal was to develop a report that daidzein are thought to be determinants of the therapeutic efficacy of soy supplementation essentially summarized the current state of knowledge with Glycitein One of three isoflavones found in soy protein and the the objective of translating that information into a report that protein of other legumes in relatively minor could identify those areas ready for introduction into general amounts. Glycoside A sugar attached to the aglycone portion of an medical practice and those still in need of further research. Whenever Soy the most widely used isoflavone-containing food; possible, conclusions and recommendations were drawn from usually refers to a product derived from the whole soybean the evidence focused specifically on clinical trials assessing Soy germ the part of the soybean that has a high concentration health effects of isoflavones in peri and postmenopausal of isoflavones, with much more daidzein than women. Most isoflavone clinical trials have used soy foods or genistein and high concentrations of glycitein Soy isoflavone Isoflavone derived from soy (as opposed to from red soy supplements, so the focus of this document is soy and its clover, kudzu, American groundnut, or other isoflavones. The most studied of the botanicals for menopause-related the term soy usually refers to a product derived from the conditions are isoflavones, sometimes called Bphytoestrogens. Soy protein refers to a product They are plant-derived compounds with estrogen-like biologic derived by extracting the protein out of the whole bean. The relative amounts of these isoflavones vary depending on Terminology the portion of the soybean from which the material is ob Isoflavones are a class of phytochemicals, a broad group of tained. The whole soybean contains about equal amounts of nonsteroidal compounds of diverse structures derived from genistein and daidzein, with smaller amounts of glycitein. Some soy supplements are made genistein, daidzein, glycitein, biochanin A, and formononetin. The relative amounts of genistein and daid Genistein and daidzein are found in high amounts in soybeans zein are now thought to be determinants of the therapeutic and soy products as well as in red clover, kudzu, and the efficacy of soy supplementation, as will be discussed later in American groundnut. This apeutic outcomes when administered alone compared with the may account for their pleiotropic properties. About 30% of North American women have the ability to Although most of the work on the mechanisms of action of metabolize daidzein to equol. Equol has two Overall, evidence suggests that the biological effects of isomers, S(Y)-equol and R(+)-equol. Only S(Y)-equol is de isoflavones and their metabolites are mediated by many tected in the plasma of equol-producing women and thought pathways, not just estrogen-dependent events. In addition, studies have suggested that some health concern the potential benefits of equol and the unan of the benefits of dietary isoflavones observed in other pop 16<18 swered issue of whether equol is merely a marker for some ulations may depend on early life exposure, which may beneficial effect of gut bacteria on steroid metabolism. Bioavailability & pharmacokinetics Puerarin (daidzein 8-C-glucoside) is rapidly absorbed and Mechanisms eliminated with a terminal elimination half-life (t1/2) of ap 19 Isoflavones are frequently referred to as having pleiotropic proximately 4. Aglycones demonstrate rapid absorption and demonstrated to be inhibitors of critical protein tyrosine kinases peak plasma concentrations are attained within 1 to 3 hours, 1 such as the epidermal growth factor receptor Variskfactorfor depending on whether the isoflavones are taken with a meal or 37 recurrence of breast cancerVand the platelet-derived growth without a meal. The dose used in cell culture assays to 12 hours although it is significantly longer in patients with 44 investigate mechanisms is crucial. These studies had to use the solvent germ, daidzein and glycitein become the predominant iso 38 dimethylsulfoxide to keep the isoflavones in solution, which flavones in plasma because they are enriched in soy germ. Commission) has the power to inspect, they have insufficient Much interest has focused on S(Y)-equol, the intestinal bac personnel to effectively implement the regulations involving 42,46 terial metabolite and end product of daidzin/daidzein quality control or health claims. Only 20% to 30% of Frequently used soy foods and their isoflavone content are Western adults will produce S(Y)-equol when fed soy iso listed in Table 2. The isoflavone content of each soy food can flavones, which is significantly lower than the 50% to 60% vary considerably depending on growing conditions and pro frequency of equol producers reported in adults living in Asia 49 cessing. The equol hypothesis of Setchell et from fermentation of soy beans (eg, miso and tempeh). This al proposed that the ability to produce S(Y)-equol may explain process tends to concentrate the isoflavones prior to con the greater efficacy of soy in studies of Asians when compared 50 sumption and produces metabolites not formed in the human with those reported for Western adults. Other processing that removes fats, taste, and color systemic bioavailability and relatively slow plasma clearance. Peak plasma concentrations occur 1 to 2 hours after oral Functionally, in theory, isoflavones can exert both estro administration, consistent with the behavior of other isofla genic and antiestrogenic effects, depending on their concen vone aglycones. High circulating plasma concentrations can be tration, the concentration of endogenous sex hormones, and achieved in most adults with low oral doses (5-10 mg). In addition, it is not clear It is cleared from plasma with a t1/2 of 6 to 8 hours and excreted 37,41 whether the putative health effects in human beings are almost exclusively in urine. The optimal clinical efficacy attributable to isoflavones alone or to isoflavones plus other is more likely to occur with twice-daily administration rather components in whole foods. The most dramatic increase Unlike endogenous estrogens, which are extensively bound occurred between 1996 and 2003, with the biggest gains to sex hormone-binding globulin and albumin, genistein and occurring in sales of soy milk and energy bars. Recently equol have both been reported to be only 45% to 50% protein introduced categories of soy foods include soy-based drinks, 53 drinkable cultured soy, soy dairy-free frozen desserts, and bound. Peri and postmenopausal women can consume soy and soy Previously, most sales of soy food and drinks occurred in isoflavones via two sources: their diet (in soy-containing foods, health food stores, but now 75% of these sales are from 60 soy milk, and foods containing soy flour or soy oil) and dietary supermarkets. Isoflavone content of foods57 contained in many edible plants but among foods consumed in the United States, only in soybeans is their concentration suf Mean mg isoflavones 55 ficient to be physiologically relevant. Other nonfood sources Food per 100 g of food 56 (such as red clover) also contain notable amounts. In addition, soy flour and soy oil are used in ment use in the United States are very limited. Soy isoflavones may also appear unexpectedly vey report did not specifically address use among midlife in many products in which soy protein is used for its textural women. Despite this large Japanese cohort studies included in a comprehensive increase, dietary consumption of soy in the United States 63 review published in 2006 indicated that soy protein intake remains far below that in Asia. Mean estimates of isoflavone intake (expressed as womenVspecifically of soy isoflavone supplements. In addi aglycone equivalents) ranged from about 30 to 50 mg/ tion, the interrelations of dietary intake and supplement use with 63,69,70 day. In a prospective cohort study in Japanese adults equol production in terms of effects on health outcomes in ages 45 to 74, the mean fourth quartile isoflavone (exclud midlife women require further study, as do potential interactions ing glycitein) intake was 78 mg/day in men (n = 9,044) and with prescription and over-the-counter medications. The Shanghai Men s Health Study and the Shanghai flavones should be undertaken to monitor longer-term Women s Health Study, prospective epidemiologic studies beneficial or possible adverse effects. Combined statistics of the 14 trials: Vasomotor symptoms & Total number of women in the trials was 1,422 (761 in In the past decade, a major effort has been made to de the isoflavone arms and 661 in the placebo arms). The original basis for that effort was the observation & Duration of trials ranged from 12 to 96 weeks. The speculation was that the isoflavones & Daily prevalence of hot flashes at baseline ranged from present in the high soy diets of Asian women were providing 3 to 11 episodes. Lack of comparability of agents (eg, soy and red clover 96 which generally agrees with previously published data. Individual versus combination isoflavones (eg, genis flashes did not necessarily show greater improvement tein alone vs a combination of genistein, daidzein, and over placebo. Use of glycosides versus aglycones in the isoflavone group over placebo; trials of longer 4. Variations in dose and duration of therapy duration did not necessarily result in a greater improve 5. Lack of measurement of compliance Clinical outcomes of supplements high in genistein 8. Lack of identification of women who could convert A 2006 review of papers that characterized the isoflavone daidzein to equol composition of the supplements used concluded that iso 9. Lack of control for concurrent use of medications flavone supplements containing predominately genistein (especially antibiotics, which may alter intestinal bac 97 reduced hot flashes. In the five studies (177 treated patients) teria, hence decrease equol production) that provided more than 15 mg/day of genistein (in aglycone 10. Lack of control for dietary sources of isoflavones (pos equivalents), a significant reduction was observed in hot flash sibly accounting for the observed placebo effect) symptoms. Lack of identifying potential modifiers of soy seffec provided less than 15 mg genistein/day, only one reported any tiveness (eg, menopausal status, ability to produce equol, decrease in vasomotor symptoms. Differences in definitions of menopause for inclu 86 effects on vasomotor symptoms. One study used pure gen sion purposes (96 mo of amenorrhea vs 912 mo of istein (54 mg/d) with significantly beneficial results in amenorrhea) 87 reducing symptom frequency. Another study used the same the following 14 studies were selected by the panel because product and replicated the results with a larger sample size they all included the following: dose of soy isoflavones, mean (genistein, n = 119; placebo, n = 117). The women in the age of the study participants; prevalence of hot flashes at base treatment group were given two tablets per day containing line and also the magnitude of improvement, treatment duration 27 mg total isoflavone, 98% of which was reported to be Menopause, Vol. The remaining participants, number of episodes experienced by the women in the placebo who were randomized to 10 mg S(Y)-equol/day (n = 66), group was about four per day and the number in the treated experienced a significant reduction in the frequency and se group was about two per day (with both groups having at verity of hot flashes compared with the placebo group (n = 60). Women in the equol group also showed a greater reduction in More than 12 studies have been conducted in which the the severity of neck and shoulder stiffness (frequently reported genistein content of the supplement is known. Further analysis menopausal symptoms in Japan) compared to the placebo 97 is needed to confirm the 2006 conclusion that more than group. A 6-month proof-of-concept similar in the 10 mg S(Y)-equol and combination isoflavone trial studied the importance of intestinal equol generation on 99 groups. Healthy menopausal women showed greater reduction in symptoms than those receiving (n = 96) were randomized to the isoflavone or placebo group. The isoflavone group was further divided into equol producers (n = 34) and nonproducers (n = 32) based on urinary equol Vaginal dryness levels after consuming 135 mg isoflavones/day for a week. In Only two studies have explored the potential benefits of both the equol producers and nonproducers, women ingested isoflavones for the treatment of postmenopausal vaginal dry 3 g soy germ extract powder twice a day for 6 months 102 ness. Equol producers showed signifi treatment consisted of 114 mg isoflavones/day for 3 months. Furthermore, as discussed previously, many factors relieve urogenital symptoms, restore vaginal epithelium, or influence the conversion of equol from daidzein. Long-term studies adequately Japanese women ages 40 to 59 were divided into three groups: powered to conclusively evaluate safety issues of soy sup 10 mg equol/day (n = 44), 10 mg equol three times a day (n = plementation are needed. No benefit was seen in equol Conclusions producers; improvement was seen only in the 10 mg equol Soy-based isoflavones are modestly effective in controlling thrice daily group of equol nonproducers in menopausal hot flashes, as demonstrated to date in predominantly Cauca symptom and mood scores (decrease in somatic symptoms, sian women in early postmenopause who have at least four hot anxiety, depression, tension, vigor, and fatigue). During the placebo run-in phase, equol non erally sufficient to evaluate response to therapy. Initial trials of supplements containing pri expression patterns are similar to those of estradiol. In contrast to this early protective younger perimenopausal and older postmenopausal women effect, once neoplasms are present, genistein exposure can 121,122 who can continue to have symptoms 10 to 20 years post increase the proliferation of mammary cancers in rodents. The role of isoflavones in equol producers versus Thus, timing of exposure may be a critical determinant of the nonproducers also needs to be evaluated. Therefore, moderate the observation of subpopulations of human equol pro lifelong dietary soy consumption is recommended as part of ducers and nonproducers has led to recent interest in this a healthy lifestyle. The best evidence indicates that there is metabolite of daidzein, which is produced by most nonhuman no adverse effect of this dietary pattern, and that there is species but not by most humans. Data suggest that S(Y)-equol potential for prevention of breast and endometrial cancer. Asian populations who have higher prevalence of soy con & Specific recommendations regarding soy or isoflavone 125 sumption and equol producers, equol may be associated consumption by breast cancer survivors cannot be made at 124 with lower breast cancer risk. High soy intake Mechanisms active on the breast and uterus was associated with modestly reduced breast cancer risk. In these studies, They can alter metabolism of endogenous estrogens, potentially producing indirect effecs on estrogenic pathways.

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Ex here that are reported on an examination, ecutive functions are goal setting, speed evaluate under the most appropriate diag of information processing, planning, orga nostic code. Evaluate each condition sep nizing, prioritizing, self-monitoring, prob arately, as long as the same signs and lem solving, judgment, decision making, symptoms are not used to support more spontaneity, and flexibility in changing ac than one evaluation, and combine under tions when they are not productive. For having difficulty fol even routine and famil lowing a conversation, iar decisions, occa recalling recent con sionally unable to iden versations, remem tify, understand, and bering names of new weigh the alternatives, acquaintances, or find understand the con ing words, or often sequences of choices, misplacing items), at and make a reason tention, concentration, able decision. For ex 3 Objective evidence on ample, unable to de testing of moderate im termine appropriate pairment of memory, clothing for current attention, concentra weather conditions or tion, or executive func judge when to avoid tions resulting in mod dangerous situations erate functional impair or activities. Examples are: ity to perform pre mild or occasional viously learned motor headaches, mild anx activities, despite nor iety. Occa moderate headaches, sionally gets lost in un tinnitus, frequent in familiar surroundings, somnia, hyper has difficulty reading sensitivity to sound, maps or following di hypersensitivity to rections. May be unable to touch or name own body parts when asked by the ex aminer, identify the rel ative position in space of two different ob jects, or find the way from one room to an other in a familiar envi ronment. Any guage, or both, more of these effects may than occasionally but range from slight to less than half of the severe, although time. The ratings for the peripheral nerves are Seventh (facial) cranial nerve for unilateral involvement; when bilateral, 8207 Paralysis of: combine with application of the bilateral Complete. Complete; the foot dangles and drops, Posterior tibial nerve no active movement possible of mus cles below the knee, flexion of knee 8525 Paralysis of: weakened or (very rarely) lost. The type) or sudden loss of postural control purpose of this survey is to secure all the relevant facts and (akinetic type). The rating agency shall assign an the veteran is discharged or released to evaluation based on all the evidence of nonbed care. A Rat Rat ing ing 9905 Temporomandibular articulation, limited mo Where the lost masticatory surface cannot tion of: be restored by suitable prosthesis: Inter-incisal range: Loss of all teeth. Burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck. If the patient is hypotensive, place intraaortic balloon pump as a bridge until surgical intervention can be performed. Chronically, if mural thrombus present, anticoagulate with heparin/warfarin; place defibrillator if ventricular arrhythmias become a problem. They depend on factors such as sex (male usually bigger than female) and height (large people have large hearts). However, the cardiac phased array probe and echo preset will provide better images of the beating heart and more easily obtained transthoracic views, since the smallerfootprintof the probe allows scanning between the ribs. Best ways not to get confused are to develop a routine of placing the probe in a certain way, and also (in some views) to identify the liver, since any adjacent heart chamber will be right-sided. A structured approach is required to examine each sector of the image while asking specific questions: 1. It is then tilted to sweep through from base to apex of the heart, obtaining a number of different views. Level of aortic valve Apical Four Chamber View (A4C) the transducer is placed at the point of maximum impulse if the patient has a palpable apical beat; otherwise it is placed in the fifth intercostal space near the anterior axillary line. This visualizes the true anterior and true inferior walls of the left ventricle which is important for the assessment of regional wall motion abnormalities. Subcostal Long Axis View this window may provide the only achievable view in technically difficult patients such as those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or who are receiving mechanical ventilation. The patient is supine and if possible the knees are slightly bent to reduce abdominal wall tension. It may be necessary to push slightly downwards into the abdomen in order to achieve this scan plane. Tamponade Pericardial effusions must be differentiated from pericardial fat pads (effusion is usually darker and present in more than one view, often all around the heart) and pleural effusions (look at the lung base! Therefore combining basic echo with abdominal aorta assessment can increase the 8 sensitivity of the exam. Acute coronary syndrome In chest pain, echo may: increase the sensitivity of assessment of acute coronary syndrome by identifying wall motion abnormalities; identify alternative causes of chest pain; and diagnose mechanical complications of myocardial infarction. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, the publisher recommends that there should be independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages. Spinal Pain, Section 2: Spinal and Radicular Pain Syndromes of the Cervical 17 and Thoracic Regions E. Many contributors gave substan widespread adoption of universally accepted defini tial portions of their time to the work. Bryan Urakawa un been the experience and chronology of such widely ix accepted classifications as those pertaining to heart each as can be obtained, at least with respect to the disease, hypertension, diabetes, toxemia of preg pain. In the first edition it was remarked that a framework within which to group the conditions when articles began to appear that used them as a that they are treating. It is indeed require a more detailed structure for classification correct that classifications should be true, at least so than is provided by the overall system. The first is that we should be able to identify cation into animate or inanimate objects is a natural all the chronic pain syndromes we encounter. An extreme example of an artificial classification second is that we should have as good a description of is provided by a telephone directory (Galbraith and x Wilson 1966). It has been said that acute nephritis may be quence bears little or no relation to the contents that it diagnosed on the basis of etiology, pathogenesis, his arranges, namely the people, their addresses, and their tology, or clinical presentation (Houston et al. Chronic pain has gradually emerged as a code (080) for delivery in a completely normal case, distinct phenomenon in comparison with acute pain. Pain appears in the group of symptoms, signs, poses six months will often be preferred. This length of time is and which will overlap with others that are well de determined by common medical experience. First a smaller one, important, even if we must understand it slightly dif in which there is recognition of a general phenome ferently as a persistent pain that is not amenable, as a non that can affect various parts of the body, and sec rule, to treatments based upon specific remedies, or to ond, a very much larger group, in which the the routine methods of pain control such as non syndromes are described by location. That advantage than one month, one month to six months, and more stems from the fact that the majority of pains of than six months. Although ini After that, the treatment is specific and not one of tially it did not begin with a request for a definition, pain management per se. Accordingly, the majority of descrip erly validated information with agreed criteria and tions-but not quite all of them-have been scrutinized repeatable observations. In one or two cases help was not obtained under the spinal categories of trigger point syn in time and it was felt better to proceed with the pub dromes. Sometimes also a prominent regional cate lished volume than to wait indefinitely. It was considered that where both physical and psychological disorders might occur to Occasionally terms that are quite popular have gether, it was preferable to make both physical and been deliberately rejected. These schedules provide a system particularly evident in the section on headache, which atic and comprehensive organization of the phenom has been substantially revised and enlarged. This sec ena of spinal and root pain and have been tion has been much influenced by recent advances in incorporated in the overall scheme. However, the descriptions of the pain tion is more extensive in one respect, since it covers are relatively limited, for these are taken to be similar acute headaches comprehensively, whereas our focus for spinal pain in most locations, and for root pain is much more on chronic headache and is more de likewise. The most notable Headache; Hemicrania Continua; Cervicogenic Head example of this is the revised description of fi ache; Brachial Neuritis; Cubital Tunnel Syndrome; bromyalgia (fibrositis) by Dr. In order to ensure that the musculoskeletal syndromes related to spinal or there was no overlap between codes, it was necessary radicular dysfunction and pain, particularly in the low to enter all the codes, provide a computer challenge back. Then offer any or all suggestions on the specific topic on that page and any subsequent pages that may be necessary. A full list of those codes allocated so far is the first digit (Axis I), concerned with the regions, provided below. If there is more than one descriptions provided, the theoretical position adopted site of pain, separate coding will be necessary. More in regard to the second digit is not necessarily than three major sites can be coded, optionally, as important. It is not Cervical region 100 controversial, but some judgment is required in Upper shoulder and upper limbs 200 deciding whether a condition is continuous with Thoracic region 300 exacerbations or merely continuous. Again, it should be said disturbance or dysfunction that provided that the coding arrangements give each Nervous system (psychological and social)* 10 syndrome a specific and individual number or code, it Respiratory and cardiovascular systems 20 is not important whether the ultimate truth of the Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 30 cause of the syndrome be expressed in that code or Cutaneous and subcutaneous and associated glands not. Unknown 90 For the most part, however, the letter a in the sixth place merely indicates the first of several conditions to Note: the system is coded whose abnormal functioning be described with the same five digits. A few of the substantial changes in the treatment of spinal pain spinal codes theoretically should never give rise to and radicular pain, it has been necessary to alter some of radicular pain. The following use of complete challenge because of the existence of many codes is particularly noteworthy. This schedule is intended from anywhere within the region bounded superiorly by to be comprehensive and includes numerous categories the superior nuchal line, inferiorly by an imaginary and coded items that are not described. A diagnosis for each should be made as nuchal line and an imaginary transverse line through the required with the suffix S or R as appropriate, and C tip of the second cervical spinous process can be when both occur. The following descriptions Pain located over the posterior region of the trunk therefore apply only to the description of symptoms and but lateral to the erectores spinae is best described as not to their cause. Wherever a pain is specified as coming from a If required, lumbar spinal pain can be divided into particular region, it should be understood that this means upper lumbar spinal pain and lower lumbar spinal pain that it is perceived substantially within that region. Coccygeal Pain: Pain perceived as arising from the region defined by the location of the coccyx. Cervico-Thoracic Pain: Pain perceived as arising from a region encompassing or centered over the lower quarter of the cervical region as defined above and the upper quarter of the thoracic region as defined above. Thoraco-Lumbar Pain: Pain perceived as arising from a region encompassing or centered over the lower quarter of the thoracic region as described above and the upper third of the lumbar region as described above. This definition, however, becomes ambiguous in situations where it is unclear where one region of the body ends and an adjacent region begins. Physiology: the anatomical basis for spinal Posterior Shoulder Pain: Pain focused over the referred pain appears to be convergence. In the absence of any further according to the topographic segment encompassed localizing information, the brain is unable to determine using standard anatomical definitions, viz. Convergence is typically segmental in nature, in that should be described in such terms. Its exact topographic referred pain is perceived as arising from those regions location can be specified by enunciating the ribs that it spans. However, convergence may also occur between qualified using established terminology describing the regions of the abdomen, viz. In (see also Radicular Pain and Radiculopathy, cases of doubt no implication should be made and the below) pain should be described as pain in the lower limb. The following general characteristics ischemic damage to dorsal root ganglia (Howe et al. Chronic back pain without a radicular Radicular pain differs from referred pain in several component is generally aching, dull, or burning or any respects. It stems from an era when the mechanisms joint pain patterns I: a study in normal volunteers, Spine, 15 of referred pain and radicular pain were poorly (1990)453-457. However, these entities have been included in the Principles schedule for completeness. In some cases both forms of pain In this way, the following taxonomy is designed not may stem from the one lesion and a single diagnosis can to be limiting or prescriptive but to provide options be formulated. Radicular pain in isolation is strictly a pain include: problem of the affected limb or body wall segment. Prolapsed intervertebral disk acting mechanically as a radiculopathy that may be associated with it. Radiculitis caused by viral infection or postviral or extent of any referred pain has little bearing on inflammation of a dorsal root ganglion. There is no evidence that the the trunk wall caused by ectopic activation of mechanism underlying radicular pain can cause spinal nociceptive afferent fibers in a spinal nerve or its roots pain alone. Radicular pain may occur alone, in the absence of Clinical Features: the pain is lancinating in spinal pain, whereupon it should be classified as limb quality and travels along a narrow band.

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IgG-specific antibody titers often become undetectable in several months if the infection resolves. These include disturbing contaminated soil, archaeological excavation, and being outdoors during dust storms. An effective dose of fluconazole in adults is 400 mg/day, but some experts begin therapy with 800 to 1000 mg/day. If therapy is succeeding, titers should decrease progressively; a rise in titers suggests recurrence of clinical disease. However, if serologic tests initially were negative, titers during effective therapy may increase briefly and then decrease. Adverse effects of amphotericin B are primarily those associated with nephrotoxicity. Hepatic toxicity, thrombophlebitis, anemia, and rarely neurotoxicity (manifested as confusion or delirium, hearing loss, blurred vision, or seizures) also can occur (see discussion on monitoring and adverse events in Candida infection). Coccidioidomycosis during human immunodeficiency virus infection: results of a prospective study in a coccidioidal endemic area. Coccidioidal meningitis: update on epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and management. Diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis with use of the Coccidioides antigen enzyme immunoassay. Meningeal coccidioidomycosis diagnosed by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. Coccidioidomycosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected persons in Arizona, 1994-1997: incidence, risk factors, and prevention. Reversible acute adrenal insufficiency caused by fluconazole in a critically ill patient. Primary adrenal insufficiency in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: report of four cases. Combination therapy of disseminated coccidioidomycosis with caspofungin and fluconazole. Successful treatment of a critically ill patient with disseminated coccidioidomycosis, using adjunctive interferon-gamma. Not specific to cryptococcal meningitis, a cutoff opening pressure of 28 cm of water has been proposed in children, above which the pressure should be considered elevated. Close monitoring for drug toxicities is needed especially when amphotericin B is used with flucytosine. If cultures remain positive, evaluation of antifungal susceptibilities can be considered, although C. Extrapulmonary cryptococcosis in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The changing epidemiology of cryptococcosis: an update from population-based active surveillance in 2 large metropolitan areas, 1992-2000. Clinical and host differences between infections with the two varieties of Cryptococcus neoformans. Global trends in the antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans (1990 to 2004). Dromer F, Mathoulin-Pelissier S, Launay O, Lortholary O, French Cryptococcosis Study G. Risk factor analyses for immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in a randomized study of early vs. Paucity of initial cerebrospinal fluid inflammation in cryptococcal meningitis is associated with subsequent immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. A placebo-controlled trial of maintenance therapy with fluconazole after treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Discontinuation of secondary prophylaxis for cryptococcal meningitis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy: a prospective, multicenter, randomized study. The two species that infect humans most frequently are Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Infection occurs after ingestion of infectious oocysts that were excreted in the feces of infected animals and humans. Contact with infected persons (particularly children in diapers or in child care settings) or infected animals (particularly pre-weaned calves) is an important cryptosporidiosis risk factor. Across all time periods, the highest rates were in children from birth to age 14 years, and cases were most frequently reported in children aged 1 to 4 years. Cryptosporidium infection in children can have a signifcant impact on nutritional status and growth. Nationally distributed brands of bottled or canned carbonated soft drinks are generally safe to drink. Commercially packaged, non-carbonated soft drinks and fruit juices that do not require refrigeration until after they are opened. Because cooking food kills Cryptosporidium, cooked food and heat-processed foods are generally safe if, after cooking or processing, they are not handled by someone infected with the parasite or exposed to contaminated water. Steaming-hot foods, self-peeled fruits, bottled and canned processed drinks, and hot coffee or hot tea are generally safe. Antimotility agents to combat malabsorption of nutrients and drugs should be used with caution. No severe adverse events were reported, and adverse events that were reported were similar in the treatment and placebo groups in this study. Nitazoxanide is approved in the United States to treat diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia in immunocompetent children aged 1 year and is available in liquid and tablet formulations. The recommended dose for children is 100 mg twice daily for children aged 1 to 3 years and 200 mg twice daily for children aged 4 to 11 years. Effects of Cryptosporidium parvum infection in Peruvian children: growth faltering and subsequent catch-up growth. Cryptosporidium species and subtypes and clinical manifestations in children, Peru. Age-related prevalence of infection varies widely depending on living circumstances and social customs. Following primary infection during pregnancy, the rate of transmission to the fetus is approximately 30% to 40%. Combination therapy also has been used for adults with retinitis that has relapsed on single-agent therapy. Intravitreous injections of ganciclovir, foscarnet, or cidofovir have been used to control retinitis, but biweekly intraocular injections are required. The major side effect of cidofovir is potentially irreversible nephrotoxicity; the drug produces proximal tubular dysfunction including proteinuria, glycosuria, Fanconi syndrome, and acute renal failure. Immune recovery uveitis may respond to periocular corticosteroids or a short course of systemic steroids. The potential role of infectious agents as cofactors in human immunodeficiency virus infection. New estimates of the prevalence of neurological and sensory sequelae and mortality associated with congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Intrauterine transmission of cytomegalovirus to infants of women with preconceptional immunity. Evaluation of cytomegalovirus infections transmitted via breast milk in preterm infants with a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. Cytomegalovirus myelitis in a child infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with a sustained-release ganciclovir implant. The ganciclovir implant plus oral ganciclovir versus parenteral cidofovir for the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Rating System Strength of Recommendation: Strong; Weak Quality of Evidence: High; Moderate; Low; or Very Low Epidemiology Giardia duodenalis (also known as Giardia lamblia or Giardia intestinalis) has a worldwide distribution, and giardiasis due to G. After ingestion, each Giardia cyst produces two trophozoites in the proximal portion of the small intestine. Malabsorption combined with anorexia can lead to signifcant weight loss, failure to thrive, and malnutrition in children. Waterborne outbreaks of giardiasis can be prevented with a combination of adequate fltration of water sources, chlorination, and maintenance of water distribution systems. The therapeutic effcacy of metronidazole against Giardia led to development of other nitroimidazole derivatives, such as tinidazole and secnidazole. Children have been included in many of the clinical trials of metronidazole, with outcomes similar to those in adults (median effcacy, 94%) with 5 day to 10 day regimens. Quinacrine has been used in combination therapy for cases in which treatment failure was suspected. However, randomized controlled trials of combination therapy are limited and the optimal combinations need to be clarifed, particularly in cases of treatment failure associated with suspected drug tolerance. Reinfection is frequent in endemic areas, or in situations where hygiene is poor or contaminated water. Molecular characterisation of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium and Giardia and assessment of zoonotic transmission. Cytology Preparations of Formalin Fixative Aid Detection of Giardia in Duodenal Biopsy Samples. Multicenter evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for etiologic diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis. A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of albendazole compared with metronidazole as treatments for infections with Giardia duodenalis. The risk from blood transfusions in countries with blood bank screening is estimated to be very low (1. The most common side effects include an influenza-like syndrome, cytopenias, and neuropsychiatric effects. Influenza-like symptoms comprising fever, chills, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are seen in 80% of patients during the first month of treatment. These side effects decrease substantially during the first 4 months of therapy; premedication with acetaminophen or ibuprofen may reduce side effects. Hepatitis B and residual risk of infection in English and Welsh blood donors, 1996 through 2008. Hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus infection in street youths in Toronto, Canada. Hepatitis B virus transmission and hepatocarcinogenesis: a 9 year retrospective cohort of 13676 relatives with hepatocellular carcinoma. Reactivation of hepatitis B during immunosuppressive therapy: potentially fatal yet preventable. Excellent response rate to a double dose of the combined hepatitis A and B vaccine in previous nonresponders to hepatitis B vaccine. Treatment of children with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States: patient selection and therapeutic options. Lamivudine and high-dose interferon-alpha combination therapy for naive children with chronic hepatitis B infection. Response to pegylated interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin in children with chronic hepatitis C. Ophthalmologic complications in children with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon. Interferon-alpha treatment of chronic hepatitis B in childhood: a consensus advice based on experience in European children. Retreatment with higher dose interferon alpha in children with chronic hepatitis B infection. Ribavirin-induced hemolytic anemia is dose-dependent and usually presents with a substantial decrease in hemoglobin within 1 to 2 weeks after ribavirin initiation, but the hemoglobin usually stabilizes. The burden of hepatitis C virus infection in children: estimated direct medical costs over a 10-year period. Prospective cohort study of mother-to-infant infection and clearance of hepatitis C in rural Egyptian villages. Perinatal transmission of hepatitis C virus from human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected mothers. Perinatal transmission and manifestation of hepatitis C virus infection in a high risk population.

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There are two books published by the Hesperian Foundation which address the issues of disability and caring for those with a disability in detail and offers potentially roles within a community. Disabled Village Children A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities All are available to purchase or download in pdf format from their website: hesperian. The problem is trying to decide is the pain was/is serious or not is an absolute mine field. The trivial and the life threatening can look the same First you need to put the pain into context Was the pain caused by trauma or not Visceral pain is more likely to radiate to the neck, through to the back or down the patients arm. It does have some similarities with pleuritic chest pain, but usually can be clearly associated with movement of the chest wall and deep inspiration. Treatment: In an austere environment options are limited avoid precipitating foods (oily, spicy, caffeine), weight loss of overweight and antacids if available. Give smaller, more frequent meals, as opposed to large meals, especially before lying down. It can occur spontaneously (the lung develops a small hole and air leaks into the space between the lung and the pleura causing the lung to collapse) or due to trauma where a broken rib punctures a hole in the pleura. Classically the clinical findings increased respiratory rate, and reduced air entry on the affected side which is resonant to percussion In an austere situation, the diagnosis is clinical if the pneumothorax is large enough to cause symptoms then it is usually easily recognized. For the small number with persisting symptoms simple needle/syringe aspiration is probably the most useful technique. In an austere environment, it is likely you will have to make the diagnosis based on the history alone and will never be 100% certain of the diagnosis. Chest pain/prolonged angina pain at rest = Myocardial infarction/Heart attack 133 rd Survival and Austere Medicine 3 ed 2017 Treatment: If based on this it appears likely the patient is suffering from a heart attack, treatment is relatively limited. Despite billions of dollars being spent on heart attack research over the last 30 years, the two biggest things, which reduce mortality and morbidity, are both simple and cheap. It is simple to store aspirin and failing that a herbal preparation made of willow bark is easy to make. The patient needs to rest for the first 48-72 hours to avoid putting the heart under any stress. Global deficiency (Marasmus) Inadequate calorie intake 135 rd Survival and Austere Medicine 3 ed 2017 2. Clinically you see poor weight gain, slowing of linear growth and behavior changes (irritability/apathy/social withdrawal). You need to aim for a min of 150 cal/kg/days with a mix of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Scurvy Scurvy is a simply a vitamin C deficiency inadequate dietary amounts It has a truly long and interesting history and for anyone interested in medical history it is worth a Google search. Food sources rich in vitamin C include the following: citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, potatoes and tomatoes. This is characterised by vomiting, jerking eye movements, eye muscle paralysis, unsteady gait and mental impairment. It is generally seen when there is a high caloric intake and significant physical activity but inadequate dietary thiamine. In an austere situation that is likely not to be possible, so dietary replacement is required all vegetables and the outer layer of grains are high in Thiamine. This is potentially a problem is living underground for a prolonged period or when there are periods of low sunlight. The problem is that it is a very individual thing how long it takes to for lack of sunlight to become a problem. Austere management is likely going to be limited to excision described above and simple supportive care such as pain relief and nutrition support. There is potentially a role for euthanasia but that is beyond the scope of this book and highly dependent on personal beliefs. Syphilis: this is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection, caused by the bug Treponium pallidium. Twenty-eight of the original 399 men had died of syphilis, 100 were dead of related complications, 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis. Painful small ulcer(s) = herpes Painless medium sized ulcer = syphilis the true differential is much broader but in a Western. Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are separate bacteria and cause separate disease. In men, you may have complaints of painful urination and an offensive penile discharge. Unfortunately, many men and woman have minimal or no symptoms which can make the diagnosis hard and can result in further spread within a community. This results in an increased urine production and essentially helps to "wash" bacteria and debris out of the bladder. Alkalization of the urine also helps clear an infection and makes urination less painful. Small ones are washed out with the urine, large ones are at risk of starting to travel down ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder, this can cause severe pain. If this occurs there is nothing you can do and the kidney will probably be permanently damaged, although the pain will settle. In an austere environment, the best approach is to put the head of the penis in cold water or pack it with snow. The penile nerve supplies the glans of the penis runs down the top surface of the penis in the middle. Try lifting the testicle on the affected side, if this relieves the pain it is more likely to be epididymitis. Most of the time the testicle swings inwards, so untwisting the affected testicle by rotating it 180 degrees in an outwards direction (like opening a book) may work. Try lifting the testis on the affected side: if this relieves the pain, it is probably epididymitis. Treatment is with antibiotics: Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily for 10 days Doxycycline 100mg twice daily for 10 days E. The best way to wet a rash is with the application a moisturizing cream such asfatty ointmentor "emollient base". Applying topical treatments under an occlusive dressing (cling film, or plastic glove), can increase the effectiveness, as well as side effects). These often provide a nice clinical summary along with numerous pictures and algorithms which allow you to approximate the correct diagnosis. The onset is frequently rapid and is characterized by local pain, swelling, heat and redness, usually spreading out from a central area. Blisters can occur over the inflamed areas, which can take on a dark congested appearance. An area of spreading redness associated with a bite is usually a venom reaction from the bite or sting. Gas gangrene is subtype of necrotising fascitis but usually is slower spreading and caused by different organisms. It is more common in poverty and overcrowding so is likely to be widespread in an austere or survival situation. Diagnosis of scabies can be a challenge, in terms of distinguishing any other type of rash. They may also be found on or in elbows, nipples, armpits, buttocks, penis, insteps and heels. Using a handheld magnifying glass can sometimes help with the diagnosis as the actual burrows can be visualized and at times the mite visualized at the entrance to the burrow. Yet time and time again people all around the world break it and suffer consequently. The answer is multi-factorial, but simply put, if you have to expend all the calories you consume every day to supply you and your family with shelter, warmth, food, and water, you take short-cuts. To obtain water, clean it appropriately and store it so it remains clean is a time (and energy) consuming task.

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