Mandisa-Maia Jones-Haywood, MD
- Assistant Professor
- Anesthesiology
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine
- Winston Salem, North Carolina
Therefore this particular chapter concentrates on the general preventive and control methods of skin infections that are important to be implemented by the health extension package workers food allergy treatment 2013 purchase quibron-t canada. Take special care to dry yourself between your toes allergy symptoms to zoloft discount quibron-t 400 mg on line, under your armpits and in the groin region allergy medicine case order 400 mg quibron-t visa. Prevention of disability and rehabilitation Activities aimed at preventing impairment and disability in leprosy patients are important and depend on a good relationship between health worker and patient allergy medicine used in meth cheap quibron-t online amex. Therefore allergy testing joplin mo order quibron-t 400mg with amex, patients should be regularly examined allergy medicine to take while pregnant buy quibron-t 400 mg low price, so that reactions and new nerve function impairment can be detected and treated appropriately. Warm showers are recommended in herpes simplex I in order to cleanse the infected area. Although arthropods are important in maintaining the ecosystem we live in, they can adversely affect our health in several ways: 170 By causing direct, non-allergic, local tissue damage through stings, bites, exposure of toxic body fluid (blister beetles), and tissue invasion (sand flea and brown recluse spider). It is therefore a family disease spreading amongst those living in close association, especially when they sleep together in the same bed. Separate medical treatment however, may be necessary especially if secondary infections have become established. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Known under a variety of common names, such as oriental sore in old world, uta or chiclero ulcer in new world. It is characterized by typical ulcer that starts as a nodule at the site of bite, and then a crust develops in the middle which exposes the ulcer. Berger, AndrewsDiseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology Co; 9th edition (2000); 7. Monica chesbrough, District laboratory practice in Tropical countries, part I, Cambrige university press, 1998. The effect of health education on prevalence of tinea capitis in children, eldoret, Kenya, 1993. The Core Module is prepared for health officers, pubic health nurses, environmental health, medical laboratory technology students and Health extension Workers. In some centers, 28% of medical and 25% of pediatrics cases have dermatological problems. Despite the extent of the problem, dermatology service delivery in our country has remained poor. The intent of this module is to highlight the Health Officers, Nurses, Medical Laboratory Technicians and Environmental Health Technicians with the diagnosis, management, control, and prevention of common dermatological conditions in our setting. The factors associated with increased colonization rate of Candida include/s a) Usage of broad spectrum antibiotics for long periods b) Diabetes mellitus c) Depressed cell mediated immunity d) Pregnancy e) All of the above 6. Another study carried out in 1996 to determine the prevalence of skin diseases among school children in rural Ethiopia, showed that 80. Cells of the epidermis Keratinocyte produces keratin which forms the outer most skin layer covered by thin lipids to give the skin protective capacity from water and heat loss, penetration of microbial agents, and other trauma by physical mechanisms. Protection: it protects the body from many environmentally unfavorable factors; such as, thermal, chemical, ultra violet radiation and different disease-causing microorganisms. The skin can be viewed as a peripheral arm of the immune system involved in normal homeostasis and host defense. Synthetic function: the skin synthesizes vitamin D, different hormones, melanin, and other substances. Umblicated; surface contains a round depression in the centre, characteristics of molluscum contagiosum or herpes simplex. Purpose of the Module the ultimate purpose of this training module is to produce competent Health Officers who can correctly identify and effectively manage common dermatologic problems both in clinical and community settings. In order to make maximum use of the satellite module, the health officer should follow the following directions. What do you understand by the term skin failure (exfoliative dermatitis or erythroderma) Generalized dryness of the skin and lesions on the lateral aspects of the extremities were also seen. Skin colored papules and nodules with shining surfaces and umblicated top were noted on a four year old child. Management Local management for small lesions: Wash with betadine solution or saline. When impetigo is neglected it becomes ecthyma, a superficial infection which involves the upper dermis which may heal forming a scar. A furuncle is an acute, deep-seated, red, hot, tender nodule or abscess that evolves around the hair follicle and is caused by staphylococcus aureus. In young children, Hemophilus influenza type B should be considered as a possible etiology for cellulites especially of the face (facial cellulitis). Crystalline penicillin or procaine penicillin is the first line therapy and oral Ampicillin or Amoxicillin may be used for mild infection and after the acute phase resolves. It occurs most commonly in the groins, axillae and the intergluteal and submammary flexures, or between the toes. In the groins, it affects the area of one or both thighs in contact with the scrotum. It is difficult to differentiate erythrasma of the toe clefts from Tinea pedis or Candida infection. The duration of therapy varies, but 2 weeks is usually sufficient for topical fucidin and erythromycin. Tinea Capitis Tinea capitis is a dermatophytic infection of the head and scalp, usually found in infants, children, and young adolescents. Griseofulvin in a dose of 10-20 mg per kg for six weeks to 8weeks is the first-line treatment of Tinea capitis. Topical treatment can be added to decrease the transmission and accelerate resolution. Itching is variable and not diagnostic Tinea corporis can assume a giant size (Tinea incognito) when steroids are applied for cosmetic reasons or as a result of miss diagnosis. Tinea pedis Tinea pedis is fungal infection of the feet and is usually related to sweating and warmth, and use of occlusive footwear. Once-weekly dosing with fluconazole is another option, especially in noncompliant patients. Tinea versicolor (Pityriasis versicolor) Versicolor versicolor is a common, benign, superficial cutaneous (stratum corneum) fungal infection at the level of stratum corneum characterized by hypo pigmented or hyperpigmented macules and patches with faint scale on the chest and the back. Weekly applications of any of the topical agents for the following few months may help prevent recurrence. Under certain conditions, they can become so numerous that they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas. There is secondary nail thickening, ridging, discoloration, and occasional nail loss in chronic cases. Physical examination reveals a diffuse erythema and white patches that appear on the surfaces of the buccal mucosa, throat, tongue, and gums. The presence of retrosternal pain, epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting may suggest esophageal candidiasis Vulvovaginal candidiasis: this is the second most common cause of vaginitis. Treatment Candida intertrigo Topical azoles and polyenes, including clotrimazole, miconazole, and nystatin, are effective. Paronychia the most important intervention is drainage followed by oral antifungal therapy with either ketoconazole, fluconazole or itraconazole. Single daily dose of itraconazole taken for 3-6 months or a pulsed-dose regimen that requires a slightly higher dose daily for 7 days, followed by 3 weeks off therapy. The incubation period of a wart is 2 to 9 months during which time an excessive proliferation of skin growth slowly develops. In immunodeficiency states warts can become fulminantly wide spread and difficult to treat. Treatment Salicylic acid 25% ointment twice daily followed by cutting or scraping Preparation of salicylic acid 5-20% and lactic acid 5-20 in collodion are easier to use Electrodessication and curettage Freezing with liquid nitrogen if available. In adults it appears in the pubic and genital region it is a sexually transmitted infection. Cryosurgery Using liquid nitrogen to freeze the lesion Salicylic Acid (Compound W) A solution applied to the lesion with or without tape occlusion 3. Lesions are bilateral and symmetrical, inguinal lymph nodes may be enlarged, fever and flu like symptom may be there. Manifestations: Skin vesicles, Encephalitis, Hepatitis, Pneumonia, Coagulopathy Mortality rate (M/R) >50% in ideal setting. Scabies Definition: scabies is one of the commonest intensely pruritic, highly contagious infectious conditions of the skin caused by a mite Sarcoptis scabei and transmitted by close personal and sexual contacts 34 Historically It has been recognized as a disease for over 2500 years. Epidemiology 9 Commoner in children and adolescents 9 It is a disease of disadvantaged community 9 Epidemic occurs during wars and social upheavals 9 Endemic in many developing countries Transmission Pathogenesis Female and male make mating on the surface of the skin. The male mite dies and the gravid female mite burrows into the epidermis lays up to 3 eggs per day for the duration of her 30-60 day lifetime. Causes of therapeutic failure Improper counseling Poor compliance of patient 37 Inadequate application Improper application Not treating family members who have close contacts 3. If one parent is atopic, more than 50% of the children would develop allergic symptoms by the age of two years and if both parents are affected, the chance of the child to have allergic symptoms would be about 79%. Evidence of pruritus Three minor features are: Xerosis/ ichthiosis / hyperlinearity of palms and soles Perifollicular accentuation Post auricular fissure Chronic scalp scaling the hall mark of atopic eczema is pruritus and dryness of the skin. The pattern of distribution in atopic eczemas depends on the age and activity of the disease. Infantile Atopic eczema Atopic dermatitis usually starts in the first year of life. During this phase, there is facial erythema, vesicles, oozing and crusting located mainly on the face, scalp, forehead and extensor surface of the extremities. Psychological effects often are very prominent Adolescent and adult atopic dermatitis: Flexural predilection of lesions persists. Maintenance therapy, if needed is best done with mild steroids like hydrocortisone. On face and intertriginous areas, mild steroids should be used; mid-potency formulations are used for trunk and limbs. Infections and colonization with Staphylococcus aureus may aggravate or complicate Atopic dermatitis Erythromycin, or cloxacillin is usually prescribed Course and prognosis Most infantile and childhood cases improve over time and the prevalence of atopic dermatitis diminishes significantly in older ages. Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis is a papulosquamous disorder patterned on the sebum-rich areas of the scalp, the face, and the trunk. Distribution follows the oily and hair-bearing areas of the head and the neck, such as the scalp, the forehead, the eyebrows, the lash line, the nasolabial folds, the beard, and the postauricular skin. Treatment Topical corticosteroids, creams, lotions Systemic ketoconazole or shampoos can be given if it is sever. Pruritus provokes rubbing that produces clinical lesions, but the underlying pathophysiology is unknown. Pigmentary changes (especially hyperpigmentation) are seen variably as in any dermatitic lesion. Keratolytes (2% 3% Salicylic acid) could be used in lichenfied lesion to remove the hyperkeratosis. Acne vulgaris Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease that affects 85-100% of people at some time during their lives. It is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe 44 forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Excess sebum, Excess sebum is also a key factor in the development of acne vulgaris. Androgens stimulate sebocyte differentiation and sebum production, whereas estrogens have an inhibitory effect. Inflammation Inflammation may be a primary phenomenon or a secondary phenomenon and plays a role in the development of acne comedones, papules, pustules, and nodules in a sebaceous distribution characterize acne vulgaris. The face may be the only involved skin surface, but the chest, the back, and the upper arms are often involved 5. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other endocrine disorders with excess androgens may trigger the development of acne vulgaris. The grade and the severity of the acne help in determining, which of the following treatments, alone or in combination, is most appropriate. The development of resistance is lessened if topical antibiotics are used in combination with benzoyl peroxide. While specific systemic and environmental factors are known to influence the disease, it has unpredictable course with spontaneous improvement and exacerbations of lesions. The development of psoriatic lesions at a site of injury is known as the Koebner phenomenon. Localized pustular psoriasis usually presents with persistent pustular eruptions of the hands and feet. Typical sites of affection are the elbows, knees, shin, knuckles, sacral areas and scalp. Anthralin Salicylic acid ointment has been traditionally used for its keratolytic effect. Either alone or in combination with coal tar or topical corticosteroids, salicylic acid (2% to 10%) helps to soften and remove psoriatic scale. Moisturizer (Emollients) help to hydrate, soften, and loosen psoriatic plaques A strong topical steroid once or twice daily, cover with salicylic acid 2 10 if necessary. Vitamin D3 analogues: Calcitriol and Calcipotriol, act by regulating keratinocyte proliferation and maturation.
Diagnosis Diagnosis is not easy allergy shots medicare trusted 400mg quibron-t, and the history of the preexisting dermatosis may be the only clue allergy shots build up phase 400 mg quibron-t with amex. Management this is an important medical problem that should be dealt with in a modern inpatient dermatology facility with experienced personnel allergy treatment scottsdale buy 400mg quibron-t fast delivery. The eruption allergy shots philippines buy quibron-t 400mg line, which is characterized by widespread inflammatory and hyperkeratotic lesions in seborrhoeic areas allergy forecast charlottesville va generic quibron-t 400 mg with visa, may progress to erythroderma in some patients allergy symptoms nasal discharge quibron-t 400 mg fast delivery. Oral hairy leukoplakia has no malignant potential, but it may be the initial sign of progressive immunosuppression. Photo induced lichenoid drug reactions may be seen particularly in dark-skinned patients. Purpose and use of this satellite module this module is intended to be used by midlevel Nurses and is believed to equip them with basic and adequate information that are not discussed in the core module. All are skin diseases, except a) Leprosy b) Acne vulgaris 62 c) Carbuncle d) Edematous skin lesion 4. All can be practical measures to prevent skin disease except a) By keeping cleanliness of the skin b) By early identification c) By removing the predisposing factors d) By treating all skin diseases with antibiotics 6. All are pyodermal skin problems except: a) Impetigo b) Frunclosis c) Carbuncle d) Boils e) Acne 7. It is the disease associated with poor personal hygiene and low living condition a) Scabies b) Acne c) Carbuncle d) Leprosy 8. The role of nurse who is working in primary health care unit, for the patient who is admitted and developed bedsore will be all, except a) Clean and dress the wound b) Encourage the patient to take balanced diet c) Maintain skin integrity d) Refer the patient to nearest hospital e) None of the above 64 4. Cause Like furuncles the causative organism is generally a staphylococcus aureus/streptococcus Clinical presentation the involved area of the skin is usually red, indurate, and painful with multiple pustules and several draining points with purulent drainage. The lesion often develops a yellow gray crust at the center, which is permanent and readily visible scar. A leprosy reaction is manifested with inflammation of the skin lesion and peripheral nerves. The inflammation in the skin lesions causes redness and edema, therefore the hypopigmented macular lesion become red and raised. So, new patient will be classified based on the numbers of skin lesions and result of skin smear. Type1 reaction is caused by increased activity of the body is immune system in fighting the leprosy bacilli. It occur in people who have strong all mediated immunity Both paucibacillary and multibacillary get type 1 reaction and commonly seen within six months of starting treatment, but some of patients may show this reaction before starting treatment even before leprosy has been diagnosed. The patches are not usually painful, but there may be some discomfort associated with swelling of the limbs or face may occur. The reactions occur most commonly during leprosy treatment and since it takes long time to clear the dead bacilli and remains for years after stopping the treatment. Clinical manifestation: Lesions appear as dark red, raised plaque lesion covered with silvery scales Lesions produce multiple bleeding points when the scales are scraped away these patches are not moist and mostly is not itchy When psoriasis occurs on the palms and soles, it can cause pustular lesions Lesions can be symmetrical Particular sites of the body tend to be affected Scalp the area over the elbows and knees, lower part of the back & genitalia the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, Over the sacrum and the inter gluteal fold If nails are involved, it may be presented by Pitting Discoloration Crumbling beneath the free edge and Separation of the nail plates Complications Arthritis (the relation is not understood) Erytherodermic psoriasis (involving the whole body surface) Treatment Goal: To reduce the rapid turnover of the epidermis and to promote resolution of the psoriatic lesions 76 Advise that the disease may persist for life with remission and exacerbation. It is a common inflammatory disorder affecting face, chest and back but it may occur at any site. Acne is the most commonly encountered skin condition, affecting an estimated 85% of the population between 12 & 35 years of age. B Intradermal rupture of sebaceous gland induces an inflammatory reaction due to the leakage of follicle contents (Sebum, keratin, bacteria) in to the dermis. Nursing management Inform patient that acne arises because of combination of factors Instruct patient to wash the face with mild soap and water twice a day to remove surface oils and prevent obstruction of the oil glands Caution the patient to avoid scrubbing the face constantly Hair should be kept off the face and shampooed daily if necessary Inform patient that all forms of friction and trauma should be avoided Teach patient that squeezing merely worsens the problem, this may be cause of post inflammatory hyperpigmantation Teach patient to be consistent with treatment because the problem is chronic Advise patient that cosmetics, shaving creams, and lotions can agitate acne Reassurance and emotional support, reduction of stress 79 4. The skin overlying the sacrum and hips is most commonly involved, but bed sores may also be seen over the occiput areas, elbow, heels, ankles, scapula, medial condyle of tibia and head of fibula. The redness progresses to a dusky, cyanotic blue gray appearance, which is the result of skin capillary occlusion weakening of subcutaneous tissue. Improve nutritional status high protein and iron will be given to increase the level of hemoglobin 6. Minimizing moisture soiled skin should be washed with mild soap and water and then dry with soft towels and if the patient is in continent urine catheterization will be done 8. Chronic eczema More likely to be lichenified (a dry leathery thickened state, with increased skin markings, secondary to repeated scratching or rubbing) More likely to develop painful fissures Complications 1. For chronic eczema Steroids in ointment base with keratolytic such as salicylic acid Systemic antibiotics for bacterial super infection Sedative antihistamines, eg. Maintain drainage of infected area Wet dressing is used for vesicular, bullous, pustular and ulcerative conditions. It is the most common type of infantile eczema and is also seen in characteristic patterns in children, adolescents and adults too. About 3 percent of infants have some evidence of atopic dermatitis during the first few moths of life and many children with atopic dermatitis develop either rhinitists or asthma at a later age. In the child hood phase, between the ages of 4 and 10 years, the lesions are less acute and exudative, more scattered red and often localized in the flexor folds of the neck, elbows, wrist and knees. In the adolescence and adult phase the lesion occurs on flexures of extremities the lesion are primarily dry lichenified, hyperpigmental plaques in flexor areas and around the eyes, Persistent hand dermatitis may be the only reminants of atopic dermatitis. They are responsible for a variety of common skin infections, in some cases; they affect only the skin and its appendages. Superficial fungal infection rarely cause temporary disability & respond readily to treatment. The nail may also be involve with chronic infection Lymphangitis & cellulitis may be seen when bacterial super infections occurs. It most frequently occurs in young, obese person and those who wear tight under clothing and commonly associated with tinea pedis. Miconazole nitrate should be dusted in to the involved area in a patient with perspiration or occlusion of skin due to obesity. Grisofulvin is usually prescribed orally 10-15 Mg/Kg twice daily from 6 months to years (until normal nail grows fully) 2. It propagates in areas that are moist and warm, such as in mucous membranes and folds of tissues. The disease will occur also in those patient under going chemotherapy, local radiation treatment and patients who are using corticosteroid and anti biotic. The crusts usually slough in 7 14 days, rash appears as drops on a rose petal Vesicular lesion, quickly rupturing to form small ulcers and appear first in oropharynx Complication Secondary bacterial infection particularly with group A beta hemolytic streptococci is common and encephalitis rarely. But in children acute respiratory disease syndrome is the common complication 96 Nursing intervention Maintain skin integrity by giving skin care Isolate the patient until the crust disappears Advise the patient to get bed rest until the patient is afebrile Keep the skin clean Give antibiotic for patients who have secondary bacterial infection Reduce fever by using analgesics like paracitamol and use tepid sponge for children according the severity of fever Teach the family and other community members about the disease condition Encourage the patient to take high fluid and maintain his/her nutritional status. Herpes zoster represents as a reactivation of latent varicella (chicken pox) and may reflect a lower immunity. Later, when the latent viruses are reactivated they travel by way of the peripheral nerves to the skin. Clinical manifestation the eruption is generally preceded by pain, which may radiate over the entire region supplied by the nerves. The healing time varies between 7 and 26 days Herpes zoster in healthy adult is usually localized and benign, however, in immuno suppressed patient, the disease may be severe and the clinical course acutely disabling. Management and Nursing intervention the goal of treatment is to relieve the pain and reduce complication. The pain is controlled with analgesics and may require neurontin (gabapatin) for pain conterol 2. Systemic corticosteroids given to patient over age of 50 to reduce the incidence and duration of complication. In immune-compromised patients the goal is probably even more modest, ie to control the size and number of lesions present. The treatment also causes permanent depigmentation in darkly pigmented individual 2. Electrocautery may be used for excision of warts, however, this may result in a permanent painful scar on the foot 5. Occasional primary infection may manifest as sever gingivostomatitis in small children. Herpes simplex is may have recurrent infection and self limited attacks, by precipitated fevers, a viral infection, fatigue, menstruation and others triggering factors such as the sun and wind. Generally close human contact with secretions of the oropharynx mucosal surface, vagina and cervix seems necessary to acquire the infection of herpes simplex. Pain, crusting and other symptoms can be shortened and healing can be hastened and also the treatment is effective in treating recurrence. Acyclovir ointment can be applied on the area of lesion Treatment does not cure the patient or prevent transmission of disease. Mode of transmission Scabies is contagious & spread from person to person by direct physical contact, including sexual contact. After treatment is completed ointments such as emollients like parfine or Vaseline should be applied to skin lesion, because scabicide may be irritating the skin. Itching may remain a troublesome problem for a few weeks due to the occurrence of hypersensitivity particularly in the atopic (allergic) person but it is not a sign of treatment failure. Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis Cutaneous leishmaniasis Caused by protozoan which has three varieties a) Leishmania ethiopica 105 b) Leshmania brasiliensis c) Leshmania mexicana d) Leshmania aethiopica But mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is caused by leishmania viannia, agroup of organism called leishviabraziliensis found in central & South America. The lesion first is nodular and then becomes ulcerated and wart like that can be painful. Some times the lesion appears as single nodule but later on can be indurate and involve on nasal mucosa and skin and lead to destructions. As alternative Oral allpurinol 20 to 30 /kg /day in three divided doses is effective 4. General nursing assessment for a patient with skin impairment Potential for pressure sore due to poor skin care Assess individual nutritional status, circulatory status, degree of mobility, whether able to self-care or not able to exercise, and mental alertness are assessed. Evaluation: After carrying out nursing activities under intervention, try to re-asses the condition of skin whether it is improved or not so that you can redesign your plan of treatment. What are the main laboratory tests that assist for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis Learning Objectives After completion of this module the lab personnel will be able to: Describe how to collect, handle & label specimens from the skin Describe routine concepts of laboratory diagnosis of skin diseases Describe and demonstrate the laboratory procedures for M. Examine the specimen using culture Blood agar and MacConkey agar cultures are used for isolation of bacteria, which cause common skin diseases. Culture the specimen Flame and sterilize wire loops before & after use Flame the necks of specimen bottles, culture bottles, & tubes after removing & before replacing caps. Send the specimens with a request form to reach the laboratory within about 6 hours. The organisms can be found singly, in clusters, and in large groups within macrophage cells. Sterilize the blade by wiping it carefully with a piece of absorbent cotton wool soaked in 70% ethanol (alcohol) and flaming it for 2-3 seconds in the flame of a spirit lamp. Caution: Acid alcohol is flammable; therefore use it with care well away from an open flame. Examine the smear microscopically, first with the 40x objective to see the distribution of material and then with the oil immersion to look for acid-fast bacilli. Red solid bacilli or beaded forms, occurring singly or in masses Macrophage cells green* *Blue if methylene blue counter stain has been used Reporting M. Fungal sample collection and processing In skin infections a fungal lesion usually spreads outwards in concentric fashion with healing in the central region. All species of ringworm fungi have a similar appearance Fungi need to be distinguished from epidermal cell outlines, elastic fibers, and artifacts such as intracellular cholesterol (mosaic fungus) and strands of cotton or vegetable fibers. Ringworm fungal hyphae can be differentiated from these structures by their branching, uniform width, and cross walls (septa), which can be seen when using 40-x objective. Care must be taken to differentiate between true fungal fluorescence (bright green) and 121 the auto fluorescence of keratin (dull blue) or the fluorescence of creams and ointments that may have been applied to the lesion. Immunology and serology the immunological aspects of ringworm are incompletely understood. Fungal Culture Dermatophytes develop well on culture media containing an organic source of nitrogen. Immuno filtration is a powerful technique for rapid detection of infected cells in tissue samples 4. Collection and examination of slit skin smears for amastigotes Material for examination should be taken from the inflamed raised swollen edge of an ulcer or nodule.
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Record the two-digit code to identify the primary race(s) of the patient in fields race 1, race 2, race 3, race 4, and race 5. If no race is stated in the medical record or available from other sources in your facility, review the documentation for a statement of a race category such as a patient described as a Japanese female. Do not code race from name alone, especially for females with no maiden name given. For example, do not code Black in race 1 for one parent and Black in race 2 for the other parent. If more than the Race 1 code is entered, and if any race is 99, then all race codes (Race 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) must be 99. If more than the Race 1 code is entered, and if any race codes (for Race 2, 3, 4 and 5) are 88 (no further race documented), then all subsequent race codes must also be 88. Explanation this is used to identify whether or not the person should be classified as Hispanic for purposes of calculating cancer rates. Hispanic populations have different patterns of occurrence of cancer from other populations that may be included in the 01 (White) category of race. The information is coded from the medical record or is based on Spanish/Hispanic names. Portuguese, Brazilians and Filipinos are not presumbed to be Spanish or non-Spanish. For example, patient is Filipino or patient is a woman with a Hispanic married name but she is known to be non-Hispanic. Married female, no maiden name, Race 01, born in Philippines, married last name not on Spanish surname list and medical record states Hispanic. Transsexual: A person who was assigned to one gender at birth based in physical characteristics but who self-identifies psychologically and emotionally as the other gender. Assign code 5 for transsexuals who are natally male or transsexuals with primary site of C600-C639 4. Assign code 6 for transsexuals who are natally female or transsexuals with primary site of C510-C589 97 Texas Cancer Registry 2018/2019 Cancer Reporting Handbook Version 1. Assign code 4 for transsexuals with unknown natal sex and primary site is not C510-C589 or C600 C639 6. Definition Type of business or industry where the patient worked in his or her usual occupation. Examples: Inadequate: Automobile industry Adequate: Automobile manufacturing Inadequate: Mine Adequate: Copper mine Inadequate: Retail Adequate: Retail bookstore 3. Explanation Used to identify work-related health hazards; identifies occupational groups in which cancer screening or prevention activities may be beneficial. Exception If a patient has been a homemaker for most of her adult life, but has ever worked outside the home, report the occupation held outside the home. Examples: Inadequate: Teacher Adequate: Preschool teacher, high school teacher Inadequate: Laborer Adequate: Residential bricklayer Inadequate: worked in a warehouse, worked in a shipping department Adequate: warehouse forklift operator Inadequate: Engineer Adequate: Chemical engineer, Railroad engineer Inadequate: Self-employed Adequate: Self-employed auto mechanic 3. If the information is unknown code 99999999 and document in Text Remarks Other Pertinent Information that the follow up physician is unknown. Base the prognosis decision on the primary site, histology, and extent of disease for each of the primaries b. If there is no difference in prognosis, the sequence numbers may be assigned in any order. If the patient develops a subsequent non-malignant primary, change the code for the first primary from 60 to 61, and number subsequent non-malignant primaries sequentially (62, 63). A person was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2010 and metastasis to the lungs in June 2018. Since the lung is a metastatic site and not a second primary, it would not be abstracted. The patient had a history of duct cell carcinoma of the left breast in 2005 and is admitted in 2018 for adenocarcinoma of the lung. Complete an abstract on the lung tumor, and document duct cell carcinoma of left breast in 2005 in this field. The patient has a history of prostate cancer, no date or specific morphology is given. Code the type of the insurance reported closest to the date of diagnosis when there are multiple insurance carriers reported from multiple admissions and/or multiple physician encounters. Code the Primary Payer at Diagnosis as 99 because the information from the facility where originally diagnosed is not available. If the medical record only indicates No, use code 9 (Unknown/not stated/no smoking specifics provided) rather than code 0 (Never used). The initial diagnosis date may be from a clinical diagnosis, for example, when a radiologist views a chest x-ray and the diagnosis is lung carcinoma. The date of diagnosis based on a pathology report should be the date the specimen was taken, not the date the pathology report was read or created. If later documentation shows the diagnosis was an earlier date, record the earlier date and document in the Summary Stage Documentation text field. On December 6, 2018 the patient is diagnosed with widespread metastatic papillary cystadenocarcinoma. Use the date therapy was started as the date of diagnosis if the patient receives first course of treatment before a definitive diagnosis. Note: Every resource available at the reporting facility must be reviewed in order to determine the date of diagnosis. Example: Patient admitted to your facility on April 26, 2018 with recurrent melanoma but the original date of diagnosis is unknown. A Couple of Years Code to two years earlier A Few Years Code to three years earlier Example 1. If diagnosis date or date of birth are changed the calculator must be pressed to recalculate the age at diagnosis. Explanation the histological (morphologic) type helps to determine staging and treatment options. Note: Solid tumor histology can be coded only after the determination of single vs. Follow the steps in priority order for using the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Database and Coding Manual. Code the primary site as lung and the morphology as small cell carcinoma (8041/3). The exception is with in situ breast cancer; code as non-invasive (/2) in the presence of isolated tumor cells or if cells are artifactually displaced from a previous procedure. Code the behavior as malignant (/3) if any portion of the primary tumor is invasive no matter how limited, i. It is necessary to review the entire medical record in order to obtain the most precise description of the primary site. The History and Physical states examination of the right breast reveals a mass in the upper outer quadrant. Code to the more detailed description from the History and Physical, upper outer quadrant of the right breast (C504). Unless otherwise instructed, use all available information in the medical record to code the site. Pathology report shows adenocarcinoma arising in an ectopic patch of endometriosis on the sigmoid colon. The patient had a total hysterectomy with a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy ten years ago for non cancer reasons. She now has widespread cystadenocarcinoma in 121 Texas Cancer Registry 2018/2019 Cancer Reporting Handbook Version 1. Assign the primary site code for the site where the bulk of the tumor is or where the epicenter is; do not nuse C448. Patient has an infiltrating duct carcinoma in the upper outer quadrant (C504) of the right breast and another infiltrating duct carcinoma in the lower inner (C503) quadrant of the right breast. The biopsy is positive for hepatoma, but there is no information available about the primary site. Code to the tissue in which such tumors arise rather than the ill-defined region (C76 ) of the body, which contains multiple tissues. Sarcomas may also arise in the walls of hollow organs and in the viscera covering an organ. Code the organ of origin as the primary site when leiomyosarcoma arises in an organ. Review of a single record may reveal only the site being treated during that admission. Example: Admitting history says patient was diagnosed with lung cancer based on positive sputum cytology. Patient has an excision of a melanoma located just above the umbilicus (C445, laterality 5). Morphology: Moderately well differentiated mucin-producing adenocarcinoma Primary Site: Colon, ascending Example 2. Morphology: Grade 3, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma Primary Site: Right breast, upper outer quadrant Example 3. Use code 0 when the pathology report indicates that there is no lymphovascular invasion. If diagnosed prior to admission to the reporting facility, review the history section of the record to identify information regarding previous diagnostic tests and treatments. Examination of cells (rather than tissue) including but not limited to: sputum smears, bronchial brushings, bronchial washings, prostatic secretions, breast secretions, gastric fluid, spinal fluid, peritoneal fluid, pleural fluid, urinary sediment, cervical smears and vaginal smears. The patient has elevated alpha-fetoprotein with a clinical diagnosis of liver cancer. Assign code 8 when the case was diagnosed by any clinical method not mentioned in preceding codes. Bone marrow specimens (aspiration and biopsy) 140 Texas Cancer Registry 2018/2019 Cancer Reporting Handbook Version 1. Code 2: Positive cytology Code 2 is rarely used for Hematopoietic and Lymphoid neoplasms. Paraffin block specimens from concentrated spinal fluid, peritoneal fluid, or pleural fluid 3. Identifying a more specific histology: Bone marrow biopsy positive for acute myeloid leukemia (9861/3). Code Diagnostic Confirmation 3, positive histology and positive genetic testing/immunophenotyping. Those letters, numbers, and plus signs would not be in the diagnosis documentation unless immunophenotyping or genetic testing was done. Code 5: Positive laboratory test/marker study Assign code 5 when the diagnosis of cancer is based on laboratory tests, tumor marker studies, genetics or immunophenotyping that are clinically diagnostic for that specific cancer. Assign code 5 because the diagnosis is based on the positive Bence-Jones and there is no histologic confirmation in this case. The operative report states the patient had lymphoma, but no biopsy or cytology was done 2. For these neoplasms, biopsy, immunophenotyping, and genetic testing do not confirm the neoplasm. Code 1 and 3 do not apply because there is no histologic confirmation and positive immunophenotyping and or genetic studies in this example. At the time of diagnosis a patient is diagnosed with liver metastasis but primary site cannot be determined and the abstract is submitted as an unknown primary. An abstract is submitted with the histology of cancer (8000/3) and diagnostic confirmation code 7.
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Impact of sildenafil on male erectile disorder blood pressure during administration of sildenafil due to psychological factors. The effect of doxazosin on sexual function in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension, or both. Impact of diabetes mellitus on the severity of erectile dysfunction and response to treatment: Gheorghiu S, Godschalk M, Gentili A et al. Diabetologia life in patients using self-administered intracavernous 2004;47(11):1914-1923. Relationship Between Vascular Damage Degrees and Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Giammusso B, Morgia G, Spampinato A et al. Erectile progenitor cells and endothelial function after chronic Tadalafil dysfunction in a primary care setting: results of an treatment in subjects with erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res observational, no-control-group, prospective study 2006;18(5):484-488. Sexual dysfunction in the male dialysis patient: pathogenesis, evaluation, and therapy. 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Efficacy results and erectile dysfunction: results from multiple quality-of-life measures in men receiving sildenafil citrate for observations in men with erectile dysfunction in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Androgen deficiency in the etiology and treatment of erectile Glina S, Sotomayor M, Gatchalian E et al. Testosterone:estradiol ratio changes associated with Godschalk M, Gheorghiu D, Chen J et al. Br J a new formulation of prostaglandin E1 as treatment for erectile Sex Med 2006;3(4):716-722. Safety and efficacy of sildenafil citrate in the injections as a successful treatment in pure neurogenic treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Clinical assessment of sildenafil in the Harrold L R, Gurwitz J H, Field T S et al. The treatment of neurogenic male sexual dysfunction: After the diffusion of a novel therapy into clinical practice: the hype. Does sildenafil combined with testosterone gel improve erectile dysfunction in Harwood P J, Grotz M, Eardley I et al. Erectile hypogonadal men in whom testosterone supplement therapy dysfunction after fracture of the pelvis. Sildenafil citrate: lessons learned vardenafil and tadalafil-review of the literature. The pharmacokinetics and hemodynamics of sildenafil citrate in Hatzichristou D G, Apostolidis A, Tzortzis V et al. Sildenafil versus intracavernous injection therapy: efficacy and preference in patients on intracavernous Grover J K, Vats V, Ajeeta. Effect of sildenafil citrate for treatment of erectile dysfunction in a tadalafil on sexual timing behavior patterns in men population with associated organic risk factors. Yohimbine treatment of review of the options for treatment of erectile organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trial. Appropriate use of Hauck E W, Altinkilic B M, Schroeder-Printzen I et sildenafil citrate in male erectile dysfunction. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of oral sildenafil citrate therapy for Gutierrez P, Hernandez P, Mas M. Comparison of a needle-free high-pressure injection system with needle-tipped Heaton J P, Lording D, Liu S N et al. Intracavernosal injection of intracavernosal alprostadil for erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res ultrasound monitoring of patients treated with chronic 2002;14(1):38-43. Evaluation of a progressive treatment program for erectile dysfunction Hirsch I H, Smith R L, Chancellor M B et al. Int J Impot Res intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 for neuropathic 2005;17(5):431-436. Patient satisfaction with confidence in treating erectile dysfunction in the pharmacologic erection program. Fluoxetine-induced sexual dysfunction color Doppler ultrasonography studies between sildenafil non and an open trial of yohimbine. Testosterone treatment for priapism caused by intracavernous injection to supplementation for erectile dysfunction: results of a combat erectile dysfunction. Combined use of androgen efficacy of sildenafil citrate based on etiology and and sildenafil for hypogonadal patients unresponsive to response to prior treatment. Rechallenge prior stimulation and intracavernous injection in screening men with sildenafil nonresponders. High attrition rate with intracavernous sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction from injection of prostaglandin E1 for impotency. Open label study of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients: incidence and treatment intracavernous injection of alpostadil alphadex in the with sildenafil. Oral sildenafil may reverse secondary ejaculatory dysfunction during infertility Kim E D, el-Rashidy R, McVary K T. The combined use of sex therapy and intrapenile injections in the treatment of impotence. Objective penile arginase in the male and female sexual arousal vascular response to intraurethral prostaglandin E2 response. Characteristics of pain following intracavernous injection of prostaglandin Kattan S A. 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