Bertram G. Katzung MD, PhD
- Professor Emeritus, Department of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco
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Committee members then identify whether and what evidence is available related to each of the key factors. The committee must weigh the degree of importance that each particular key factor and the evidence that supports it has to the policy and coverage decision. H ypopnea is defined as an abnorm al respiratory event lasting at least 10 seconds w ith at least a 30% reduction in thoracoabdom inal m ovem ent or airflow as com pared to baseline, and w ith at 3 least a 4% oxygen desaturation. The research study is w ell supported by available scientific and m edical inform ation or it is intended to clarify or establish the health outcom es of interventions already in com m on clinical use. The research study design is appropriate to answ er the research question being asked in the study. The research study is sponsored by an organization or individual capable of executing the proposed study successfully. All aspects of the research study are conducted according to the appropriate standards of scientific integrity. The research study has a w ritten protocol that clearly addresses, or incorporates by reference, the M edicare standards. The clinical research study is not designed to exclusively test toxicity or disease pathophysiology in healthy individuals. The research study protocol specifies the m ethod and tim ing of public release of all pre specified outcom es to be m easured, including release of outcom es if outcom es are negative or study is term inated early. The results m ust be m ade public w ithin 24 m onths of the end of data collection. If a report is planned for publication in a peer review ed journal, then that initial release m ay be an abstract that m eets the requirem ents of the International Com m ittee of M edical Journal Editors. H ow ever, a full report of the outcom es m ust be m ade public no later than 3 years after the end of data collection. The research study protocol m ust explicitly discuss subpopulations affected by the treatm ent under investigation, particularly traditionally underrepresented groups in clinical studies, how the inclusion and exclusion criteria affect enrollm ent of these populations, and a plan for the retention and reporting of said populations in the trial. If the inclusion and exclusion criteria are expected to have a negative effect on the recruitm ent or retention of underrepresented populations, the protocol m ust discuss w hy these criteria are necessary. The research study protocol explicitly discusses how the results are or are not expected to be generalizable to the M edicare population to infer w hether M edicare patients m ay benefit from the intervention. Separate discussions in the protocol m ay be necessary for populations eligible for M edicare due to age, disability, or M edicaid eligibility. Recom m ending Body, O verall Guideline(s) Evidence Base Year Published Q uality N ational Institute for 1. Therefore, soft palate im plants should not consensus 2007 be used in the treatm ent of this condition. They have sym ptom s that affect their quality of life and ability to go about their daily activities, and b. Lifestyle advice and any other relevant treatm ent options have been unsuccessful or are considered inappropriate. Preoperative evaluation:A perioperative evaluation should include a com prehensive review of previous M eta analysis, G ood Anesthesiologists Task m edical record, an interview w ith the patient and/or fam ily, and a physical exam ination. In addition, the preoperative use of m andibular advancem ent devices or oral appliances and preoperative w eight loss should be considered w hen feasible. The patient should be advised about potential surgical success rates and com plications, the analyses, availability of alternative treatm ent options such as nasal positive airw ay pressure and oral system atic appliances, and the levels of effectiveness and success rates of these alternative review, and treatm ents (Standard). Tracheostom y: Tracheostom y has been show n to be an effective single intervention to treat obstructive sleep apnea. This operation should be considered only w hen other options do not exist, have failed, are refused, or w hen this operation is deem ed necessary by clinical urgency (O ption). Palatal Im plants: Palatal im plants m ay be effective in som e patients w ith m ild obstructive sleep apnea w ho cannot tolerate or w ho are unw illing to adhere to positive airw ay pressure therapy, or in w hom oral appliances have been considered and found ineffective or undesirable (O ption). The acceptable leak w ill alw ays exceed the intentional leak, w hich depends on the applied pressure and interface type. In both instances, supplem ental O2 should be introduced at 1 L/m in and titrated upw ards to achieve a target SpO2 betw een 88% and 94%. If a patient presents w ith sym ptom s, elective surgery should be postponed, if possible, pending resolution of sym ptom s. Patients w ith severe or uncontrolled disease, or those in w hich pulm onary status is uncertain, should be referred to a pulm onologist for assessm ent of pulm onary function. If patients have been on steroid therapy during the past 6 m o before surgery, additional steroid support m ay be necessary. Preoperative If endotracheal intubation is required, consider preoperative prophylaxis (corticosteroids, topical lidocaine, beta2 adrenergic agonists). This recom m endation as an option is based on 9 clinical trials, 6 of w hich did not find changes in m ean arterial pressure com pared to placebo. Full night, attended polysom nography perform ed in the laboratory is the preferred approach for titration to determ ine optim al positive airw ay pressure; how ever, split night, diagnostic titration studies are usually adequate (Guideline). This recom m endation is based on 61 studies that exam ined m anagem ent paradigm s and collected acceptance, utilization, and adverse events; 17 of these studies qualified as Level I. Patients w ith neurologic diseases often have significant sleep disorders w hich m ay affect both M eta analyses Fair of N eurological nocturnal sleep and daytim e function w ith increased m orbidity and even m ortality. Therefore, increased aw areness should be directed tow ard system atic sleep disorders in patient w ith neurodegenerative, cerebrovascular and neurom uscular diseases. O xim etry cannot differentiate betw een obstructive and central sleep apnea or is insufficient to identify stridor. It is possible that oxim etry has a role for the screening of hypoventilation in patients w ith neurom uscular w eakness. There is a clear need for further studies focusing on the diagnostic procedures and treatm ent m odalities in patients w ith sleep disorders and neurologic diseases. Is there sufficient evidence under some or all situations that the technology is: Unproven Equivalent Less More (no) (yes) (yes) (yes) Effective Safe Cost-effective Discussion Diagnosis Based on the evidence vote, the committee may be ready to take a vote on coverage or further discussion may be warranted to understand the differences of opinions or to discuss the implications of the vote on a final coverage decision. Discussion Item Diagnosis Is the determination consistent with identified Medicare decisions and expert guidelines, and if not, what evidence is relied upon. The committee has given greatest weight to the evidence it determined, based on objective factors, to be the most valid and reliable. Is there sufficient evidence under some or all situations that the technology is: Unproven Equivalent Less More (no) (yes) (yes) (yes) Effective Safe Cost-effective Discussion Treatment Based on the evidence vote, the committee may be ready to take a vote on coverage or further discussion may be warranted to understand the differences of opinions or to discuss the implications of the vote on a final coverage decision. Discussion Item Treatment Is the determination consistent with identified Medicare decisions and expert guidelines, and if not, what evidence is relied upon. Next Step: Cover with Conditions If covered with conditions, the Committee will continue discussion. Information known but not available or assembled can be gathered by staff; additional clinical questions may need further research by evidence center or may need ad hoc advisory group; information on agency utilization, similar coverage decisions may need agency or other health plan input; information on current practice in community or beneficiary preference may need further public input. Delegation should include specific instructions on the task, assignment or issue; include a time frame; provide direction on membership or input if a group is to be convened. Understand characteristics of the normal sleep cycle, including sleep stages, and changes with aging. For sleep disorders, categorize as hypersomnia, insomnia, parasomnia; for each disorder describe major clinical and physiological characteristics, and mechanisms if known. In humans the daily total sleep requirement declines steadily throughout childhood and adolescence, levels off during the middle years, and then often declines further with old age. The amount of stage 4 slow-wave sleep declines with age and in many people is nearly absent by age 70. As a consequence, older people spend proportionately more time in the lighter stages of slow-wave sleep, from which they awaken more often. However, the circadian rhythm of sleepiness is actually biphasic and normal afternoon drowsiness is more pronounced in the elderly. The visual system, particularly the superior colliculus circuit, is intensely activated, and all dreams have visual experiences. Thus, the visual cortices and limbic areas to which they project may be operating as a closed system, functionally disconnected from frontal regions in which the highest order integration of visual information takes place. Incoming light which is transduced by retinal ganglion cells (melanopsin) is believed to be the primary factor synchronizing circadian rhythms. Serotonin acts as a modulatory neurotransmitter; serotonergic input from the dorsal raphe nucleus in the midbrain periaqueductal gray area will act to inhibit the effects of light on the system and is associated with different aspects of the sleep wake cycle. In contrast, many potential sleep-promoting factors have been identified, including muramyl peptides (found in bacterial cell walls), lipopolysaccharides, prostaglandins, interleukin-1, interferon-alpha2, tumor necrosis factor, delta sleep-inducing peptide, and vasoactive intestinal peptide. Besides enhancing sleep, all also exert effects on body temperature and on the immune response. One ancillary function of the sleep state may be to optimize the processes that counter infections. The histamine system has been conceptualized as one of the wakefulness promoting systems, in agreement with drowsiness as a common side effect of antihistamines. Orexin, a hypocretin that has been previously associated with feeding behaviors, has also been found to have a role is sleep behavior. Many areas of the brain associated with the sleep-wake cycle, specifically the lateral and dorsal hypothalamus, have orexin neurons and receptors. About 15% of people living in industrialized countries have serious or chronic sleep problems. Trouble staying awake and trouble sleeping may be referred to together as dyssomnias. Insomnia and hypersomnia may be symptoms in mood disorders, particularly depression. The most common disorders are (1) obstructive sleep apnea, (2) insomnia, (3) restless legs syndrome, (4) narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Diagnostic testing: Two types of sleep studies are used to supplement the clinical diagnosis of sleep disorders. Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a condition in which patients periodically stop breathing while asleep. The most common cause of sleep apnea is due to temporary obstruction of the upper airway. The extreme changes in the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood that develop after 1 minute or more without air rouse the sleeper, and a few noisy, choking gasps refill the lungs. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common medical cause of excessive daytime somnolence. Of major importance to the diagnosis is a history of apneic episodes during sleep. Usually the patients are not aware of the episodes because they are brief and arousal is only partial, so the history must be obtained indirectly, typically from a spouse or roommate. Additional symptoms include gasping for breath during sleep, dull headaches, and automatic behaviors. The principal symptom is irresistible sleep attacks lasting 5 30 minutes during the day. These attacks may occur without warning and at inappropriate times, typically precipitated by strong emotion, especially laughter.
Navigational Note: Biliary anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage of bile due to breakdown of a biliary anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures) blood pressure chart stage 1 hypertension buy discount adalat 20mg on line. Navigational Note: Bladder anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage of urine due to breakdown of a bladder anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures) artaria string quartet 20 mg adalat with visa. Navigational Note: Bruising Localized or in a dependent Generalized area Definition: A finding of injury of the soft tissues or bone characterized by leakage of blood into surrounding tissues blood pressure medication used for ptsd discount 30 mg adalat visa. Navigational Note: Dermatitis radiation Faint erythema or dry Moderate to brisk erythema; Moist desquamation in areas Life-threatening Death desquamation patchy moist desquamation hypertension quotes generic adalat 30mg without prescription, other than skin folds and consequences; skin necrosis mostly confined to skin folds creases; bleeding induced by or ulceration of full thickness and creases; moderate edema minor trauma or abrasion dermis; spontaneous bleeding from involved site; skin graft indicated Definition: A finding of cutaneous inflammatory reaction occurring as a result of exposure to biologically effective levels of ionizing radiation heart attack burger order 30mg adalat with amex. Navigational Note: Fall Minor with no resultant Symptomatic; noninvasive Hospitalization indicated; injuries; intervention not intervention indicated invasive intervention indicated indicated Definition: A finding of sudden movement downward hypertension grades quality 20 mg adalat, usually resulting in injury. Navigational Note: Fallopian tube anastomotic Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak diagnostic observations only; intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent intervention not indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a fallopian tube anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Fallopian tube perforation Invasive intervention not Invasive intervention Life-threatening Death indicated indicated consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Prior to using this term consider specific fracture areas: Injury, poisoning and procedural complications: Ankle fracture, Hip fracture, Spinal fracture, or Wrist fracture Gastric anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a gastric anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Gastrointestinal anastomotic Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a gastrointestinal anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Gastrointestinal stoma Superficial necrosis; Severe symptoms; Life-threatening Death necrosis intervention not indicated hospitalization indicated; consequences; urgent elective operative intervention indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a necrotic process occurring in the gastrointestinal tract stoma. Navigational Note: Intestinal stoma leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage of contents from an intestinal stoma (surgically created opening on the surface of the body). Navigational Note: Intestinal stoma site bleeding Minimal bleeding identified Moderate bleeding; medical Transfusion indicated; Life-threatening Death on clinical exam; intervention intervention indicated invasive intervention consequences; urgent not indicated indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding from the intestinal stoma. Navigational Note: Intraoperative cardiac injury Primary repair of injured Life-threatening Death organ/structure indicated consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A finding of damage to the heart during a surgical procedure. Navigational Note: Intraoperative hemorrhage Postoperative invasive Life-threatening Death intervention indicated; consequences; urgent hospitalization intervention indicated Definition: A finding of uncontrolled bleeding during a surgical procedure. Navigational Note: Kidney anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage of urine due to breakdown of a kidney anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Large intestinal anastomotic Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of an anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures) in the large intestine. Navigational Note: Pancreatic anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a pancreatic anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Pharyngeal anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a pharyngeal anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Prolapse of urostomy Asymptomatic; clinical or Local care or maintenance; Dysfunctional stoma; elective Life-threatening Death diagnostic observations only; minor revision indicated operative intervention or consequences; urgent intervention not indicated major stomal revision intervention indicated indicated Definition: A finding of displacement of the urostomy. Navigational Note: Radiation recall reaction Faint erythema or dry Moderate to brisk erythema; Moist desquamation in areas Life-threatening Death (dermatologic) desquamation patchy moist desquamation, other than skin folds and consequences; skin necrosis mostly confined to skin folds creases; bleeding induced by or ulceration of full thickness and creases; moderate edema minor trauma or abrasion dermis; spontaneous bleeding from involved site; skin graft indicated Definition: A finding of acute skin inflammatory reaction caused by drugs, especially chemotherapeutic agents, for weeks or months following radiotherapy. Navigational Note: Rectal anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a rectal anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Small intestinal anastomotic Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of an anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures) in the small bowel. Navigational Note: Spermatic cord anastomotic Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a spermatic cord anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Stomal ulcer Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; elective diagnostic observations only; intervention indicated operative intervention intervention not indicated indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a circumscribed, erosive lesion on the jejunal mucosal surface close to the anastomosis site following a gastroenterostomy procedure. Navigational Note: Tracheostomy site bleeding Minimal bleeding identified Moderate bleeding; medical Transfusion indicated; Life-threatening Death on clinical exam; intervention intervention indicated invasive intervention consequences; urgent not indicated indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding from the tracheostomy site. Navigational Note: Ureteric anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a ureteral anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Urethral anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a urethral anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Urostomy leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage of contents from a urostomy. Navigational Note: Urostomy site bleeding Minimal bleeding identified Moderate bleeding; medical Transfusion indicated; Life-threatening Death on clinical exam; intervention intervention indicated invasive intervention consequences; urgent not indicated indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding from the urostomy site. Navigational Note: Uterine anastomotic leak Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a uterine anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Uterine perforation Invasive intervention not Invasive intervention Life-threatening Death indicated indicated consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a rupture in the uterine wall. Navigational Note: For systemic vaccination complications, consider Immune system disorders: Allergic reaction or Anaphylaxis. Navigational Note: Vas deferens anastomotic Asymptomatic diagnostic Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; invasive Life-threatening Death leak finding; intervention not intervention indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent indicated operative intervention indicated Definition: A finding of leakage due to breakdown of a vas deferens anastomosis (surgical connection of two separate anatomic structures). Navigational Note: Wound complication Observation only; topical Bedside local care indicated Operative intervention Life-threatening Death intervention indicated indicated consequences Definition: A finding of development of a new problem at the site of an existing wound. Navigational Note: Prior to using this term consider Injury, poisoning and procedural complications: Wound dehiscence or Infections and infestations: Wound infection Wound dehiscence Incisional separation, Incisional separation, local Fascial disruption or Life-threatening Death intervention not indicated care. Navigational Note: Also consider Hepatobiliary disorders: Hepatic failure Blood antidiuretic hormone Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; medical Hospitalization indicated abnormal diagnostic observations only; intervention indicated intervention not indicated Definition: A finding based on laboratory test results that indicate abnormal levels of antidiuretic hormone in the blood specimen. Navigational Note: Also consider Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: Respiratory failure or Dyspnea Cardiac troponin I increased Levels above the upper limit Levels consistent with of normal and below the level myocardial infarction as of myocardial infarction as defined by the manufacturer defined by the manufacturer Definition: A finding based on laboratory test results that indicate increased levels of cardiac troponin I in a biological specimen. Navigational Note: Also consider Cardiac disorders: Heart failure or Cardiac disorders: Myocardial infarction. Navigational Note: Also consider Cardiac disorders: Left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Navigational Note: Hemoglobin increased Increase in >0 2 g/dL Increase in >2 4 g/dL Increase in >4 g/dL Definition: A finding based on laboratory test results that indicate increased levels of hemoglobin above normal. Navigational Note: Lymphocyte count increased >4000/mm3 20,000/mm3 >20,000/mm3 Definition: A finding based on laboratory test results that indicate an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood, effusions or bone marrow. Navigational Note: If intervention initiated or symptomatic, report as Endocrine disorders: Hypothyroidism. Navigational Note: Also consider Investigations: Forced Expiratory Volume; Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: Respiratory failure or Dyspnea Weight gain 5 <10% from baseline 10 <20% from baseline >=20% from baseline Definition: A finding characterized by an unexpected or abnormal increase in overall body weight; for pediatrics, greater than the baseline growth curve. Navigational Note: Do not use Metabolism and nutrition disorders: Obesity, this term is being retired. Navigational Note: Glucose intolerance Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; dietary Severe symptoms; insulin Life-threatening Death diagnostic observations only; modification or oral agent indicated consequences; urgent intervention not indicated indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by an inability to properly metabolize glucose. Navigational Note: Hyperlipidemia Requiring diet changes Requiring pharmaceutical Hospitalization; pancreatitis Life-threatening intervention consequences Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate an elevation in the concentration of lipids in blood. Navigational Note: Hypophosphatemia Laboratory finding only and Oral replacement therapy Severe or medically significant Life-threatening Death intervention not indicated indicated but not immediately life consequences threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate a low concentration of phosphates in the blood. Navigational Note: Use term Investigations: Weight gain Tumor lysis syndrome Present Life-threatening Death consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by metabolic abnormalities that result from a spontaneous or therapy-related cytolysis of tumor cells. Navigational Note: Joint range of motion Mild restriction of rotation or Rotation <60 degrees to right Ankylosed/fused over decreased cervical spine flexion between 60 70 or left; <60 degrees of flexion multiple segments with no C degrees spine rotation Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in flexibility of a cervical spine joint. Navigational Note: Musculoskeletal deformity Cosmetically and functionally Deformity, hypoplasia, or Significant deformity, insignificant hypoplasia asymmetry able to be hypoplasia, or asymmetry, remediated by prosthesis unable to be remediated by. Navigational Note: Neck soft tissue necrosis Local wound care; medical Operative debridement or Life-threatening Death intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Osteonecrosis Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; limiting Life-threatening Death diagnostic observations only; intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Osteonecrosis of jaw Asymptomatic; clinical or Symptomatic; medical Severe symptoms; limiting Life-threatening Death diagnostic observations only; intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Pelvic soft tissue necrosis Local wound care; medical Operative debridement or Life-threatening Death intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Rhabdomyolysis Asymptomatic, intervention Non-urgent intervention Symptomatic, urgent Life-threatening Death not indicated; laboratory indicated intervention indicated consequences; dialysis findings only Definition: A disorder characterized by the breakdown of muscle tissue resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents into the bloodstream. Navigational Note: Soft tissue necrosis lower Local wound care; medical Operative debridement or Life-threatening Death limb intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Soft tissue necrosis upper Local wound care; medical Operative debridement or Life-threatening Death limb intervention indicated. Navigational Note: Myelodysplastic syndrome Life-threatening Death consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficiently healthy hematapoietic cell production by the bone marrow. Navigational Note: Skin papilloma Asymptomatic; intervention Intervention initiated not indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by the presence of one or more warts. Navigational Note: Treatment related secondary Non life-threatening Acute life-threatening Death malignancy secondary malignancy secondary malignancy; blast crisis in leukemia Definition: A disorder characterized by development of a malignancy most probably as a result of treatment for a previously existing malignancy. Navigational Note: Tumor hemorrhage Mild symptoms; intervention Moderate symptoms; Transfusion indicated; Life-threatening Death not indicated intervention indicated invasive intervention consequences; urgent indicated; hospitalization intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding in a tumor. Navigational Note: Anosmia Present Definition: A disorder characterized by a change in the sense of smell. Navigational Note: Also consider Olfactory nerve disorder Aphonia Voicelessness; unable to speak Definition: A disorder characterized by the inability to speak. It may result from injuries to the vocal cords or may be functional (psychogenic). Navigational Note: Central nervous system Asymptomatic; clinical or Moderate symptoms; Severe symptoms; medical Life-threatening Death necrosis diagnostic observations only; corticosteroids indicated intervention indicated consequences; urgent intervention not indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a necrotic process occurring in the brain and/or spinal cord. Navigational Note: Cerebrospinal fluid leakage Post-craniotomy: Post-craniotomy: moderate Severe symptoms; medical Life-threatening Death asymptomatic; Post-lumbar symptoms; medical intervention indicated consequences; urgent puncture: transient headache; intervention indicated; Post intervention indicated postural care indicated lumbar puncture: persistent moderate symptoms; blood patch indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by loss of cerebrospinal fluid into the surrounding tissues. Navigational Note: Cognitive disturbance Mild cognitive disability; not Moderate cognitive disability; Severe cognitive disability; interfering with interfering with significant impairment of work/school/life work/school/life performance work/school/life performance performance; specialized but capable of independent educational services/devices living; specialized resources not indicated on part time basis indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a conspicuous change in cognitive function. Navigational Note: Dysarthria Mild slurred speech Moderate impairment of Severe impairment of articulation or slurred speech articulation or slurred speech Definition: A disorder characterized by slow and slurred speech resulting from an inability to coordinate the muscles used in speech. Navigational Note: Dysphasia Awareness of receptive or Moderate receptive or Severe receptive or expressive characteristics; not expressive characteristics; expressive characteristics; impairing ability to impairing ability to impairing ability to read, write communicate communicate spontaneously or communicate intelligibly Definition: A disorder characterized by impairment of verbal communication skills, often resulting from brain damage. Navigational Note: Edema cerebral New onset; worsening from Life-threatening Death baseline consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by swelling due to an excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. Navigational Note: Hydrocephalus Asymptomatic; clinical or Moderate symptoms; Severe symptoms or Life-threatening Death diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated neurological deficit; consequences; urgent intervention not indicated intervention indicated intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by an abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. Navigational Note: Hypersomnia Mild increased need for sleep Moderate increased need for Severe increased need for sleep sleep Definition: A disorder characterized by characterized by excessive sleepiness during the daytime. Navigational Note: Ischemia cerebrovascular Asymptomatic; clinical or Moderate symptoms diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease or absence of blood supply to the brain caused by obstruction (thrombosis or embolism) of an artery resulting in neurological damage. Navigational Note: Seizure Brief partial seizure and no Brief generalized seizure New onset seizures (partial or Life-threatening Death loss of consciousness generalized); multiple consequences; prolonged seizures despite medical repetitive seizures intervention Definition: A disorder characterized by a sudden, involuntary skeletal muscular contractions of cerebral or brain stem origin. Navigational Note: Spasticity Mild or slight increase in Moderate increase in muscle Severe increase in muscle Life-threatening Death muscle tone tone and increase in tone and increase in consequences; unable to resistance through range of resistance through range of move active or passive range motion motion of motion Definition: A disorder characterized by increased involuntary muscle tone that affects the regions interfering with voluntary movement. Navigational Note: Syncope Fainting; orthostatic collapse Definition: A disorder characterized by spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. Navigational Note: Tendon reflex decreased Ankle reflex reduced Ankle reflex absent; other Absence of all reflexes reflexes reduced Definition: A disorder characterized by less than normal deep tendon reflexes. Navigational Note: Also consider Nervous system disorders: Peripheral motor neuropathy or Peripheral sensory neuropathy Transient ischemic attacks Mild neurologic deficit with or Moderate neurologic deficit without imaging confirmation with or without imaging confirmation Definition: A disorder characterized by a brief attack (less than 24 hours) of cerebral dysfunction of vascular origin, with no persistent neurological deficit. Navigational Note: Pregnancy loss Fetal loss at any gestational age Definition: Death in utero. Navigational Note: Premature delivery Delivery of a liveborn infant at Delivery of a liveborn infant at Delivery of a liveborn infant at Delivery of a liveborn infant at >34 to 37 weeks gestation >28 to 34 weeks gestation 24 to 28 weeks gestation 24 weeks of gestation or less Definition: A disorder characterized by delivery of a viable infant before the normal end of gestation. Typically, viability is achievable between the twentieth and thirty seventh week of gestation. Navigational Note: Anorgasmia Inability to achieve orgasm Inability to achieve orgasm not adversely affecting adversely affecting relationship relationship Definition: A disorder characterized by an inability to achieve orgasm. Navigational Note: Delayed orgasm Delay in achieving orgasm not Delay in achieving orgasm adversely affecting adversely affecting relationship relationship Definition: A disorder characterized by sexual dysfunction characterized by a delay in climax. Navigational Note: Delusions Moderate delusional Severe delusional symptoms; Life-threatening Death symptoms hospitalization not indicated; consequences, threats of new onset harm to self or others; hospitalization indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by false personal beliefs held contrary to reality, despite contradictory evidence and common sense. Navigational Note: Insomnia Mild difficulty falling asleep, Moderate difficulty falling Severe difficulty in falling staying asleep or waking up asleep, staying asleep or asleep, staying asleep or early waking up early waking up early Definition: A disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep and/or remaining asleep. Navigational Note: Libido decreased Decrease in sexual interest Decrease in sexual interest not adversely affecting adversely affecting relationship relationship Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in sexual desire. Navigational Note: Libido increased Present Definition: A disorder characterized by an increase in sexual desire. Navigational Note: Also consider Investigations: Creatinine increased Bladder perforation Invasive intervention not Invasive intervention Life-threatening Death indicated indicated consequences; organ failure; urgent operative intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a rupture in the bladder wall. Navigational Note: Bladder spasm Intervention not indicated Antispasmodics indicated Hospitalization indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a sudden and involuntary contraction of the bladder wall. Navigational Note: Dysuria Present Definition: A disorder characterized by painful urination. For grades higher than Grade 1, consider Renal and urinary disorders: Bladder spasm or Cystitis noninfective; Infections and infestations: Urinary tract infection. Glucosuria Present Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate glucose in the urine. Navigational Note: Hemoglobinuria Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate the presence of free hemoglobin in the urine. Navigational Note: Proteinuria 1+ proteinuria; urinary Adult: 2+ and 3+ proteinuria; Adult: Urinary protein >=3. Navigational Note: Renal hemorrhage Mild symptoms; intervention Analgesics and hematocrit Transfusion indicated; Life-threatening Death not indicated monitoring indicated invasive intervention consequences; urgent indicated; hospitalization intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding from the kidney. Navigational Note: Urinary fistula Symptomatic, invasive Invasive intervention Life-threatening Death intervention not indicated indicated consequences; urgent invasive intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by an abnormal communication between any part of the urinary system and another organ or anatomic site. Navigational Note: Urinary retention Urinary, suprapubic or Placement of urinary, Elective invasive intervention Life-threatening Death intermittent catheter suprapubic or intermittent indicated; substantial loss of consequences; organ failure; placement not indicated; able catheter placement indicated; affected kidney function or urgent operative intervention to void with some residual medication indicated mass indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by accumulation of urine within the bladder because of the inability to urinate. Navigational Note: Urine discoloration Present Definition: A disorder characterized by a change in the color of the urine. Navigational Note: Azoospermia Absence of sperm in ejaculate Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate complete absence of spermatozoa in the semen. Navigational Note: Breast atrophy Minimal asymmetry; minimal Moderate asymmetry; Asymmetry >1/3 of breast atrophy moderate atrophy volume; severe atrophy Definition: A disorder characterized by underdevelopment of the breast.
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Patients ciated with the bouts of hemiplegia or occurring complaining of visual snow as a symptom often have independently (a history of) 1. Second, in a similar argument applied to research, future studies on persistent visual symptoms need homogeneous study groups; inclusion Note: of criteria for A1. Such as tonic spells, dystonic posturing, choreoathe toid movements, nystagmus or other ocular motor A1. The possibility that it is an unusual Description: Excessive, frequent crying in a baby who form of epilepsy cannot be ruled out. Vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe inten 3 4 sity, lasting between ve minutes and 72 hours Comments: Infantile colic a ects one baby in ve. At least half of episodes are associated with at Infants with colic have a higher likelihood of develop least one of the following three migrainous 5 ing 1. Migraine, the like a) unilateral location lihood of an infant with colic increases twofold. International Headache Society 2018 194 Cephalalgia 38(1) Disorders and qualifying for a diagnosis of A1. Vestibular migraine, include: However, since they also occur with various other ves a) spontaneous vertigo: tibular disorders, they are not included as diagnostic i. Vestibular symptoms are rated moderate when they addition to visual, sensory or dysphasic aura symptoms interfere with but do not prevent daily activities and for this diagnosis. At the other end of the spec requires ve episodes of vertigo, occurring without trum, there are patients who may take four weeks warning and resolving spontaneously after minutes to to recover fully from an episode. A unilateral throbbing headache may occur Di erent symptoms may occur during di erent epi during attacks but is not a mandatory criterion. Associated symptoms may occur before, Benign paroxysmal vertigo is regarded as one of the during or after the vestibular symptoms. History and physical examinations do not suggest migraine headaches are not required for diagnosis. Therefore, the di erential diagnosis minutes and longer-lasting ones of more than ve min should include other vestibular disorders compli utes) should receive both these diagnoses. Fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus Other symptoms and aural pressure may occur in A1. Perenboom M, Zamanipoor Najafabadi A, Zielman R, Bisdor A, von Brevern M, Lempert T, et al. Visual sensitivity is more enhanced in migrai of the Committee for the Classi cation of Vestibular neurs with aura than in migraineurs without aura. Migraine tion between migraine, typical migraine aura and related vestibulopathy. Menstrual appendix criteria in the third beta edition of the versus non-menstrual attacks of migraine without International Classi cation of Headache aura in women with and without menstrual Disorders. They de ne a core syndrome of tension d) forehead and facial sweating type headache. In other words, these criteria are very e) forehead and facial ushing speci c but have low sensitivity. During part, but less than half, of the active time characteristics: course of A3. No nausea, vomiting, photophobia or improves sensitivity without signi cant loss of speci phonophobia city, but formal eld testing has not con rmed this. Either or both of the following: classi cation of headache disorders: results from the 1. During part, but less than half, of the active time Alternative diagnostic criteria: course of A3. Present for >3 months, with exacerbations of ally in a dose of at least 150 mg daily and increased moderate or greater intensity if necessary up to 225 mg daily. Experts in the working group believe it d) forehead and facial sweating improves sensitivity without signi cant loss of speci e) forehead and facial ushing city, but formal eld testing has not been performed to f) sensation of fullness in the ear support the change in criteria. Responds absolutely to therapeutic doses of ache attacks (alternative criteria) 1 indomethacin Alternative diagnostic criteria E. In an adult, oral indomethacin should be used initi in a saw-tooth pattern ally in a dose of at least 150 mg daily and increased C. During part, but less than half, of the active time characteristics of the disorder not fully developed. International Headache Society 2018 198 Cephalalgia 38(1) without the expected responses to indomethacin, Although attacks are mostly spontaneous, they may oxygen or triptans. Epicrania fugax across the surface of one hemicranium, commen with backward radiation. J Headache Pain 2012; 13: cing and terminating in the distributions of di er 175. A structural lesion must be excluded by history, injury to the head and/or neck physical examination and, when appropriate, investigation. Some data suggest that headache may begin topography is a distinctive attribute that di erentiates after a longer interval. The onset and termination points head injury and headache onset is set at three months, remain constant in each patient, with pain usually but it is presumed that headaches that begin in closer moving forward from a posterior hemicranial area temporal proximity to the injury are more likely to be towards the ipsilateral eye or nose, but backward radia accurately attributed to the injury. Future studies tion is also possible from a frontal or periorbital area should continue to investigate the utility of these and towards the occipital region. Headache is reported to have developed between injury (when applicable) seven days and three months after all of the 3. Comment: the current stipulation that headache must begin (or be reported to have begun) within seven days A5. In the following suggested diag Diagnostic criteria: nostic criteria, the maximal time interval between the A. Any headache ful lling criteria C and D head injury and headache onset is set at three months, B. Traumatic injury to the head has occurred, ful ll but it is presumed that headaches that begin in closer ing both of the following: temporal proximity to the injury are more likely to be 1. Traumatic injury to the head has occurred, asso b) loss of memory for events immediately ciated with at least one of the following: before or after the injury 1. Headache persists for >3 months after its onset seven days and three months after all of the E. In haemorrhage and/or brain contusion cases where a previous history of headache was not 2. Carefully controlled pro before or after the injury spective studies are necessary to determine whether c) two or more other symptoms suggestive A5. Headache is reported to have developed between seven days and three months after all of the A. Post-traumatic both of the following: headaches in civilians and military personnel: a 1. Headache has persisted for >3 months after e ec tive treatment or spontaneous remission of the A. Recurrent headache ful lling criterion C study of prevalence and characterization of head B. Problem areas in the International following: Classi cation of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition 1. In a single Headache treatment after electroconvulsive treat blind comparator trial of eletriptan and paracetamol, ment: a single-blinded trial comparator between ele 20 of 72 patients (28%) complained of headaches, but triptan and paracetamol. Diagnostic criteria: Localized pain associated with seizures originating in the parietal lobe. The non-vascular intracranial disorder causing the headache has been e ectively treated or has spon or its withdrawal taneously remitted C. Use of or exposure to the substance has ceased attributed to idiopathic intracranial hypertension and C. The course of other parasitic infection, and ful lling criterion C myalgia and headache after electroconvulsive ther B. Any headache ful lling criterion C consequence of the availability of highly active antire B. Evidence of causation demonstrated by at least headache are toxoplasmosis and cryptococcal meningi two of the following: tis. In sened in temporal relation to worsening of these cases, the headache should be coded as 8. Human immunode b) the central nervous system infection may progress ciency virus-associated meningitis. Orthostatic (postural) hypotension has been demonstrated Headaches attributed to the following disorders may C. Evidence of causation demonstrated by at least occur, but are not su ciently validated: two of the following: 1. Well-controlled, prospective studies are needed to de ne more clearly the incidence and characteristics of headaches that occur in association with these dis Comment: When speci cally asked, 75% of patients orders. In each case, only those patients who meet well with orthostatic hypotension reported neck pain. The disorder of homoeostasis causing the head ache has been e ectively treated or has sponta Comment: Pain is usually posterior but may neously remitted radiate to more anterior regions. Headache has persisted for >3 months after e ec nations of pain in one of the areas subserved by the tive treatment or spontaneous remission of the upper cervical roots on one or both sides, generally in disorder of homoeostasis the occipital, retroauricular or upper posterior cervical D. Head and/or neck pain ful lling criterion C and association of neck (coat-hanger) pain and B. A source of myofascial pain in the muscles of the orthostatic (postural) hypotension in human spinal neck, including reproducible trigger points, has cord injury. Evidence of causation demonstrated by at least Symptoms associated with orthostatic hypotension two of the following: in pure autonomic failure and multiple system atro 1. Space headache: a to onset of the cervical myofascial pain new secondary headache. Head and/or neck pain ful lling criterion C consistently to demonstrate supposed trigger points, B. Clinical, electrodiagnostic or radiological evidence and response to treatment varies. In the vast majority of cases, probably, or discontinuation of the visual task headache associated with these disorders re ects common D. However, in order to make any of the diag noses listed below, a causal relationship between the head ache and the psychiatric disorder in question must be Comments: There are a number of supportive cases for established. It has therefore been moved to the De nite biomarkers and clinical proof of headache Appendix pending more formal study. For example, in a child with phoria or heterotropia, if it exists, are likely to seek separation anxiety disorder, headache should be attrib advice from an ophthalmologist. Similarly, in an adult with panic disorder, headache should be attributed nose or paranasal sinuses to the disorder only in those cases where it occurs exclu A11. Any headache ful lling criterion C in clinical practice to describe associations between B. Clinical, nasal endoscopic and/or imaging evi headache and comorbid psychiatric disorders. Any headache ful lling criterion C depressants, are e ective against headache disorders even B. Headache occurs exclusively when the patient is headache disorder associated with depression and treated exposed or anticipating exposure to the phobic with a tricyclic antidepressant is, in fact, evidence of cau stimulus sation. Comment: Speci c phobias typically last for six months or more, causing clinically signi cant distress and/or A12.
Notes: If the airman is currently on radiation or chemotherapy blood pressure 50 cheap 30 mg adalat with mastercard, the treatment course must be completed before medical certification can be considered blood pressure chart during exercise purchase line adalat. If surgery has been performed heart attack unnoticed cheap adalat online amex, the airman is off pain medication(s) printable blood pressure chart uk discount adalat, has made a full recovery blood pressure medication met order adalat in india, and has been released by the surgeon heart attack heart attack discount adalat 30 mg on line. Pain neuralgia, myalgia, paresthesia, and related circulatory and neurological findings 2. Motion coordination, tremors, loss or restriction of joint motions, and performance degradation 122 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners 5. Aerospace Medical Disposition the following is a table that lists the most common conditions of aeromedical significance, and course of action that should be taken by the examiner as defined by the protocol and disposition in the table. Medical documentation must be submitted for any condition in order to support an issuance of an airman medical certificate. When prostheses are used or additional control devices are installed in an aircraft to assist the amputee, those found qualified by special certification procedures will have their certificates limited to require that the devices (and, if necessary, even the specific aircraft) must always be used when exercising the privileges of the airman certificate. If the applicant is asymptomatic, has completely recovered from surgery, is taking no medication, and has suffered no neurological deficit, the Examiner should confirm these facts in a brief statement in Item 60. The Examiner may then issue any class of medical certificate, providing that the individual meets all the medical standards for that class. The paraplegic whose paralysis is not the result of a progressive disease process is considered in much the same manner as an amputee. The Examiner should defer issuance and may advise the applicant to request a Medical Flight Test. Examination Techniques A careful examination for surgical and other scars should be made, and those that are significant (the result of surgery or that could be useful as identifying marks) should be described. Medical documentation must be submitted for any condition in order to support an issuance of a medical certificate. Disqualifying Condition: Scar tissue that involves the loss of function, which may interfere with the safe performance of airman duties. Examination Techniques A careful examination of the Iymphatic system may reveal underlying systemic disorders of clinical importance. The Examiner should specifically inquire concerning a history of weakness or paralysis, disturbance of sensation, loss of coordination, or loss of bowel or bladder control. Certain laboratory studies, such as scans and imaging procedures of the head or spine, electroencephalograms, or spinal paracentesis may suggest significant medical history. The Examiner should note conditions identified in Item 60 on the application with facts, such as dates, frequency, and severity of occurrence. Some require only temporary disqualification during periods when the headaches are likely to occur or require treatment. Other types of headaches may preclude certification by the Examiner and require special evaluation and consideration. Likewise, the orthostatic faint associated with moderate anemia is no threat to aviation safety as long as the individual is temporarily disqualified until the anemia is corrected. An unexplained disturbance of consciousness is disqualifying under the medical standards. Because a disturbance of consciousness may be expected to be totally incapacitating, individuals with such histories pose a high risk to safety and must be denied or deferred by the Examiner. If the cause of the disturbance is explained and a loss of consciousness is not likely to recur, then medical certification may be possible. The basic neurological examination consists of an examination of the 12 cranial nerves, motor strength, superficial reflexes, deep tendon reflexes, sensation, coordination, mental status, and includes the Babinski reflex and Romberg sign. The Examiner should be aware of any asymmetry in responses because this may be evidence of mild or early abnormalities. The Examiner should evaluate the visual field by direct confrontation or, preferably, by one of the perimetry procedures, especially if there is a suggestion of neurological deficiency. Aerospace Medical Disposition A history or the presence of any neurological condition or disease that potentially may incapacitate an individual should be regarded as initially disqualifying. Issuance of a medical certificate to an applicant in such cases should be denied or defer, pending further evaluation. Processing such applications can be expedited by including hospital records, consultation reports, and appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, if available. Symptoms or disturbances that are secondary to the underlying condition and that may be acutely incapacitating include pain, weakness, vertigo or in coordination, seizures or a disturbance of consciousness, visual disturbance, or mental confusion. Chronic conditions may be incompatible with safety in aircraft operation because of long-term unpredictability, severe neurologic deficit, or psychological impairment. The following is a table that lists the most common conditions of aeromedical significance, and course of action that should be taken by the examiner as defined by the protocol and disposition in the table. Potential neurologic deficits include weakness, loss of sensation, ataxia, visual deficit, or mental impairment. Recurrent symptomatology may interfere with flight performance through mechanisms such as seizure, headaches, vertigo, visual disturbances, or confusion. A history or diagnosis of an intracranial tumor necessitates a complete neurological evaluation with appropriate laboratory and imaging studies before a determination of eligibility for medical certification can be established. A neurological and/or general medical consultation will be necessary in most instances. A complete neurological evaluation with appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, including information regarding the specific neurological condition, will be necessary for determination of eligibility for medical certification. The Examiner may issue a medical certificate to an applicant with a long-standing history of headaches if mild, seldom requiring more than simple analgesics, occur infrequently, are not incapacitating, and are not associated with neurological stigmata. An applicant who has a history of epilepsy, a disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory medical explanation of the cause, or a transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without satisfactory medical explanation of the cause must be denied or deferred by the Examiner. Factors that would be considered in determining eligibility in such cases would be age at onset, nature and frequency of seizures, precipitating causes, and duration of stability without medication. If the seizures occurred when the airman was a child, a parent or guardian familiar with the episodes should complete this form. Section 1 Big Seizures Have you ever had a grand mal seizure or a big seizure where you lost consciousness or your Yes No whole body shook and stiffened How many minutes after waking up would you say the grand mal [ ]15 min or less or big seizure(s) usually occurred Check one [ ] 16-30 seconds [ ] More than [ ] 31 -59 seconds 2 minutes [ ] Fully aware [ ] Fully unaware C. During this most recent spell, which of the following best describes your awareness of [ ] Somewhat aware, the surroundings After the spell was over, did you remember what happened during the spell or did you remembered to tell me learn about it from someone else During this spell, did you behave in unusual ways such as smacking your lips, touching your clothes, or doing any other unusual things without intending to Do you tend to be clumsy in the morning such as dropping things or spilling coffee or other drinks Behaving in unusual ways such as smacking your lips, touching your clothes, or doing any other unusual things without intending to I am currently taking medication to prevent or control my seizures Name of med: Dosage: Date started: Or age: B. Previous medication information: Name of med: If you do not know the date or calendar year, enter your age when medication was stopped. Prophylactic use of medications also may cause recurring spatial disorientation and affect pilot performance. In most instances, further neurological evaluation will be required to determine eligibility for medical certification. As used in this section, "psychosis" refers to a mental disorder in which: (i) the individual has manifested delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of this condition; or (ii) the individual may reasonably be expected to manifest delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of this condition. As used in this section (i) "Substance" includes: alcohol; other sedatives and hypnotics; anxiolytics; opioids; central nervous system stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines, and similarly acting sympathomimetics; hallucinogens; phencyclidine or similarly acting arylcyclohexylamines; cannabis; inhalants; and other psychoactive drugs and chemicals; and (ii) "Substance dependence" means a condition in which a person is dependent on a substance, other than tobacco or ordinary xanthine-containing. Department of Transportation; or (3) Misuse of a substance that the Federal Air Surgeon, based on case history and appropriate, qualified medical judgment relating to the substance involved, finds (i) Makes the person unable to safely perform the duties or exercise the privileges of the airman certificate applied for or held; or (ii) May reasonably be expected, for the maximum duration of the airman medical certificate applied for or held, to make the person unable to perform those duties or exercise those privileges. However, the Examiner should form a general impression of the emotional stability and mental state of the applicant. Examiners must be sensitive to this need while, at the same time, collect what is necessary for a certification decision. Information about the applicant may be found in items related to age, pilot time, and class of certificate for which applied. Information about the present 155 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners occupation and employer also may be helpful. If any psychotropic drugs are or have been used, followup questions are appropriate. Previous medical denials or aircraft accidents may be related to psychiatric problems. Psychiatric information can be derived from the individual items in medical history (Item 18). Any disclosure of current or previous drug or alcohol problems requires further clarification. A record of traffic violations may reflect certain personality problems or indicate an alcohol problem. Affirmative answers related to rejection by military service or a military medical discharge require elaboration. Reporting symptoms such as headaches or dizziness, or even heart or stomach trouble, may reflect a history of anxiety rather than a primary medical problem in these areas. Sometimes, the information applicants give about their previous diagnoses is incorrect, either because the applicant is unsure of the correct information or because the applicant chooses to minimize past difficulties. If there was a hospital admission for any emotionally related problem, it will be necessary to obtain the entire record. Valuable information can be derived from the casual conversation that occurs during the physical examination. Some of this conversation will reveal information about the family, the job, and special interests. Information about the motivation for medical certification and interest in flying may be revealing. For example, it is not necessary to ask about time, place, or person to discover whether the applicant is oriented. Information about the flow of associations, mood, and memory, is generally available from the usual interactions during the examination. Such problems with concentration, attention, or confusion during the examination or slower, vague responses should be noted and may be cause for deferral. The Examiner should make observations about the following specific elements and should note on the form any gross or notable deviations from normal: 1. Communication (abnormal if incomprehensible, does not answer questions directly); 5. Cognition (abnormal if unable to engage in abstract thought, or if delusional or hallucinating). Significant observations during this part of the medical examination should be recorded in Item 60, of the application form. Aerospace Medical Disposition Drug and alcohol conditions are found in Substances of Dependence/Abuse. It must be pointed out that considerations for safety, which in the "mental" area are related to a compromise of judgment and emotional control or to diminished mental capacity with loss of behavioral control, are not the same as concerns for emotional health in everyday life. Conversely, many emotional problems that are of therapeutic and clinical concern have no impact on safety. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the Examiner to be aware of any indications of these conditions currently or in the past, and to deny or defer issuance of the medical certificate to an applicant who has a history of these conditions. All applicants with any of the following conditions must be denied or deferred: Attention deficit/hyperactivity, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, psychosis, substance abuse, substance dependence, suicide attempt. If each item is not addressed by the corresponding provider, there may be a delay in the processing of your medical certification or clearance until that information is submitted. A typed statement, in your own words, describing your mental health history, antidepressant use, and any other treatment. List all medications you have taken, dates they were started and stopped, whether they helped or not. List any other treatment(s) you have utilized, dates they were started and stopped, if they helped or not.
Based on effective donor screening and patients in study 1 and study 2 arteriosclerosis discount 20mg adalat fast delivery, usually within the rst week after treatment arteria3d full resource pack purchase 20mg adalat with visa, compared with 0 blood pressure medication headache purchase adalat from india. Excessive neuromuscular weakness Post Marketing Experience may be exacerbated by administration of another botulinum toxin prior to the resolution of the effects of a There have been spontaneous reports of death hypertension benign discount adalat online amex, sometimes associated with dysphagia blood pressure kits at walgreens purchase 30mg adalat free shipping, pneumonia blood pressure medication lower testosterone buy generic adalat on-line, previously administered botulinum toxin. Excessive weakness may also be exaggerated by administration and/or other signi cant debility or anaphylaxis, after treatment with botulinum toxin. Some of these patients had risk factors including cardiovascular Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information including Boxed Warning 38 disease. The effect of administering different botulinum neurotoxin products at the same time or within several months of each other is unknown. Patients receive treatment reminders and healthy-living tips from the editors of Prevention magazine. Peer-to-peer training Preceptorships, proctorships, and advanced group workshops are available to Co-pay savings for commercially insured patients help improve your technique. Peer-to-peer training Preceptorships, proctorships, and advanced group workshops are available to help improve your technique. Practice Chronic Migraine parameter: evidence-based guidelines for migraine headache (an evidence-based review). Botulinum toxin type A prophylactic treatment of episodic migraine: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory study. Botulinum toxin type A for the prophylactic treatment of chronic daily headache: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Swallowing and breathing dif culties can be life double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Data on le, and other conditions, particularly in those patients who have an underlying condition that would Allergan, Inc. In unapproved uses, including spasticity in children, and in approved indications, cases of spread of effect have been reported at doses comparable to those used to treat cervical dystonia and spasticity and at lower doses. These symptoms established for the treatment of spasticity in pediatric patients under age 18 years. In unapproved uses, including spasticity severity of abnormal head position and neck pain associated with cervical dystonia. The needle should be inserted approximately 2 mm into the detrusor, and 20 injections When initiating treatment, the lowest recommended dose should be used. For the fnal injection, approximately 1 mL of sterile normal saline should be exceed 400 Units, in a 3 month interval. The patient should be observed for at least 30 minutes post-injection and until a An understanding of standard electromyographic techniques is also required for spontaneous void has occurred. Figure 1: Injection Pattern for Intradetrusor Injections for Treatment of Overactive 2. Draw up the proper amount of diluent in the appropriate size syringe (see Table 1, or for specifc instructions for detrusor overactivity associated with a neurologic condition see Section 2. If a local anesthetic instillation is performed, the bladder should be drained and irrigated with sterile saline Note: these dilutions are calculated for an injection volume of 0. Patients on anti-coagulant therapy need to be managed appropriately to result in three 10 mL syringes each containing 10 mL (~67 Units in each), for a decrease the risk of bleeding. The bladder should be instilled with be used prior to injection, per local site practice. If a local anesthetic instillation is enough saline to achieve adequate visualization for the injections, but over-distension performed, the bladder should be drained and irrigated with sterile saline should be avoided. For the fnal injection, approximately 1 mL of sterile normal saline fexible or rigid cystoscope, avoiding the trigone. The recommended dose for treating chronic migraine is 155 Units administered intramuscularly using a sterile 30-gauge, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris 12. Injections should be divided Flexor Digitorum Profundus 30 Units-50 Units in 1 site across 7 specifc head/neck muscle areas as specifed in the diagrams and Table 2 below. A one inch needle may be needed in the neck region for patients with thick neck Flexor Digitorum Sublimis 30 Units-50 Units in 1 site muscles. With the exception of the procerus muscle, which should be injected at one Adductor Pollicis 20 Units in 1 site site (midline), all muscles should be injected bilaterally with half the number of injection sites administered to the left, and half to the right side of the head and neck. The Flexor Pollicis Longus 20 Units in 1 site recommended re-treatment schedule is every 12 weeks. Diagrams 1-4: Recommended Injection Sites (A through G) for Chronic Migraine Figure 2: Injection Sites for Upper Limb Spasticity 1 2 3 4 Biceps brachii Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor carpi radialis Flexor digitorum sublimis A. Cervical (flexor digitorum superficialis) 5 U each side 20 U each side 15 U each side paraspinal: 10 U each side Flexor digitorum profundus B. The recommended dilution is 200 Units/4 mL or 100 Units/2 mL with preservative free 0. The lowest recommended starting dose should be used, and no more than 50 Units per site should generally be administered. Upper Limb Spasticity In clinical trials, doses ranging from 75 Units to 400 Units were divided among selected muscles (see Table 3 and Figure 2) at a given treatment session. Medial head of Lateral head of Soleus Tibialis posterior lexor digitorum gastrocnemius gastrocnemius longus and Flexor hallucis longus 2. However, there appears to be little beneft obtainable from injecting more Dosing in initial and sequential treatment sessions should be tailored to the individual than 5 Units per site. Injection without surgical exposure or electromyographic guidance should not volume and number of injection sites desired to achieve treatment objectives (see Table be attempted. Localization of the involved muscles anesthetic and an ocular decongestant be given several minutes prior to injection. About one half of patients will require subsequent doses should be defned using standard staining techniques. Initial doses in Units Use the lower listed doses for treatment of small deviations. Use the larger doses only Repeat injections for hyperhidrosis should be administered when the clinical effect of a for large deviations. The hyperhidrotic area will develop a deep blue-black color over approximately Subsequent doses for residual or recurrent strabismus 10 minutes. Avoiding injection near the levator palpebrae superioris preparation or to any of the components in the formulation [see Warnings and may reduce the complication of ptosis. Limiting the dose injected into the They are not interchangeable with other preparations of botulinum toxin products and, sternocleidomastoid muscle may reduce the occurrence of dysphagia. Patients treated with botulinum toxin may require immediate medical attention should 5. These symptoms a Neurologic Condition have been reported hours to weeks after injection. Patients or caregivers should be advised to seek immediate medical function who experienced at least a 15% or 20% decrease in forced vital capacity care if swallowing, speech or respiratory disorders occur. In several of the cases, patients had pre-existing dysphagia or other signifcant disabilities. In an ongoing double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study in adult patients 5. This Deaths as a complication of severe dysphagia have been reported after treatment may require protective drops, ointment, therapeutic soft contact lenses, or closure of the with botulinum toxin. Dysphagia may persist for several months, and require use of a eye by patching or other means. It is Treatment with botulinum toxins may weaken neck muscles that serve as accessory recommended that appropriate instruments to decompress the orbit be accessible. This may result in a critical loss of breathing capacity in patients with respiratory disorders who may have become dependent upon these accessory muscles. There have been postmarketing reports of serious breathing diffculties, including respiratory failure. The duration of post-injection 200 Units 200 Units catheterization for those who developed urinary retention is also shown. Based on effective donor Timepoint 100 Units (N=542) screening and product manufacturing processes, it carries an extremely remote risk for (N=552) transmission of viral diseases. Chronic Migraine Local weakness of the injected muscle(s) represents the expected pharmacological In double-blind, placebo-controlled chronic migraine effcacy trials (Study 1 and action of botulinum toxin. Patients were Placebo Adverse Reactions by System Organ Class 155 Units-195 Units followed for an average of 91 days after injection. Injection site pain 23 (3%) 14 (2%) Other events reported in 2-10% of patients in any one study in decreasing order Vascular Disorders of incidence include: increased cough, fu syndrome, back pain, rhinitis, dizziness, Hypertension 11 (2%) 7 (1%) hypertonia, soreness at injection site, asthenia, oral dryness, speech disorder, fever, nausea, and drowsiness. However, it may be associated with more severe signs upper limb spasticity appear in Table 15. Musculoskeletal and Other events reported in prior clinical studies in decreasing order of incidence include: connective tissue disorders irritation, tearing, lagophthalmos, photophobia, ectropion, keratitis, diplopia, entropion, Pain in extremity 7 (6%) 10 (5%) 5 (9%) 8 (4%) diffuse skin rash, and local swelling of the eyelid skin lasting for several days following eyelid injection. The incidence of ptosis has been reported to be dependent on the location neuromuscular transmission. The results of these tests or rats two times during the period of organogenesis (on gestation days 5 and 13), are highly dependent on the sensitivity and specifcity of the assay. Additionally, the reductions in fetal body weight and decreased fetal skeletal ossifcation were observed observed incidence of antibody (including neutralizing antibody) positivity in an assay at the two highest doses. The no-effect dose for developmental toxicity in these studies may be infuenced by several factors including assay methodology, sample handling, (4 Units/kg) is approximately equal to the maximum recommended human dose of 400 timing of sample collection, concomitant medications, and underlying disease. These doses were also associated antibody formation may be minimized by injecting with the lowest effective dose given with signifcant maternal toxicity, including abortions, early deliveries, and maternal at the longest feasible intervals between injections. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain When pregnant rats received single intramuscular injections (1, 4, or 16 Units/kg) size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal at three different periods of development (prior to implantation, implantation, or relationship to drug exposure. These reactions include: abdominal pain; alopecia, organogenesis), no adverse effects on fetal development were observed. The including madarosis; anorexia; brachial plexopathy; denervation/muscle atrophy; developmental no-effect level for a single maternal dose in rats (16 Units/kg) is diarrhea; hyperhidrosis; hypoacusis; hypoaesthesia; malaise; paresthesia; peripheral approximately 2 times the maximum recommended human dose based on Units/kg. Some of Safety and effectiveness in patients below the age of 18 years have not these patients had risk factors including cardiovascular disease. Prophylaxis of Headaches in Chronic Migraine New onset or recurrent seizures have also been reported, typically in patients who are Safety and effectiveness in patients below the age of 18 years have not predisposed to experiencing these events. Spasticity Safety and effectiveness in patients below the age of 18 years have not been established. Axillary Hyperhidrosis Safety and effectiveness in patients below the age of 18 years have not been established. Other reported clinical experience has of sodium chloride in a sterile, vacuum-dried form without a preservative. Observed effectiveness was comparable between these age groups in placebo Mutagenesis controlled clinical studies. The no-effect doses for reproductive toxicity (4 Units/kg in Warning and Warnings and Precautions (5. These patients should be considered males, 8 Units/kg in females) are approximately equal to the maximum recommended for further medical evaluation and appropriate medical therapy immediately instituted, human dose of 400 Units on a body weight basis (Units/kg). If the respiratory muscles observed in 1 of 4 male monkeys that were injected with a total of 6. Supportive care could involve the need for bladder stones were observed in male or female monkeys following injection of up a tracheostomy and/or prolonged mechanical ventilation, in addition to other general to 36 Units/kg (~12X the highest human bladder dose) directly to the bladder as supportive care. The complex is dissolved in sterile In both studies, signifcant improvements compared to placebo in the primary effcacy sodium chloride solution containing Albumin Human and is sterile fltered (0. A total of 691 spinal cord injury (T1 or below) or multiple sclerosis patients, who had an inadequate response to or were Mean Change* at Week 6 -3. Study 1 and Study 2 included chronic migraine Incontinence Episodesa adults who were not using any concurrent headache prophylaxis, and during a 28-day N 91 91 baseline period had 15 headache days lasting 4 hours or more, with 50% being Mean Baseline 32. The Ashworth Scale is a 5-point scale with grades of 0 [no increase 0 Treatment in muscle tone] to 4 [limb rigid in fexion or extension]. It is a clinical measure of the Placebo force required to move an extremity around a joint, with a reduction in score clinically (n=338) representing a reduction in the force needed to move a joint. Study 1 results -6 * on the primary endpoint and the key secondary endpoints are shown in Table 24. Elbow Table 23: Study Medication Dose and Injection Sites in Study 1 50 Units 100 Units 200 Units 0. The expanded Ashworth Scale uses the Wrist same scoring system as the Ashworth Scale, but allows for half-point increments. Flexor Carpi Radialis 1 50 1 Key secondary endpoints in Study 2 included Physician Global Assessment, fnger Flexor Carpi Ulnaris 1 50 1 fexors muscle tone, and elbow fexors muscle tone at Week 6. Study 2 results on the primary endpoint and the key secondary endpoints at Week 6 are shown in Table 26. Finger Flexor Digitorum Profundus 1 50 1 Flexor Digitorum Sublimis 1 50 1 Thumb Adductor Pollicisa 0.
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