Oliver Kent Glass, PhD


Conversely diet diabetes ketika mengandung buy 850mg metformin with visa, there are reported cases where baclofen diabetes treatment questions cheap generic metformin uk, clonazepam diabetes type 2 urine test best buy metformin, and/or diazepam alleviated the [54 diabetes mellitus zivilisationskrankheit order metformin once a day,55 metabolic disease cancer cheap metformin 850mg on line,58 borderline diabetes diet uk metformin 500 mg generic,59] stiffness and spasms. The stiff-limb variant runs a relapsing and remitting protracted course with sluggish progression over [13,33] many years. There is higher risk of becoming wheelchair or bed-bound with this variant than with classical stiff [13] person syndrome. In two cases reported in the Annals of Neurology in 1998, the symptoms were limited to one leg for up [60] to eleven years. D e f i n i n g S t i f f P e r s o n S y n d r o m e P a g e 14 In 2002, the first recognized case of stiff-limb syndrome was reported in Japan. In 2011, a case reported isolated hypertrophy of the tibialis anterior muscle in a patient with stiff-leg [64] syndrome. In 2011, a patient that began with stiff-limb symptoms was later found to have breast carcinoma. One year after treatment, the patient was able to walk with two sticks and no longer had spasms, but she still had stiff lower limbs [65] requiring treatment with tizanidine. It is postulated that in one out of four cases, stiff-limb syndrome develops into full stiff-person [1,13] syndrome. There is increasing evidence for a polioencephalomyelitis largely [13,33] indistinguishable from that found in progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity. In addition to chronic muscle spasms, jerking-limb patients display rapid, violent, nocturnal or diurnal myoclonic jerks lasting minutes to hours in the axial and proximal limb muscles. The jerks can be readily elicited by muscle stretch and touch to the perioral region. The spread of the myoclonus shows a [18,66] rapid conduction upward through the brainstem and down the spinal cord. Patients can present with stimulus-sensitive myoclonus even when the symptoms are otherwise well-controlled. Patients with the jerking-limb variant have survived more than ten years and have evidence of an autoimmune predisposition. The clinical picture is dominated by marked cranial nerve signs and [13] characteristic brainstem myoclonus that can involve all four limbs. Stiff-Person Syndrome & Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity and Myoclonus. The intrathecal production of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies was elevated. In addition, they exhibit encephalitis and prominent brainstem manifestations such as profuse sweating, cranial nerve involvement, dysphagia, gait ataxia, severe dysautonomia, corticospinal signs, myoclonus, seizures, hypersomnia, behavioral changes, and pruritus. Involvement of the cranial nerves can lead to vertigo, ataxia, [13,34,71,68] dysarthria, opthalmoplegia, nystagmus, dysphagia, and hearing loss. An article in the Archives of Neurology (2001), reviewed fourteen cases of patients with stiff-person syndrome and cerebellar ataxia but no brain-stem involvement. Upper motor neuron signs and sensory loss in the leg can be attributed to [34,80] degenerations of the long tracts in the cervical spinal cord. In one case review, up to five percent of stiff person patients exhibited seizures, concurrent cerebral ataxia, or signs of encephalitis. As the disease progresses, there is an increase in lymphocytosis, pleiocytosis, and oligoclonal bands with raised protein concentration in [13,32,67,73,74] the cerebrospinal fluid. Neuronal loss and lymphocyte infiltration has been found in the brainstem and spinal cord. Myoclonic jerks begin with an abrupt jerk followed by prolonged tonic-clonic activity, profuse [18] sweating, and tachycardia. On his follow-up [83] seven months later, his symptoms had resolved entirely and no further medication was required. Only anti-glycine receptor antibodies were D e f i n i n g S t i f f P e r s o n S y n d r o m e P a g e 17 positive. Rapid deterioration over days resulting in death [18,67,68,80,81,86] has been reported. Early recognition of the clinical features and early aggressive treatment can make a difference in [85] hospitalization and overall prognosis. The authors stressed the importance of [87] supportive treatment despite rapid progression. Stiff-Person & Paraneoplastic Syndrome Stiff person syndrome with associated paraneoplastic symptoms is found in less than five percent of [34,71,88,89] reported cases. The initial presentation resembles classic stiff-person syndrome: stiffness, rigidity, and painful spasms beginning in the muscles of the lower back and legs, and spasms triggered by anxiety, loud unexpected noises, or light physical contact. Symptoms may grow progressively worse and involve the arms and other muscles of the body. Paraneoplastic syndrome refers to multiple disorders of the nervous system and muscle that occur in conjunction with identifiable or occult cancer. It is speculated that the underlying tumor shares antigens such as autoantibodies against Purkinje cell neurons in cases presenting with cerebellar degeneration and [92,93,94,95] antibodies against other neurons in patients with sensory neuropathy and encephalomyelitis. Associated diseases include subacute cerebellar ataxia, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, myasthenia gravis, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, acute nectrotising myopathy, motor neuron disorders, peripheral neuropathies, chronic gastrointestinal pseudoobstruction, stiff-person syndrome, and other disorders of continuous muscle fiber activity such as neuromyotonia. These symptoms are differentiated from those caused by infiltration of the tumor into the nervous system, coagulopathy, vascular disorders, [91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98] infections, metabolic and nutritional deficits, and toxic effects of cancer therapy. Paraneoplastic syndromes can include focal cerebellar degeneration, multifocal limbic and brainstem encephalitis with sensory neuropathy, rigidity, opsoclonus-myoclonus, and retinal degeneration, as well [95,96,97] as spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, anterior horn cell myelitis, and acute necrotizing myelopathy. In cases of paraneoplastic stiff-person syndrome, patients are found to have an underlying malignancy, rapid progression, severe disability, and the potential for improvement of the symptoms after treatment for the cancer. Patients exhibiting progression over a few months, upper limb involvement, and severe D e f i n i n g S t i f f P e r s o n S y n d r o m e P a g e 18 joint deformities or immobility should be screened for a paraneoplastic connection. Evaluation of cognitive function, such as the Mini-Mental State Examination or Kokmen Short Test of Mental Status, reveal impairments in one or more categories of memory, attention, reasoning, calculation, and praxis. The presence of epilepsy, ataxia, parkinsonism, brainstem signs, myelopathy, or peripheral nervous system disorder could also point to an autoimmune cause or toxic, nutritional, metabolic causes, or an [99] inflammatory disorder. Electroencephalogram monitoring is useful in patients presenting with a seizure disorder to establish diagnosis and provide a pre-treatment baseline. If a patient [99] shows response to immunotherapy, chronic maintenance therapy should be considered. Patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy with atypical features including resistance to first line treatments, an unusually aggressive course, or the presence of myopathy in long tract signs should be investigated for an underlying cancer. The cerebrospinal fluid is usually acellular in [95] contrast with sensory neuropathy. The autoimmune basis for paraneoplastic syndrome is based on onconeuronal antibodies, inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid findings, and T-cell infiltration in the affected part of the central nervous system on [96,97] pathologic examination. Paraneoplastic neuronal antibodies are consistently found only in cases of paraneoplastic syndrome as opposed to other conditions. They arise in response to aberrant expression of antigens common to tumors and neurons. If an occult tumor that is not typically associated with autoantibodies is found during a work-up, an attempt should be made to investigate for further tumors. Paraneoplastic symptoms are a form of early-warning system since they are often found prior to the discovery of the [96,98,100] tumor itself. Diagnosis rests on the demonstration of an underlying malignancy or the presence of circulating paraneoplastic neuronal antibodies in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Either may be positive when the D e f i n i n g S t i f f P e r s o n S y n d r o m e P a g e 19 other is negative. Up to fifty percent of patients with true paraneoplastic syndrome test negative for onconeural antibodies. If both are negative, repeat investigations are warranted every six months for up to four years until a [91,95,96,98,100,101,102] definitive diagnosis is made. Antibodies to 128-kd synaptic protein localized in neurons and concentrated at synapses were found in three women with stiff-person syndrome and breast cancer. Anti-amphiphysin antibodies are most often associated with stiff-person syndrome, sensory neuronopathy, encephalomyelitis, limbic encephalitis, aphasia, subacute onset dementia, myelopathy, neuropathy, and cerebellar ataxia and are found in breast adenocarcinoma and small-cell lung cancer. D e f i n i n g S t i f f P e r s o n S y n d r o m e P a g e 20 Anti-Ma1 and 2 antibodies are associated with limbic encephalitis, hypothalamic disorder, and [96,97,98,99] brainstem encephalitis, and found in cases of testicular, breast, and colon cancer. They are found in thymomas, [96,97,98] and ovarian, breast, uterine, and small-cell lung cancers. Because stiff person syndrome symptoms often develop before the cancer, it is important to monitor patients closely. There is one documented case of a patient with stiff-person syndrome associated with thymoma but without myasthenia gravis or acetylcholine receptor antibodies. There is one documented case of onset of stiff-person syndrome associated with colon cancer. The [125] patient responded well to diazepam and recovered completely three months after tumor resection. A patient with stiff-person syndrome and long-standing cutaneous T-cell lymphoma was treated successfully with multiple courses of T-cell and B-cell-depleting monoclonal antibodies with near [126] resolution of the stiff-person syndrome symptoms. A patient with stiff-person syndrome, who died suddenly of respiratory arrest, was found on autopsy to have a spinal cord lesion with loss and degeneration of the nerve cells with marked gliosis in the medial [127] motor nuclei of the anterior horns and symmetric degradation of the bilateral anterior columns. A patient with stiff-person syndrome with myoclonus of bilateral local extremities was found to have mediastinal carcinoma. There is a singular report of stiff-person syndrome developing after a patient underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplant and interferon therapy for multiple myeloma. It is speculated that an aberrant post-transplant immune response caused the stiff-person syndrome and autologous graft-versus-myeloma effect, resulting in the prolonged remission post-transplant. There is one other report of a patient with stiff-person syndrome associated with [129] myeloma. Paraneoplastic stiff-person patients respond poorly to benzodiazepines but many improve with steroids. The poor response is attributed to irreversible pathologic changes of the peripheral nerves and neuromuscular junction as opposed to neuronal degeneration. This is also the case in patients with central nervous system symptoms that are likely antibody mediated. Early detection and treatment [34,90,91,96,98,115,123] is the best way to stabilize the paraneoplastic symptoms. Neuromuscular junction disorders carry a better prognosis than progressive central nervous system disorders. There have been reports of dramatic improvement following treatment of the underlying malignancy and, in some cases, immunosuppressive therapy. However, the majority of patients stabilize after a few months, but remain severely disabled for the rest of their life due to neuronal cell death. Patients with tumors associated with paraneoplastic syndrome often fare better than patients without it. Patients with small cell lung cancer with low anti-Hu [90,95] antibodies have a better survival rate than those without the antibodies. Gastrointestinal involvement in neurologic disorders: stiff-man and Charcot-Tooth syndromes. Downbeating nystagmus and muscle spasms in a patient with glutamic-acid decarboxylase antibodies. Characteristics of in-vitro phenotypes of glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 autoantibodies in high-titre individuals. A case of childhood stiff-person syndrome with striatal lesions: a possible entity distinct from the classical adult form. Hyperexcitability restricted to the lower limb motor system in a patient with stiff-leg syndrome. Successful treatment in a patient with a focal form of stiff-person syndrome using plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Stiff leg syndrome and myelitis with anti-amphiphysin antibodies: a common physiopathology Cerebellar ataxia with anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies: study of 14 patients. Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity presenting as a stiff-person syndrome. Progressive encephalomyelitis, rigidity, and myoclonus: a novel glycine receptor antibody. Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus: resolution after thymectomy. Anti-glycine receptor antibody mediated progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus associated with breast cancer. Subacute encephalomyelitis presenting as stiff-person syndrome: clinical, polygraphic, and pathologic correlations. Brainstem encephalopathy with stimulus-sensitive myoclonus leading to respiratory arrest, but with recovery: a description of two cases and review of the literature. Stiff person syndrome and other myelopathies constitute paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. The clinical spectrum and pathogenesis of paraneoplasitc disorders of the central nervous system. Autoantibodies to a 128-kd synaptic protein in three women with the stiff-man syndrome and breast cancer. Stiff-person syndrome with amphiphysin antibodies: distinctive features of a rare disease. Lower extremity predominant stiff-person syndrome and limbic encephalitis with amphiphysin antibodies in breast cancer. Paraneoplastic "stiff person syndrome" with metastatic adenocarcinoma and anti-Ri antibodies. Antiamphiphysin antibodies with small-cell lung carcinoma and paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis.

However diabetes criteria buy metformin 850mg low cost, one study testing nocturnal versus full-time use suggested modestly better results in electrodiagnostic parameters diabetes insipidus litfl order metformin uk, but not symptoms diabetic diet guidelines handout metformin 500mg on-line, with full-time use diabetes test package order metformin with mastercard. If there is only partial improvement and symptoms are sufficient for additional treatment diabetes symptoms pdf metformin 500 mg cheap, consideration of glucocorticosteroid injection and/or electrodiagnostic testing is indicated zonulin type 1 diabetes discount 500 mg metformin. If there is no improvement, splints should be discontinued and the accuracy of the diagnosis re-evaluated. One trial suggested no superiority of a combination of tendon-gliding exercises combined with splinting combined with splinting alone. Of the 39 articles considered for inclusion, 23 randomized trials and five systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Author/Year Score Sample Size Comparison Group Results Conclusion Comments Study Type (0-11) Splints vs. Ergonomic controls evident at the 1-year limit the value of the United Auto months. Nights awakening due to may reflect a good of the years, splinting the day (N=89) for 12 symptoms (1/3/6/12/18 months) natural history. Small prefabricated splint that awakening due to complaints recommended as the sample size. No conduction hand with air pressure significant differences between months and 12 months. Of the 9 articles considered for inclusion, 8 randomized trials and 2 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Population consecutive and (2x a week) (n = 38) acupuncture and steroid indicates that short-term poorly described. Steroid treatment groups at 2 weeks and 4 acupuncture treatment Kuang Tien patients with mild group: 20mg daily of weeks (p < 0. However, in the absence of quality evidence, there is no recommendation for or against its use. Evidence for the Use of Biofeedback There are no quality studies incorporated into this analysis. Of the 3 articles considered for inclusion, 0 randomized trials and 0 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Of the 14 articles considered for inclusion, 13 randomized trials and 0 systematic review met the inclusion criteria. Author/Year Score Sample Size Comparison Group Results Conclusion Comments Study Type (0-11) Irvine 2004 7. Third group received placebo laser, with duration of 2 minutes irradiation, 1x daily, 5 days a week (n = 20). Mean treatment with splint for strength, T0/T5/T12; (p = superior to splints with grant from age for group I 15 sessions, 3x a week 0. Some consider these two interventions to be on a spectrum of velocity and applied force. Manipulation involves high-force, high velocity, and low-amplitude action with a focus on moving a target joint (see Chronic Pain and Low Back Disorders Guidelines for more details). That study failed to find improvements compared with ibuprofen(637) which as noted previously appear ineffective. Manipulation is not invasive, is moderately costly, but does have rare adverse effects from cervical manipulation. There is no recommendation for or against manipulation of the wrist as there is an absence of quality evidence. Of the 15 articles considered for inclusion, 3 randomized trials and 8 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Author/Year Scor Sample Comparison Results Conclusion Comments Study Type e (0 Size Group 11) Davis 1998 5. No evidence that nocturnal wrist significance ultrasound is, results supports (n = 45). Generally, the patient should have failed other treatments including splints and glucocorticosteroid injection. Additional 3 or 4 treatments should be based on improvement in objective measures. There is one moderate quality trial that suggested Madenci hand massage (author same as the named massage technique) was effective as a combined therapy, however, the study design includes significant contact time biases and multiple unquantified co-interventions. However, some patients with forearm myofascial pain are thought to potentially derive some benefits. Objective measures should be followed documenting improvement in order for additional treatments to be added. Massage is not invasive, has few adverse effects, but is moderately costly over time. Of the 3 articles considered for inclusion, 3 randomized trials and 0 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Author/Year Score Sample Comparison Results Conclusion Comments Study Type (0-11) Size Group Madenci 4. Evidence for the Use of Ice There are no quality studies incorporated into this analysis. However, it has not been shown to be efficacious and other treatments have documented benefit, thus it is suggested other treatments should be used in preference. Evidence for the Use of Heat There are no quality studies incorporated into this analysis. Of the 2 articles considered for inclusion, 0 randomized trials and 0 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Proponents of diathermy utilize it to treat a wide range of conditions, believing it penetrates deeper than hot packs or heating pads and stimulates healing. Diathermy is not invasive, has no adverse effects, but becomes moderately costly with repeated applications. It has not been clearly shown to be efficacious and other treatments have documented benefit, thus it is suggested other treatments should be used in preference. Of the 3 articles considered for inclusion, 2 randomized trials and 0 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. As the available studies substantially conflict, there is no recommendation for or against therapeutic ultrasound. However, some evidence suggests possible efficacy of phonophoresis (see phonophoresis). Of the 18 articles considered for inclusion, 13 randomized trials and 1 systematic review met the inclusion criteria. Author/Year Scor Sample Size Comparison Group Results Conclusion Comments Study Type e (0 11) Ultrasound vs. High numbers with mild to then twice a week for 5 more (active/sham): Week 2 (effects due to ultrasound of treatments (20). Patients should generally be given splints and/or a glucocorticosteroid injection prior to considering phonophoresis as a splint or injection are believed to be more effective. Author/Year Score Sample Size Comparison Group Results Conclusion Comments Study Type (0-11) Yildiz 2011 8. There is one moderate-quality study comparing iontophoresis with dexamethasone versus distilled water which reported no benefit. Iontophoresis with glucocorticosteroid may be a reasonable option for treating patients who decline injection; however, oral glucocorticosteroids have quality evidence of efficacy and may be recommended preferentially as iontophoresis is believed to be less effective than glucocorticosteroid injections. However, other treatments have documented efficacy and should be used preferentially. Author/Yea Scor Sample Comparison Group Results Conclusion Comments r e (0 Size Study Type 11) Amirjani 7. These include: 1) carpal tunnel injections with glucocorticosteroids (discussed previously); 2) carpal tunnel injections with insulin among diabetics; 3) intramuscular glucocorticosteroid injections; and 4) botulinum injections. While it has been suggested that these injections are underutilized,(859) steroid injections should be done by those experienced with administering these injections. Although optimum dose remains unclear, evidence, in total includes evaluations with methylprednisolone acetate (12, 15, 20, 40, 60mg, 80mg), betamethasone (6. The type of steroid to inject and whether to use a depot preparation, are also unclear as there are no quality studies comparing the various preparations commonly utilized. There is no evidence that a series of injections is efficacious, although it has been argued that two injections are ideal. A second injection, typically utilizing a moderately higher dose, may be indicated if there has been insufficient but partial relief, or if the first injection was thought to have not entered the carpal canal. Patients who respond to carpal tunnel injections, but redevelop symptoms are believed to be ideal candidates for surgical release. Nearly all quality studies required electrodiagnostic confirmation and many had patients with symptoms lasting years, suggesting more severely affected patients benefited. In such patients, injections may be somewhat less efficacious than in patients with more recent or mild symptoms that are seen initially in primary care settings. Other studies reported only 22% of injected patients were subsequently referred for surgery during 1 year of follow-up. Of the 30articles considered for inclusion, 30 randomized trials and 0 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Mean age for nisolone acetate (1ml) injection steroid injection into the Group A and B; 7. Only 22% treated patients requiring sponsorship or for 20/40/and 60mg methyl with 1-2 injections surgery. Both favorable response rate of carpal tunnel syndrome No mention of >18 years old. Triamcinolone 20mg or injected groups for injection of carpal incremental gain for higher sponsorship or Hydrocortisone 100mg differences). Follow disappeared at 1 month; up at 2 months and 2 persisted through 2 months years. Most Rheum 2005; Ly wrists) with 2 injections 2 weeks nocturnal paresthesias steroid injection is better patients had 2 injections. Mean age apart (n = 83 wrists) present (3/6/12 months): than surgical No clear surgical benefit vs. At and surgical at 3 months time point but neuro steroid injection (n = 83 24-months follow-up, 60. Follow-up of 2 of wrists in injection group effective treatments in months and 24 months. Of the 11 articles considered for inclusion, 3 randomized trials and 1 systematic study met the inclusion criteria. One from the index and betamethasone disodium 1st group and 2 from intramuscular long phosphate and acetate 2nd group required route in the fingers suspension into deltoid 3rd shot after 7. These injections are invasive, may have adverse effects that also require ascertainment, and are moderate to high cost. Of the 3 articles considered for inclusion, 2 randomized trials and 1 systematic studies met the inclusion criteria. Follow Also, decrement of local insulin injections had electro up period not pain, paresthesia, no significant difference diagnosis. But no studies with insulin are significant difference needed to verify its between two groups. Botulinum injections are invasive, have adverse effects when the effects of the toxin are beyond the site where they were injected that include fatalities,(752, 876) and are costly. Surgical considerations depend on the confirmed diagnosis of the presenting hand or wrist complaint.

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Major complications were rare with 1 bladder partial necrosis due to non-selective embolization. Mild adverse events occurred in 10 % of the patients and included transient hyperthermia, hematuria, rectal bleeding, painful urination or acute urinary retention. However, the low level of evidence and short follow-up of published reports precluded any firm conclusion on its mid term efficiency. They stated that further clinical trials are needed before it is used in clinical practice. These researchers compared the medium-term follow-up parameters specific for the 2 methods. In recent years, new technologies and devices emerged to reduce the morbidity and improve outcomes for this treatment approach. Selected literature was restricted to articles published in English and published between 2005 and 2015. Articles regarding techniques using bipolar energy were included, while manuscripts that used a different technique, hybrid techniques, or techniques other than bipolar resection, bipolar vaporization, and bipolar enucleation were excluded. They stated that short and mid-term functional outcomes were comparable to standard techniques, but long term functional outcomes need better clinical evaluation. It induces a process known as controlled cavitation (formation of microbubbles) within targeted tissues. The microbubbles oscillate back and forth, come together, and collapse in a very precise manner. Intra-prostatic injections with a variety of agents have been explored as these can be readily performed under local anesthesia. Prostate artery embolization has been reported in a number of studies, but clinical outcomes have been unpredictable. Histotripsy has had a number of complications in animal models and despite technical improvement has not yet progressed beyond feasibility studies in humans. The cost of currently recommended medications and the discontinuation rate due to side effects are significant drawbacks limiting their long-term use in clinical practice. These issues have contributed to the emergence of new approaches as alternative options to standard therapies. Recently there has been increasing interest in generating purely mechanical lesions in tissue (histotripsy). These investigators provided an overview of several studies on the development of histotripsy methods toward clinical applications. In one approach, sequences of high-amplitude, short (microsecond-long), focused ultrasound pulses periodically produce dense, energetic bubble clouds that mechanically disintegrate tissue. In an alternative approach, longer (millisecond-long) pulses with shock fronts generate boiling bubbles and the interaction of shock fronts with the resulting vapor cavity causes tissue disintegration. Histotripsy methods can be used to Proprietary 21/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna mechanically ablate a wide variety of tissues, while selectivity sparing structures such as large vessels. The authors concluded that although the 2 approaches utilize different mechanisms for tissue disintegration, both have many of the same advantages and offer a promising alternative method of non-invasivesurgery. For the practicing urologist, understanding the phytotherapeutic agents available, their proposed mechanism of action, the research supporting their use; and their safety profiles has become increasingly important as more patients inquire into their use. Treatments demonstrating adequate clinical data, including Serona repens (saw palmetto), Pygeum africanum (African plum tree bark), and Secale cereal (rye pollen), were selected for in depth review. Examples of phytotherapeutic agents are African plum tree bark, pumpkin seeds, rye pollen, saw palmetto, South African star grass roots, and Stinging nettle roots. This latter mechanism is intended to be safer for the patient and yield improved results. A total of 7 patients were treated with transurethral intra-prostatic injections of sterile steam under endoscopic visualization followed by previously scheduled adenectomies. In addition, there was a distinct interface between viable and necrotic prostatic parenchyma. Ablation using vapor was rapid and remained confined to the transition zone, consistent with the thermodynamic principles of convective thermal energy transfer. They stated that these studies confirmed the ablative capabilities of vapor, validated the thermodynamic principles of convective heating, and allowed for further clinical studies. McVary et al (2016) reported on the results of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study using transurethral prostate convective water vapor thermal energy to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Men 50 years old or older with an International Prostate Symptom Score of 13 or greater, maximum flow rate of 15 ml per second or less and prostate size 30 to 80 cc were randomized 2:1 between thermal therapy with the Rezum System and control. Thermal water vapor was injected into the transition zone and median lobe as needed. The control procedure was rigid cystoscopy with simulated active treatment sounds. The primary end point compared International Prostate Symptom Score reduction at 3 months. Thermal therapy and control International Prostate Symptom Score was reduced by 11. Treatment subject baseline International Prostate Symptom Score of 22 decreased at 2 weeks (18. The investigators concluded that convective water vapor thermal therapy provides rapid and durable improvements in benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms and preserves erectile and ejaculatory function. Treatment can be delivered in an office or hospital setting using oral pain medication and is applicable to all prostate zones including the median lobe. It is applicable to all prostate zones with procedures performed under local anesthesia in an office setting. The guidelines stated that Water vapor thermal therapy may be offered to eligible patients who desire preservation of erectile and ejaculatory function. Botulinum toxin injection into the bladder neck was performed with very satisfying results. They stated that more research is needed to identify the effectiveness of this novel approach. A total of 3 studies were included, with a total sample size of 522 subjects (260 subjects in the experimental group and 262 subjects in the control group). These investigators performed a systematic search of the electronic databases, including Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library, up to February 1, 2014. However, the lack of head-to-head studies comparing different surgeries makes it unavailable to conduct direct analysis. The authors concluded that holmium and thulium lasers appeared to be relatively better in surgical safety and effectiveness, so that these 2 lasers might be preferred in selection of optimal laser surgery. Only 1 study had ejaculatory dysfunction as a primary outcome, and just 10 evaluated ejaculatory dysfunction before and after surgery. Similarly, just 7 studies used internationally validated questionnaires to address ejaculatory dysfunction. The reported rates of ejaculatory dysfunction after resectional electro-surgery, laser procedures, coagulation, ablation and implant techniques were assessed and compared. Transurethral resection of the prostate and recentlaser Proprietary 26/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna procedures including holmium, thulium and GreenLight caused similar rates of ejaculatory dysfunction, occurring in almost 3 out of 4 to 5 men. They stated that future studies able to address clear hypothesis and considering ejaculatory dysfunction anatomical and pathophysiological features are needed to develop ejaculation preserving techniques and to increase the evidence to counsel men aiming to preserve ejaculation. They stated that further studies and longer follow-up are needed to substantiate these findings. All patients were assessed pre-operatively and followed-up at 3, 6, and 12 months post-operatively. Baseline characteristics of the patients, peri-operative data, post-operative outcomes, and complications were recorded. There were no statistical differences in complications between the 2 groups (p > 0. Assessment at the 12-month follow-up showed no difference in urinary parameters between the 2 groups. Moreover, they stated that further well-designed trials with extended follow-up and larger sample size are needed to draw final conclusions about the effectiveness of these 2 procedures. These investigators analyzed the long-term outcomes of currently available techniques. For patients with a larger prostate volume, bi-polar enucleation of the prostate appears as safe and effective alternative to open prostatectomy. For photo-selective vaporization of the prostate, differently powered models are available. Currently, only long-term data with lower powered 80W laser are available, reporting re-operation rates higher than those reported from other surgical techniques. The authors noted that on the thulium laser, currently only 1 study reported 5-year results and despite encouraging results further confirmation seems necessary. A systematic search of PubMed, Web of Science, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure was performed up to October 1, 2015. Outcomes of interest assessing the 2 techniques included demographic and clinical characteristics, peri-operative variables, follow-up data, and complications. Estimated Proprietary 28/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna blood loss (p = 0. Pre-operative status, surgical details, and peri-operative complications were recorded. They stated that this promising technology may be a feasible surgical method for previously negative trans-rectal prostate biopsy in the future. These include urinary cytology (if bladder cancer is a concern), genitourinary ultrasonography (for evaluation of renal dysfunction or urinary tract infection), post-void residual volume (if urinary retention is a concern and prior to initiation of an anticholinergic drug), and Proprietary 29/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna urethrocystoscopy (for urethral stricture, bladder calculi, and bladder cancer). Other studies, including maximal urinary flow rate, pressure-flow studies, and prostate ultrasonography, are seldom indicated. Total prostate volume can be measured by ultrasonography to assess disease progression, and it may be useful in selected patients when considering medical treatment with a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. This information may be helpful in interpreting different types of ultrasound in order to determine which patients should have open prostatectomies. Maximal urinary flow rate - Maximal urinary flow rate is performed by having the patient void into a collecting device shaped like a cone which has a flow meter embedded into its bottom. The report contains the following information: volume voided, peak and mean flow rates, and a graph of flow in ml/sec as a function of time. To reduce the variability in flow rates, the voided volume should be more than 150 ml. A pre-void bladder volume of > 250 ml with a bladder scan can help to insure that the void volume is > 150 ml. Maximal urinary flow rates > 15 ml/sec are thought to exclude clinically important bladder outlet obstruction. Maximal flow rates < 15 ml/sec are compatible with obstruction from prostatic or urethral disease; however, this finding is not diagnostic since a low flow rate can also result from bladder decompensation. Pressure-flow studies - Measurement of the pressure in the bladder during voiding provides the most accurate means for determining bladder outlet obstruction; however, this test requires either transvesical or transurethral insertion of a catheter into the bladder. In a study of 108 men with obstructive symptoms in whom urine flow rates were measured and pressure-flow studies done, only 3 % of those with maximal flow rates below 12 ml/sec were misclassified. This test is Proprietary 30/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna usually reserved for men with urinary symptoms and maximal flow rates above 15 ml/sec and those for whom the clinical manifestations are atypical and there is reason to suspect an alternative diagnosis. These researchers performed a systemic literature search in PubMed, Embase and Web of Science on May 1, 2016 without time constraints. Meta-regression analysis of the moderator effect was performed with single group analysis. A total of 16 studies met selection criteria and were included in the meta-analysis; 3 studies were comparative and included a total of 297 subjects, including 149 in the experimental groups and 148 in the control groups. The other 13 studies were non-comparative and included a total of 750 experimental subjects. Sensitivity analysis of study duration showed that all outcome measurements did not differ before versus after 6 months. Of 216 patients, 1 had sepsis, 1 required a blood transfusion, 4 had local arterial dissection and 4had a groin hematoma; 2 patients had non-target embolization that presented as self-limiting penile ulcers. The use of cone-beam computed tomography is encouraged to improve operator Proprietary 32/68 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins Aetna confidence and minimize non-target embolizations. Primary end-points included improvement in Qmax as measured at baseline and 1 year after the intervention. The authors stated that this study had several drawbacks such as its single-center design, the small patient sample (n = 30 for each group) and the medium-term follow-up period (12 months). Exclusion criteria included history of biopsy-proven prostate cancer or catheter dependency. To summarize mean change from baseline, a meta-analysis was done using the random-effects model. The search returned 210 references, of which 13 studies met the inclusion criteria, representing 1,254 patients.

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This Clinical Policy Bulletin contains only a partial, general description of plan or program benefits and does not constitute a contract. Aetna does not provide health care services and, therefore, cannot guarantee any results or outcomes. Participating providers are independent contractors in private practice and are neither employees nor agents of Aetna or its affiliates. Treating providers are solely responsible for medical advice and treatment of members. It is primarily seen in middle-aged men of Northern European descent, and postmenopausal women. Treatment is readily available and the prognosis, with early diagnosis and proactive treatment, is a normal life expectancy. There are several reasons for this, including lack of awareness, a long latency period, and nonspecific symptoms. Hemochromatosis causes or exacerbates arthritis, diabetes, impotence, heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. The liver is the organ most affected by hemochromatosis, because of its relatively large blood flow. An acquired form of this condition may result from too much intravenous iron or too many blood transfusions. Many patients with hemochromatosis are asymptomatic and are diagnosed only as a result of family screening, or after blood tests suggest increased iron. Early signs are nonspecific and can include weakness, lethargy, increased skin pigmentation, hair loss, impotence, joint pains, vertigo, and loss of memory. Patients with hemochromatosis are also at increased risk for diabetes and pancreatic cancer. Iron deposition in the liver leads to enlargement and elevation in liver enzymes (Figure 3). Thereafter, a progressive polyarthritis involving the wrists, hips, knees, and spine may ensue. Hypogonadism is the result of decreases in follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone secretion (from iron deposition in the anterior pituitary gland) and is manifested through impotence in males and amenorrhea in females. The surfaces of the liver are smooth and convex in the superior, anterior and right lateral regions. The line between the vena cava and gallbladder divides the liver into right and left lobes. The largest vessel in this system is the portal vein, which is formed by the union of the splenic vein and superior mesenteric veins. The left gastric and right gastric veins and the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein drain directly into the portal vein. At the porta hepatis, it divides into the right and left portal veins within the liver, and the cystic vein typically drains into the right hepatic branch. Unlike the systemic vasculature, the hepatic vascular system is less influenced by vasodilation and vasoconstriction. A classic example is hepatic vein occlusion resulting in high sinusoidal pressure and extracellular extravasation of fluid. To maintain a constant inflow of blood into the liver, hepatic artery blood flow is inversely related to portal vein flow. It has been estimated that hereditary hemochromatosis affects 1 in 300 individuals, while 1 in 9 Americans carry the gene. Subsequently it was shown that the homozygous C282Y/C282Y mutation is responsible for 61-92% of the cases of hemochromatosis in different populations around the world. The demonstration of a high serum iron, transferrin-saturation (serum iron/total iron binding capacity) greater than 60% in men and post-menopausal women or 50% in premenopausal women, and an elevated serum ferritin value suggests hereditary hemochromatosis. Biopsy remains the gold standard for quantifying iron and estimating prognosis (Figure 11). In the early stages, iron is found in periportal hepatocytes, especially in lysosomes. In more advanced disease, there is perilobular fibrosis and deposition of iron in the bile duct epithelium, Kupffer cells, and fibrous septa and eventually the development of cirrhosis (Figure 12). Measurement of hepatic iron concentration with determination of the hepatic iron index (hepatic iron concentration in pmoles/gm dry weight/age in years) is useful in diagnosis. A small group of homozygotes have no clinical or biochemical evidence of iron overload, so the test is not predictive of disease state. Screening should start between the ages of 18-30 (when iron studies are abnormal but serious organ damage has not occurred). Initial testing should include a fasting transferrin saturation and ferritin concentration. Cost-effectiveness studies suggest that screening asymptomatic white men with iron studies is comparable to other common medical interventions. At phlebotomy, 500 mL of blood is removed weekly until serum iron and serum ferritin fall into the deficient range, and percent saturation of transferrin falls below 15%. Thereafter, the frequency of phlebotomy is reduced to maintain a serum ferritin of 50 mcg/l. Typically for maintenance, men will require phlebotomy 3-4 times a year and women 1-2 times per year. If initiated early, it will prevent cirrhosis and other complications of iron overload, as well as decreasing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Overview Phlebotomy has been found to markedly improve symptoms of weakness, lethargy, and abdominal pain and to decrease hepatomegaly and serum aminotransferases. However, endocrine and arthropathic changes only improve in approximately 25% of patients. Phlebotomy, however, increases survival in patients with pre-cirrhosis hemochromatosis who can be depleted of iron within 18 months of phlebotomy. A, Hepatocellular carcinoma located in a cirrhotic liver; B, corresponding histological section. Liver transplantation is an appropriate therapy in patients with advanced cirrhosis due to hemochromatosis (Figure 16). One study, examining 22 patients with hemochromatosis, showed a median survival of 2. Percent transferrin saturation and serum ferritin fell within 6 months in all patients, and liver iron remained normal in the transplanted livers. However, the time period of follow-up was too short to determine the extent of iron re-accumulation. The following individuals contributed to the document support and web development. Before using the Manual as an information resource for specific data items, it is important to review the introductory materials and general instructions carefully. This information is used in registry software development and may also be useful to researchers and others interested in understanding schema definitions. Note: Not applicable is not available for schema discriminators or data items which are required for staging. Cannot be determined by pathologist is primarily used when a tissue specimen is not adequate for testing. Users software will usually justify and pad the value automatically for the registrar. Sometimes codes will be provided for when a value is expressed as at least some value. When a value in the medical record does not provide the expected decimal digit, i. If a lab value, percentage or measurement is recorded in 100ths (two digits after the decimal point), then the last digit must be rounded. For some data items, the information is based on imaging or some other type of clinical exam. Some data items ask for a lab value, others ask for the interpretation of the lab test (normal, elevated, and so forth). Do not code the lab value interpretation based on background information provided in this manual for the data item. Therefore, a lab value expressed in mg/L is equivalent to the same value expressed in ng/ml. For those where conversion is allowed, one measurement conversion website is. In some circumstances, the unit of measure may be dependent on the printer used for the report. Liter L Unit U Meter m Unit-of-substance mole, mol Gram g, gr milli-Equivalent mEq, meq Table I-2-1c. If the schema discriminator is needed for some sites or histologies within the schema but not for all, it should be left blank where it is not necessary. Codes (The information recorded in Schema Discriminator differs for each anatomic site. Note: If the physician suspects or assigns a specific head and neck subsite, the registrar is still to assign C760 so that the correct staging information can be abstracted. On each side, the lateral boundary is formed by the medial border of the carotid sheath. All Head and Neck Level data items are coded to 0 since there is no specific information about the levels. It is now only clinically relevant for unknown head and neck primaries with positive cervical (head and neck) lymph nodes and mucosal melanomas of the head and neck. Note 6: If information is available on some nodes, but the others are unknown, code what is known. Example: Multiple lymph nodes involved, level V documented, but the other levels not mentioned. Definition this data item is used to code the presence or absence of lymph node involvement for other head and neck lymph nodes. Note 5: If involved regional node levels are documented as a range, and/or if the involved nodes overlap multiple levels, code 7. Code Description 0 No involvement in other head and neck lymph node regions 1 Buccinator (facial) lymph node(s) involved 2 Parapharyngeal lymph node(s) involved 3 Periparotid and intraparotid lymph node(s) involved 4 Preauricular lymph node(s) involved 5 Retropharyngeal lymph node(s) involved 6 Suboccipital/retroauricular lymph node(s) involved 7 Any combination of codes 1-6 8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case (If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 will result in an edit error. Pathological measurement takes precedence over a clinical measurement for the same node. Definition this data item is used to code the size of involved lymph nodes and is recorded in millimeters. Coding guidelines Code the largest diameter of any involved regional lymph nodes for head and neck (cervical lymph nodes). Only use these codes when the pathologist has used this terminology to indicate the lymph node size. Extranodal extension is defined as metastatic tumor growing from within the lymph node outward through the lymph node capsule and into surrounding connective tissues. Coding Instructions and Codes Note: A schema discriminator is used to discriminate for primary site C111: Posterior wall of nasopharynx. Chapter 10 is now for p16+ tumors, while Chapter 11 is for p16 negative tumors or where the p16 is not assessed or unknown. Definition In addition to the tumor size (diameter, not depth), the presence of certain specific high-risk features is of prognostic significance for skin cancers of the head and neck. The cardia is defined as the opening or junction between the esophagus and the stomach, and it is between 0. This 2-cm boundary measurement is based on the Siewert classification of gastroesophageal cancers, which defines an area 2 cm above and 2 cm below the cardia or esophagogastric junction. Both of these areas are coded to primary site C160, so a discriminator is needed to get to the correct chapter.

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It also reduces the adherence of bacteria onto the walls of the urinary tract reducing the risk of urinary tract infections. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine (hematuria) and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Symptoms include frequent urge to urinate, getting up at night to urinate, difficulty urinating and dribbling of urine. General Warfarin sodium is an orally administered anticoagulant drug that is marketed most commonly as Coumadin. Pharmacogenomics as a science examines associations among variations in genes with individual responses to a drug or medication. Have received fewer than five days of warfarin in the anticoagulation regimen for which the testing is ordered; and 3. Are enrolled in a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study when that study meets the following standards. The research study is well-supported by available scientific and medical information or it is intended to clarify or establish the health outcomes of interventions already in common clinical use. All aspects of the research study are conducted according to the appropriate standards of scientific integrity. The research study has a written protocol that clearly addresses, or incorporates by reference, the Medicare standards. However, a full report of the outcomes must be made public no later than 3 years after the end of data collection. The research study protocol must explicitly discuss subpopulations affected by the treatment under investigation, particularly traditionally underrepresented groups in clinical studies, how the inclusion and exclusion criteria affect enrollment of these populations, and a plan for the retention and reporting of said populations on the trial. General Clinical laboratory diagnostic tests can include tests that, for example, predict the risk associated with one or more genetic variations. In addition, in vitro companion diagnostic laboratory tests provide a report of test results of genetic variations and are essential for the safe and effective use of a corresponding therapeutic product. Non-surgical services in connection with the treatment of obesity are covered when such services are an integral and necessary part of a course of treatment for one of these medical conditions. In addition, supplemented fasting is a type of very low calorie weight reduction regimen used to achieve rapid weight loss. The reduced calorie intake is supplemented by a mixture of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Serious questions exist about the safety of prolonged adherence for 2 months or more to a very low calorie weight reduction regimen as a general treatment for obesity, because of instances of cardiopathology and sudden death, as well as possible loss of body protein. Bariatric surgery procedures are performed to treat comorbid conditions associated with morbid obesity. Malabsorptive procedures divert food from the stomach to a lower part of the digestive tract where the normal mixing of digestive fluids and absorption of nutrients cannot occur. Reduction of the stomach to a small gastric pouch (30 cc) results in feelings of satiety following even small meals. This small pouch is connected to a segment of the jejunum, bypassing the duodenum and very proximal small intestine, thereby reducing absorption. As such, patients eat relatively normal-sized meals and do not need to restrict intake radically, since the most proximal areas of the small intestine. It involves resection of the greater curvature of the stomach, preservation of the pyloric sphincter, and transection of the duodenum above the ampulla of Vater with a duodeno-ileal anastomosis and a lower ileo-ileal anastomosis. The band is an inflatable doughnut-shaped balloon, the diameter of which can be adjusted in the clinic by adding or removing saline via a port that is positioned beneath the skin. Sleeve Gastrectomy Sleeve gastrectomy is a 70%-80% greater curvature gastrectomy (sleeve resection of the stomach) with continuity of the gastric lesser curve being maintained while simultaneously reducing stomach volume. The upper part of the stomach is stapled, creating a narrow gastric inlet or pouch that remains connected with the remainder of the stomach. In addition, a non adjustable band is placed around this new inlet in an attempt to prevent future enlargement of the stoma (opening). Effective for dates of service on and after February 21, 2006, these procedures are only covered when performed at facilities that are: (1) certified by the American College of Surgeons as a Level 1 Bariatric Surgery Center (program standards and requirements in effect on February 15, 2006); or (2) certified by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence (program standards and requirements in effect on February 15, 2006). Effective for dates of service on and after September 24, 2013, facilities are no longer required to be certified. Nationally Non-Covered Indications Treatments for obesity alone remain non-covered. Supplemented fasting is not covered under the Medicare program as a general treatment for obesity (see section D. The following bariatric surgery procedures are non-covered for all Medicare beneficiaries: Open adjustable gastric banding; Open sleeve gastrectomy; Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (prior to June 27, 2012); Open and laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty; Intestinal bypass surgery; and, Gastric balloon for treatment of obesity. The beneficiary has been previously unsuccessful with medical treatment for obesity. Where weight loss is necessary before surgery in order to ameliorate the complications posed by obesity when it coexists with pathological conditions such as cardiac and respiratory diseases, diabetes, or hypertension (and other more conservative techniques to achieve this end are not regarded as appropriate), supplemented fasting with adequate monitoring of the patient is eligible for coverage on a case-by-case basis or pursuant to a local coverage determination. The risks associated with the achievement of rapid weight loss must be carefully balanced against the risk posed by the condition requiring surgical treatment. Although primarily a diagnostic tool, endoscopy includes certain therapeutic procedures such as removal of polyps, and endoscopic papillotomy, by which stones are removed from the bile duct. Endoscopic procedures are covered when reasonable and necessary for the individual patient. The major use of esophageal manometry is to measure pressure within the esophagus to assist in the diagnosis of esophageal pathology including aperistalsis, spasm, achalasia, esophagitis, esophageal ulcer, esophageal congenital webs, diverticuli, scleroderma, hiatus hernia, congenital cysts, benign and malignant tumors, hypermobility, hypomobility, and extrinsic lesions. Esophageal manometry is mostly used in difficult diagnostic cases and as an adjunct to x-rays and direct visualization of the esophagus (endoscopy) through the fiberscope. The Following Breath Test Is Covered: Lactose breath hydrogen to detect lactose malabsorption. The Following Breath Tests Are Excluded From Coverage: Lactulose breath hydrogen for diagnosing small bowel bacterial overgrowth and measuring small bowel transit time. It has been abandoned due to a high complication rate, only temporary improvement experienced by patients, and lack of effectiveness when tested by double-blind, controlled clinical trials. This procedure is distinguished from all types of enemas which are primarily used to induce defecation. There are no conditions for which colonic irrigation is medically indicated and no evidence of therapeutic value. The procedure involves the implantation of this special device around the esophagus under the diaphragm and above the stomach which is secured in place by a circumferential tie strap. The implantation of this device may be considered reasonable and necessary in specific clinical situations where a conventional valvuloplasty procedure is contraindicated. The photographic record provided by this procedure is often necessary for consultation and/or follow-up purposes and when required for such purposes, is more valuable than a conventional gastroscopic examination. Such a record facilitates the documentation and evaluation (healing or worsening) of lesions such as the gastric ulcer, facilitates consultation between physicians concerning difficult-to-interpret lesions, provides preoperative characterization for the surgeon, and permits better diagnosis of postoperative gastric bleeding to help determine whether there is a need for another operation. Local hyperthermia is covered under Medicare when used in connection with radiation therapy for the treatment of primary or metastatic cutaneous or subcutaneous superficial malignancies. Drugs are classified as Group C drugs only if there is sufficient evidence demonstrating their efficacy within a tumor type and that they can be safely administered. Information regarding those drugs which are classified as Group C drugs may be obtained from: Chief, Investigational Drug Branch Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Executive Plaza North, Suite 7134 National Cancer Institute Rockville, Maryland 20852-7426 110. The drug is typically administered directly to the white blood cells after they have been removed from the patient (referred to as ex vivo administration) but the drug can alternatively be administered directly to the patient before the white blood cells are withdrawn. Effective April 8, 1988, Medicare provides coverage for: Palliative treatment of skin manifestations of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that has not responded to other therapy. Effective December 19, 2006, Medicare also provides coverage for: Patients with acute cardiac allograft rejection whose disease is refractory to standard immunosuppressive drug treatment; and, Patients with chronic graft versus host disease whose disease is refractory to standard immunosuppressive drug treatment. The required clinical study must adhere to the following standards of scientific integrity and relevance to the Medicare population: a. The principal purpose of the research study is to test whether extracorporeal photopheresis potentially improves the participants health outcomes. The research study is sponsored by an organization or individual capable of successfully executing the proposed study. All aspects of the research study are conducted according to appropriate standards of scientific integrity (see. The research study has a written protocol that clearly addresses, or incorporates by reference, the standards listed here as Medicare requirements for coverage with evidence development. The clinical research study is not designed to exclusively test toxicity or disease pathophysiology in healthy individuals. If a report is planned to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, then that initial release may be an abstract that meets the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The research study protocol must explicitly discuss subpopulations affected by the treatment under investigation, particularly traditionally underrepresented groups in clinical studies, how the inclusion and exclusion criteria effect enrollment of these populations, and a plan for the retention and reporting of said populations on the trial. Nationally Non-Covered Indications All other indications for extracorporeal photopheresis not otherwise indicated above as covered remain non covered. Other Claims processing instructions can be found in chapter 32, section 190 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual. Granulocytopenia is usually identified as fewer than 500 granulocytes/mm whole blood. The cooling may be done by packing the scalp with ice-filled bags or bandages, or by specially designed devices filled with cold-producing chemicals activated during chemotherapy. While ice-filled bags or bandages or other devices used for scalp hypothermia during chemotherapy may be covered as supplies of the kind commonly furnished without a separate charge, no separate charge for them would be recognized. Homologous Blood Transfusion Homologous blood transfusion is the infusion of blood or blood components that have been collected from the general public. Donor Directed Blood Transfusion A donor directed blood transfusion is the infusion of blood or blood components that have been precollected from a specific individual(s) other than the patient and subsequently infused into the specific patient for whom the blood is designated. Perioperative Blood Salvage Perioperative blood salvage is the collection and reinfusion of blood lost during and immediately after surgery. Policy Governing Transfusions For Medicare coverage purposes, it is important to distinguish between a transfusion itself and preoperative blood services;. Medically necessary transfusion of blood, regardless of the type, may generally be a covered service under both Part A and Part B of Medicare. Coverage does not make a distinction between the transfusion of homologous, autologous, or donor-directed blood. With respect to the coverage of the services associated with the preoperative collection, processing, and storage of autologous and donor-directed blood, the following policies apply. In a situation where the hospital operates its own blood collection activities, rather than using an independent blood supplier, the costs incurred to collect autologous or donor-directed blood are recorded in the whole blood and packed red blood cells cost center. Because the blood has been replaced, Medicare does not recognize a charge for the blood itself. Under its provider agreement, a hospital is required to furnish or arrange for all covered services furnished to hospital patients. That is, the collection, processing, and storage of blood for later transfusion into the beneficiary is not recognized as a separate service under Part B. Therefore, there is no avenue through which a blood supplier can receive direct payment under Part B for blood donation services. It is covered under Medicare when treatment is reasonable and necessary for the individual patient. Clinical management of iron deficiency involves treating patients with iron replacement products while they undergo hemodialysis.


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