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We have not included a primer on how to choose handhelds or information resources for them. Peers, commercial sites, or the handhelds themselves are the best sources of determining if handheld devices are the vehicle for providing you with information resources. We concentrate on resources that are challenging to use effectively and that are readily available. To provide faster searching for background questions, some companies also group collections of textbooks together to be searched in tandem. Most of them rely on entry of a single concept such as a disease or diagnostic test that leads you to various categories or chapters. Usually, some simple experimentation with a new system or a few tips from fellow users are sufficient for getting started. Simple terms and phrases with some category choices are sufficient for smaller resources, but designing effective searching strategies with these larger information resources requires more attention. The same or similar search strategy may perform differently, depending on the route of access to a particular database. For example, the standalone version of Cochrane systematic reviews by the electronic publisher Wiley InterScience has a search engine that often searches for all occurrences of your search terms across the full information in the database. This method can retrieve large sets of citations, many of which are not relevant but are retrieved because of single occurrences of the search terms. Its strength is its comprehensive collection of resources that are accessed using the same searching mechanisms. The drawback of this approach is that because of the size of some of the resources, the searching system is complex, requiring a relatively steep learning curve. The makers of PubMed have developed a useful and comprehensive tutorial. Because PubMed is a useful resource across disciplines and is readily available, we will show you some simple tips and techniques. Many clinicians in search of relatively high-quality studies pertaining to a specific question find it expedient to bypass most of this system and to go directly to the Clinical Queries function, which we describe below. Just type in a sentence or series of phrases that represent exactly what you are searching. Generally, if you use 3 or more concepts, your retrieval will be limited to a reasonable-sized retrieval. No matter how effective your searching skills, however, your search retrievals will almost inevitably include some citations that are not on topic. One often successful method to enrich your search retrieval is to click on the Related Articles button to the right of the article in which you are most interested. If your initial searching finds an article that is an exact match to your topic, the Related Articles feature is often fruitful to identify more citations. This retrieval set is small and the question of cesarean section or vaginal delivery for twins fairly common; therefore, many more studies have probably addressed this question. Rather than selecting another set of terms and trying again, you can click on the Related Articles link in Figure 4-1. If you do not like your results, just quickly switch to another set of searching phrases and start the cycle again. Belanger studied the timing of infant cereal feeding and the risk for celiac disease. These fulltext links are available for several hundred journal titles, and their numbers are increasing. To add to the number of full-text articles to which you have access, some hospital and university libraries have installed links from their collection of full-text journals into PubMed. To access the version of PubMed that is customized for your library and its collection of online journals, check with your librarian to see if this feature is available to you and how best to access it. In the search, we wanted to identify meta-analyses of nursing clinics to reduce hospitalizations in elderly patients with congestive heart failure. Because we added in the geriatric age limit, the breast feeding aspect will likely not complicate our retrieval. The screen shots in Figures 4-6 to 4-8 show how one would progress through several screens, looking for high-quality clinical studies assessing the mortality related to binge drinking. Figure 4-6 shows a search for binge drinking only: it retrieves more than 1100 articles. You then add your content, in this case binge drinking, and PubMed adds in the appropriate methods terms. The noexp indicates that the system is not picking up terms related but not equivalent to the term in question. Switching to the narrow clinical queries search for etiology (specific search) brings the number of retrieved studies down to approximately 100 citations. The size of the database and the relatively few important and relevant studies that are buried within the large volume of literature make the searching complex. Many libraries are equipped with a customized collection of databases and services from Ovid Technologies. Ovid provides a single front-end search and links across databases and services to full texts of articles available to that library system. To show some of the power and complexity of searching using Ovid, we have entered a search in Ovid format designed to look for studies of using either oral or intravenous antibiotics in a 28-year-old male intravenous drug user with endocarditis. Using the same approach during the same period, 5679 articles deal with some aspect of intravenous substance abuse, more than 100000 articles on any antibiotic, almost 40000 on oral administration of drugs, and more than 25000 on parenteral infusions. The explosion of parenteral infusions picks up the intravenous infusions, a closer approximation of what we are looking for. We combine the sets and identify only 1 citation that includes all of our concepts. We could have also limited on other aspects of retrieval such as English language or articles with abstracts. If you want to expand your searching skills in these and other areas, check with the librarians in your organization for individual or group instruction, as well as the searching tips and examples that accompany the scenario at the start of each chapter in this book. You may also want to develop your own customized resources in specific content areas. Many practitioners find it convenient to compile their own summaries of evidence on topics of particular interest for easy access in the course of teaching and patient care. Such resources may take advantage of institutional informatics capabilities or of options such as the Catmaker, developed by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. The Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine Working Group at the New York Academy of Medicine offers the Journal Club Storage Bank ebem. It is password protected to prevent its contents from being misconstrued as electronic publications for external use. We encourage you to consider updating your information tools and develop effective methods of finding the evidence you need in practice. We urge you to use strongly evidence-based resources appropriate for your discipline. Most efficient searching involves seeking information from some of the textbook-like systems first, moving to synopses and summaries of evidence (systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines) next, and then going to the large bibliographic databases only if required. Roman Jaeschke has also researched the use of UpToDate and is an external consultant for this resource. Peter Wyer is part of the Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine Working Group at the New York Academy of Medicine, which offers the Journal Club Storage Bank. None of the authors will gain personally or financially from the use of any of the resources listed in this chapter. Do online information retrieval systems help experienced clinicians answer clinical questionsfi Impact of clinical information-retrieval technology on physicians: a literature reviews of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies. Mode of delivery and the risk of delivery-related perinatal death among twins at term: a retrospective cohort study of 8073 births. Oral antibiotic treatment of rightsided staphylococcal endocarditis in injection drug users: prospective randomized comparison with parenteral therapy. Bringing Journal Club to the bedside: a hands-on demonstration of an on-line repository allowing electronic storage and point-of-care retrieval of journal club exercises for emergency medicine residency programs [abstract 349]. For instance, there is a true underlying magnitude of the impact of fi-blockers on mortality in patients with heart failure, of the impact of inhaled steroids on exacerbations in patients with asthma, and of the impact of carotid endarterectomy on incidence of strokes in patients with transient ischemic attacks. Unfortunately, however, we will never know what that true impact really is (Table 5-1). Studies may be flawed in their design or conduct and introduce systematic error (bias). Even if a study could be perfectly designed and executed, we would remain uncertain whether we had arrived at the underlying truth. We can state our question formally: What is the true underlying probability of a resulting head or tail on any given coin flipfi Our first experiment addressing this question is a series of 10 coin flips; the result: 8 heads and 2 tails. Taking our result at face value, we infer that the coin is very unbalanced (that is, biased in such a way that it yields heads more often than tails) and that the probability of heads on any given flip is 80%. The reason for our discomfort is that we know that the world is not constructed so that a perfectly balanced coin will always yield 5 heads and 5 tails in any given set of 10 coin flips. Rather, the result is subject to the play of chance, otherwise known as random error. Figure 5-1 shows the actual distribution of heads and tails in repeated series of coin flips.

Diagnostic cystoscopy is indicated in all patients with pelvic endometriosis who present with urinary tract symptoms and/ or hematuria bacteria 80s ribosome 400mg norfloxacin visa. Macroscopically antibiotics gram negative generic 400 mg norfloxacin mastercard, endometriotic lesions have been described as slightly elevated antibiotic misuse generic 400 mg norfloxacin visa, livid areas with well-defned margins bacterial conjugation discount norfloxacin 400 mg with visa. Ureteroscopy should be performed when involvement of the upper urinary tract is suspected and should include the biopsy of any intraluminal foci bacteria 2014 purchase norfloxacin with amex. The most common site of obstruction is the level where the ureter crosses the infundibulopelvic ligament antibiotic lotion buy norfloxacin 400mg free shipping. Invasive bladder disease that may result in full-thickness bladder resection may present as signifcant scarring and retraction of the bladder peritoneum with underlying nodularity and massive overlying hemorrhagic and exophytic changes. Occasionally a nodule of invasive bladder endometriosis may appear only as a superfcial hemorrhagic change, and traction must be placed on the bladder peritoneum to expose the underlying nodule infltrating the bladder wall. Once the diagnosis of endometriosis has been confrmed histologically, a course of hormonal therapy has been recommended. A high recurrence rate has been reported for lesions treated by transurethral resection. The nodule is circumscribed and undermined by incising normal muscularis, then removed Fig. Ureterolysis alone may be suffcient to resolve ureteral obstruction in cases with extrinsic lesions, with documented success rates of 85%. A partial, full-thickness bilateral segmental ureterectomy and trans-uretero-ureterolaparoscopic bladder resection is performed to encompass the cystoneostomy with bladder-to-psoas hitching, since the endometriotic lesions. Bladder endometriosis and individual surgeon experience, the above interventions may require a full-thickness resection of the bladder wall. Ureteral stenting prior to resection is indicated if the lesion is less than 2 cm from the orifce. Renal and urethral As ureteral obstruction is asymptomatic in a large number of endometriosis have been described only in sporadic case patients, the diagnosis of hydronephrosis may be delayed. Consequently, affected kidneys may show signifcant function impairment in the radionuclide nephrogram by the time of diagnosis. Surgical treatment of ureteral obstruction from Posttherapeutic follow-up relies on ultrasonography. Int Urogynecol purpose of follow-up is the early detection of recurrent ureteral J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2004;15(6):407-12; discussion 412. Intramural vesical nephrectomy as cystic masses, usually with associated endometriosis. Ureteric obstruction secondary to the lesions reveal glandular fragments and cuboidal epithelium endometriosis. Endometriosis of the Urinary Tract: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment; Available from: 5. Pathophysiology of urinary and bleeding stage is accompanied by infammation, which tract obstruction: Benign Pelvic Abnormalities: Endometriosis. Philadelphia: Saunders stenosis (ureter) and tissue retraction due to scarring (bladder). Whether this involvement is extrinsic or intrinsic is Praxis der Urologie, 3rd ed. Urinary Tract fank pain, hematuria, dysuria, and urinary tract infection than Endometriosis. All patients with pelvic endometriosis Research Trends 2012; Available from: should undergo upper tract imaging. The major treatment goals in ureteral endometriosis are preservation of renal function, symptom relief by the complete ablation of endometriotic lesions, and maintenance of fertility. Primary hormonal therapy should be considered only in patients who do not have urodynamically signifcant obstruction. Ureterolysis alone may be suffcient to resolve ureteral obstruction in patients with extrinsic lesions, with documented success rates of 85 %. Lesions of the distal ureter are managed by resection of the stenosed segment and ureteroneocystostomy, while lesions in the middle or proximal third are treated by resection of the stenosed segment and 399 5. Furthermore, endometriosis is both an enigmatic disease and the risk of severe complications that may arise and complex disease. The virtually unknown etiopathogenesis, after surgical treatment, which is particularly true for ureteral the great variety of symptoms and pathological fndings, the endometriosis. For that reason, treatment should be tailored to lack of consensus among experts concerning the defnition each patient as determined by clinical presentation, personal and treatment of the disease, as well as the absence of expectations and the potential risks of surgical treatment, prospective and randomized studies, all these issues account which must be carefully addressed in the informed consent for the fact that management of endometriosis poses a real discussion with the patient. Ureteral endometriosis is a rare condition, but occurs more frequently than assumed in patients with severe endometriosis. To investigate the presence of ureteral involvement, a the presence of a recto-vaginal nodule larger than 3 cm. The menstrual refux theory and the are symptomatic with dysuria, hematuria and recurrent anatomical differences between the left and right hemipelvis urinary tract infection. However, which is why it is diffcult to make a tentative clinical diagnosis the large bowel does not provide the right hemipelvis with of ureteric involvement prior to surgery, thus leading to a this sort of anatomical shelter because the cecum is more diagnostic delay. Differentiation between these pathological Because of the absence of specifc urinary symptoms and entities cannot be made preoperatively or at surgery since the risk of silent loss of the affected kidney, assessment of an histological examination is required. In case of intrinsic disease, ectopic endometrial tissue has infltrated the muscularis or even the Physical Exam If a large endometriotic nodule is revealed during a physical exam of the rectovaginal septum, this fnding may indicate to ureteral involvement. Urine Exams the urine must be evaluated for evidence of hematuria and should be cultured to exclude urinary infection. Imaging Techniques the diagnostic value of these techniques in providing accurate information on the extent of disease and on the infltration of the ureteral wall is limited and there seems to be no clear evidence as to which is the ideal diagnostic imaging modality to be used. In clinical practice, patients should undergo periodic Surgical treatment remains the gold standard for deep kidney ultrasound (at 6-month intervals from the time of initial endometriosis. Historically, open surgery has been the frstdiagnosis) because this modality is generally suggested to line surgical approach for extensive endometriosis. The technique is still controversy among experts as to whether laparoscopic has shown to be helpful in pinpointing the location of disease, excision of ureteral lesions should be undertaken. Despite inherent cases of ureteral resection with end-to-end anastomosis, limitations, intravenous pyelography, coupled with retrograde and particularly in cases with ureteroneocystostomy, most of pyelography, is currently the exam most frequently used to the patients are nonetheless treated by laparotomy. Rectal enema is used the night before provides visualization of all components of the urinary system surgery. The use of a double-J stent before surgery is still and affords a more comprehensive evaluation of the complete 4,38,66 controversial. Medical treatment is geared toward modulating the Surgical Procedure endometrial tissue response to hormonal stimulation. The legs should that reason, medical management is considered a palliative assume a semi-fexed position to give the assistant optimal modality for the treatment of deep endometriosis. In some cases, endometriosis and are usually associated with suboptimal compliance and surgery can take longer than planned, which is why proper safety issues. Probably, the ideal candidates for medical patient positioning is a crucial part of the surgical procedure treatment are postmenopausal women. Accordingly, the authors hold the opinion that patients with Once the patient is asleep, a careful rectovaginal exam ureteral involvement should receive surgical treatment. Bladder catheter and At this signifcant point of the procedure, both ureters must uterine manipulator must be inserted to facilitate the surgical be identifed before starting dissection. Subsequently, the laparoscope is introduced at the left common iliac artery and the right one crosses the the level of the umbilicus and three 5-mm trocars are inserted right external iliac artery (Figs. It is midline trocar at the level of the lateral ports, or slightly higher recommended that dissection of the ureter be initiated at the to obtain an ergonomic confguration. In this manner, the ureter is lateralized thereby Adequate exposure of the operative site is mandatory when adding safety to the procedure. The surgery begins by adequately restored and both ureters have been identifed, the trying to restore the normal pelvic anatomy. Adhesiolysis is then During the surgical procedure, grasping bipolar forceps, continued by taking down adhesions spanning from the ovary employed also for dissection, and scissors are the laparoscopic to the ovarian fossa. Suspension has been found to Surgical Techniques and Indications improve exposure of the surgical feld and frees the hand There is still some controversy in the literature regarding the of the assistant who then is at the disposal of the surgeon. As ureteral endometriosis is a rare entity, surgical procedure, it is carried out at the end of the operation. Ureterolysis is considered to be complete when subdivide the anticipated technique in two groups: the ureter has been freed from fbrotic tissue and when a normal-looking ureter is visible proximally and distally to the fi conservative techniques that include ureterolysis (exposure stricture. During dissection, ureteral devascularization must of the ureter) and nodule removal with partial thickness be avoided, trying not to harm the ureteral adventitia. If, after resection of the adventitia, and ureterolysis, the affected segment still looks stenotic or if fi more radical techniques that include segmental resection severe devascularization is still noticeable (wall discoloration, absence of capillary refll, or lack of a bleeding edge)50 of the ureter and posterior ureteral reconstruction with end-to-end anastomosis or ureteroneocystostomy. To solve the problem, a simple suture as the treatment of frst choice in cases when conservative or a non-conservative technique can be applied. The main surgery fails to reestablish the patency of the lumen and to limitation of ureterolysis is the risk of recurrent disease as a correct the distorted course of the ureter. The technique of ureterolysis is used as a frst-line therapeutic option in the treatment In some cases of ureteral nodule removal, a partial breach of of extrinsic, nonobstructive disease with surrounding the ureteral wall may occur and the defect must be repaired fbrosis8,10,17,60 (Fig. The insertion of a double-J stent is also the anticipated surgical procedure depends on the location, recommended in these cases. The main indications for this approach changing its normal lateral course in a medial direction. Ureteral Ureterolysis should be carried out starting from healthy tissue resection requires ureteral reconstruction with end-to-end at the level of the pelvic brim. Once the ureter has been anastomosis or ureteroneocystostomy, as determined by the identifed, blunt dissection is performed as usual, proceeding location of the endometriotic lesion as well as the length of the caudally to the uterosacral ligament, up to the ureteric canal. To facilitate the uterine artery may be coagulated if needed to facilitate reconstruction, a double-J stent must be inserted. The ureter is transected obliquely with cold scissors to excise the obstructed segment. The anastomosis is performed over the ureteral stent by placing four interrupted 4-0 stitches at 3, 6, 9 and 12 oficlock to approximate the proximal and distal ureteral segments using an intracorporeal knotting technique. The ureteral stent helps the surgeon to identify the two ends of the ureter and adds some rigidity to the tissues. Suturing of the proximal part of the ureter for ureteral end-to-end anastomosis (b). Intracorporeal knotting technique employed for ureteral end-to-end anastomosis (c). Suturing for right ureteral end-to-end anastomosis, with the needle holder controlled by the right hand (e). This technique is commonly used by urologists and, in most cases, a laparotomy approach is still In cases where loss of renal function is encountered despite used for this purpose. However, evaluation of renal function is be carried out to assure a tension-free anastomosis (Figs. Care must be taken in the diagnostic assessment, remains to be established which technique is most effective in because sometimes the lesion can mimic an urothelial carciterms of endometriosis recurrence and functional results. Endometriosis of the ureter and bladder are not use of a double-J stent and a bladder catheter. Changing and in restoring renal function, however long-term follow up is incidence and etiology of iatrogenic ureteral injuries. The most frequent perioperative complication is ureteral injury, with a rate of approximately 0. Persistent bilateral ureteral obstruction secondary to endometriosis despite treatment with an the injury is detected intra-operatively, a simple suture can aromatase inhibitor. Laparoscopic management of ureteral endometriosis: structures like bowel, vagina and bladder. Unfortunately, the Stanford University hospital experience with 96 consecutive cases. Laparoscopic conservative to stress that patience, both from the patient and the doctor, management of ureteral endometriosis: a survey of eighty patients is necessary until urinary function has been restored. Severe ureteral endometriosis: Ureteral endometriosis is an uncommon condition that is the intrinsic type is not so rare after complete surgical exeresis of deep endometriotic lesions. Endometriosis, lesions of the secondary Mullerian is the therapeutic modality of choice in the management of system, and pelvic mesothelial proliferations. Nevertheless, explicit attention must be paid to the fact that complications can occur, even in 14. Ureteral endometriosis: a complication of rectovaginal endometriotic (adenomyotic) nodules. Ureteral injuries at laparoscopy: insights into diagnosis, management, and prevention. Urinary tract endometriosis: clinical, renal function: mechanisms and interpretations. Multidisciplinary team approach to infltrating endometriosis of the ureter and urinary bladder. Silent pelvic endometriosis presenting medical management of primary bladder endometriosis with as pyelonephritis and ureteric obstruction.

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Several non-invasive screening tests are available for Though a wider clinical use of pulse wave velocity and identifying the abnormal structure and function of large augmentation index measurements may add further arteries in hypertension virus download norfloxacin 400mg on-line. An increase in the wall to lumen taken as a conservative estimate of existing abnormalratio of small arteries can be measured in subcutaneous ities antibiotic horror 400mg norfloxacin mastercard. Ultrasound scannings limited to the common tissues obtained through gluteal biopsies antibiotics for acne vibramycin quality norfloxacin 400mg. Microalbuminuria (see Table 2) has been shown several cardiovascular diseases [237 antimicrobial test laboratories generic norfloxacin 400mg with visa,238] infection hip replacement purchase norfloxacin now, although data to predict the development of overt diabetic nephropathy on hypertension are still rather scant [239] antibiotics walgreens generic 400mg norfloxacin amex. Furthermore, in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics [245], while the the techniques available for investigating endothelial presence of overt proteinuria generally indicates the exresponsiveness to various stimuli are invasive, laborious istence of established renal parenchymatous damage and time consuming. In both diabetic and non-diabetic hypertensive dardized and no certainty exists as to whether endothelial patients, microalbuminuria, even below the threshold function assessed in one organ is representative of other values currently considered [247], has been shown to vascular beds. However, current as non-cardiovascular, mortality and urinary protein/ studies on circulating markers of endothelial activity as creatinine ratios! Renal insufficiency is now classified according to Sensitive dipsticks for the lower range of low grade the estimated glomerular filtration rate calculated by the albuminuria are under investigation. Values of estimated In conclusion, the finding of impaired renal function in a 2 glomerular filtration rate below 60 ml/min/1. In dipstick the range > 60 ml/min, but it overestimates creatinine negative patients low grade albuminuria should also clearance in chronic kidney disease stage 3 to 5 [242]. A reduction in glomerular creatinine excretion, with application of sex specific filtration rate and an increase in cardiovascular risk criteria. Hyperuriexudates (grade 3), not to mention papilloedema (grade cemia is frequently seen in untreated hypertensives 4), are observed very rarely. Grade 1 (arteriolar narrowing (particularly in pre-eclampsia), and has also been shown either focal or general in nature) and 2 (arterio-venous to correlate with reduced renal blood fiow and the nipping) retinal changes, on the contrary, are much more presence of nephrosclerosis [244]. This is because these that event based randomized therapeutic trials also have changes appear to be largely non-specific arteriolar alteralimitations [3,273,274]. These include the need to select elderly or otherwise In contrast, grades 3 and 4 retinal changes are associated high risk patients in order to maximize the number of with an increased risk of cardiovascular events [258,259]. For instance, digitized retinal photoconsequence that little direct information is available graphs can be analyzed by a semiautomated program to on treatment benefits in a large sector of the hypertensive quantify geometric and topological properties of arteriolar population. This method has identified hypertenof trials often diverge from usual therapeutic practice sion-related topological alterations of retinal vasculature because drugs randomly allocated at the beginning of [261] and showed that retinal arteriolar and venular a trial are continued even in absence of blood pressure narrowing may precede the development of hypertension lowering effects, while in practice physicians normally [262,263]. However, its use is still mainly confined do not continue prescribing drugs that are not effecto research. Availability and cost considerations do not tion or stroke and cardiovascular or all cause mortality). Evidence for therapeutic management of healthy cardiovascular system, but must always be hypertension preceded by alterations in organ structure or function, 4. Similarly, a valuable approach to extend of available evidence on the benefits associated with evidence of the benefit of treatment over a longer time antihypertensive treatment as well as on the comparative scale, is to use as endpoint the incidence or worsening of benefits of the various classes of drugs. There is a diseases with an adverse prognostic impact such as consensus that large randomized trials measuring fatal diabetes, metabolic disorders and end stage renal disease. However, it is commonly recognized increase in cardiovascular risk [186,277] and has indeed 2007 Guidelines for Management of Hypertension 1125 been used as endpoint in several therapeutic trials. For this New onset diabetes is also being used as intermediate reason in more recent trials the drug under investigation endpoint, and its predictive value is discussed in depth in was compared with placebo in groups of patients already Section 4. This has provided additional evidence on the beneficial effect of Finally, whenever useful, information provided by metavarious antihypertensive drugs also documenting that the analyses has been given due attention, but meta-analyses benefit may be substantial even when blood pressure have not been considered to necessarily represent the reductions are small and the initial blood pressure is top level of evidence. By definition, they are and thus multiple drug treatment, administration of post-hoc analyses, the choice of the trials to be included ramipril caused a modest blood pressure reduction (about is often arbitrary, the trials included are not homo3mmHg systolic blood pressure) and a clearcut reduction geneous, with differences not always susceptible to (A22%) in the incidence of cardiovascular events combeing assessed by statistical tests. In the felodipine group in which blood placebo pressure achieved slightly lower values than in the placebo Randomized placebo controlled trials investigating the group (A3. Surprisingly, another trial in coronary patients and though toa lesserdegree(20%). Meta-analyses of placebo controlled trials have also separately addressed the effect of treatment initiated with Asimilarapproachhasbeenusedtostudynewerdrugssuch different drugs, though comparisons are difficult because as angiotensin receptor antagonists. However, the angiotensin receptor antagonist candesartan, often admioverall results show a beneficial effect on cardiovascular nistered on top of a diuretic, reduced blood pressure morbidity and mortality, as well as on cause-specific modestly more than placebo also frequently administered events, when a thiazide diuretic or a b-blocker was given on top of diuretic-based conventional therapy (difference as first drug. Finally, trials comparing different agents cular endpoints, for the evaluation of which, however, the actually compare regimens only initiated on different studies were not sufficiently powered. Yet, when these two agents, since the majority of randomized subjects ends studies were combined in a meta-analysis a significant up with combination therapy including agents similarly reduction of cardiovascular morbidity was found in the distributed in the comparison groups. Calcium antagonists provided a analyses [292,296], the results showing significant benefits slightly better protection against stroke, but they showed from a more intense blood pressure reduction as far as a reduced ability, as compared with conventional therapy, stroke and major cardiovascular events are concerned, to protect against the incidence of heart failure. Further information can also be were similar when diabetic and non-diabetic patients derived from recent placebo-controlled trials (see above), were separately analyzed [296]. Almost invariably, a lower blood coronary heart disease in whom treatment was started pressure was accompanied by at least a trend towards less with a calcium antagonist (verapamil, often combined strokes (see Section 4. We have taken this meta-analysis as the basis for versus b-blocker with thiazide diuretic). Non-significant differences in odds ratio adjustment is an imperfect way to cope with failure of for total and cause specific cardiovascular events have also achieving a protocol requirement. Meta-regression been reported by the meta-analysis that has separately analyses can provide information that takes into account examined diabetic and non-diabetic patients [296]. In the second Australian blood presrisk factors, addition of valsartan reduced blood pressure sure study [327] hypertensive patients randomized to an from 139/81 mmHg to 132/78 mmHg. The incidence of cardiac events and death(theprimaryoutcome)wasnotsignificantlydifferent 4. The results show the group; on the other hand, the risk of heart failure showed odds ratio expressing relative benefits of the two regimens a trend in favour of valsartan. Pooled data have shown to be close to unity and non-significant for total coronary that the benefit of angiotensin receptor antagonists for events, cardiovascular mortality, total mortality as well as heart failure prevention are particularly large in diabetic coronary heart disease. Protection against stroke was, on patients, but the number of observations is small [296]. However, this has not been confirmed by Five trials have compared angiotensin receptor comprehensive meta-analyses published recently, which antagonists with other antihypertensive agents. The show the incidence of myocardial infarction to be similar different comparators used make meta-analysis of these to that occurring with other drugs [337,338]. Comparative randomized trials in heart myocardial infarction, but a 25% difference in the failure or post-myocardial infarction patients with left incidence of stroke. During a mean follow-up of although the latter may exert a small blood pressure 2. These underline the important role of blood pressure lowering two large trials have strongly infiuenced a recent metafor all cause-specific events, with the exception of heart analysis [343] which concluded that b-blocker initiated failure: whenever systolic blood pressure is reduced by therapy is inferior to others in stroke prevention, but not 10mmHg, independent of the agent used, both stroke and in prevention of myocardial infarction and reduction in coronary events are markedly reduced [328,329]. On the other hand, individual majority of patients randomized to a b-blocker actually trials and their meta-analyses [292,296] are generally conreceived a b-blocker-thiazide combination. It has treatment strategy based on the initial administration of been remarked that new onset heart failure is often a a b-blocker followed by the addition, in most patients, of difficult diagnosis and, when calcium antagonistsare admia thiazide diuretic was accompanied by an incidence of all nistered, diagnosis may be confounded by ankle oedema cardiovascular and cause-specific events similar to that of dependent on vasodilatation. It is may be due to a lesser blood pressure reduction [330], reasonable to suppose that in prevention of heart failure particularly of central blood pressure [166], that occurred humoral effects, differently infiuenced by different antiin this trial with this therapeutic regimen. In randomized to slow-release nifedipine administration any case, the above quoted meta-analyses of b-blocker was associated with a 38% reduction in the incidence of initiated trials [297,343] well illustrate the difficulties hospitalized heart failure compared with placebo [304]. The possibility of clinically relevant differences in the beneficial effects of various classes of antihypertensive 4. Comparative randomized trials show that for similar blood Subclinical organ damage occurs much earlier than pressure reductions, differences in the incidence of events in the continuum of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality between different may be more susceptible to specific, differential actions drug classes are small, thus strengthening the conclusion of the various antihypertensive compounds [274]. For this that their benefit largely depends on blood pressure reason, randomized trials using subclinical organ damage lowering per se. As studies in hypertensive receptorantagonistsandcalciumantagonists,andprobably patients with left ventricular hypertrophy cannot be by aldosterone antagonists, while at least angiotensin placebo controlled but must compare active treatments, receptor antagonists are superior to b-blockers. In two comparative studies, information is provided by two studies using magnetic natriuretic peptides decreased with losartan and increased resonance imaging to evaluate left ventricular mass. In a with atenolol [356,369], suggesting opposite effects on left relatively large-size study [361] the aldosterone blocker, ventricular compliance. Lower values of in-treatment electrocardiographic In conclusion, information from adequate trials shows hypertrophy were significantly associated with lower rates that blood pressure lowering by whatever agent or agent of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [195]. Therefore, current evidence suggests that calcium antagonists may have a greater effect on hypertension Attention has recently been concentrated on echocardiorelated thickening (presumably hypertrophy) of the graphic measurement of left atrial size, as a frequent carotid artery than other antihypertensive agents. Smaller also found that lower progression of the composite carotid studies have addressed the effects of angiotensin receptor intima-media thickness is paralleled by lower progression antagonists on recurrent atrial fibrillation in patients with and greater regression of plaque number with lacidipine previous episodes of the arrhythmia. Composition of the carotid wall, favourable effects of either irbesartan versus placebo investigated by an echorefiectivity approach histologi[383] and losartan versus amlodipine [384], the drugs cally tested [396], did not show significantly different being in both cases added to amiodarone. Thus there changes with both lacidipine and atenolol, however is strong evidence concerning new atrial fibrillation [397]. In conclusion, sufficient evidence appears to be and less strong evidence concerning recurrent atrial available to conclude that progression of carotid atherofibrillation in favour of beneficial effects of angiotensin sclerosis can be delayed by lowering blood pressure, but receptor blockers as compared with b-blockers, calcium that calcium antagonists have a greater efficacy than antagonists or placebo. Although pulse wave velocity is acknowledged as a valid clinical method for assessing large artery distensibility, 4. Therefore there is no firm evidence on whether term (only a few weeks) studies suggests that several some antihypertensive agents are more beneficial than antihypertensive agents can indeed favourably affect others in preserving or improving cognition. However, it pulse wave velocity [398], but the observed decrease should be mentioned that the only placebo-controlled could well be due to blood pressure reduction. This study that reported a significant reduction in incident conclusion is strengthened by a recent study of more dementia used the calcium antagonist nitrendipine as an or less intense blood pressure lowering, in which a active agent [275,407]. A limited number of randomized trials of antihypertensive Because of the diversity of the clinical conditions, of the therapy have used brain lesions and cognitive dysfunction endpoint used, as well as of the size and statistical power asendpoints[404]. Probably the best approach is that of critical imaging) and shown a significant reduction in mean total and selective reviews of available data [418,419]. The three mended by all current guidelines [3,30,420], it must be studies on 13143 subjects that have used the Mini Mental recognized that evidence from trials having randomized State Evaluation Test for cognitive performance [283, renal patients to more versus less intensive blood pressure 407,408] found a small but significant improvement lowering is scanty. However, in other trials randomization on the immediate and the delayed task results. Therefore, it < 120/80mmHg by valsartan did not infiuence creatiappears that lowering blood pressure may improve nine clearance to a greater extent than less intense performance on screening tests for dementia and memory, treatment achieving blood pressures slightly above further supporting the benefits of antihypertensive 120/80mmHg, but urinary protein excretion was favourtherapy on cerebrovascular morbidity. It should be emphasized that trials showing end stage renal disease and proteinuria. Angiotensin receptorblocktrial [425] and of 11 trials in non-diabetic renal patients, ers were found to be more effective in reducing urinary showing that systolic blood pressure reduction down to protein excretion than a b-blocker [440], a calcium a least 120mmHg may be beneficial [426]. An antiproinhibitor dose was titrated to obtain the same blood teinuric effect versusplacebo hasbeen shownalsowith the pressure decrease as the combination, no difference in use of spironolactone [436]. Available all other placebo controlled studies the renal effects of studies have been included in a recent meta-analysis [450] the active drug were accompanied by a slightly greater which has confirmed the greater antiproteinuric action of blood pressure reduction, which may have been at least the combination, associated with a greater blood pressure partly responsible for the renal effects. These studies deserve to be Comparison of different active regimens has provided less confirmed by larger trials. Two trials, one in patients with proteinuric diabetic nephropathy [309] the other in non-diabetic 4. Itisdifficulttoconcludewhether [319,422], or a b-blocker [316] or an angiotensin receptor agents interfering with the renin-angiotensin system exert antagonist [439] or both a calcium antagonist and a diuretic a real antidiabetogenic action, or whether they simply lack [438]; equal effect of a calcium antagonist and a diuretic a diabetogenic action possessed by b-blockers and was also shown by another study [322]. Other placebo controlled trials in conditions different from hypertension (high cardiovascular risk, 5. A very recent network Evidence for the benefit of treating grade 1 hypertensives meta-analysis of 22 trials with more that 160,000 particiis admittedly more scant, as specific trials have not pants [460] has calculated that the association of addressed the issue. This claim is based In all grade 1 to 3 hypertensives, lifestyle instructions on the observation that during controlled trials patients should be given as soon as hypertension is diagnosed or developing diabetes have not had a greater morbidity than suspected, while promptness in the initiation of pharmapatients without new onset diabetes [322]. However, it is cological therapy depends on the level of total cardiovasknown that cardiovascular complications follow the onset cular risk. A limitation of the above long-term should be initiated promptly in grade 3 hypertension, as follow-up studies is that microvascular endpoints, i. Furthermore, in long-term studies followwith moderate total cardiovascular risk drug treatup cannot be done under controlled conditions and ment may be delayed for several weeks and in grade 1 confounding factors may be frequent and unknown. In case of bloodpressure who are at high risk because of thepresence diabetes, history of cerebrovascular, coronary or peripheral of three or more additional risk factors, the metabolic artery disease,randomized trials [283,300,302,305,319] syndrome or organ damage is uncertain. It should be have shown that antihypertensive treatment is associated emphasized that prospective observational studies have with a reduction in cardiovascular fatal and non-fatal demonstrated that subjects with high normal blood events, although in two other trials on coronary patients pressure have a greater incidence of cardiovascular disease no benefit of blood pressure lowering was reported [306] or compared to people with normal or optimal blood pressure a reduction of cardiovascular events was only seen when [7,11,33]. Furthermore, the risk of developing hyperteninitial blood pressure was in the hypertensive range [304]. In contrast with these potentially favourable of progression to more severe proteinuric states. This justifies the recommendation did not significantly delay onset of diabetes or reduced to start administration of blood pressure lowering drugs cardiovascular events despite blood pressure lowering.

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There were also a few mudbrick antibiotic resistance fitness cost norfloxacin 400mg on line, box-like features attached to the lowermost parts of the long walls bacteria jersey shore buy 400mg norfloxacin otc. The mud platform found in building fd (quadrant 16/g) was considerably larger than the others antibiotic 200 mg generic norfloxacin 400mg with mastercard. With a rectangular depression in the center in which some fragments of ochre pigments were recovered virus hunter order norfloxacin toronto, and a slight projection at its north side antibiotics cream buy norfloxacin us, the overall form of the platform might suggest a simplified anthropomorphic form treatment for dog's broken toenail order 400mg norfloxacin amex. The last feature recovered in the buildings were symbolic representations found in the form of wall paintings. The pigments used were mainly red and black, and the decoration took the form of dots of various sizes and irregular lines. The painting from building ee (quadrant 17/J) is perhaps the best-preserved example for multi-layered paintings (fig. The evidence came in different forms, the most common of which was the presence of numerous holes located next to each other in the upper parts of the walls, presumably to anchor a series of parallel wooden beams that would have supported the ceilings. There may have been a ramp set under the steps to provide sufficient support for the weight of an adult carrying items up or down the stairs, however, this possibility was not fully investigated during the excavations. Based on these various lines of evidence, i suggest that all other tripartite buildings of the village were probably two-story structures. The architectural plans of the upper stories may be assumed to have been similar to the plans of the first floors as more or less evident in house i. The cruciform building at kheit Qasim perhaps had a second floor, if the staircase was not built for access to the roof (forest-foucault 1980). The evidence from building e at Tell abada, namely the recovery of the beginning of a mudbrick ramp for a staircase, also allowed the possibility that the building might have had a second story (Jasim 1985: 21, pls. The goal of this analysis was to shed light on the actual use of space inside the buildings and to determine, when possible, the meanings embedded in them by the users. Thirdly, artifact types from each building were listed together in basic statistical charts to demonstrate their numeric values and locations. The resulting picture of spatial organization and use that emerged from each building examined was consistent enough to support the drawing of some general conclusions. The artifacts from secondary or tertiary deposits were eliminated because their comparative depths compromised reliability. Thus, the later access to this room must have been from the upper story, room o, built immediately above, suggesting that storage was one of the functions of this room. The recovery of two seal impressions could provide evidence for the arrival of imported goods. The clear indication of ritual behavior was suggested by the number of infant burials, two of them interred inside the bins and the others inside the cooking pots found near the east door (for more information about the burials, see Ozbek 1986a, 1986b). The single occurrences of other artifacts in this room, such as the seal impression, may not necessarily represent any distinct activity; such presences may simply relate to accidents of taphonomy. With the same reasoning, room p-l displays a similar situation, since only a seal and a seal impression were found there. The domestic use of the room was also evident from the storage jars, a cooking pot, and a mortar, as well as the bin located in the northeast corner of the room. The occurrence of a single pestle may be accidental and does not necessarily indicate food production, since other artifact types linked to food processing or cooking were not found in this room. The infant burial found inside pit 149, the careful construction of the other pit 320 into hard virgin soil with a smooth vertical wall, and the paintings recovered in two areas on the east wall are direct indications of ritual behavior. Unfortunately, the south of the building was not completely recovered, and it is unclear whether this hearth really belonged to building i, or to another structure that may have been located farther to the south but was not well preserved. The evidence of this activity is the unusual form of the hearth, not the recovery of any metal items or slag. This hole might have been used for controlling the air ventilation inside the hearth as well as for collecting the smelted metal ore. Therefore, if the hearth did belong to building i, then metal production must have been associated with the users of the building. The activities deduced from building i are repeatedly documented in the other tripartite buildings, allowing them to be called houses too. The ground-floor plan of building i shows that almost every room communicated with another located just next to it. The central room i is especially significant, connecting to each of the rooms at its corners. Thus, this possibility shows that it is not necessary to assign a single activity type to a specific room; rather, the concentration of activities may have been more diffuse and may have been dispersed throughout more than one room. When looking at each room individually, it also seems clear that each room space was organized for multiple purposes. This makes sense, because overlapping functions in a space are commonly documented in ethnographic studies. Because of the strong representation of the domestic use of the building, it is safe to call building i a house. Thus, house i probably functioned as a shrine where the dead were occasionally interred and some ceremonies were carried out during the interment or during other meaningful times. With the term shrine, i am attempting to distinguish the function of a temple from the use of a house. The religious and ritualistic use of the same spaces would have been of secondary importance. The physical retrieval of the upper floor was limited, as neither the room spaces nor their contents were recovered, except for the unconvincing instances of one or two artifacts associated with room o of house i. Based on the limits set by the village architecture, the roofs must have been flat in order to provide village-wide communication among the houses, as well as entrances into the houses. These flat roofs must have offered a third horizontal level, which would have provided space for certain activities. The latter suggestion is not difficult to envisage, as the roofs of the houses in the near east today are used in this manner. The plans of the roofs are impossible to discern due to lack of architectural evidence, but the village might have consisted of many flat-roofed houses varying in height and size. These were area gz to the northeast of house ee and area dd-cz to the north of house gk. There is a possibility that the northwest quadrant of the village was a large open space without any substantial architecture. The two facts that the houses lacked doors and that the only connection to the outside was probably through the roofs clearly indicate that animals were not kept in the houses but elsewhere in the village. This formula suggests that the hypothetical population of the village might minimally have reached as many as 130 individuals at some point. Thus a household might have owned and occupied more than one house within the village. Therefore, the question of whether this society was chiefly cannot be resolved by the measures of prestige items or special architecture. Those family leaders may have formed a higher decision-making group to deal with community matters. Thus, it is possible that there may have been an implicit decision-making procedure run by more than one individual or family, instead of a single community leader. The heads of individual families may have had the final, conclusive votes both in householdand in community-scale decisions. Thus, it is possible that we may find symbolic items that conveyed prestige or represented power at other sites in the region. These final remarks about social organization during the late Ubaid horizon in eastern anatolia therefore remain to be substantiated or refuted through future research. The buildings without evidence of individuals, which is the average number of individuals that lived a second story were assumed to be one-story buildings, and only the in the houses. These additions were necessary to reach a complete total area of their ground-floor spaces was used in the population estipopulation estimate, although the degree of conjecture involved may mate. Building fn in the west and probably three others in the northconstitute a weakness of this study. The recent proposal by kiguradze and sagona (2003) to fix the beginnings of the chalcolithic at about 4800 b. The sioni cultural complex, which should represent the early chalcolithic period (ca. The site of godedzor is situated here, at an altitude of about 1,800 m above sea level, northwest of the village of angeghakot, on the upper terrace of a canyon, cut in the basaltic lava flows. The area occupied by the site has served for several years as a basalt quarry, and a large part of the archaeological remains has been destroyed. The inhabitants of godedzor thus settled near a major axis of communication, which crosses the mountains of zangezour from east to west and links the kura Basin to that of the arax. The remains of a circular building with stone walls were brought to light, with an occupation floor covered with obsidian artifacts, objects used for grinding, and crude pottery with a high content of plant temper. We thus attempt to define the following: 1) the elements of this Ubaid-related presence, 2) the exchange networks in which the godedzor community was involved, and 3) the practical means of interaction. Technological Features chaff-tempered Ware this is the most common group in the godedzor pottery. The pots are characterized by the constant and abundant presence of chaff (more than 90%) in the clay, and seed impressions are also sometimes visible. There are also cases of sherds with single (external or internal) very dark or black surfaces, which could suggest alternating firing atmospheres, but it is still not clear whether this bicolored effect was obtained deliberately. This trend has been related to the new needs of large-scale and low-cost pottery production and the massive use of chaff for tempering purposes allowing a shorter firing time and the saving of fuel. These are essentially containers that could have been intended for the transport or conservation of food and produce, and it is possible that this special surface treatment was intended to render the containers more protective and hygienic for the storage of food. The remaining technological features are very similar to those already described for the chaff-tempered ware. Usually vessels from this group have thinner sections than those of the other groups. The finger-impressed pottery is characterized by medium-sized finger impressions on the external surface of the pot. But rather than a decoration, this feature could have been functional, for example, to protect against slippery floors and surfaces. But this pottery also diffused, along with the dalma painted ware, toward northern azerbaijan, as it is present on several sites of the steppes extending from the lesser caucasus to the caspian sea (narimanov 1987). Morphological Repertoire in the morphological repertoire of the godedzor pottery, there is a strong prevalence of closed shapes (jars) over open ones (bowls), both with simple rims. The typologies are well defined, and the same profiles are often repeated in a wide range of sizes. These same practices and ways of life will also be common among the later kura-araks communities. They are characterized by a very fine clay with extremely small grit or mica inclusions. The sections of the body sherds are usually very thin, and firing must have reached very high temperatures. The paint is dark brown or black, and the motifs on the sherds recovered so far consist of small, superimposed black triangles (fig. These triangular motifs find close analogies with those found in some mesopotamian settlements of the Ubaid 3 period. Northwest Iranian Painted Pottery the northwest iranian painted-pottery group is characterized by a whitish/yellowish slip (10yr 8/2, 8/3) on the external surfaces. This is fine, well-fired pottery, the clay being compact with mixed inclusions consisting of medium and fine chaff and fine grit and sometimes exclusively very fine grit. The paint is matte black or very dark brown, and the decorative motifs (fairly standardized) consist of bands of simple zigzag or wavy lines running horizontally along the neck and the body of the container, creating horizontal spaces filled with triangular, trapezoidal, and rectangular densely cross-hatched panels (fig. The painted motifs and the technological features of this pottery group have close parallels with similar productions from the chalcolithic sites of lake Urmia (r. But it is very difficult to know when the exploitation of these different deposits began.

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Endometriosis in association Endometriosis: epidemiology and aetiological factors. Endometriosis: correlation between histologic and endometriosis: scanning electron microscopy and histology of visual fndings at laparoscopy. The development phase of new molecules targeting of the disease: genetic predisposition and epigenetic these pathways is also discussed. These an Estrogen-Dependent Disorder to a Progesteronehormonal alterations contribute to the ability of endometrial cells to proliferate, migrate and to infltrate the mesothelium, Resistant Disease causing infammation, pain and infertility. Hormonal imbalance the actions of estrogen and progesterone processes are tightly in endometriosis also represents a target in the treatment of and reciprocally controlled through regulated expression the disease. The loss of balance Ovarian progesterone synthesis represents the master between progesterone and estrogen actions appears to be signal for ovulation, embryo implantation, decidualization, a central theme in the pathogenesis of endometriosis and the and menstrual shedding. The expression patterns of steroid receptors in responses refect the balance between the proinfammatory endometriotic tissues and eutopic endometrium have been effect of estrogen and the immunosuppressant effect of compared. Actions of estrogen (and progesterone) on the one third of endometriotic implants are out of phase with immune response are, nevertheless, quite complex and often 4 the menstrual cycle, and a light microscopic study showed contradictory depending on the cell type being examined. Thus, the infammation process induced by the disease may contribute to the dynamic steroid hormone expression and hormonal imbalance demonstrated 1. In addition to estrogen dependence, there is increasing evidence to support a profle of progesterone resistance in the In conclusion, steroid perturbation and estrogen/progesterone pathophysiology of endometriosis. Although Although the general principles that should guide medical non-genomic actions of progesterone have been widely demanagement of endometriosis are not different from those scribed to occur in the brain, their role in disorders such as applicable to other chronic infammatory disorders, fertility endometriosis remains largely elusive. They are strictly related to mechanisms estrogen synthesis by negative feedback at the hypothalamicof regulation of the genomic action of progesterone in endopituitary axis and counteract the effects of estrogens on metrial cells. Deletion of Fkbp52, an immunophilin cochaperendometriosis growth and infammation (Table 1. There Mifepristone were inhibitory effects on the growth of endometrial explants Mifepristone is an oral active progesterone antagonist at in Wister rats in a dose-dependent manner after administration the receptor level, best known for its use in the induction of of mifepristone-loaded implants with implant length from 1. With its antiprogesterone effect, mifepristone prevents progesterone from exerting 1. Subcutaneous depot me150 mg/3 months (depot) droxyprogesterone acetate versus leuprolide acetate in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain. Asoprisnil can suppress both the refractory to medical and/or surgical therapies will receive 15 menstrual cycle and endometrial growth. Results are expected asoprisnil (5, 10 and 25 mg/day) for 12 weeks in 130 women in 2018. Hormonally stimulated autologous endometrial studies were terminated because of liver toxicity. At 3 or 6 months, 103 out of 174 biopsies contained several histological changes: the endometrium was (Table 1. Estrogen/ effcacy of 6 and 12 mg of telapristone acetate in patients progesterone imbalance also represents a target for with confrmed endometriosis. Asoprisnil Asoprisnil reduced non-menstrual pelvic pain and Number of patients enrolled is limited. Ulipristal acetate Ulipristal acetate reduced both volume and weight Number of patients enrolled is limited. The progesterone while the newest generation of medical treatments act on receptor coactivator Hic-5 is involved in the pathophysiology of specifc features of the disease. Mechanisms of are also under development for the treatment of other endometrial progesterone resistance. Progesterone receptor isoform A but not B current treatments, specifcally the side effects and lack of is expressed in endometriosis. However, endometriosis is a chronic disease involving young women and additional biological targets of 4. Medical management of endometriosis: emerging of higher doses in endometriosis for a longer time might raise evidence linking infammation to disease pathophysiology. Ulipristal for Endometriosisof mifepristone on pain, its long-term use in endometriosis related Pelvic Pain; Available from: clinicaltrials. Progesterone resistance in endometriosis: link to failure to although no clinical data are actually available. Role of estrogen receptor-beta in probably will be available on the market in the next fve years. Molecular biology of fi the clinical effect in human studies has been demonstrated endometriosis: from aromatase to genomic abnormalities. Gene expression analysis of endometrium reveals progesterone resistance and candidate susceptibility genes their effect on subsequent fertility is largely unknown. Selective progesterone receptor In addition to hormonal imbalance, the development modulator development and use in the treatment of leiomyomata of endometriotic lesions is characterized by abnormal and endometriosis. Subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate versus the combination of different drugs acting on hormonal and leuprolide acetate in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain. Gestrinone versus a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist for the treatment of pelvic pain associated with endometriosis: a multicenter, randomized, 1. Progesterone antagonists and progesterone receptor modulators in the treatment receptor-A and B have opposite effects on proinfammatory of breast cancer. Homeostasis imbalance in the progesterone actions in human pregnancy and parturition. J Clin endometrium of women with implantation defects: the role of Endocrinol Metab 2012;97(5):E719-30. Cyproterone acetate versus a continuous monophasic oral contraceptive in the treatment of 26. Management of endometriosis rectovaginal endometriosis with an estrogen-progestogen with oral medroxyprogesterone acetate. Can we decrease breakthrough bleeding in patients with Endometriosis: pathogenesis and treatment. Some women have relatively minimal disease but severe pain symptoms and others are found incidentally with severe anatomical disease but minimal pain. One strategy is to begin the interview with open questioning and then follow with targeted questions. One of the goals of a complete history is to identify patients Physician assessed symptoms however may introduce at risk of having endometriosis. This reduces diagnostic delay bias and therefore standardized questionnaires such as the and provides early detection and treatment of the disease. These standardized Yet the effcacy and accuracy of anamnesis or a detailed scoring systems also provide an unbiased tool for assessing analysis of pain symptoms by standardized questionnaires are improvement in symptoms after any given intervention and limited when it comes to predicting the location and severity for researching new interventions. Monika Martina Wolfer symptoms as determined by standardized questionnaires Universitatsklinik fur Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe are of limited value as to the severity of disease in general, a Landeskrankenhaus Universitatsklinikum Graz differentiated analysis of the mentioned symptoms may still Auenbrugger Platz 14 be very valuable in concrete situations. For instance, there 8036 Graz, Austria is evidence that severe pain in patients with sonographic E-mail: monika. These patients Descriptions of the symptoms of endometriosis by patients require the input of specialists in chronic pain modifcation. Secondary dysmenorrhea requiring analgesia is highly indicative of the presence of endometriosis, adenomyosis of Female sexual distress and sexual dysfunction are frequently the uterus, or both. Especially in a low prevalence population, observed in endometriosis patients, correlated with pain when no other symptoms but cyclical pelvic pain are reported, intensity during or after sexual intercourse. Often the results the evaluation of this symptom can be very useful in detecting are fewer episodes of sexual intercourse per month, greater endometriosis and consecutively referring the patient to feelings of guilt toward the partner, and lowered feelings of laparoscopic diagnosis and therapy at an early stage. Moreover, in this multicenter cohort study almost two-thirds of women agreed that the primary motivation for Review data on adolescent girls with severe dysmenorrhea and sexual intercourse was to conceive, and nearly half stated that chronic pelvic pain revealed that two thirds of these adolescents satisfying the partner was the primary motivation for sexual had laparoscopic evidence of endometriosis; one third of these 20,32 contact. Moreover, a case series of adolescent endometriosis patients demonstrated It is essential to address this topic openly during the interview that severe secondary dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and since patients might not bring up dyspareunia or sexual gastrointestinal symptoms during menstruation were the most dysfunction by themselves. There was no Endometriosis affects a signifcant proportion of reproductivesignifcant difference whether peritoneum, ovaries, or both age women. Moreover, secondary infertility with endometriosis, but a causal no marked difference emerged between the severity of relationship has yet to be resolved. Thus, in women who wish dysmenorrhea and the site and stage of endometriosis; only to conceive, and have minimal or mild endometriosis, there is women with ovarian endometriosis had lower scores. In women with endometriomas who Thus, dysmenorrhea is a key symptom in adenomyosis as wish to conceive spontaneously, excision of the endometrioma well as it is in the diagnosis of endometriosis. Therefore, specifc diagnostics for in the pre-operative work-up are standard procedures for the detection of rectal endometriosis are essential. Inspection and palpation of studied population, only one-quarter of women with rectal the abdomen, as well as of scars from previous surgery if endometriosis actually had rectal stenosis. The patient reported signifcantly more often about constipation, should be motivated to indicate the precise location of painful defecation pain, appetite disorders, longer evacuation time, sensations. During inspection of the vagina and cervix in and increased stool consistency without laxatives. Dysuria associated with menstruation, and cyclic hematuria In such cases, rectal palpation can be helpful for the diagnosis are suggestive of endometriotic involvement of the bladder 7 of endometriosis. Excision of bladder endometriosis is relatively straightforward for When there is suspicion of endometriosis, special attention experienced practitioners and often relieves symptoms should be paid to the examination of adnexal masses, completely. Referral to endometriosis centres is recommended painful induration, and/or nodules of the rectovaginal wall, if bladder endometriosis is suspected. The combination of physical examination and might report symptoms of a vasovagal reaction like syncope, transvaginal ultrasound, however, allows accurate prediction nausea, or sometimes even vomiting. The evidence that these of endometriosis affecting the ovaries, vagina, rectum, symptoms are associated with the presence or severity of uterosacral ligaments, rectovaginal space, and pouch of Douglas. Ovarian disease and moderate or severe disease can be accurately predicted with the correct technique 2. An accurate non-invasive diagnosis of the stage of disease is helpful as: there is signifcant overlap of symptoms with other diseases such as adenomyosis; patients may choose fertility treatment prior to surgery; when surgery is chosen it enables 2. The authors with ureteric laparoscopic ureterolysis and/or stenting helps suggest that this scoring system might facilitate triage of to prevent any loss of renal function. The ovary was deemed to be completely free when all of its borders could be seen sliding It is useful to always follow the same routine when assessing across the surrounding structures. Patients should be examined in present when they can not be separated from surrounding the dorsolithotomy position and the free hand should be used structures. Ultrasound has the advantage of being a dynamic technique and this movement of organs, either by gentle pressure with the ultrasound probe or from above with the free hand will elicit free movement of organs against one another when no adhesions exist. First the endometrial cavity should be assessed both for anomalies and for any pathology. It is helpful to ask the patient to empty their bladder before the history is taken so that there is a small amount of urine. The bladder should be easily separated from the uterus by gentle pressure between the bladder and uterus with the probe. Adhesions in this area can be from scarring secondary to caesarean section but also from endometriosis. If the bladder wall is thickened at the point where it is stuck to the uterus Fig. Next contents, the cyst located within the centre of the ovary and loss of the ureteric orifce in the bladder can be identifed as a raised ovarian capsule at the point of adherence. In particular, diagnosis of endometrioma, ovarian adhesions, and pouch of Douglas obliteration was shown to be highly accurate. There is a signifcant correlation of histologic diagnosis of adenomyosis and certain ultrasound features, which are Fig. The presence of adhesions in the pouch of Douglas was assessed the presence of adenomyosis signifcantly reduces the by evaluating the uterus. A combination of pressure on the likelihood of pregnancy in women trying to conceive. It is also the bowel behind and the posterior uterine serosa in front is associated with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss.

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