Sharon Krystofiak, M.S., M.T. (A.S.C.P.), C.I.C.

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Additional products are also contraindicated, as they contain perfumes advice must be transmitted, including the use of daily and acidic substances. After the application of topical pharmacological treatments), the patient should be medication, the patient must wait at least 10 minutes advised to consult a doctor to evaluate the situation, who before applying any products. Any applied in the following order: moisturizer, sunscreen, and oral medications must be discontinued if the patient has makeup, if the individual wishes to apply it. The use of artifcial tears winter, patients are urged to wear a scarf to protect their and adequate daily cleansing eyelashes in the treatment faces. To help these actions may include lowfiintensity exercises, like reducing the thickness of meibomian gland secretions walking or swimming; healthy eating; and sleeping at least and promote their expression, hot compresses could be 7 hours (Portugal, 2015; Nordqvist, 2016; Portugal, 2010). Applying light pressure Patients should also introduce foods into their diets that to the eyelids can help gland expression. Nonpreserved are antifiinfammatory in nature, such as vitamin B, ginger, artifcial tears are the most suitable due to the frequency turmeric, omega 3, and olive oil (Adams, Coven, Grippe, of application and should be applied abundantly all the 2016). Of note, patients should wash create a list of foods and beverages that may cause or their hands after applying the product (creams, gels, or intensify the condition, and which and can aggravate emulsions), and they should only apply the product to rosacea farefiups. Some recommendations could be given afected areas, given that application to other areas can to the patient, such as cleaning the skin twice a day with cause skin irritation. In the event of accidental contact with suitable products, and drying the skin gently with a soft the eyes, the patient should rinse his/her eyes thoroughly cotton cloth without rubbing. The patient should void with water and, if necessary, go to a doctor (Portugal, harsh abrasives, select soft products that are tailored to the 2015). Pina patients respond well to treatment, but improvements are cultural diferences in what are considered aesthetically gradual and must be carried out for three months or more acceptable or desirable facial appearances (Elewskiet al. The guidelines order to help treatment to be more efective, as the basis for testing cosmetic products will continue to evolve, of treatment lies in avoiding the factors that can aggravate and it is essential that safety and efcacy trials are carried the symptoms (Fernandes, 2012). Patients with rosacea should seek safety in the etiology and pathophysiology of rosacea (Elewski et their formulations of choice. Patients should also use and the various therapeutic options that are currently available. However, the idea of achieving Dermatologique De Paris, Satellite Symposium Uriage. Cuidados dermocosmeticos para uma pele saudavel: aconselhamento farmaceutico nos casos mais comuns. A guide to the ingredients and potential the American Acne & Rosacea Society on the management benefits of over-the-counter cleansers and moisturizers for of rosacea, part 1: a status report on the disease state, general rosacea patients. Rosacea fi Dermocosmetic management: Skinfi of altered cutaneous immune responses in the induction and care and corrective makefiup [Rosacee fi prise en charge des persistence of rosacea. Farmacias Holon protocolo de apoio a dispensa de and systemic therapies in the treatment of rosacea. United States of America: McGraw-Hill Rosacea Society Expert Committee on the Classifcation and Education/Medical; 2012. Bacterial Infections ions Folliculitis Actinic Keratoses Impetigo Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3. Benign Neoplasms Malignant Melanoma Seborrheic Keratoses Atypical Mole (Dysplastic) Granuloma Pyogenicum Atypical Mole Lentigo Simplex Atypical Mole Atypical Mole 4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Seborrheic Dermatitis Herpes Simplex, Penis Nummular Dermatitis Herpes Simplex, Vulva Herpes Simplex, Perineum 6. Viral Infections Molluscum Contagiosum Herpes Simplex Herpes Zoster Rosacea Rosacea is a congestive blushing and flushing reaction of the central areas of the face. It is usually associated with an acneiform component (papules, pustules, and oily skin). Rosacea is distinguished from acne by age, the presence of the vascular component, and the absence of comedones. Folliculitis Folliculitis is characterized by red-ringed papules and pustules at hair follicles. Impetigo Superficial honey-colored serous crusts are characteristic of this disorder. Seborrheic Keratoses these lesions are benign overgrowths of epithelium, largely appearing on the torso, face, and neck. The borders are typically irregular, and they range in color from beige or gray-white to very dark brown. Although often raised and dry, they can be flatter and greasier (seborrheic) in texture. The overgrowth of capillaries leads to a raised red lump which bleeds profusely when torn. Lentigo Simplex these lesions occur on sun-exposed skin, especially face, arms, and hands. Varicella Chicken Pox the rash is pruritic and most prominent on the face, scalp and trunk. Verruca Plana the numerous discrete lesions, closely set, usually occur on face, dorsa of hands and shins. Lesions are flat-topped, slightly elevated, well demarcated, generally flesh-colored, with a matte-smooth surface. Pityriasis rosea is usually an acute self-limiting illness that lasts 4 to 8 weeks. Vesicular Hand Dermatitis this disorder is a severely pruritic reaction in individuals with a personal or family history of allergic manifestations. Nummular Dermatitis A pruritic dermatosis, characterized by round to oval (coin-shaped) areas of vesiculation, superficial crusting, and redness. Tinea Versicolor Asymptomatic to mildly itchy macules that scale readily on scraping. Superficial denuded beefy red areas with or without scattered satellite vesicopustules with marginal scaling. Erythema Chronicum Migrans Lyme Disease Caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans by a deer tick bite, infection, is characterized by erythema migrans. The reaction can become quite large, is generally circular in shape, and can show several concentric rings (target pattern). Erythema migrans is often accompanied by flu-like illness with fever, chills, and myalgias. Cells are atypical, and they are considered to be pre-malignant because some may eventually become squamous cell cancers. Should it appear on the mucus membrane or lip area, it behaves much more aggressively and can be fatal. Malignant Melanoma Recognized through the mnemonic, "A-B-C-D:" Asymmetry of contour, irregularity of Border and Color, and Diameter larger than 6 mm. Color ranges from flesh tints to pitch black and mixtures of white, blue, purple, and red. Malignant melanoma can exist in a superficial spreading mode for years and still be curable by excision with 1 to 2 cm margins. Once a vertical growth phase develops, rapid spread through blood and lymph vessels occurs. These atypical moles, show irregular outlines, and different shades and patterns of brown color. If they appear in a person with a family history of melanoma and are multiple in number, the incidence of cancer developing reaches 100%. Onycholysis may simulate onychomycosis; therefore, fungal culture will be valuable in diagnosis. Intertriginous Psoriasis Sebopsoriasis the skin fold areas are shades of red and orange, with mild to severe itching. Guttate Psoriasis A form of psoriasis characterized by the rapid development of myriad small lesions, 3 to 10 mm in diameter, on all areas of the body, especially the extremities. Deep aching pain of the perineum may occur 2 to 3 days before appearance of the skin lesions. Condyloma Acuminatum Genital Warts Highly contagious and sexually transmitted, soft, skin-colored, fleshy warts can be pin-head papules or cauliflower-like masses that are caused by the human papilloma virus. Secondary Syphilis Generalized maculopapular eruptions are most common, although lesions may be pustular or follicular as well (or combinations of any of these types). Condylomata lata are raised, weeping papules on the moist areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The patient generally feels sick, can have regional lymphadenopathy, but complains only of minimal itching. Diagnosis of syphilis is based on a positive serologic test or discovery of Treponema pallidum on darkfield microscopy. Scabies Scabies is a common dermatitis caused by infestation with Sarcoptes scabiei. Urticaria Usually intensely itching intradermal vascular reaction (wheals or hives). Since this is primarily a nerve infection with secondary skin manifestations, it is preceded, accompanied, and followed by pain. What prescribers need to know: Few clinical situations require topical In primary care, many skin infections are relatively antibiotics minor and do not need to be treated with antibiotics. Management should focus on good skin hygiene In the community, many patients have skin and soft tissue measures and a trial of a topical antiseptic infections that are relatively minor. These types of infections do not usually require Do not prescribe topical antibiotics for patients with antibiotic treatment as they will generally improve with good infected eczema, for wound management, for other skin hygiene measures. If the isolate is resistant to both topical subsidised (also available over-the-counter in a antibiotics or there is active infection, oral antibiotics range of tube sizes) may be required (see below) * Other topical antibiotics are available. The use If topical antibiotics are prescribed, instruct the patient to use of these medicines is not covered in this resource, however, similar the medicine for up to seven days only and to discard the tube restraints with prescribing should also apply to these medicines. For further information on current views on the role of topical antibiotics, see: Infectious diseases experts then recommend the application of a topical antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide or povidone-iodine. These antiseptic preparations can also assist in softening the 2 February 2017 Parents and caregivers should be advised to There is some evidence to support this practice and/or the use keep the afected areas covered with dressings to reduce the of an activated oxygen bleach product. The child should be excluded from school or pre-school until the lesions have dried up or antibiotics are indicated if skin infections are recurrent for 24 hours after oral antibiotic treatment has been initiated. Consider discussing an appropriate decolonisation regimen with an infectious diseases expert as Good hygiene and topical antiseptic treatment has failed advice is likely to vary due to local resistance patterns. An is a lack of consensus on the most efective decolonisation appropriate dose for a child is: method and increasing antibiotic resistance continues to drive Flucloxacillin: 12. For example, the antiseptic povidone-iodine used intranasally has been suggested as an alternative to a Alternative oral antibiotics if there is allergy or intolerance to topical antibiotic, but consistent evidence for its efectiveness fucloxacillin include erythromycin, co-trimoxazole (frst choice is lacking. They should not be administered if the patient Decolonisation for patients with recurrent skin still has an active skin infection as the skin infection can be infections a source from which nasal carriage is re-established. Good Patients with recurrent skin infections and their family personal hygiene measures and environmental decolonisation members may require decolonisation to reduce S.

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It is relatively ineffective unless used with a erythematosus, porphyria or skin cancer light-sensitizing medication such as psoralen. However, it can be used by young people to A doctor and his or her phototherapy staff know avoid unwanted side effects of other treatments or if exactly how much time should elapse between the other treatments have not been successful. Light sensitivity drops dramatically oatmeal products or application of topical products after one hour. Exposure time is treatments, it is advisable to have an annual skin ex- gradually increased to 20 minutes or longer, depending amination by a dermatologist. Early signs of an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer are keratoses, or raised, scaly wart-like bumps, After clearing, a person may or may not go on a that can range from a tenth- to a half-inch in diameter maintenance regimen, depending on the aggressiveness at the base. One of these treatments Use of commercial sunglasses should be discussed with is used from 12 to 24 months, and then the patient is your doctor. A doctor will determine if rotating treatments treatments within fve years are at a higher risk for is an appropriate option for you. An athletic doctors will prescribe steroid medications or anthralin supporter, shorts, a towel or sunscreen can be used. Freestanding and wall-mounted narrow-band and the neck, face, lips, ears or the back of the hands broad-band units should also be protected with sunscreen during and 375 Marcus Blvd. For example, if you are driv- broad-band units ing in the sun after a treatment, wear gloves and/or use P. Phototherapy patients must tell their doctors Small broad-band units when they begin taking any new medications or (manufacturer of Cooper-Hewitt Products) supplements. Be cautious when Hand-held broad-band units sunbathing during phototherapy treatment and be 1545 Sawtelle Blvd. Full-body, hand-held and localized broad-band and narrow-band units 1532 Enterprise Parkway Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 800. Broad-band and narrow-band full-body and foot units 2301 Falkirk Drive the following educational materials are available from Richmond, Va. Through education and advocacy, we promote awareness and understanding, ensure access to treatment, and support research that will lead to effective management and, ultimately, a cure. The National Psoriasis Foundation, a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, depends on your tax-deductible donations to support more than 5 million people affected by psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis. The Psoriasis Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees and is advised on medical issues by a volunteer Medical Board. National Psoriasis Foundation educational materials are reviewed by members of our Medical Board and are not intended to replace the counsel of a physician. The Psoriasis Foundation does not endorse any medications, products or treatments for psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis and advises you to consult a physician before initiating any treatment. What Dovobet is and what it is used for Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken 2. Possible side effects If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or 5. How to store Dovobet are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for advice before using 6. Dovobet ointment is used on the skin to treat plaque psoriasis Driving and using machines (psoriasis vulgaris) in adults. Psoriasis is caused by your skin cells this medicine should not have any effect on your ability to drive or being produced too quickly. Dovobet ointment contains Butylhydroxytoluene (E321) Dovobet ointment contains calcipotriol and betamethasone. If you forget to use Dovobet Fabric (clothing, bedding, dressings etc) that has been in contact Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. Washing clothing and bedding may reduce product build-up but not If you stop using Dovobet totally remove it. It may be necessary for you to stop this medicine gradually, Children especially if you have used it for a long time. Dovobet is not recommended for the use in children below the age If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask of 18 years. If you notice this, stop using Dovobet and tell By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on your doctor as soon as possible. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month the body such as the hands or feet. Write the stop using Dovobet, tell your doctor immediately or go to the date you first opened the tube in the space provided on the carton. Signs of increased calcium in blood are excessive secretion of urine, constipation, muscle weakness, confusion and 6. This can be serious and you should contact your doctor What Dovobet contains immediately. However, when the treatment is stopped, the levels the active substances are: return to normal. Less serious side effects One gram of ointment contains 50 micrograms of calcipotriol the following less serious side effects have been reported for Dovobet. Although infestation is not life- threatening, scabies is a nuisance disease that is commonly found in health care facilities and can result in crisis, fear, and panic. Scabies outbreaks can be costly to control and may easily reoccur if not properly contained and treated. This manual has been created to provide sensible recommendations to health care agencies (including but not limited to acute care, long-term care, assisted living, and homes for the aged) by addressing scabies biology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and outbreak management. Additionally, this information is appropriate for institutions such as child and adult day cares, foster care homes, homeless shelters, schools, prisons, and any other institutions that may be affected by scabies. The recommendations in this manual are intended to supplement specific institutional scabies policies and protocols. The Michigan Department of Community Health Scabies Prevention and Control Manual was developed by a committee comprised of epidemiologists, laboratorians, public health nurses, infection control professionals, entomologists, nursing home managers, state regulatory staff, and physicians. The committee identified the need for a document that is user-friendly, comprehensive, and concise, to assist institutions in developing rational responses to either a single case of scabies or a scabies outbreak. The information provided in this manual is based on best practices and current research. Scabies Prevention and Control Manual 3 Scabies Biology General Information the causative agent of human scabies is the mite, Scarcoptes scabiei (Figure 1). They share with these organisms the feature of eight-jointed legs in the adult stage. Although mites in general are very diverse in terms of what they feed upon and where they live, the scabies mite is an obligate ectoparasite which must live on the outside of a mammal host to survive. The scabies mites are thought to be a single species, but with several physiological varieties or subspecies. The many variants of this species are generally considered to be very host-specific. Adult scabies mite (cross-section) in outer layer of skin (stratum corneum) (approximately 100X magnification). They are generally white or colorless and because of their small size, can only be identified positively through the use of a microscope. Scabies mites do not transmit disease; however, their burrowing and feeding activities (Figure 1-B) create the irritation and allergen responses symptomatic of the infestation. Feeding Mites feed by using their mouthparts and front legs to dig into the stratum corneum (outer epidermal layer) of the skin. They ingest tissue as they burrow and also feed on lymph fluids secreted by underlying skin layers to meet their growth requirements. Feeding activity and host immune system response to mite secretions and fecal matter are the sources of irritation that lead to scratching, scabbing, and subsequent secondary infections. Life cycle the entire life cycle of the human scabies mite (Figure 2), from egg to adult capable of reproduction, typically occurs in about 10 days for males and 14 days for females. Larvae molt (shed exoskeleton) into a protonymph stage after 2 3 days and into a tritonymph stage 2 3 days after that. Each molt to a new nymphal stage is often accompanied by movement to a new site and Scabies Prevention and Control Manual 5 subsequent burrow (molting pouch) construction. In 2 3 days, the tritonymphs molt into the adult stage where reproductive maturation takes place. A mature female will excavate a shallow burrow and wait for a wandering male to find her and initiate mating. Afterwards, she may expand the molting pouch into a permanent burrow or seek out a new site to excavate and lay eggs. Although mites cannot jump, they can readily move to a new individual when skin-to-skin contact is made. Currently, there are no published studies that have determined the minimum contact time necessary for the mites to transfer from person to person. Therefore, any person who has direct contact with someone who has scabies may be at risk for infestation. Environmental Transmission the role of fomites (inanimate objects) in transmission is uncertain, but the mites Scabies Prevention and Control Manual 6 can survive away from the host for short periods of time. It is assumed that they can infest new hosts through shared clothing and bedding, carpets, and furniture. Mites are susceptible to dehydration and their survival time is dependent on humidity and temperature. Several studies have shown that mites can survive 2 5 days at normal indoor (heated) room temperatures and humidity. Larvae can hatch from eggs deposited off of the host in 7 days, if humidity is sufficiently high. In general, a combination of low temperature (10fi C or ~50fiF) and high humidity (90%) is optimal for survival. The few studies examining the home environments of scabies patients have found live mites in vacuum-collected samples, yet a study of a nursing home with scabies-infested patients showed very few living mites in dust samples. It is likely that frequent bedding changes and cleaning, possibly coupled with higher temperatures and drier conditions, reduced fomite-associated scabies mites in the nursing home environment. Although it has been shown that the scabies mites can stay alive off-host for various periods of time, depending on temperature and humidity, the longer they are away from the host skin environment, the less likely they will be able to initiate burrowing and be a source of infestation. Therefore, a mite surviving 2 5 days off the human host at typical room conditions is potentially re-infestive for only the first 1 2 days away from the host. Zoonotic Transmission (Animal to Human) It is unlikely that domestic animals are reservoirs of human scabies. Although it has been shown that canine scabies mites are capable of burrowing and producing eggs in human skin tissue, these infestations are non-sustainable. Transmission Prevention Treatment of scabies on individuals and reduction of skin-to-skin contact with infested individuals is recommended as the primary means of eliminating the infestation.

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Note 2: If the aspirated node is the only one that is microscopically positive 4d medications buy discount epitol 100 mg, use code 95 symptoms 0f a mini stroke epitol 100 mg with mastercard. Note 3: Avoid using Regional Nodes Positive code 97 if possible medicine prescription best buy epitol, even if this means slightly undercounting the number of nodes positive medications for bipolar disorder discount epitol 100 mg online. Record the total number of regional lymph nodes removed and examined by the pathologist in treatment 1 purchase epitol now. The number of regional lymph nodes examined is cumulative from all procedures that removed lymph nodes through the completion of surgeries in the first course of treatment schedule 8 medicines discount epitol uk. Example: Lung cancer patient has a mediastinoscopy and positive core biopsy of a hilar lymph node. Code Regional Nodes Positive as 05 and Regional Nodes Examined as 11 because the core biopsy was of a lymph node in the same chain as the nodes dissected. If the location of the lymph node that is aspirated or core-biopsied is not known, assume it is part of the lymph node chain surgically removed, and do not include it in the count of Regional Nodes Examined. Other terms for removal of a limited number of nodes include lymph node biopsy, berry picking, sentinel lymph node procedure, sentinel node biopsy and, selective dissection. Other terms include lymphadenectomy, radical node dissection, and lymph node stripping. When neither the type of lymph node removal procedure nor the number of lymph nodes examined is known, use code 98. This date may or may not reflect the date of the most definitive surgical procedure. Record the date of the first surgical procedure of the types coded as Surgical Procedure of Primary Site, Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery, or Surgical Procedure/Other Site. Example: A patient had a radical prostatectomy in 2018 and is now seen with bone mets. Blank when no known date applies (no surgery was done or it is unknown if surgery was done). If two or more cancer-directed surgeries are performed, enter the date for the first cancer- directed surgery. If the date is unknown record the year of diagnosis as the surgery date and leave the month and day blank. An incisional biopsy is performed on March 3, 2018 followed by a resection on March 17, 2018. February 1, 2018 a patient had a fine needle aspiration of a right breast mass, consistent with infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Patient had a lumpectomy as part of first course of treatment for breast cancer in 2018, but the date is unknown. The patient undergoes a colonoscopy on 2/20/18 and is found to have a suspicious polyp. The patient proceeds to a segmental resection of the colon for margins done on 3/2/18. Explanation As part of an initiative to standardize date fields, new fields were introduced to accommodate non-date information that had previously been transmitted in date fields. Code the type of surgery the patient received as part of the first course of treatment at any facility. Code the most invasive, extensive, or definitive surgery if the patient has multiple surgical procedures of the primary site even if there is no tumor found in the pathologic specimen. Code 98 is used for hematopoietic, reticuloendothelial, immunoproliferative or myeloproliferative disease and for unknown or ill-defined sites unless the case is death certificate only. All gross disease is removed and there is only microscopic residual at the margin. Code total removal of the primary site when a previous procedure resected a portion of the site and the current surgery removed the rest of the organ. For brain tumors, gross total resection (of tumor or mass) should be coded to 20, and not 55. This data item records the reason that surgery of the primary site was not part of the first course of treatment. Surgery of the primary site was not performed because it was not part of the planned first-course treatment. At no time did the physician recommend that the patient have all three treatments. Unless the patient is referred to surgeon this discussion does not mean surgery was recommended. Code 7 means surgery is exactly what was recommended by the physician and the patient refused. If two treatment alternatives were offered and surgery was not chosen, code Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site as 1. A patient with primary tumor of the liver is not recommended for surgery due to advanced cirrhosis. A patient is referred to another facility for recommended surgical resection of a non-small cell lung carcinoma. There is no further information from the facility to which the patient was referred. The reason for no surgery of primary site is 8, recommended but unknown if performed. Code the surgical procedure of other sites the patient received, at any facility, as part of the first course of treatment. Explanation Documents the extent of surgical treatment and is useful in evaluating the extent of metastatic disease. Record the highest numbered code that describes the surgical resection of distant lymph nodes or regional/distant tissues or organs the patient received as part of the first course of treatment at any facility. Examples of incidental removal of organ(s) would be removal of appendix, gallbladder, etc. Surgical biopsy of metastatic lesion from liver with an unknown primary is coded to 1. Document if no surgery was done, or if it cannot be determined if intended surgery was done. It is known that the patient had radiation therapy earlier in the year, but the month and day are unknown. Blank when no known date applies (no radiation therapy was given or it is unknown if radiation was given). Leave this item blank if Date Radiation Started has a full or partial date recorded. Code 11 if no radiation is planned or given, or the initial diagnosis was at autopsy. Code 12 if Date Radiation Started cannot be determined, but the patient did receive first course radiation. Code 15 if radiation is planned, but has not yet started and the start date is not yet available. Segregation of treatment components into Phases and determination of the respective treatment modality may require assistance from the radiation oncologist to ensure consistent coding. Once the catheter is properly placed in the hepatic artery, millions of tiny beads, or microspheres, which contain the radioactive element yttrium-90, are released into the blood stream. Code as brachytherapy (Radioactive implants-code 2) when the tumor embolization is performed using a radioactive agent or radioactive seeds. Text information regarding treatment of the tumor being reported with beam radiation and/or other radiation therapy. Explanation Text documentation is an essential component of a complete abstract and used extensively for quality assurance, consolidation of information from multiple sources, and special studies. If a patient received both radiation therapy and any one or a combination of the following 204 Texas Cancer Registry 2018/2019 Cancer Reporting Handbook Version 1. Assign code 4 when there at least two courses, episodes, or fractions of radiation therapy given before and at least two more after surgery to the primary site, scope of regional lymph node surgery, surgery to other regional site(s), distant site(s), or distant lymph node(s). Code Radiation Sequence with Surgery as 7 (surgery both before and after radiation). A patient underwent excisional biopsy of a right breast mass followed by radiation therapy to breast. Cases coded 8 should be followed and updated to a more definitive code as appropriate. Record the first or earliest date on which chemotherapy was administered by any facility. Blank when no known date is applicable (no chemotherapy was given or it is unknown if chemotherapy was given). She has completed chemotherapy and now comes to your facility for radiation therapy. Explanation As part of an initiative to standardize date fields, date flag fields were introduced to accommodate non- date information previously transmitted in date fields. Leave this item blank if Date Chemotherapy Started has a full or partial date recorded. Code 12 if the Date Chemotherapy Started cannot be determined or estimated, but the patient did receive first course chemotherapy. Chemotherapy consists of a group of anti-cancer drugs that inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells. Code the chemotherapeutic agents whose actions are chemotherapeutic only; do not code the method of administration. When chemotherapeutic agents are used as radiosensitizers or radioprotectants, they are given at a much lower dosage and do not affect the cancer. The physician may change a drug during the first course of therapy because the patient cannot tolerate the original agent. This is a continuation of the first course of therapy when the chemotherapeutic agent that is substituted belongs to the same group (alkylating, antimetabolites, natural products, or other miscellaneous). The medical record documents chemotherapy was not given, was not recommended, or was not indicated. If the treatment plan offered multiple treatment options and the patient selected treatment that did not include chemotherapy. Code to 01 if chemotherapy was administered as first course treatment, but the type and number of agents is not documented in the patient record. Assign Code 02 when single agent chemotherapy was administered as first course therapy. The chemotherapeutic agent may or may not have been administered with other drugs classified as immunotherapy, hormone therapy, ancillary, or other treatment. The planned first course of therapy may or may not have included other agents such as hormone therapy, immunotherapy, or other treatment in addition to the chemotherapeutic agents. Assign code 88 when the only information available is that the patient was referred to an oncologist or there was an insertion of a port-a-cath. If follow-up indicates the patient was never seen by the oncologist, change the code to 00. Chemotherapy recommended: A consult recommended chemotherapy, or the attending physician documented that chemotherapy was recommended. Although they are toxic to all cells, they are most active in the resting phase of the cell. When the cells incorporate these substances into the cellular metabolism, they are unable to divide. Targeted cancer therapies are sometimes called "molecularly targeted drugs," "molecularly targeted therapies," "precision medicines," or similar names. Examples of molecularly targeted therapy are imatinib (Gleevec), lapatinib (Tykerb), erlotinib (Tarceva), sunitinib (Sutent). Agents in this type of therapy are vastly different from the traditional chemotherapeutic agents. Use codes 01, 02, 03 as specific information regarding the agent(s) is documented. Chemotherapy is injected through the catheter into the tumor and mixed with particles that embolize or block the flow of blood to the tumor. Record code 02 and document the information in the treatment documentation data field. The medical record states chemotherapy was not delivered and the reason is not documented. Record code 86 and document that the medical record states chemo not delivered but no reason given. Document if no chemotherapy was given, or if it cannot be determined if intended chemotherapy was given. Record the first or earliest date on which hormone therapy was administered by any facility.

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