Carl A. Germann, MD

Symptoms may be chronic and persistent allergy medicine for dogs cheap deltasone 40 mg otc, and patients Allergic rhinitis is often accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis may present with secondary complaints of mouth-breathing allergy testing erie pa cheap deltasone 40mg amex, (a disease complex sometimes referred to as allergic rhinocon 725 snoring allergy treatment long term deltasone 20 mg on line, or symptoms of sinusitis allergy symptoms back pain quality 5 mg deltasone. Estimates (in as many as 76% of patients) allergy symptoms juniper buy deltasone 10mg online, and impairment in work of the prevalence and severity of conjunctival symptoms associ 10 allergy treatment local honey purchase 20mg deltasone,179,726 ated with allergic rhinitis vary depending on the aeroallergen, geo performance. Seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms typically appear during a graphic region, and other factors. In 1 seasonal allergic rhinitis defined season in which aeroallergens are abundant in the outdoor study, allergic conjunctivitis symptoms were reported in more air. The length of seasonal exposure to these allergens is depen 746 than 75% of patients. Sensitivity to pollens is more frequently 727,728 dent on geographic location and climactic conditions. Certain outdoor mold spores also display seasonal the Joint Task Force is developing a complete Parameter on 732 variation, with highest levels in the summer and fall months. Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergic Conjunctivitis that will Tree (eg, birch, oak, maple, and mountain cedar), grass (eg, tim provide more comprehensive discussion than the more limited othy and Bermuda), and weed (eg, ragweed) pollens and fungi statements on allergic conjunctivitis in this Rhinitis Parameter. A (eg, Alternaria, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium) are common sea complete review of the differential diagnosis of conjunctivitis is 733 sonal allergens. Hyperresponsiveness to irritant triggers such as beyond the scope of this document. Ocular allergy may include chlorine is enhanced among patients with seasonal allergic seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis discussed here, but 67,734,735 rhinitis. Nasal sensitivity to seasonal pollen tivitis (chronic infiammation of palpebral conjunctiva), seen most allergens increases as the pollen season progresses because of the commonly seen in the pediatric and adolescent age groups with a 719 priming phenomenon. In seasonal and perennial allergic conjunc of the pollen season, nasal symptoms may decline more slowly tivitis associated with allergic rhinitis, both eyes are typically 737 747 than the pollen counts. Individual host sensitivity to an aeroal affected, and itching is usually a prominent symptom. Indoor aller treatments for allergic rhinitis that have been reported to relieve gens responsible for perennial allergic rhinitis are present in the 37-43,46-54 associated ocular allergy symptoms in controlled trials. A patient with a compelling history of symptoms cebo-controlled studies of adults, fiuticasone furoate nasal spray after exposure to an allergen can have a positive nasal challenge has been demonstrated to reduce significantly ocular symptoms with that allergen despite negative skin tests and/or in vitro tests 44,45,749 associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Studies have shown that patients with Use of cold compresses and irrigation with saline solution allergic rhinitis symptoms after exposure to house dust have or artificial tears has been advocated to relieve mild symptoms been found to have local infiammation, nasal IgE production, of allergic conjunctivitis. A variety of topical ophthalmic and a positive response to a nasal allergen provocation test with agents are indicated for specific treatment of itching or Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, despite having negative skin symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. Oral agents have also been associated with exces vasoconstrictor Pheniramine (Visine-A, Naphcon-A, sive drying of the tear film. Opcon-A, Nafazair-A) Mast cell stabilizer Cromolyn (Opticrom, Crolom) Nonallergic rhinitis Lodoxamide (Alomide) 20. C (antihistamine and Vasomotor rhinitis mast cell stabilizer) Epinastine (Elestat) 21. Vasomotor rhinitis (idiopathic rhinitis) accounts for a heter Ketotifen (Alaway, Zaditor) ogeneous group of patients with chronic nasal symptoms Olopatadine (Pataday, Patanol) that are not immunologic or infectious in origin and is usu Corticosteroid Loteprednol etabonate (Alrex) ally not associated with nasal eosinophilia. D Vasomotor rhinitis is unrelated to allergy, infection, structural lesions, systemic disease, or drug abuse. Subjects indicated for relief of ocular redness, although they do not with predominant rhinorrhea (sometimes referred to as choliner reduce the allergic response. Prolonged use of ocular decon gic rhinitis) appear to have enhanced cholinergic glandular gestants may lead to rebound hyperemia or conjunctivitis secretory activity because atropine effectively reduces their secre 55 65 medicamentosa, although use limited to 10 days does not tions. The combination of an antihista are intensified by changes in temperature or relative humidity, al mine and a vasoconstrictor works better than either agent cohol, and odors such as bleach, perfume, or solvents. Cold dry air require several days of treatment before optimal symptom re 68,69,757 and exercise may also trigger symptoms. The symptoms 58 lief is achieved, making them more suitable for prophylactic are variable, consisting mainly of nasal obstruction and increased or longer-term treatment of chronic ocular allergies than for secretion. They are also approved for chronic oc term vasomotor implies increased neural efferent traffic to the ular allergy conditions involving corneal defects including blood vessels supplying the nasal mucosa, this has never been vernal keratoconjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Ketorolac is indicated for tempo port to the hypothesis that vasomotor rhinitis may be attributable rary relief of ocular itching caused by seasonal allergic 758 to autonomic dysfunction. Rhinitis may occur after ingestion of foods or alcoholic pro 30 minutes, and are suitable for acute and longer-term treat ducts. This may be a result of vagally mediated mechanisms, ment of allergic conjunctivitis symptoms. Food allergy is a rare cause of rhinitis without symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in consideration that ocular associated gastrointestinal, dermatologic, or systemic mani side effects from their use can be vision-threatening, and include festations. The modified steroid loteprednol is indicated for the temporary relief Foods can provoke rhinitis symptoms by a variety of different 759,760 of symptoms and signs of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and mechanisms. Urticarial rash, facial or lip swelling, or bronchospasm frequently isolated organisms are H infiuenzae, Staphylococcus 761 773 strongly suggest an IgE-mediated reaction. Symptoms persisting longer than 2 weeks 764 ample, 2 of 43 patients reporting rhinitis with kiwi allergy. Foreign another descriptive study that did not include double-blind, pla body rhinitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis, cebo-controlled food challenges, rhinitis or conjunctivitis ac especially in children. In adults, unilateral or bilateral, and the nasal discharge may be bloodstained food skin tests may be appropriate in occasional cases if a careful or foul smelling. The distinction between active 25,759-762,766-770 ture, there are few or no credible data available to infection and allergy should be made. When the history or justify routine performance of food skin tests in the evaluation of physical examination is not diagnostic, a nasal smear may be rhinitis in adults. In the evaluation of rhinitis in children, in whom obtained to aid in differentiation. Early in rhinovirus infections, the history may be more difficult to interpret and food allergy is there is an increase in vascular permeability that is likely a result of more common, there is greater justification to consider perfor bradykinin. Later, there may be an increase in glandular secretion, 774 mance of limited food skin testing. Beer, wine, and other alcoholic particularly of locally synthesized secretory IgA. Alcohol-in infiltrates may be present in rhinoviral and other viral rhinitis duced hypersensitivity symptoms are also more prevalent in per syndromes. The syndrome of watery Physical examination findings in both acute and chronic rhinorrhea occurring immediately after ingestion of foods, partic sinusitis may include sinus tenderness on palpation, mucosal ularly hot and spicy foods, has been termed gustatory rhinitis and erythema, purulent nasal secretions, increased pharyngeal secre 66 is vagally mediated. Furthermore, because these symp toms tend to overlap with those of perennial rhinitis, there is a Infectious rhinitis frequent need to perform imaging studies to assist in the differ ential diagnosis. Infectious rhinitis and rhinosinusitis may be acute or value is limited by low specificity and sensitivity. Acute infectious rhinitis is usually a result of 1 of absence of neutrophils argues against infection, neutrophils may a large number of viruses, but secondary bacterial infection be present in both acute and chronic sinusitis and may be noted with sinus involvement may be a complication. C Allergy, mucociliary disturbance, and immune deficiency may Acute rhinitis is usually associated with a viral upper respira predispose certain individuals to the development of more 775 tory infection and frequently presents with rhinorrhea, nasal frequent acute or chronic infections. Edema of the nasal mucosa produces occlusion of the sinus ostia with resulting facial pain or of the eustachian Infectious rhinitis in children tube with resulting ear fullness. Viral infections account for as many as 98% of acute infec cellular and cloudy due to the presence of organisms, white blood tious rhinitis and the majority of rhinitis symptoms in the cells, and desquamated epithelium. Routine nasopharyngeal cultures when bacte rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfiuenza, infiuenza, rial infections are suspected do not add diagnostic value. Unless there is bacterial superinfection (<2% of 75,76 the time), the condition is self-limiting and usually resolves Viral rhinitis, starting in the neonatal period, averages about 3 to within 7 to 10 days. Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis may occur de 8 episodes per year in children and accounts for the majority of 77,778 novo or may follow viral rhinitis. The progression from viral rhinitis to sec age, vestibular crusting, and facial pain occur. Not all patients ondary bacterial rhinitis occurs in approximately 10% of children 72-74 report fever. These bacterial infections may progress to acute 779 tures include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, sinusitis and otitis media. Primary local by allergic or nonallergic factors, such as laboratory animal ized bacterial rhinitis may also occur during b-hemolytic strepto antigen, grain, wood dusts, chemicals, and irritants. Secondary bacterial rhinitis with or without sinus Occupational rhinitis may be defined as infiammation of the itis occurs more frequently in children with antibody, comple nasal mucosa resulting in nasal symptoms caused by exposures in ment, and leukocyte deficiency disorders; hyper-IgE syndrome; the workplace. Children with normal immunity may also develop nasal infiammatory responses triggered by exposure to occupa secondary bacterial rhinitis with S aureus infection manifesting tional sensitizers are associated with parallel infiammatory re as impetigo of the anterior nares with characteristic crusting and 112 sponses in the lower airways. Purulent rhinorrhea, especially if unilateral, persistent, caused by direct effects of respiratory irritants or via immunologic bloody, or malodorous, may suggest an intranasal foreign 93 mechanisms. Culturing the nasal pharynx of normal children without vi agents such as grain dust constituents (eg, endotoxin), fiour dust, sualization is of limited value because pathogenic bacteria within fuel oil ash, and ozone elicit neutrophilic infiammation of the nasal the nasal pharynx have been recovered in as many as 92% of 107-109 93 mucosa. However, a recent meta-analy noconjunctival symptoms may result from occupational exposure sis as well as individual clinical studies have demonstrated that en to protein allergens including fiour, laboratory animals (rats, mice, doscopically directed middle meatus cultures is a highly sensitive guinea pigs, and so forth), animal products, coffee beans, natural and accurate culture method for acute bacterial rhinitis/sinusitis in 94-97 rubber latex, storage mites, mold spores, pollen, psyllium, en adults and might be considered in the older child. Some chemicals such as acid anhydrides, platinum the need for antimicrobial use is increasingly important because salts, and chloramine may cause IgE-mediated occupational rhini antibiotic use has been causally related to the development of 114,785 78-82 tis. Furthermore, the administration of dride, an acid anhydride, increased eosinophils and neutrophils antimicrobials increases the carriage of antimicrobial-resistant 114 have been identified in nasal lavage fiuid. Immunologic mech strains of certain bacterial pathogens, such as S pneumoniae, espe 78,79,83,84 anisms may be important for other chemical sensitizers (eg, glutar cially in children. These patients often lack evidence of allergic example, the relative risk of occupational rhinitis in Finland, disease as demonstrated by absence of positive skin tests which has many agricultural industries, was highest among and/or specific IgE antibodies in the serum. The preva ically middle-age and have a characteristic perennial course but lence of work-related rhinoconjunctival symptoms is frequently with paroxysmal episodes. Airborne exposure to endotoxin is commonly de 103 stage of nasal polyposis and aspirin sensitivity. Occupational rhinitis should be suspected in patients with nasal Occupational rhinitis symptoms, which are temporally related to exposure at work and 26. Occupational rhinitis is rhinitis arising in response to air often improve away from the workplace. It has been suggested that pregnancy rhinitis be defined as propriate and if suitable reagents are available. Occupational rhinitis without an infectious, allergic, or medication-related cause rhinitis has been evaluated with nasal allergen challenge methods that starts before the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, persists until de 120 that measure prechallenge and postchallenge symptoms scores, livery, and resolves completely within 2 weeks after delivery. It nasal lavage cells, and mediators as well as nasal airfiow; how has been suggested that when pregnancy rhinitis causes snoring, it 112,114 121 ever, their diagnostic validity has not been evaluated. They include nasal mucosal swelling caused by vascular fighters exposed to complex mixtures of airborne pollutants dur pooling of blood and vascular leaking of plasma into the stroma 790,791 ing the World Trade Center disaster. Exposed workers pre as well as the increase in glandular secretion and nasal vascular 120,609,796 sent acutely with nasal burning, hypersecretion of mucus, and smooth muscle relaxation. Pregnancy rhinitis may respond in milder is poorly defined, and further study is required. Although there is no research on the safety of short the occupational trigger by modifying the workplace, using term topical decongestants combined with intranasal corticoste filtering masks, or removing the patient from the adverse expo roids in pregnancy, these have been suggested for management sure. Pharmacologic therapy as discussed in earlier sections can be of pregnancy rhinitis when the measures discussed are not 120,797 instituted, recognizing that chronic use of medication will prob effective. Strategies to prevent or reduce symptoms may During the menstrual cycle, nasal congestion has been shown to include the daily use of intranasal corticosteroids or the admin concur with ovulation and rise in serum estrogens, although 122 istration of antihistamines and/or intranasal cromolyn immedi additional evidence supporting this relationship is lacking. It is also important to institute avoidance measures for nonoccupational (and occupational) Drug-induced rhinitis allergens that may contribute to rhinitis symptoms. Rhinitis medicamentosa is have been linked clinically to disease, avoidance of the triggering a syndrome of rebound nasal congestion that follows allergens is impossible, a commercial allergen extract is available, the overuse of intranasal a-adrenergic decongestants or and efficacy and safety have been demonstrated to the treatment cocaine. In the past, antihypertensive medications (eg, reser 503,793 symptoms among sensitized animal workers. Immunotherapy is not appropriate to symptoms are often caused by a-receptor antagonists used in treat occupational rhinitis caused by low-molecular-weight chem treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy (eg, prazosin, terazo 124 ical antigens. Pregnancy rhinitis, when present, is Although oral contraceptives have long been implicated as associated with sigtnificant nasal congestion, starts after the causes of nasal symptoms, a recent study found no nasal phys second month of pregnancy, and usually disappears within iologic effects on female patients receiving a modern combined 2 weeks after delivery. Sinusitis the repetitive and prolonged use of topical a-adrenergic nasal has been reported to be 6 times more common in pregnant than decongestant sprays may induce rebound nasal congestion on 795 nonpregnant women. Benzalkonium chloride in vasocon 119 801 lergic rhinitis and increased sinusitis during pregnancy. The Nasal polyps have a prevalence of 2% to 4% in the general 143 nasal mucosa is often beefy red, appears infiamed, and shows as well as the allergic population and usually occur after age 40 areas of punctate bleeding and scant mucus. Although previous studies showed a 2:1 male to female 133 142,144,145 ated epithelial cells leading to reduced mucociliary clearance. Frequently reported symp quences may occur with prolonged use of other vasoconstrictor toms are rhinorrhea (39%), nasal congestion (31%), and anosmia agents such as cocaine. The nasal cavities appear abnormally wide on ex phils, T cells, plasma cells, and mast cells are consistent findings amination, and squamous metaplasia, atrophy of glandular cells, in nasal polyp tissue and may explain why corticosteroids are ther and loss of pseudostratified epithelium have been detected in nasal 128 803 apeutically effective. Klebsiella ozaenae and other bacteria including 698 rhinitis also have nasal polyps. The noses and sinuses of patients S aureus, Proteus mirabilis, and Escherichia coli may be causa with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps are frequently colo tive, although it is also plausible that these secondarily infect pre 812 138 nized with fungi (principally Aspergillus and Penicillium). A genetic association has also 804 Allergic fungal sinusitis is a distinct pathologic entity defined by been suggested but needs further confirmation.

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Chronic bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the airways, with mucosal thickening, copious sputum production, and ventilation-perfusion mismatching, which in some cases may be difficult to reliably separate from chronic asthma. The degree of functional impairment due to any or all of the above factors determines whether an applicant may be assessed as fit for aviation duties. The assessment of applicants with a recent history of spontaneous pneumothorax should take into account not only clinical recovery after treatment (conservative and/or surgical), but primarily the risk of recurrence. Between attacks the patient is frequently asymptomatic and often has normal pulmonary function. Beta-agonists, theophyllines and ipratropium are frequently used but have severe side effects, such as dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia, and anticholinergic effects. Cromolyn and inhaled corticosteroids have hardly any side effects and may be relied upon to control the disease, but recurring attacks may still happen and they may be unpredictable and incapacitating. The aeromedical decision should be made by the medical assessor and based on a thorough investigation and evaluation in accordance with best medical practice. Some patients have granulomas in the lungs, causing radiographically evident changes. In patients with pulmonary granulomas, the development of fibrosis may lead to increasing dyspnoea and abnormal lung function tests. In half to two-thirds of patients, pulmonary sarcoidosis resolves, leaving radiographically clear lungs. However, the potential for involvement of the eyes, the heart, and the central nervous system mandates a thorough examination and evaluation. Careful examination and good clinical judgement are imperative in a realistic appraisal of any individual situation. If medication is repeatedly required, a decision on medical fitness should be based on a thorough investigation with emphasis on ruling out malignancy. The need for follow-up should, however, be considered on an individual basis which might require re-examination and evaluation at more frequent intervals than suggested above (every two to three months). At each re-examination a statement from the attending surgeon on the current status of the condition should be forwarded to the Licensing Authority for evaluation by the medical assessor. The primary treatment, if technically possible, is always a simple local procedure such as purse-string closure. The diagnosis is made by oesophago-gastro duodenoscopy, oesophageal pH probe, and manometry. In addition, the condition demands lifestyle modifications, especially dietary ones, which may be impractical for pilots. Often the condition can be controlled by a diet rich in fibre, fruits and vegetables. If the symptoms are mild and regular use of psychotropic or cholinergic medication is unnecessary, it may not be disqualifying. The course of the disease is characterised by frequent exacerbations and many, often severe, complications including anaemia, and a high frequency of colonic carcinoma. There is negative feedback by the thyroid hormones on thyrotrophin to ensure homeostasis. More rarely thyrotoxicosis is caused by multinodular goitre or a single autonomously functioning solitary nodule (toxic adenoma). Palpitations are frequent symptoms, and the elderly may develop atrial fibrillation. There may be elevation of levator palpebrae superioris, giving a startled appearance, and personality changes may be marked. This kind of surgery is only carried out in specialist centres; the indications vary, and patient preference may influence decisions. Potential problems include recurrent laryngeal nerve trauma, damage to the parathyroid glands, and late hypothyroidism. There are numerous regimes in use and all accept that the patient will become hypothyroid and thus will require lifelong thyroxine. A condition of the medical certificate should be life-long follow-up by an endocrinologist to ensure no recurrence of the hyperthyroidism and no insidious onset of late hypothyroidism. It is a common condition, affecting one per cent of the general population, and there are data to show that four per cent of those over 60 years of age are on long-term treatment with thyroxine. The duration of compliance is a significant problem, and many patients when euthyroid cease medication because they feel so well. Clinical manifestations may vary depending on the extent and severity of the pituitary hormone deficiency. The classic visual field defect is an upper quadrantic bitemporal hemianopia if the tumour is below the optic chiasm. Patients will have rather non-specific symptoms, they may appear pale, but are not anaemic; the skin has a waxen doll appearance. Patients may become hypoglycaemic but, because of the lack of a sympathetic response, without the classical symptoms; consequently they may proceed to coma. The possibility of not having replacement drugs taken consistently and properly and the risk of intermittent illness away from specialized help have obvious implications. The particular syndrome presenting will depend on which cell in the pituitary is involved. Borderline cases may require a glucose tolerance test, which in the normal individual would suppress growth hormone to levels below 2 mU/L. Radiotherapy alone produces an annual fall in growth hormone of approximately 20 per cent, improves headaches in over 75 per cent of patients, and reduces the risk of further visual loss due to tumour expansion. In 50 per cent of patients, growth hormone levels remain elevated ten years post surgery, and in the long term hypopituitarism may develop. They reduce circulating growth hormone in more than 80 per cent of patients but gallstones have been documented on long-term treatment. Specialist endocrinological and ophthalmic review would be required before any assessment by the aeromedical authority. If symptoms persist, the newer dopamine agonists, such as cabergoline, can be used. Although there is no evidence of teratogenicity, most physicians stop bromocriptine when pregnancy is diagnosed and monitor the visual fields carefully. Long-term treatment with bromocriptine or an alternative agonist is the most common regime for microprolactinomas. In some centres with good neurosurgical facilities transphenoidal surgery is the treatment of choice, although the majority of endocrine units generally advocate surgery only in those patients who cannot tolerate dopamine agonists or whose tumour does not respond. Surgery in macro-adenomas is rarely curative and carries the risk of hypopituitarism and, thus, dopamine agonists are the treatment of choice in the macroadenoma group. If there is any doubt, further tests using the response to exogenous corticotrophin releasing hormone may be helpful. Radiotherapy alone has been shown to be curative in approximately 40 per cent of patients over the age of 18 and in approximately 80 per cent of those under 18. Other drugs such as ketoconazole, cyproheptadine, and aminoglutethimide have only limited use. The certification issue may be dependent on a satisfactory report from and continuous supervision by an endocrinologist. The vast majority of cases may be idiopathic; an autoimmune mechanism has been postulated. To confirm the diagnosis, a water deprivation test (under close supervision) is carried out. Chlorpropamide is unacceptable for aviation duties due to the risk of hypoglycaemia. Anatomically and functionally they can be divided into outer cortex and inner medulla. If the patient is not critically ill, the investigation of choice is the short-acting synacthen (tetracosactrin) test: in a normal person, intramuscular injection of 250 fig synacthen will produce a rise in plasma cortisol 45 minutes later of approximately 550 nmol/L or more; values less than that are consistent with primary or secondary hypoadrenalism. They must be advised to double or triple the dose of hydrocortisone during injury or febrile illness. Some physicians suggest they should be given ampoules of glucocorticoid for self-injection or glucocorticoid suppositories to be used in the case of vomiting. However, both the individual and his colleague should be aware of the possibility of stress-induced relapse. It is slightly more frequent in women and usually occurs in patients 30 to 50 years of age. If the hypertension has been treated with thiazide, this will obviously worsen the hypokalaemia. In over 80 per cent of cases, this syndrome is associated with an aldosterone producing adenoma or carcinoma. If glucocorticoid remedial hypertension is suspected, 2-3 weeks of dexamethasone may be given. If the patient is on long-term spironolactone, individual assessment is appropriate with full endocrinology reports to aid the decision on medical certification. In multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, it is associated with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid and hyperparathyroidism. These syndromes are inherited as autosomal dominance; they are rare to aviation medicine practice. When surgical removal is not feasible or has been incomplete, continued pharmacological treatment can be quite successful. In common with all previous conditions, close surveillance by the aeromedical officer and an endocrinologist is mandatory. It contains methods for comprehensive evaluation and assessment of applicants in whom there is a suspicion or overt manifestation of diabetes. The life expectancy of the general population including diabetics with improved quality of control is increasing. In addition, the current high standard of living has led to a higher intake of calories accompanied by a lower level of physical activity, resulting in an increased prevalence of obesity. In obstetrics, it is now common practice to screen pregnant women for diabetes; those found to be diabetic are carefully monitored and controlled, and the resulting fall in perinatal mortality contributes to an increased number of offspring who will continue to transmit the disease. Routine periodic medical examinations of licence holders contribute to the early detection of diabetes in otherwise healthy individuals without subjective symptoms of disease. Many factors may be simultaneously involved in an individual developing diabetes including obesity, pregnancy, infection and other mechanisms which might determine the onset of the disease in genetically predisposed individuals. This severe metabolic upset is a relatively rare presentation and is characteristic in the young individual with Type 1 diabetes who is truly insulin-dependent. In the older group, diabetes may present with a vascular disorder or visual problems. Some 45 per cent of the population have a low renal threshold for glucose and may present with glycosuria with normal circulating blood glucose. Macro-angiopathy affects the coronary circulation, and the incidence of coronary disease in the diabetic individual is approximately three times that of the non-diabetic population. The only significant iatrogenic complication with profound implications in aviation is hypoglycaemia. The following section summarizes the literature and discusses the development of a certification policy based on that literature. The Whitehall Study (Fuller, 1980) showed that coronary heart disease mortality was approximately doubled for those with impaired glucose tolerance in a standard glucose tolerance test. Data from a number of studies suggest that the risk of cardiovascular disease is two to four times higher in patients with diabetes compared to those without. Nephropathy affects approximately 35 per cent of patients with Type 1 diabetes and about 5 to 10 per cent of patients with Type 2. Thus, the measurement of micro-albuminuria is a useful adjuvant to risk assessment in the diabetic pilot.

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