Philippe R. Housmans, MD, PHD

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Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 32 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Genetics Lab N-acetylgalactosamine 4 Room 2F22 *whole blood* Optimal volume 6 mL, minimum 3 mL whole blood. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 33 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 35 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 36 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Refrigerate Y Provincial Toxicology Centre (Diazepam, Valium, Desmethyldiazepam, Tranxene) Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 40 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Copy of Y Provincial Toxicology Centre (Part Of Serum Cocaine requisition for send out. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 41 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 42 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. If fluid is collected off site, transferrin) (as much as Fri fluid must be sent frozen on ice pack. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 43 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 44 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 45 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Urine Pterins, Neopterin Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 47 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Stability: 72 hours Y Hospitals In-Common Laboratory refrigerated; 3 months frozen. Level Laboratory Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 50 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 51 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 52 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Non-fasting requests +/ Glucose result from other labs: (phone referring lab if fasting status is not indicated on requisition and ask status and Glucose result. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 57 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. If Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 60 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Acifidication must be performed approval random urine within 36 hours of random urine collection. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 61 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 62 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Copy of Y Provincial Toxicology Centre (Librax Or Librium) requisition for send out. Copy of Y Provincial Toxicology Centre (Tripolon Or Chlor-Trimeton) requisition for send out. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 65 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 66 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Fax Phone 416-385-1957 Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 67 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Tel: 604 875 2304 Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 68 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 70 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Ward should record information Y Provincial Toxicology Center Desmethylclobazam on dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 71 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Ward should record information Y Provincial Toxicology Center Desmethylclomi-Pramine on dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. Ward should record information Y Provincial Toxicology Center on dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. Result in 3 days Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 73 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 74 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Michael Kirschfink Glomerulonephritis Ab tests: separated from the cells/clot, frozen, and sent on dry ice. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 76 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. If not sending within the week, freeze and transport frozen on dry ice to Specimen Receiving 2J20. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 78 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Freeze urine not Cortisol tube, refrigerate creatinine and send on both on ice pack. Complete Y Quest Diagnostics/ Nichols Institute Hormone Nichols Institute requisition from quest binder. Blood should be drawn during the 24 hours of urine collection but is acceptable to collect within the 24 hours before or after the urine collection. Aliquot 2mL of serum from the clot retracted Red top and centrifuge the aliquoted serum. Refrigerate in Histology/Cytology bucket after hours (weekdays after 17:00 and weekends). Send copy of Room 2F22 requisition with transport batch 604-875-2307 Minimum 1 mL serum. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 87 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Sample (1 red top) is collected by laboratory staff or 6B nurse as per normal protocols. If laboratory staff are unsure of the urgency, they will consult with the core supervisor only. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 88 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Ward should record information on Y Provincial Toxicology Center (Norpramin Or Pertofrane) dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 89 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Copy of Y Provincial Toxicology Center Metabolite, Disulfiram) requisition for send out. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 91 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 92 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Rm 2J20 Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 93 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Ward should record information on Y Provincial Toxicology Center Desmethylodoxepine dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. For therapeutic drug (Sinequan or Triadapin) monitoring specimens must be drawn at trough. Serum must be Tricyclic Antidepressants separated from cells within 2 hours of drawing. Ward should record information on Y Provincial Toxicology Center (Dicletin) dosage, time of last dose, and other meds. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 94 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Samples must be sent, on ice pack, Monday to Friday 800 to 2300 or Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays 800 to 1600. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 97 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 98 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Yenson Division of Pre and Post Examination, Page 99 of 286 Providence Health Care, Vancouver B. Instruct ordering physician to contact Eprex coordinator, drug safety & surveillance at 1-800 567-3331 or (416)-382-4824 to initiate antibody testing, and coordinate with laboratory accessioning supervisor to draw appropriate specimen, and send out. Specimen must not be drawn until patient is off Eprex treatment for at least 4 days.

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Eventually, un adjusted price and cost structures prolonged depressions, unadjusted equipment retarded the liquidation of unprofitable investments, un adjusted price and income levels caused social tension. Nevertheless, the institutional separation of the political from the economic sphere was constitutive to market so ciety and had to be maintained whatever the tension involved. For even if we have suc ceeded in proving beyond any doubt that at the heart of the transfor mation there was the failure of the market Utopia, it is still incumbent upon us to show in what manner actual events were determined by this cause. In a sense, this is an impossible undertaking, since history is not shaped by any single factor. Yet in spite of all its wealth and variety, the flow of history has its recurrent situations and alternatives which ac count for the broad similarity in the texture of the events of an age. We need not trouble about the fringe of unpredictable eddies, if we can ac count to some degree for the regularities which governed currents and countercurrents under typical conditions. From that mechanism two peculiarities of civilization followed: its rigid determinism and its eco nomic character. Contemporary outlook tended to link the two and to assume that the determinism derived from the nature of economic motivation, according to which individuals were expected to pursue their monetary interests. The "determinism" so prominent in many details was simply the outcome of the mechanism of a market society with its pre dictable alternatives, the stringency of which was erroneously attrib uted to the strength of economic motives. Actually, the supply demand-price system will always balance, whatever the motives of the individuals, and economic motives per se are notoriously much less effective with most people than so-called emotional ones. Briefly, the strain sprang from the zone of the market; from there it spread to the political sphere, thus comprising the whole of so ciety. But within the single nations the tension remained latent as long as world economy continued to function. Only when the last of its sur viving institutions, the gold standard, dissolved was the stress within the nations finally released. Different as their responses to the new sit uation were, essentially they represented adjustments to the disap pearance of the traditional world economy; when it disintegrated, market civilization itself was engulfed. This explains the almost unbe lievable fact that a civilization was being disrupted by the blind action of soulless institutions the only purpose of which was the automatic increase of material welfare. Into this final phase of the fall of market economy the conflict of class forces entered decisively. The fascist attack on popular democracy merely revived the issue of political interventionism which haunted the history of market economy, since that issue was hardly more than another name for the separation of the economic from the political sphere. The interventionist issue was first brought to a head with regard to labor by Speenhamland and the New Poor Law on the one hand, Par liamentary Reform and the Chartist Movement on the other. In regard to land and money, the importance of interventionism was hardly smaller, even though clashes were less spectacular. On the Continent, similar difficulties in respect to labor, land, and money arose with a time lag which brought conflicts to bear on an industrially more mod ern but socially less unified environment. Everywhere the separation of the economic and the political sphere was the result of the same type of development. In England as on the Continent the starting points were the establishment of a competitive labor market and the democratization of the political state. Speenhamland has been justly described as a preventive act of in tervention, obstructing the creation of a labor market. The battle for an industrial England was first fought and, for the time being, lost on Speenhamland. In this struggle the slogan of interventionism was coined by the classical economists and Speenhamland branded an ar tificial interference with an actually nonexistent market order. Town send, Malthus, and Ricardo erected upon the flimsy foundation of Poor Law conditions the edifice of classical economics, the most for midable conceptual instrument of destruction ever directed against an outworn order. Yet for another generation the allowance system [231] [ 232 ] the Great Transformation protected the confines of the village against the attraction of high ur ban wages. By the middle 1820s Huskisson and Peel were broadening the avenues of foreign trade, export of machinery was permitted, the embargo on wool exports was raised, shipping restrictions were abol ished, emigration was eased, while the formal revocation of the Stat ute of Artificers on apprenticeship and on wage assessments was fol lowed by the repeal of the Anti-Combination Laws. And still the demoralizing Speenhamland Law was spreading from county to county, deterring the laborer from honest work, and making the very concept of an independent working man an incongruity. The New Poor Law which achieved this end has been called the most important act of social legislation ever carried by the House of Commons. Nothing could prove more decisively that by this time the bare absence of intervention in the labor market was recognized as a fact of constitutive importance for the whole future structure of society. As to the political, the Parliamentary Reform of 1832 achieved a peaceful revolution. By the Poor Law Amendment of 1834 the social stratification of the country was altered, and some of the basic facts of English life were reinterpreted along radically new lines. The former poor were now divided into physically helpless paupers whose place was in the workhouse, and independent workers who earned their living by laboring for wages. This created an entirely new cate gory of the poor, the unemployed, who made their appearance on the social scene. While the pauper, for the sake of humanity, should be re lieved, the unemployed, for the sake of industry, should not be re lieved. The point was not whether he might or might not have found work had he only really tried, but that unless he was in danger of fam ishing with only the abhorred workhouse for an alternative, the wage system would break down, thus throwing society into misery and chaos. The perversion of cruelty consisted precisely in emancipating the laborer Popular Government and Market Economy [ 233 ] for the avowed purpose of making the threat of destruction through hunger effective. This procedure makes intelligible that dismal feeling of desolation which speaks for us from the works of the classical econ omists. It would have been an act of lunacy to hand over the administration of the New Poor Law with its scientific methods of mental torture to the representatives of the self same people for whom that treatment was designed. Lord Macaulay was only consistent when he demanded in the House of Lords in one of the most eloquent speeches ever made by a great liberal the uncon ditional rejection of the Chartist petition in the name of the institu tion of property on which all civilization rested. But the more the la bor market contorted the lives of the workers, the more insistently they clamoured for the vote. Until then constitutional safeguards against unlawful inter ference with the rights of property were directed only against arbitrary acts from above. A hundred years later not commercial but industrial property was to be protected, and not against the Crown but against the people. Only by misconception could seventeenth-century meanings be ap plied to nineteenth-century situations. The separation of powers, which Montesquieu (1748) had meanwhile invented, was now used to [ 234 ] the Great Transformation separate the people from power over their own economic life. The Chartist leaders were jailed; their adherents, numbered in millions, were derided by a legis lature representing a bare fraction of the population, and the mere de mand for the ballot was often treated as a criminal act by the authori ties. The Chartists had fought for the right to stop the mill of the market which ground the lives of the people. Inside and outside England, from Macaulay to Mises, from Spencer to Sumner, there was not a militant liberal who did not express his conviction that popular democracy was a danger to capitalism. Bentham was the first to recognize that inflation and deflation were interventions with the right of property: the former a tax on, the latter an interfer ence with, business^ Ever since then labor and money, unemployment and inflation have been politically in the same category. Cobbett de nounced the gold standard together with the New Poor Law; Ricardo * Hadley,A. Popular Government and Market Economy [ 235 ] fought for both, with very similar arguments, labor as well as money being commodities and the government having no right to interfere with either. Bankers who opposed the introduction of the gold stan dard, like Atwood of Birmingham, found themselves on the same side with socialists, like Owen. And a century later Mises was still reiter ating that labor and money were no more a concern of the government than any other commodity on the market. In eighteenth-century pre federation America cheap money was the equivalent of Speenham land, that is, an economically demoralizing concession made by gov ernment to popular needs. The French Revolution and its assignats showed that the people might smash the currency, and the history of the American states did not help to dispel that suspicion. Burke identi fied American democracy with currency troubles and Hamilton feared not only factions but also inflation. But while in nineteenth century America the bickerings of populists and greenback parties with Wall Street magnates were endemic, in Europe the charge of in flationism became an effective argument against democratic legisla tures only in the 1920s, with far-reaching political consequences. Social protection and interference with the currency were not merely analogous but often identical issues. This simple connection between the two basic forms of intervention became the fulcrum of politics in the 1920s. Parties concerned for the safety of the currency protested as much against threatening budget deficits as against cheap money poli cies, thus opposing "treasury inflation" as much as "credit inflation," or, in more practical terms, denouncing social burdens and high wages, trade unions and labor parties. Whether wages or social services had to be cut, the conse quences of not cutting them were inescapably set by the mechanism of the market. From the point of view of this analysis, the National Gov ernment of 1931 in Great Britain performed in a modest way the same [ 236 ] the Great Transformation function as the American New Deal. But the British in stance had the advantage of being free of complicating factors, such as civil strifes or ideological conversions, thus showing up the decisive features more clearly. The return to gold was not accompanied by a corresponding adjustment of the price level, which was distinctly above world parity. Very few people were conscious of the absurdity of the course on which government andBank, parties and trade unions had jointly em barked. In other words, there had to be either a cut in the social services or a fall in the exchanges. At the same time the political traditions of the country underwent a significant change. Twelve years later it was still in eclipse, with all signs against a real comeback. Without any tragic loss of welfare or of freedom the country, by suspending the gold standard, had taken a de cisive step toward a transformation. However, Popular Government and Market Economy [ 237 ] these latter were not meant to be permanent and did not, therefore, re move the country from the danger zone. In all important European countries a similar mechanism was ac tive and with very much the same effect. In Austria in 1923, in Belgium and France in 1926, in Germany in 1931, Labour Parties were made to quit office "to save the currency. Invariably the danger was to the currency, and with equal regularity the responsibility was fixed on inflated wages and un balanced budgets. Such a simplification hardly does justice to the vari ety of problems involved which comprised almost every question of economic and financial policy, including those of foreign trade, agri culture, and industry. Yet the more closely we consider these questions the clearer it must become that eventually currency and budget fo cused the issues pending between employers and employees, with the rest of the population swinging in to the support of the one or the other of the leading groups. Labour was in government, but on condition that no embargo on gold exports be imposed. The French New Deal never had a chance since the government was tied on the crucial question of currency. The case is conclusive since in France as in England, once labor had been made innocuous, the middle-class parties gave up the defense of the gold standard without further ado. These examples show how crippling the effect of the sound currency postulate was on popular policies. The New Deal could not have been launched without going off gold, though foreign exchange actually mattered but little. Under the gold standard the leaders of the financial market are entrusted, in the na ture of things, with the safeguarding of stable exchanges and sound in ternal credit on which government finance largely depends. The bank ing organization is thus in the position to obstruct any domestic move in the economic sphere which it happens to dislike, whether its rea sons are good or bad. In terms of politics: On currency and credit gov ernments must take the advice of the bankers, who alone can know whether a financial measure would or would not endanger the capital market and the exchanges. That social protectionism did not in this [ 238 ] the Great Transformation case result in a deadlock was due to the fact that the United States went off gold in time. For although the technical advantages of this move were slight (and the reasons given by the Administration were, as so often, very poor), the political dispossession of Wall Street was the re sult of this step. The eclipse of Wall Street in the 1930s saved the United States from a social catastro phe of the Continental type. However, only in the United States, with its independence from world trade and its excessively strong currency position, was the gold standard chiefly a matter of domestic politics. In other countries, go ing off gold involved no less than dropping out of world economy.

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Slow downward eye move Periodic alternating nystagmus can be requires close observation of the conjunc ments occur treatment xanthoma buy generic clozaril 25 mg on line, but the upward quick phase abolished with baclofen. Acquired pendu tival blood vessels and iris to detect the is replaced by rapid movements of the lar nystagmus in multiple sclerosis can be movements. Gabapentin and memantine can also tagmus existing only in eccentric fixation sal midbrain lesions in the region of the benefit patients with acquired pendular and is due to impairment of gaze-holding posterior commissure. The onset acquired nystagmus, neuroimaging pendular form occurs in patients with Management and medical evaluation are paramount. Periodic alternating nystagmus is a hori visual disturbances or cosmetic concerns 1. Central ocular zontal nystagmus that reverses direction develop, infantile nystagmus can best be motor disorders, including gaze palsy and nystagmus. Central oculomotor results from cerebellar degeneration error and prisms to induce convergence disturbances and nystagmus: a window into the brainstem and (inherited or acquired), demyelinating during distance viewing. Acquired pendular nystagmus in multiple lens and minus contact lens may improve 4. Torsional nystag horizontal, vertical and torsional move benign condition that does not require mus. Sobriety pendulum-like oscillations of the eyes, Later-onset and acquired forms of tests for low blood alcohol concentrations. Ann N Y Acad holding mechanism due to loss of central the suspected area is recommended in Sci. Nystagmus of Acquired pendular nystagmus with ocu able lesions or toxic ingestion should be Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. The dramatic response about the pathophysiology to steroids and frequent relapse with ces of optic perineuritis, the sation are features that further separate condition affects mainly optic perineuritis from optic neuritis. In optic neuritis often has a central or ceco tis: clinical and radiographic features. Transient optic perineuritis as the initial presentation of central nervous field contraction is common. On axial view, the sheath will system involvement by pre-B cell lymphocytic leukemia. Bilateral optic perineuritis with disc edema, though occasionally the may be confused with optic nerve sheath as the presenting feature of giant cell arteritis. Optic perineuritis include afferent pupillary defect, bright An underlying cause for optic peri as the presenting feature of Crohn disease. Bilateral ocular Visual field defects include arcuate defects, mentioned associations, then serology perineuritis as the presenting feature of acute syphilis infection. J central and paracentral scotomas, and should be performed for anti-neutrophil Neurol. Ocular perineuritis secondary to neu peripheral constriction with central spar cytoplasmic antibodies, syphilis and rosyphilis. Idiopathic inflammatory periop tic neuritis simulating optic nerve sheath meningioma. This policy paper will focus on minimizing infection of multi-patient lenses used in the clinical setting. Multi-patient use trial contact lens Trial contact lens permitted to be used on more than one person. Scope of the Problem Infection from a contact lens can occur by single or multiple microbial agents including bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic or amoebic, or other transmissible origins. Each has different avenues and barriers to a lens, and its survivability can depend on the lens material (soft hydrogel lenses, gas permeable plastics, and variations in polymers from different manufacturers). Transmission of infection can occur in the tears, lids, lashes, cornea, and deeper layers of the eye, depending on the nature of the infector and where patients are most susceptible and vulnerable to infection. Left untreated, infections can cause compromised tissue, discomfort, light sensitivity, visual changes, scarring, and even permanent loss of vision. Diagnosis and treatment of infections from contact lenses should be swift and specific for the offending agent, for the best visual and ocular outcomes. Because this paper will focus on reusable contact lenses in the clinical setting, the emphasis will be on preventing vision and eye health compromise, among patients requiring a trial contact lens fit, from infecting agents on various trial lens materials. Offending Agents: Bacterial, Viral, Fungal, Parasitic/Amoebae and Other (Prion) Bacterial Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is becoming increasingly opportunistic, adapting and resisting some antibiotics. It is found on skin, soil, water, and most man-made Page | 1 October 2018 environments around the world and is citrate (acid), catalase (enzymatic) and oxidase (electron transfer) positive. These cytokines or chemokines recruit white blood cells, predominantly polymorphonuclear leukocytes, to the infection so that they can phagocytose and kill the P. Bacterial adherence to the epithelial surface occurs due to molecular interactions between bacterial surface proteins and protein receptors on the cell surfaces. Surface hydrophobicity of the contact lens has been found to enhance bacterial adhesion. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive, round-shaped bacteria that is common in and on the human body (most commonly in the nose). It is catalase and nitrate positive and a facultative anaerobe (can grow without oxygen). The virus is usually transmitted through oral secretions or sores or via shared objects. Adenovirus is known to have over 50 species and most commonly cause upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Several trials are underway for the treatment of adenovirus, but the treatment toxicities are Page | 2 October 2018 usually more burdensome than letting the disease run its course. These patients may present with a range of asymptomatic infection to severe immunodeficiency and life-threatening infections, diseases, and cancers. Fungal Fusarium (Aspergillus and Candida species) are the most common fungal infections found in the eye. They are commonly known as molds and grow in environments of high-carbon contents such as sugar concentrations. The most common types of pathogen Aspergillus appear in sinus infections, causing fever, cough, and breathing problems, especially in those with auto-compromised conditions. When they enter the eye via surgery, trauma, or other lesions, they can cause endophthalmitis, resulting in severe eye pain and vision loss. Aspergillus endophthalmitis requires aggressive treatment with amphotericin B, voriconazole, caspofugin, and/or corticosteroids. Infections can occur in healthy individuals and those with auto-compromised conditions. Normally occurring bacteria digest Candida; so those taking antibiotics are at a higher risk for infection. Candida can spread via the blood to other organs, and in the eye can cause irritation, discharge, light sensitivity, and vision loss. Candida is treated with topical, oral, and injectable antifungal medications named above. It can be metabolically active (trophozoite stage) or dormant and stress-resistant (cyst stage). Acanthamoeba keratitis is rare, but contact lens wearers account for 90 percent of cases, and the number of cases being reported is occurring with increasing frequency. Infections can mimic bacterial leptomeningitis, tuberculosis meningitis, or viral encephalitis. When found in the eye, Acanthamoeba strains can cause corneal ulcers and even blindness. The current treatments for Acanthamoeba are amphotericin B, rifampicin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ketoconazole, fluconazole, sulfadiazine, or albendazole. Making Acanthamoeba more complicated are some strains of bacteria (Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and some Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) that can infect and replicate with Acanthamoeba species, using the Acanthamoeba as their own reservoir. Other/Prion Prions are transmissible spongiform pathogenic agents that are able to induce abnormal folding of normal cell proteins, making them perform abnormally. These proteins are most abundant in the brain, and if their amino acid chain folds and become resistant to protease breakdown, they become rapidly progressive and fatal. Common visual symptoms include diplopia, supranuclear palsies, homonymous visual field defects, hallucinations, and cortical blindness. Human corneal dendritic cells have lymphoid tissue, raising possible, but highly improbable transmission concerns between patients and optical devices such as contact lenses. Corneal transplant patients, however, may have a higher risk of disease transmission via the transplant and optic nerve, warranting a careful risk assessment after surgery. The fact that these diseases can be sporadic, transmitted or inherited is a feature unique to the prion diseases. All other infectious diseases can have one of these as a possible etiology but never more than one. Office staff will adhere to expiration dates of all solutions used for disinfection and storage. Noncompliance will not be included as a contributor to the infectious agents mentioned here. Patient compliance to cleaning, storing, and wear time is not a factor in this report, as multi patient lenses are not handled by patients and only used in the clinical setting for fitting and diagnostic purposes. We will mention in this report the different types of cleaning, disinfecting, and storage solutions available to patients; however, the clinician should follow a more rigorous disinfection protocol which we will also review. Types of contact lenses will fall into three categories for disinfection purposes: a. For this paper, cleaning will refer to the removal of deposits, debris, and some germs from the surface of the lens. Disinfection will refer to the killing of germs/infectious agents on the surface of (and sometimes within) the lens. Page | 5 October 2018 Below is a chart of lenses with increased risk of infections, including some of the above assumption factors 15: Materials of the lens types will have characteristics that are sometimes favorable to some microbes over others and should be addressed. Factors such as age of the contact lens and water content, oxygen permeability, surface quality, and other transmission avenues will affect the lens safety and infectious risks. Below is a summary table of infections associated with different types of contact lenses15: Page | 6 October 2018 Solutions used and some handling/cleaning mechanisms (rubbing when cleaning) will also factor into transmission. Ocular irritation due to use of a chemical disinfection method should be considered. Multipurpose Solution Multipurpose solution is an all-in-one care system used to clean, rinse, disinfect, and store soft contact lenses. This solution is the most commonly used care system among soft contact lens wearers. Hydrogen peroxide-based systems Hydrogen peroxide-based systems clean, disinfect, and store contact lenses. Systems that use this type of solution require the use of a special case that reacts with the hydrogen peroxide, converting it to harmless saline solution over time. Saline is used to rinse contact lenses after cleaning and disinfecting with another care system. Patients should use the daily cleaner and carefully rub the contact lens as instructed, and must use additional products, such as multipurpose solution, for rinsing the daily cleaner off, disinfecting, and storing the contact lenses. Enzymatic Protein Removers Enzymatic protein removers clean off material that eyes deposit on the contact lenses over time. Depending on the type of contact lenses and the amount of deposits that build up on the lens surface, additional products may be used for removing buildup.

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Because Antonovsky died in 1994 he never had the opportunity to know what we know today almost 20 years later when salutogenic research has been carried out all over the globe for more than 30 years. It is now time to synthetize and look forward and describe the concepts in terms of what they can achieve in respect to health promotion and the production of health. The first results of a large scale systematic analysis of this research area was published in 2005 (Eriksson and Lindstrom) and later was defended as and academic dissertation (Eriksson 2007). Therefore it is much easier today to make conclusions on overall and specific details of studies with a salutogenic research perspective. We do not have all needed data available, many areas have not been penetrated thoroughly enough while others have yet to be explored. However, this is an attempt to show the potential the salutogenic approach to health by looking at overall outcomes. Further goals were sustainability, equity achieved through inter sectorial and interdisciplinary action. The same results are found all over the world, be the studies based on longitudinal, cross sectional or qualitative research. The strongest and most convincing evidence comes 274 out of this psycho emotional dimension of health. At present the structural political approach has a strong position in public health where one has always been trying to relate ill health to social position. This other questions what to do with this knowledge, how to promote change should be much more a question of health promotion action. It is evident we need to look at this mobilization-empowerment much more carefully in the future. Overall these issues have to be addressed both from a social political public health perspective, we need the political will to allocate resources just as the Marmot recommendations suggest and in addition a salutogenic/health promotion perspective. The existential dimension is as 275 discussed earlier linked to quality of life and mental health research. At present there is an explosion of research focusing on how to achieve happiness, positive health, mental health promotion, mindfulness healthy learning wellbeing QoL through existential questions and meaningfulness. The same can be seen in many compliance studies on medical treatment and interventions. Semantically sense of coherence means interaction and communication between at least two agents be it individuals, systems or organizations. However the system approach is a merging research area also when focus is put on the salutogenic approach such as positive aspects of workplaces. I have in this text tried to discuss several matters relevant to the future of health practice and research. Therefore, I have tried to show a direction, point out and penetrated some of the existing problems and touched upon some of the untapped potential to create the Next Health. The direction is to connect health to life rather than to death, disease and risks. Starting exploring the health concept itself, explaining the core of principles, values and objectives of public health policy and health promotion thereafter moved on to the salutogenic framework and analyze the scenery in a salutogenic perspective. We should be much more focused on seeing the similarities, call on the strengths of the various perspectives rather than only point at the differences. This is a much more salutogenic way of thinking, what makes things work together in synergy to be more productive and effective and last and not least bring more quality to life. To be able to carry on this work we need good research for practice and vise versa. We need to use the science and art of interdisciplinarity to find synergies and strengths in and between disciplines and systems. We still lack a proper vocabulary and scientific framework for 277 wellbeing and health. We need to build vital statistics based on population assets and resources and build contexts structures and institutions based on this knowledge. Vital to the success will be a constructive communication with Public Health and Medicine, to draw on each other strengths, the deep knowledge of pathogenesis in medicine combined with the system and structured risk approaches of Public Health and integrate these in the health promotion and salutogenesis frameworks. We need to travel beyond these sectors and create synergy and strengths regarding human assets to make a Roadmap for the New Health. We need the pioneering job on Mental Health and Flourishing at Newcastle 278 and Emery and the shift towards organization development based on salutogenesis as developed in Zurich. Early childhood psychological problems predict a poor sense of coherence in adolescents. Sense of coherence as a predictor of work reentry following multidisciplinary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain. On the quality of life of children in the Nordic countries Theory and practice in public health. Terms of empowerment/exemplars of prevention: Toward a theory for community psychology, American Journal of Community Psychology, 15, 121-148. The development of the sense of coherence: A retrospective study of early life experiences in the family. Global Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000, Geneva, World Health Organization. Both studies that will be presented in this paper are part of an investigation which aims to reveal information that may be used to invigorate the number of pensioners participating in cultural activities on a regular basis. The objectives were to map knowledge about cultural and spare time interests and activities among seniors in the Trondheim Municipality. Access to inspiring cultural and other leisure activities is considered a tool for individual and social health promotion, contributing to better life quality and sense of coherence. Nonetheless, they fall in line with larger national and international studies, pointing at enriched environments, participation and association in meaningful cultural and social activities as significant life quality and health promotional factors. A growing number of observations and research studies point to the correlation between participation in cultural activities and a sense of wellbeing (Cohen, Perlstein, Chapline, Kelly, Firth, Simmens, 2006). A number of Swedish studies have strongly contributed to putting culture and health on the public health agenda (Bygren, Konlaan, Johansson, 1996, Bygren, Johanssen, Konlaan, Gribovski,Wilkinson, Sjostrom, 2009, Bygren, et al. Major multidisciplinary research programs on health benefits from cultural activities are currently being carried out at Gothenburg University/Sahlgrenska Institute (Bjursell, 2009). Embedded is the acknowledgment that good quality of life prerequisite a healthy nation. Differences in lifespan, self-reported health, age difference in marriages, (as elderly men tend to live with significantly younger wives), are among perspectives actualizing the need for more gender specific research. For the first time in history it is expected that the number of seniors outnumber children (up to 14), by 2050. Men represent a minority in the senior population, in cultural participation, and in research surveys. We are far from having sufficient knowledge about the senior population in our society, and most information includes both genders. In surveys based on voluntary participation, there is reason to believe that more women than men participate and the majority of all participants will be recruited among the most resourceful, active, and most healthy elders. The cultural activity program for seniors offered by Trondheim Municipality Section for Culture, includes around 250 arrangements per year including: concerts, theater plays, film, literature, fine art exhibitions, as well as opportunities to actively participate in: these include choir, drama group, dancing, physical work out, trips, travels and nature walks. Our aim was to prepare the ground for a larger study examining possible links concerning cultural participation and health. Methods Participants Out of 600 approached with questionnaries188 women and 48 men responded (265 respondents, response rate 42%). The highest education level showed an equal division within four main categories: primary school, secondary school, university/college: 3 years and 5 years. Civil status was reported as 42% married/living with a partner and 56% living alone. A questionnaire was supplemented by six semi-structured interviews and observations from choir and drama activities. Results Within the group of informants the level of participation was generally high for all activities included in the survey. The highest attendance score was found for those attending concerts, cinema and theater plays (88%). The second highest attendance score was for nature walks/mountain hiking (86%), followed by physical work out/sports (75%). These findings are in accordance with other national surveys with wider age and time spans. Next in popularity was organization work (68%), followed by visiting museums and art exhibitions (65%). The most commonly reported frequency level (by 47%) was for going to concerts, cinema and theatre; this was 1-6 times during the last 6 months. For nature walks/mountain hiking, 33% reported to participate more than once a week. Educational background seemed of little significance for most activities with a few exceptions. In accordance with other national surveys (Vaage, 2010) visiting museums and art exhibitions may seem more popular among those with higher education, and dance, seemingly more popular among those with lower education. The aspect of meaningfulness was a popular topic at coffee-break conversations during rehearsals and in interviews. On the question of what is most important, the cultural activity itself or the social activity, both dimensions received a high score, suggesting reciprocal links. Methods Participants Informants were recruited by the municipality Cultural Host, and through an advertisement in a magazine which is sent to every citizen above 70 years within the Trondheim municipality. The total number of male informants aged 70+ is 43, out of which 15 participated in focus-group interviews. Professional background: the majority came from different kinds of practical labor and 6 hold a higher academic degree. Administration A questionnaire was designed for telephone and focus group interviews. For the other two groups, the participants represent two different local suburban areas. Due to challenges trying to find men willing to participate in interviews, the cultural hosts urged them to share their experiences. Results the information gathered includes leisure time activities and interests, frequency level, and meaningfulness. The most popular leisure activities are caretaking of residential and domestic properties, personal hobbies, tasks and duties concerning other needs within the circle of near family and friends. Participation in a variety of societies and organizations, sport and physical activities, a variety of musical activities as well as going to concerts, also 287 show a high attendance score. Access to near parking is another important factor, along with individual priorities. Although some had attended cultural events at geriatric institutions, others claimed they avoid such places because it makes them feel depressed. These surveys and Study 2 in particular, raised several questions concerning how our society deals with aging.

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