Milton Kramer, MD
- Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Illinois
- at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Data National estimates of the prevalence of all dementias from several studies are used in this section anxiety symptoms heavy arms buy cheapest emsam and emsam. However anxiety 300mg buy genuine emsam line, as described in the those who reported it had not consulted a health care Overview (see page 15) and Special Report (see page 58) anxiety symptoms weakness buy 5mg emsam fast delivery, 169 20-23 professional about it anxiety symptoms social cheap 5 mg emsam overnight delivery. More research is needed to occasionally forgetting their keys or the name of support this finding anxiety 5 senses purchase cheapest emsam and emsam. A follow-up study with the same cohort showed heterogeneity within Asian-American As shown in Figure 2 anxiety symptoms 9 days order emsam 5 mg fast delivery, between 2018 and 2025 every state subgroups, but all subgroups studied had lower across the country is expected to experience an increase dementia incidence than whites. The West lowest prevalence of dementia compared with all and Southeast are expected to experience the largest other ethnic groups. Incidence provides a measure of risk for developing prevalence differences among racial groups. A11,30 Growth of the Oldest-Old Population the number of Americans surviving into their 80s, 90s and beyond is expected to grow dramatically due to medical advances, as well as social and environmental conditions. Between 2012 and 2050, the oldest-old are expected to comprise an increasing proportion of the U. In all, an estimated two people age 65 to 74, but increased 52 percent for people thirds of those who die of dementia do so in nursing homes, age 75 to 84, and 76 percent for people age 85 and older. Other possible reasons include disease because much of that time is spent in a state of fewer deaths from other common causes of deaths in old disability and dependence. This is approximately 48 percent of the information, this section compares caregivers of 260 net value of Walmart sales in 2017 ($481. Medicare, Medicaid, out-of-pocket expenditures, and the value of informal care) for someone with dementia was estimated at $341,840 in 2017 dollars. The costs associated with family care are 70 percent of lifetime dementia care costs ($143,735 in the value of informal care, and $95,441 in out-of-pocket expenses related to care in 2017 dollars). A15 Individuals with dementia living in the community are more likely than older adults without dementia to rely on multiple unpaid caregivers (often family members); 30 percent of older adults with dementia rely on three or more unpaid caregivers, whereas 23 percent of older adults without dementia rely on three or more unpaid caregivers. Of these individuals, 40 percent live alone, perhaps making it more difficult to ask for and receive informal care. Managing behavioral symptoms of the disease such as aggressive Caregiving and Women behavior, wandering, depressive mood, agitation, anxiety, the responsibilities of caring for someone with dementia repetitive activity and nighttime disturbances. A15,264-265,269-270 More specifically, over one Finding and using support services such as support groups and third of dementia caregivers are daughters. Poll, which surveyed both men and women, of those Assuming additional responsibilities that are not necessarily providing care for 21 to more than 60 hours per week, 273 specific tasks, such as: 67 percent were women. Two and a half times as many women 273 family members about care plans, decision-making and reported living with the person with dementia full time. Women caregivers are somewhat similar to the help provided by caregivers also more likely than men to indicate a need for individual of people with other conditions, dementia caregivers counseling (83 percent versus 17 percent), respite care tend to provide more extensive assistance. Family (72 percent versus 29 percent) and support groups 169 caregivers of people with dementia are more likely to (73 percent versus 27 percent). Table 7 summarizes some of the most caregivers of people without dementia to provide help common types of dementia care provided. Seventy-seven percent of older than caregivers of people without dementia (86 percent adults with dementia receive informal assistance with versus 72 percent). A15 According to another study, well losses in judgment, orientation, and the ability to over half (57 percent) of family caregivers of people with understand and communicate effectively. As symptoms worsen, the Hours of Unpaid Care and Economic Value of Caregiving care required of family members can result in increased In 2017, the 16. This number in part to disruptions in employment and paying for represents an average of 21. Table 8 (see page 36) shows and care recipient may also be threatened due to the the total hours of unpaid care as well as the value of care memory loss, functional impairment and psychiatric/ provided by family and other unpaid caregivers for the behavioral disturbances that can accompany the United States and each state. A longitudinal study of the monetary value of A15,295-299 others, they also frequently report higher family caregiving for people with dementia found that the levels of stress. A15 is 44 percent, which is higher than among caregivers of people with stroke (31 percent), for example. In one study, caregivers of spouses who or did not do things they should for their own health.
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Members are infuential, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers who vigorously probe a single topic each year and develop actionable recommendations to advance innovative ideas for the development, distribution, and use of vaccines, as well as evidence based and cost-efective approaches to immunization. The package of big ideas presented here, and the rigorous evidence and consensus-driven insights on which they rest, reassure us that smart strategies are available not only to maintain, restore, and strengthen confdence in the value of vaccines, but also to underscore the broad societal obligation to promote their use. Implementing those strategies requires concerted commitment, and we are deeply grateful to the members of the Vaccine Science & Policy Group, who have helped us identify pathways to progress. Tilghman, president emerita and professor of molecular biology and public afairs at Princeton University. Both organizations have a long track record of engaging in non-partisan, cross-disciplinary dialogue that helps to meet the greatest challenges facing society. We are proud of the synergy we have built together and thankful for the opportunity all of us have had to learn from one another. The strength and credibility of our collaboration has already been refected in the positive response to our inaugural report, Accelerating the Development of a Universal Infuenza Vaccine, issued in July 2019. McDonnell Distinguished University Tanisha Carino Professor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Executive Vice President and Princeton University; Chief Corporate Afairs Ofcer Director, Center for BioComplexity, Princeton Alexion Environmental Institute, Princeton University Michael Conway Diego Miralles Senior Partner Chief Executive Ofcer McKinsey & Company Vividion Therapeutics Kathryn Edwards Kelly Moore Sarah H. While development of an efective vaccine to control the resulting pandemic is likely at least a year away, the danger of infectious diseases has been made shockingly real across the globe, and the gift of efective immunization has once again become apparent. As co-chairs of the Sabin-Aspen Vaccine Science & Policy Group (the Group), we recognize a profound responsibility to bring forward an innovative plan to strengthen vaccine acceptance and tame the risk of hesitancy. We are truly grateful to 9 Forew ord this able team of leaders, who represent both domestic and global perspectives and bring professional experience across a wide range of disciplines to our convening. Their vigorous discussions, informed by background research papers and expert presentations, generated three big ideas for addressing vaccine hesitancy and promoting the critical importance of timely immunization. Together, these ideas address the primary barriers to vaccine acceptance and provide a framework for progress. We are committed to sharing these big ideas through the rich networks of the Group, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Aspen Institute, and our many partners, and advocating for strategies that will turn them into action. Along with our dedicated members, we are especially grateful to our funder, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which understood the urgency of combatting vaccine hesitancy and gave us the support so essential to doing so. The teams at Sabin and at the Health, Medicine, and Society Program are deeply committed to this initiative, and ofer leadership, insight, and attention to detail. Together, we can overcome the risks posed by vaccine hesitancy and ensure continued and widening support for one of the most powerful tools ever developed to protect public health. Parents and caregivers in many countries have doubts about the safety or value of vaccination (Facciola et al. Lower-than-optimal vaccination rates Because the dimensions of arise from a variety of problems, including hesitancy are complex and not vaccine shortages, restrictions in the fully understood, the medical and convenience and afordability of vaccines, public health communities and their diminished confdence in government allies must rapidly expand their authority structures, and ironically, the very understanding of the problem and the actions needed to address it. Because the dimensions of hesitancy are complex and not fully understood, the medical and public health communities and their allies must rapidly expand their understanding of the problem and the actions needed to address it. A global resurgence of measles since 2018 has underscored the pressing need to bolster vaccine acceptance (Vaccine hesitancy: A generation at risk, 2019). Vaccines are a remarkably safe and efective method of preventing deadly and disabling infectious diseases. The Sabin-Aspen Vaccine Science & Policy Group (the Group) met at the Aspen Institute in Colorado in September 2019 to examine the trends and drivers of vaccination acceptance and devise approaches to counter the growing trend of hesitancy. These discussions led to a clear recognition of three points: (1) vaccination levels, after reaching record heights, have plateaued or even declined slightly in many countries (Paules, Marston, & Fauci, 2019); (2) various factors have undermined confdence in or contributed to complacency about vaccination (Wellcome Global Monitor, 2019); and (3) the vaccination enterprise needs new knowledge and tools to overcome challenges to vaccine acceptance. Globally, vaccination is a success and has been established as a norm throughout the world. Human errors such as the one complacency that contributed to the Samoa tragedy directly afect confdence in vaccination programs and acceptance of vaccines, but mistakes of this severity are rare. The circulation of false information about vaccines, when combined with faltering trust in the institutions that deliver them, undercuts confdence in vaccination. In places where vaccination, and medicine in general, have lowered the deadliest risks of vaccine-preventable infectious disease, vaccination can come to seem less pressing. The value of vaccination speaks for itself to those In the information age, the who understand the historical decline of the internet and social media targeted diseases, but vaccines and vaccination have brought crushing waves have long attracted skepticism and generated of vaccine misinformation to conspiracy theories (Colgrove, 2006). As with any complex subject, many people continue to rely on surrogate authority fgures to inform their decisions. But in the information age, the internet and social media have brought crushing waves of vaccine misinformation to new parents, raising doubts among enormous groups of people who previously might have been unaware of any controversy over this eminently sensible activity. Yet the extent to which misinformation contributes to declines in vaccination is not always clear, in part because comprehensive data describing which communities are under-vaccinated, and why, is lacking. A polarized, politicized, post-fact environment has an undeniable impact both on trust and 17 FraminG the challenGe on vaccinations. But demand problems may also refect poor experiences in the clinics of a failing public health system or real or perceived failures in immunization safety. The Group examined fndings on why people accept or delay vaccines, or reject them altogether, and explored ways to shape education, communication, and methods of behavioral change to maintain vaccination as a social norm. It also discussed strategies to counter misinformation as it arises in diferent contexts. Trust: Community Immunity Versus Herd Mentality Trust in vaccination depends not only on the nurse, doctor, or mobile team that administers the vaccine, but also on the authorities who enable and drive vaccination. Thus, vaccine uptake may be threatened in any country, region, or community where there is waning confdence in the government, doctors, or public health ofcials who recommend, oversee, and mandate vaccination, as Muhammad Ali Pate of the World Bank told the Group. In countries such as Nigeria, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Congo, conficts and gravely polarized societies have led entire groups to identify vaccinators and their mission with their foes, and therefore to consider them untrustworthy (Hussain, Boyle, Patel, & Sullivan, 2016). In countries where corruption and violence have created fear, mistrust, or open opposition to government-endorsed vaccination programs, the problem of trust may extend beyond the scope of vaccination policy. That said, public health authorities have managed to convince warring parties in countries such as El Salvador and Colombia in the 1980s, and more recently in Yemen, to give safe passage to vaccination teams (Ferguson, 2019). In some tribal regions in India, for example, a history of neglect has lowered confdence in government run vaccination programs unless they employ local healers (Priya, Pathak, & Giri, 2020). In the United States, outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases have been reported among Amish (Gastanaduy et al. Anti-vaccine groups can make inroads through such leaders; by the same token, leaders who are immune to such propaganda can reassure followers and tamp down the infuence of falsehoods. Smaller pockets of non-vaccinating families were often sheltered within larger, more fully vaccinated populations that kept out disease. However, because of its extreme contagiousness, immunization rates against measles must remain above 95% to provide this community-level protection, which is at risk in many U. Social Networks and Social Norms Developing strategies to counter vaccine hesitancy will require the public health community to engage with new disciplines, especially from the social and behavioral sciences, and to improve its communication strategies, building on a base of expanded research into the nature and volume of the hesitancy problem. The current peril in which vaccination programs fnd themselves results from the interaction of these basic human foibles with false and misleading information carried on massive social media platforms (DiResta & Wardle, this volume). Sociologist Damon Centola (2019) describes anti-vaccine sentiment as a complex contagion that requires reinforcement by multiple social peers to reinforce its legitimacy. People in general feel a greater moral responsibility for any harm that comes about through something they have done than for a task they have neglected, and the hypothesized harm from vaccination may appear more immediate than the danger of the pathogens against which vaccines protect. Beyond that fundamental decision, external factors that impinge on behavior, such as convenience, incentives, costs, and mandates, also afect vaccination decision-making. It has been sharing best practices, including gathering data on vaccine demand and hesitancy in low and middle-income countries in 20 FraminG the challenGe order to use this knowledge to nudge and support national programs (VaccinesToday, 2019). The Demand Hub also has begun to engage with social media companies to examine the vaccine-related content of searches and conversations. The group hopes to anticipate problems with vaccine confdence, such as the collapse in measles vaccination in the Philippines after a dengue virus vaccination campaign was suspended. The suspension occurred after children vaccinated during the campaign died, some of them possibly as a result of complex immune responses to the vaccine and subsequent dengue infection (Wilder-Smith, Flasche, & Smith, 2019). While the latter has successfully eradicated wild Type 2 and Type 3 polio strains, its endgame increasingly involves battling outbreaks linked to mutant viruses from the live attenuated polio vaccine and the communication challenges that surround this phenomenon. The Mechanization of Doubt Changes in how people gather and digest science and health information have fed vaccination hesitancy. Search engines and social media companies target readers based on their previous selections under the assumption that they will click on information that interests them already, or perhaps, that confrms their biases (Del Vicario, Scala, Caldarelli, Stanley, & Quattrociocchi, 2017; DiResta, 2018). While news coverage has always trended toward topics that stimulate fear, doubt, outrage, and polarizing attitudes, journalistic principles of fairness and accuracy, if unevenly achieved, have had a salutary impact on the presentation of health news. A recent survey found that those who rely on social media for news are far more likely than traditional media consumers to be misinformed about the safety of vaccines (Stecula, Kuru, & Jamieson, 2020). This is part of a larger problem of bias confrmation among consumers of social media (Self, 2016). For decades, public health essentially ignored the anti-vaccine movement and its theories, concentrating on presenting facts and fact-based information in response to any unsubstantiated theories of harm.
Understanding the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in the adult patient provides a basic foundation for pediatric orthopedics anxiety symptoms guilt cheap emsam 5 mg line. Remembering the differences from adult injuries anxiety vs stress discount emsam 5 mg line, however anxiety 4 months postpartum discount 5 mg emsam amex, is the key to successful diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in the child anxiety symptoms cures buy cheap emsam 5mg line. Chronobiologic variation the developing pediatric skeleton is a dynamic entity anxiety symptoms zoloft buy emsam 5 mg on line, constantly changing with maturation anxiety symptoms in 2 year old order emsam 5mg with mastercard. The resiliency of bone becomes progressively more static and the varying areas of growth change in relative strength as ossification and growth occurs. This affects not only injury patterns, but also radiographic appearance and treatment. Patterns of failure differ Due to this chronobiologic variation, stressing the skeleton results in unique and varying patterns of failure not seen in adults (physeal injuries, torus and greenstick fractures, etc. Fractures are more common In the pediatric age group, fractures occur even after seemingly minimal trauma. Joint injury, dislocation, and ligamentous disruptions are much less common Collateral ligaments are resilient and stronger than the nearby associated physis (epiphyseal plate), resulting in physeal failure rather than sprain or dislocation. As skeletal maturity approaches, adult sprain and dislocation patterns progressively prevail. Diagnosis is more difficult History regarding the true mechanism of injury is typically lacking, and cooperation for an adequate physical exam is often limited. The radiolucent physis and varying appearance of secondary ossification centers make radiographic interpretation more difficult. Angular deformities may correct, especially when in the plane of motion of a nearby hinge joint. Growth aberration is possible Injury at or about the physis can lead to areas of growth arrest. Overgrowth due to a reactive increase in blood supply, or tethering across the physis due to bony bridging, can also lead to growth deformity. Comminuted fractures are rare Due to the resilient, plastic nature of immature bone, shattering" of bone and multiple fragments is uncommon. Open reduction and internal fixation Is less frequently performed, except in cases of Salter 3 or Salter 4 injuries. Bone healing is more rapid the younger the patient, the more osteogenic the periosteum, the faster the healing. This reduces immobilization times but dictates prompt orthopedic referrals before bone formation can hinder reductions. This growing area of calcifying new cartilage is the most vulnerable area to stress and a frequent site of fracture in the immature skeleton. The Salter-Harris classification serves as the means of communication for describing physeal injuries in North America. It is based on the radiological appearance of the adjoining epiphysis and metaphysis. Radiographically, the diagnosis is simple if the epiphysis is obviously displaced. When this is the case, yet there is an appropriate mechanism of injury with tenderness about the epiphyseal plate, the diagnosis of an undisplaced Salter 1 fracture is made. Since the physis is not disrupted, healing is typically uncomplicated, and growth complications rare. This is the most frequently encountered Salter injury and is most often found after the age of 10. As with Salter 1 fractures, the physis remains intact and growth aberration is not common. Salter 3 the fracture line propagates through the physis and exits the epiphysis. This is a more severe type of injury because it disrupts the continuity of the physis, greatly increasing the risk of growth aberrancy, and because it is intra-articular. Salter 4 the fracture line involves the metaphysis and the epiphysis, crossing the physis. As in Salter 3 fractures, the physis is injured and the fracture is intra-articular. It is more likely that the initial diagnosis of a nondisplaced Salter 1 fracture will be made, and only with growth complication will the true nature of the injury reveal itself. Salter 6 this classification was coined by Rang and describes an injury to the perichondral ring surrounding the physis (direct blow, burn, local infection). Although the physis is uninjured, the inflammatory process may lead to bone formation, bridging the epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction, effectively tethering growth at the physis and resulting in a progressive growth deformity. Parents should always be educated and informed from the onset that a physeal injury may lead to a growth aberration later. Greenstick fractures occur when stress is applied to a long bone such that the cortical bone fails in tension but not in compression. The intact cortex typically undergoes compression and plastic deformity due to radiographically invisible microfracture. Plastic deformity may hinder the ability to adequately correct angulation and hold the reduction at the fracture site (hence, the practice of completing the fracture prior to reduction and immobilization). These bumps result when an axial compressive load causes microfracture and localized plastic deformity rather than a radiographically apparent cortical break. Fractures of the hand are relatively uncommon (5-7% of fractures) and only 1/3 involve a physeal injury. Rapid healing is the rule, so prompt orthopedic referral is necessary (healing in malposition may make a minor injury more problematic). Pediatric Mallet Equivalent Top is a displaced Salter 1 injury of the distal phalanx, typical of the preadolescent. In the adolescent (with partial fusing of the epiphysis), a Salter 3 injury of the distal phalanx may occur with the same mechanism. Open fractures are cleaned and irrigated with minimal Pediatric O rthopedics Page 323 Notes debridement. Partial tip amputations are reapproximated and do remarkably well with even minimal remaining pedicle. Middle and proximal phalangeal fractures are most commonly Salter 1 or Salter 2 with the ring and small digit most commonly involved. Rotational deformities are best appreciated by examining the attitude of the nail beds with the phalangeal joints in flexion. Scaphoid fractures are not seen until 10 to 12 years of age, and as with adults, a high level of suspicion is required. Emergency management includes immobilization in a thumb spica splint with prompt follow-up. The mechanism is typically a fall on an outstretched hand with a hyperextended wrist. The most common pediatric orthopedic injury is the Salter 2 fracture of the distal radius. Distal radius fractures are typically Salter 1 or 2 physeal injuries, torus or Greenstick fractures of the distal metaphysis, or complete fracture (both radius and ulna). Complete fractures typically have the dinner fork deformity similar to adult Colles fractures. Occult wrist fractures may cause anterior displacement of the normal pronator quadratus fat pad seen on the lateral view along the volar aspect of the radial metaphysis. Always X-ray the entire forearm when a distal fracture is found, to rule out proximal injury. Emergency department reduction is indicated for severe deformity with tenting or compromise of overlying skin, or neurovascular compromise. Lesser degrees of deformity can be treated with immobilization and prompt referral. Pediatric O rthopedics Page 324 Notes Remember, in any physeal injury, multiple reduction attempts are not advised each manipulation can further injure the physis. As in distal fractures, they are described as Greenstick, torus, or complete fractures, and further defined by the level (proximal third or middle third). As in adults, an obvious fracture of the ulna should prompt evaluation for radial head displacement (Monteggia fracture). Complete fracture in this area is particularly prone to refracture in the first six months. The Galeazzi fracture is a radial shaft fracture with a dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. The elbow: the child with a swollen and/or painful elbow provides quite a diagnostic challenge. While the peak incidence for physeal injuries in general is between 10 and 13 years of age, most physeal fractures about the elbow occur in the more immature skeleton of the 5 to 8-year-old. Radiographic interpretation in this area is difficult due to the chronobiologic variation of secondary and epiphyseal ossification centers. However, the liberal use of comparison films is of great help in assessing these injuries. Capitellum 2 yr Radial Head 4 yr Internal (Medial) Epicondyle 6 yr Trochlea 8 yr Olecranon 10 yr External (Lateral) Epicondyle 12 yr 1. A distraction force pulls the radial head from the annular ligament when the arm is pulled. The child refuses to use the affected extremity (most commonly the left), and often guards it from any motion. A strong history and otherwise unremarkable exam preclude the need for X-ray evaluation (which will appear normal). When history is lacking, X-rays are obtained to rule out a fracture prior to manipulation. The child quickly resumes normal use of the extremity and no immobilization is necessary. Age assists diagnosis it is almost exclusive to those less Pediatric O rthopedics Page 326 Notes than 10 years, peaking at 5 to 8 years, with males predominating over females 2 to 1. Extension-type supracondylar fractures make up 98% of these injuries and occur with the elbow hyperextended. Radiographic appearance may range from an obvious transverse fracture to only the presence of an exaggerated anterior fat pad, a posterior fat pad, or subtle posterior displacement of the distal humerus. To assess posterior displacement, the anterior humeral line is evaluated on the lateral elbow X-ray. It should intersect the ossification center of the capitellum in its middle third. Thorough and ongoing distal neurovascular exams are paramount with these injuries. Any forearm pain with passive movement of the wrist and fingers is indicative of compartment syndrome. Fractures with obvious neurovascular compromise require immediate reduction by applying forearm traction with the elbow in slight flexion. In all but minimally displaced supracondylar Pediatric O rthopedics Page 327 Notes fractures without significant soft tissue swelling, hospitalization for neurovascular checks is appropriate. Any circumferential splint padding must be placed judiciously to avoid contributing to a compartment syndrome with iatrogenic compression of the dressing/splint. Closed reduction with percutaneous pinning may be used when the articular surface is not involved and displacement is <2 mm. The mechanism of injury is a varus stress to the elbow with traction on the lateral condyle by the extensors of the forearm. These can be nondisplaced, and present only with mild swelling and/or point tenderness. The medial epicondyle is a traction apophysis to which the flexors of the forearm are attached. These may occur as a pure avulsion injury when falling on the arm with hyperextended wrist and fingers, in association with posterior elbow dislocation (about 50% of the time), and, rarely, from a direct blow. The epicondyle becomes entrapped in the joint after reduction of a posterior elbow dislocation 15 to 20% of the time. The medial epicondyle must always be identified when a spontaneously reduced elbow dislocation is suspected, or in post-reduction views to prevent this entrapment from going unnoticed. Inability to reduce an elbow dislocation may be due to an entrapped medial epicondyle, mandating open reduction. Acute and delayed ulnar nerve dysfunction may occur, especially in cases of ulnar nerve entrapment (50%).
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Hypochlorite concentration in be autoclaved: household bleach varies by manufacturer. Avoid coming in contact with this molten materials such as contaminated paper towels or liquid. Use a secondary autoclavable tray to catch contaminated surgical gloves any potential leakage from the bag that would Considerations for efective autoclaving: otherwise leak into the autoclave. Prions and Prion-like Proteins Never lif a bag from the bottom of the bag to load Anyone working with prions, prion-like proteins into the chamber. Prions and prion-like Never seal a container of liquid with a cork that proteins (see Chapter 4 for a definition of prion 118 Stanford University Biosafety Manual like proteins) are highly resistant to conventional decontamination, and laboratories are strongly encouraged to use only disposable equipment. Specific procedures for decontamination and disposal must be followed when working with prions and prion-like proteins. Currently, Stanford or nervous, as it is called, being excited to University contracts with an outside vendor for this; call the vendor (number is found at gayety or anger without suficient cause. The former contents must Paul Bert, First Steps in Scientific Knowledge (1886), be decontaminated by autoclaving or disposed of J. Specimens stored in a cold room or an incubator in an adjacent tissue culture room Disposal should be autoclaved or disposed of in a biohazard bag. If the Principal any work surface must be decontaminated with a Investigator intends to cease work, he or she must suitable disinfectant. Freezer in Need of Clean-Out Chapter 12: Lab Deactivation & Equipment Disposal 123 equipment is safe for disposal. Additional guidance related to the proper deactivation and move-out of Stanford University laboratories is available at: stanford. Protozoa 2 Naegleria fowleri Protozoa 2 Naegleria spp Protozoa 2 Necator americanus Helminth, Nematode 2 Necator spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Onchocerca spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Onchocerca volvulus Helminth, Nematode 2 Opisthorchis felineus Helminth, Trematode 2 Opisthorchis spp Helminth, Trematode 2 Paragonimus spp Helminth, Trematode 2 Paragonimus westermanii Helminth, Trematode 2 Plasmodium cynomologi Protozoa 2 Plasmodium falciparum Protozoa 2 Plasmodium malariae Protozoa 2 Plasmodium simian parasites Protozoa 2 Plasmodium spp Protozoa 2 Plasmodium vivax Protozoa 2 Pneumocystis carinii Protozoa 2 Sarcocystis spp Protozoa 2 Sarcocystis suihominis Helminth, Cestode 2 larva Schistosoma haematobium Helminth, Trematode 2 Schistosoma intercalatum Helminth, Trematode 2 Schistosoma japonicum Helminth, Trematode 2 Schistosoma mansoni Helminth, Trematode 2 Schistosoma mekongi Helminth, Trematode 2 Schistosoma spp Helminth, Trematode 2 Strongyloides spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Strongyloides stercoralis Helminth, Nematode 2 Taenia saginata Helminth, Cestode 2 Taenia solium Helminth, Cestode 2 Taenia spp Helminth, Cestode 2 Toxocara canis Helminth, Nematode 2 Toxocara spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Toxoplasma gondii Protozoa 2 Toxoplasma spp Protozoa 2 Trichinella spiralis Helminth, Nematode 2 Trichomonas vaginalis Protozoa 2 Trichostrongylus spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Trichuris trichiura Helminth, Nematode 2 Trypanosoma brucei Protozoa 2 Trypanosoma cruzi Protozoa 2 Trypanosoma spp Protozoa 2 Wuchereria bancrofii Helminth, Nematode 2 Wuchereria spp Helminth, Nematode 2 Appendix A 139 Appendix B: Select Agents and Toxins Source: ehs. Determination of whether a pathogen has a potential for serious detrimental impact on managed (agricultural, forest, grassland) or natural ecosystems should be made by the Principal Investigator and the Institutional Biosafety Committee, in consultation with scientists knowledgeable of plant diseases, crops, and ecosystems in the geographic area of the research (Section V-M). Records A record shall be kept of experiments currently in progress in the greenhouse facility. All procedures shall be conducted in accordance with accepted greenhouse practices that are appropriate to the experimental organisms. The sign shall indicate the following: (i) the name of the responsible individual, (ii) the plants in use, and (iii) any special requirements for using the area. An autoclave shall be available for the treatment of contaminated greenhouse materials. If intake fans are used, measures shall be taken to minimize the ingress of arthropods. Louvers or fans shall be constructed such that they can only be opened when the fan is in operation. The Greenhouse Director shall be responsible for assessing each circumstance and determining those individuals who are authorized to enter the greenhouse facility. Control of Undesired Species A program shall be implemented to control undesired species. When appropriate to the organism, experiments shall be conducted within cages designed to contain the motile organisms. If organisms are used that have a recognized potential for causing serious detrimental impacts on managed or natural ecosystems, their presence should be indicated on a sign posted on the greenhouse access doors. Experimental materials that are brought into or removed from the greenhouse facility in a viable or intact state shall be transferred to a non-breakable sealed secondary container. Protective clothing shall be removed before exiting the greenhouse and decontaminated prior to laundering or disposal. All procedures shall be performed carefully to minimize the creation of aerosols and excessive splashing of potting material/soil during watering, transplanting, and all experimental manipulations. The system maintains pressure diferentials and directional airflow, as required, to assure inward (or zero) airflow from areas outside of the greenhouse. In accordance with accepted scientific and regulatory practices of the discipline of plant pathology, an exotic plant pathogen. Human to human transmission also possible Symptoms Mild gastroenteritiis (diarrhea) to high fever, severe headache, and spleen enlargement. Rate of infection in im ported monkeys can be high Treatment Intravenous fluids and electrolytes, Antibiotics: amoxicillin, trimethoprin sulfamethoxazole Leptospirosis Bacteria Genus Species Leptospira interrogans Host Range Animal, human urine Transmission Direct contact with urine of infected dogs, mice or rats. Afebrile period lasting 5-6 days followed by a recurrence of acute symptoms Incubation 5-15 days Fact Epidemic relapsing fever (transmitted by lice) is more severe than endemic relapsing fever (transmitted by ticks) Treatment Tetracyclines, chloramphenicol Tuberculosis Bacteria Genus Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis Host Range Primarily humans, cattle, non-human primates, other animals (rodents) Transmission Inhalation of aerosol droplets, contaminated equipment, bites Symptoms Ranges from fever and fatigue to chronic pulmonary disease (fatal). Primates, carnivores (felines), rodents, birds, undulates Transmission Consuming under-cooked infected meats; ingestion of oocysts in milk, food or water; inhalation of oocysts;-contact with soil containing contaminated cat feces; Symptoms Localized lymphadenopathy accompanied with fever, sore throat, rash, pneumonitis, myocarditis, and encephalitis Incubation 10-23 days following ingestion of contamin-ated meats, or inhalation of aerosols Fact Afects one third of the human race. Ocular migration may cause blindness Incubation 4 to 7 weeks Fact More than 80% of all puppies in the U. Biosafety the application of knowledge, techniques and equipment to prevent personal, laboratory and environmental exposure to potentially infectious agents or biohazards. Appendix E 161 Engineering Controls Safety equipment (primary barriers) includes biological safety cabinets, enclosed containers and other designed controls designed to remove or minimize exposures to hazardous biological agents. It usually involves putting a gene from one organism into the genome of a diferent organism, generally of a diferent species. Engineering controls include items such as biosafety cabinets, ventilation systems, closed top centrifuge rotors, etc. A 50-year-old man develops difficulty walking while receiving drug therapy for paranoid behavior. A 4-year-old girl is brought to the physician by her mother because of a fever for 1 day. The physician is more than 1 hour behind schedule because of two patient emergencies earlier that day. Although she does not leave her home for any social activities, she does enjoy visits from her family. Her mother, who is also left-handed, tells the physician that she wants her daughter to be right-handed because she resents all the obstacles she faced as a left-handed child. A 65-year-old man comes to the physician for a follow-up examination after the results of a bronchoscopy showed squamous cell carcinoma. Physical examination shows a 2-cm hematoma over the left parietal region of the head. A 10-year-old girl is brought to the physician by her parents for a well-child examination. She states that she began training as a hairstylist 3 weeks ago and works 6 hours daily, cutting, coloring, and highlighting hair and giving perms. Examination of the hands shows edema with weepy vesicular lesions in a glove pattern bilaterally. His oncologist recommends chemotherapy that is highly toxic and has less than a 5% response rate for this type of tumor. The primary care physician believes that the burden of suffering clearly outweighs the limited potential benefit of this treatment. The physician recommends a bone marrow aspiration to confirm the diagnosis and subsequent cytogenetic studies as needed. A 32-year-old woman comes to the emergency department after taking 40 1-mg tablets of alprazolam. A 34-year-old woman with major depressive disorder comes to the physician for a follow-up examination. The patient says that she spoke recently with a former college roommate who also has depression. A deficiency of which of the following enzyme activities is the most likely cause of the gastrointestinal symptoms in this patient The activities of glucocerebrosidase in the sera of the mother and father are 45% and 55%, respectively, of the reference value. Which of the following is the probability of the child possessing one or more alleles of the Gaucher mutation The release of epinephrine from the chromaffin granules of the adrenal medulla into the bloodstream in response to neural stimulation is mediated by which of the following During normal screening for phenylketonuria, a male newborn has a serum phenylalanine concentration of 35 mg/dL (greater than 20 mg/dL is considered a positive test). A possible explanation for these findings is a deficiency in function of which of the following coenzymes A 2-year-old boy with mental retardation has chewed the tips of his fingers on both hands and a portion of his lower lip. His serum uric acid concentration is increased, and he has a history of uric acid renal calculi. A 14-year-old girl is brought to the physician because of a recent growth spurt of 15 cm (6 in) during the past year. Urinalysis shows increased concentrations of metanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid. The patient is most likely to have a neoplasm that secretes which of the following An inherited disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by an abnormally increased concentration of hepatic glycogen with normal structure and no detectable increase in serum glucose concentration after oral administration of fructose. These two observations suggest that the disease is a result of the absence of which of the following enzymes She has an increased risk for vitamin A deficiency because its absorption requires the presence of which of the following A 65-year-old man with coronary artery disease comes to the physician for a follow-up examination.
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