Joseph S. Sav ino, MD

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides current clinical reports that clarify and update the protocols for diagnosis and treatment of head lice antiviral lip balm purchase 200 mg movfor with amex, and provide guidance for the management of infested children in the school setting hiv symptoms immediately after infection cheap movfor online american express. Head lice cannot survive away from the scalp for more than 2 days at room temperature hiv infection detection cheap movfor 200 mg overnight delivery. Nits may persist after initial treatment hiv infection and stroke order movfor 200mg line, therefore hiv infection rate dallas generic movfor 200 mg without a prescription, students with nits should be allowed back in school the next day anti viral generic 200mg movfor otc. Suggest resources for parents on how to treat head lice, such as those available through the Washington State Department of Health Lice Web page. Discreetly manage lice infestations so that the student is not ostracized, isolated, humiliated, or psychologically traumatized. Routine or periodic classroom and schoolwide screenings are no longer recommended. Have pro-active policies and procedures in place for dealing with head lice in schools. Educate school personnel and the parent/guardian in recognizing and managing a head lice infestation. This could include periodically providing information to families of all students on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of head lice. Launder floor pillows, mats, and other shared fabric items regularly and dry in a hot dryer. National Association of School Nurses, Position statement: Pediculosis Management in the School Setting. Mode of Transmission Measles is spread from person-to-person by airborne droplets or by the nasal and throat secretions of an infected person. However, in the event of a single case of measles in a school, staff will have to produce proof of immunity or vaccination, and your local health officer will exclude susceptible staff. Exclude confirmed case from school until four full days have passed since the appearance of rash. Future Prevention and Education Measles can be controlled and eventually eliminated if children are vaccinated fully and on time. Bacterial meningitis can be very severe and may result in brain damage, hearing loss, disability, and death. The two primary bacteria that cause meningitis are Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcal) or Neisseria meningitides (Meningococcal). There are also vaccines for Pneumococcal and Meningococcal disease, but neither is required for school entry. Diagnosis is made by a spinal tap and a blood or joint culture, depending on the symptoms. It may also be spread by sharing beverage containers, cigarettes, or other smoking related paraphernalia. Both meningococcal and pneumococcal organisms are often found in the upper respiratory tract of healthy persons. Report to your local health jurisdiction immediately suspected or confirmed cases of meningitis or outbreaks associated with a school. Report to your local health jurisdiction of confirmed invasive meningococcal disease is immediate and mandatory. Schoolroom classmates, teachers, or other school personnel usually do not require antibiotic prophylaxis unless they have had prolonged, close exposure, such as best friends sharing lunch. Teachers and the parent/guardian should contact their licensed health care provider or local health jurisdiction if they have further questions about preventive measures. In rare situations, certain types of meningococcal organisms cause clusters of cases, particularly in colleges. Current available meningococcal vaccines are protective against only four strains of meningococcal bacteria (A, C, Y, W-135). Meningococcal vaccine is recommended for use in control of serogroup C meningococcal outbreaks. Pneumococcal vaccine is available to prevent invasive disease due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in children. Meningococcal vaccine is not required, but schools in Washington State are required to provide educational material about meningococcal disease to parents and guardians: apps. If a draining wound cannot be safely covered, consult with health care provider to determine when it is safe for a student to return. It is made on a case by case basis using health information and is not a set number of days. Exclude athletes with active skin and soft tissue infections from participating in wrestling or other contact sports unless the wound can be properly covered. Require athletes to report skin lesions to coaches and require coaches to assess athletes regularly for skin infections and report findings to the school nurse. It is a common infection in children often seen on the face, neck, armpit, arms, and hands. Typically, the lesion of molluscum begins as a small, painless papule that may become raised up to a pearly, flesh-colored nodule. The virus can spread to others through direct contact with a lesion and contaminated objects, such as towels, clothing, or toys. Having atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema, also increases the risk of getting Molluscum Contagiosum. Infectious Period the period of communicability is unknown but once the lesions are gone, the individual is no longer contagious. Refer to licensed health care provider if there are symptoms suggestive of Molluscum Contagiosum. Seek guidance from the licensed health care provider to determine when the student can safely return to these activities. Swimming should also be avoided unless all growths can be covered by watertight bandages. Other items and equipment (such as kick boards and water toys) should be used only when all bumps are covered by clothing or watertight bandages. Use precautionary measures to minimize the risk of spreading Molluscum Contagiosum in communal swimming pools. Routine disinfection of pools with chlorine, cleaning of pool toys, kickboards, and thorough washing of towels, can help prevent transmission. In some cases, covering the lesions with a bandage may help stop scratching and spread of the virus. About 20 percent of people who become infected will display mild symptoms including fever, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or skin rash on the chest, stomach, and back. Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain with severe symptoms including high fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness, paralysis, and coma. Severe illness is much more likely in those over age 50 years and is rare in children. Over 30, 000 cases of West Nile virus infection have been reported in this country with 45 cases acquired in Washington State. Infected mosquitoes can then spread West Nile encephalitis to humans and other animals when they bite. Rare person-to-person transmission occurs through blood transfusion or from woman to fetus. Contact your local health jurisdiction for instructions on reporting and disposing of the dead bird. Empty anything outside that holds standing water such as old tires, buckets, plastic covers, and toys. Viruses other than mumps and some bacteria are also known to cause swelling of the parotid glands. Mumps patients may have fever, headache, and mild respiratory symptoms or may have no symptoms other than parotitis. In post pubertal individuals, the testes may become inflamed in males and the ovaries in females. The central nervous system may become involved, usually manifested by increased irritability, stiff neck, headache, and even convulsions in some cases. Infectious Period Mumps virus has been found in the saliva from 7 days before to 9 days after the onset of parotitis (salivary gland infection). Post exposure vaccination of individuals is not clearly protective against the disease and its complications. Illness is an acute viral infection of the gastrointestinal system characterized by nausea, vomiting, non-bloody diarrhea, and abdominal cramps and can include a low-grade fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and lethargy. Some persons might experience only vomiting or diarrhea and up to 30 percent of infections are asymptomatic. There are many different strains of the viruses and no persisting immunity after infection, so people can and do develop repeated similar illnesses, particularly during childhood. Noroviruses are highly contagious and as few as 10 viral particles may be sufficient for infection. Immediately report to your local health jurisdiction suspected or confirmed foodborne outbreaks associated with a school. Staff and students should remain home through their illness and for 24 hours after symptoms resolve. Antibacterials such as triclosan and general use disinfectants such as quarternary ammonium compounds are not generally effective against norovirus and related viruses. Therefore, due to the different types of noroviruses, individuals are likely to be repeatedly infected throughout their lifetimes. Most foodborne outbreaks of norovirus are likely to arise through direct contamination of food by a handler immediately before its consumption. Other foods, including raspberries and salads, have been contaminated before widespread distribution and subsequently caused extensive outbreaks. The disease then enters its paroxysmal stage where the coughing is staccato and comes in multiple, exhausting bursts. Sweating, exhaustion, gagging, and excessive amounts of thick mucus secretions may accompany the cough. Children under the age of 1 year are much more liable to suffer serious consequences than older children. In older children who were never immunized, incompletely immunized, or whose immunity has waned since the last vaccination, the disease can vary from quite mild to a prolonged (several month) bout of uncomfortable, exhausting coughing episodes. Infectious Period Pertussis is most infectious during the early catarrhal stage and at the beginning of the paroxysmal stage. If pertussis has been confirmed and the student is not treated with antibiotics, he/she should be excluded from school until 4 weeks after the onset of the illness or until the cough has stopped. Recommend immunization of all unimmunized or incompletely immunized students less than the age of 7 years with a booster at age 11 years or older. All immunized close contacts may continue to attend school if started on prophylactic antibiotics. Exposed close contacts who develop symptoms should be referred to a licensed health care provider for evaluation and treatment. Infectious Period Pinworm eggs are infectious within a few hours after being deposited on the skin. Educate student and family regarding mode of transmission (infectious eggs carried from anus to mouth by hands, from articles of bedding or clothing to mouth, or by food or dust). The initial symptoms may include fever, tiredness, gastrointestinal upset, headache, and sore throat. This made the use of iron lungs necessary when severe polio cases were seen in the past. Although wild polio transmission has ceased in most countries as a result of vaccination programs, it remains endemic in a few areas of the world, and importation remains a threat. Infectious Period Not clearly defined, but transmission can occur as long as the virus is shed in the stool.

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Suppurative labyrinthitis Suppurative labyrinthitis causes severe vertigo (see complications of middle-ear disease). Syphilitic labyrinthitis Syphilitic labyrinthitis from acquired or congenital syphilis is very rare but may cause vertigo and/or progressive deafness. Acoustic neuroma Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) is a slow-growing benign tumour of the vestibular nerve that causes hearing loss and slow loss of vestibular function. Vertigo 65 Geniculate herpes zoster Geniculate herpes zoster (Ramsay Hunt syndrome) usually causes vertigo, along with facial palsy and severe pain in the ear. Perilymph stula As a result of spontaneous rupture of the round-window membrane or trauma to the stapes footplate, perilymph stula causes marked vertigo with tinnitus and deafness. There is usually a history of straining, lifting or subaqua diving in the spontaneous cases, and treatment is by bed-rest initially, followed by surgical repair if symptoms persist. Owing to its frequency and diversity of aetiology, it is a matter of very considerable importance to workers in all spheres of medical life. Facial asymmetry is accentuated by attempting to close the eyes tightly, to show the teeth or to whistle (Fig. It is important to remember that in supranuclear lesions the move ments of the upper part of the face are likely to be unaffected as the forehead muscles have bilateral cortical representation. A most careful history and aural and neurological examination are essential, including atten tion to such matters as impaired taste (lesion is above origin of chorda tym pani), hyperacusis with loss of the stapedius re ex (lesion is above nerve to stapedius) or reduction of lacrimation (lesion is above geniculate ganglion). Electrodiagnosis is used in the assessment of the degree of involve ment of the nerve and includes nerve conduction tests and electromyo graphy. A detailed description of the various tests is beyond the scope of this volume, but their application is of value as a guide to prognosis and management. In an adult, start with 80mg daily and reduce the dose steadily to zero over a period of 2 weeks. The patient is usually elderly, and severe pain precedes the facial palsy and the herpetic eruption in the ear (sometimes on the tongue and palate). Prompt treatment with acyclovir given orally may improve the prog nosis and reduce post-herpetic neuralgia. Facial palsy in acute or chronic otitis media this requires immediate expert advice, as urgent surgical treatment is usually necessary. Traumatic facial palsy this may result from fracture of the temporal bone or from ear surgery. If the onset is delayed, recovery is to be expected but if there is immediate palsy, urgent surgical exploration and decompression or grafting will be required. The inside of the nose may be obscured by mucosal oedema, septal devia tions or polyps and only with practice is adequate visualization possible. Ideally this is obtained with a head-mirror, but a bright torch or auriscope provide reasonable alternatives. In children, a speculum is often not necessary as an adequate view can be obtained by lifting the nasal tip with the thumb. On looking into the nose the anterior septum and inferior turbinates are easily seen (Fig. The instrument is introduced through the nose and the postnasal space can be inspected at leisure. It has the advantage of allowing photography and simultaneous viewing by an observer. Assessment of the nasal airway Assessment of the nasal airway can be made easily by holding a cool polished surface, such as a metal tongue depressor, below the nostrils. The objects of their choice may be hard, such as buttons, beads or ball bearings, or soft, such as paper, cotton wool, rubber or other vegetable materials; the latter, being as a rule more irritat ing, tend to give rise to symptoms more quickly. The child, however intelligent, is unlikely to indicate that a foreign body is present in his nose; he may, in fact, deny the possibility in order to avoid rebuke. On the other hand, there is often an element of uncertainty, and full reassurance cannot be given until every step has been taken to reveal the true state of affairs. Local analgesia and decongestion are helpful and may be applied in the form of a small cotton-wool swab wrung out in lidocaine/phenylephrine solution. A refractory child should, from the onset, be regarded as a case neces 71 72 Chapter 18: Foreign Body in the Nose Fig. This must be administered by an experienced anaesthetist, and it is usual to employ an endotracheal tube. The surgeon may then remove the foreign body and need have no fear that it will enter the trachea. Rarely, an adult complaining of nasal obstruction is found to have a large concretion blocking one side of the nose. This is a rhinolith, and consists of many layers of calcium and magnesium salts that have formed around a small central nucleus. Injury to the nose may result in one or a combination of several of the following: 1 epistaxis (see Chapter 20); 2 fractures of the nasal bones; 3 fracture or dislocation of the septum; 4 septal haematoma. Lacerations should be cleaned meticulously to avoid tattooing with dirt and sutured carefully with very ne suture material if necessary. The key to whether treatment is necessary is the presence of deformity, which is more readily appreciated by standing behind the patient and looking down on the nose. When to reduce the fracture Nasal fractures can be reduced immediately after the injury with little addi tional discomfort by simple manipulation, but the appropriate medical at tendant is rarely present. More often, the patient presents himself to the casualty of cer some time later, by which time oedema may obscure the extent of any deformity and preclude manipulation. After 2 weeks, the bone may be so xed as to render manipulation impossible, and deformity may be permanent. Reduction of fractured nasal bones the nose should be painted with cocaine paste or sprayed thoroughly with a mixture of lidocaine and phenylephrine to reduce bleeding. Reduction is carried out under general anaesthetic with an endotracheal tube and pharyngeal pack. Anything less than this may be dangerous, Injuries of the Nose 75 because blood can be inhaled. Simple lateral angulation of the nasal bones can often be reduced, with an audible click, by digital pressure on the nose. If the nasal bones are excessively mobile, splinting with plaster of Paris is necessary. The nose is cocainized and the external nasal nerve at its exit below the nasal bone is blocked with lignocaine. Late treatment of nasal fractures If a patient with a fractured nose presents months or years after injury, manipulation is clearly not possible, and formal rhinoplasty is necessary. This involves elevation of the skin from the nasal skeleton, mobilization of the nasal bones by lateral saw cuts and realignment. It is a dif cult pro cedure and makes adequate early treatment of nasal fractures all the more important. Septal dislocation with fracture Nasal injury may result in deviation of the nasal septum, causing airway ob struction. Sometimes the septal displacement is accompanied by external nasal deformity that is maintained by the misplaced septum. In such a case, reduction of the nasal bones may be achieved only if the septum is corrected surgically at the same time. Septal haematoma Sometimes, soon after a punch on the nose, the victim complains of very severe or complete nasal obstruction. Both nasal passages are obliterated by a boggy, pink or dull red swelling replacing the septum. Antibiotic cover should be given in an attempt to avert the development of a septal abscess. The patient should be warned that deformity of the nose may ultimately occur (the outcome of necrosis of the cartilage). It may be very severe and life-threatening but in most cases is trivial and easily controlled. Bleeding is less common from the lateral nasal wall, but is more dif cult to control. It arises far back or high up in the nose, it is often dif cult to stop, and it may recur. This can be done with silver nitrate crys tals fused to a wire, or with a proprietary silver nitrate stick. Bleeding from an unidenti ed site 1 Apply direct digital pressure to the nose for 10 minutes. The patient should sit leaning forward to allow the blood to trickle, and should breathe through the mouth. If a bleeding site is visible, cauterize it with silver nitrate or bipolar diathermy. If simple measures fail to control the bleeding, the nose will need to be packed using 1-inch ribbon gauze (Fig. The pack is intro duced along the oor of the nose and built up in loops towards the roof, applying even pressure to the nasal mucosa. A further and easier option is to use self-expanding packs such as Merocel which enlarge in the presence of moisture. Elderly patients with epistaxis severe enough to need packing should normally be admitted to hospital. Do not delay in setting up an intravenous infusion if the patient has circulatory collapse, and at the same time send blood for cross-matching. Alternatively, the middle turbinate on the concave side of the septum may hypertrophy and interfere with sinus ventilation. First, the caudal end of the septum may be dislocated laterally from the columella, narrowing one nos tril, while the septal cartilage lies obliquely in the nose causing narrowing of the opposite side (Fig. Second, the septum may be convex to one side, often associated with inferior dislocation of the cartilage from the maxillary crest to cause a visible spur. The changes present in the nasal septum are easily seen on examination of the nose with a nasal speculum. It is helpful to try to recognize the anatomical deformation that has occurred (Fig. Where more severe symptoms are present, correction of the septal deformity is justi ed (though never essential). It is to be avoided in children, because interference with nasal growth will occur, leading, in turn, to collapse of the nasal dorsum. Under local or general anaesthetic, an incision is made 1cm back from the front edge of the cartilage through the muco-perichondrium, which is elevated from the cartilage. The incision is then deepened through the cartilage and the muco-perichondrium on the other side is elevated. De ected cartilage and bone are removed with punch forceps and the two mucosal aps are allowed to fall back into the midline. The nose is packed gently for 24 h to maintain apposition of the aps and the patient may go home after 2 days. Septoplasty Septoplasty is the operation of choice (i) in children, (ii) when combined with rhinoplasty, and (iii) when there is dislocation of the caudal end of the 84 Chapter 21: the Nasal Septum septal cartilage. The essential features of septoplasty are a minimum of cartilage removal and careful repositioning of the septal skeleton in the midline after straightening or removing spurs and convexities. Complications of septal surgery 1 Post-operative haemorrhage, which may be severe. Nasal douching with saline or bicarbonate solution reduces crusting around the edge of the defect, and antiseptic cream will control infection. If crusting and bleeding remain a problem, the perforation can be closed using a silastic double anged button. Its course is self-limiting and no treatment is required other than an antipyretic, such as aspirin. The prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nose drops should be discouraged, owing to their harmful effect on nasal mucosa (rhinitis medicamentosa).

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Some technological applications assist human providers in delivering their treatments to patients, as when videoconferences or telephones are used to reach those for whom attendance may be difficult, or increasing convenience for patients by eliminating travel to face-to-face sessions. It also found that there were no significant differences between the two modalities in satisfaction with treatment, treatment credibility, attendance, homework completion, attrition, or alliance among group members (Morland et al. Although several studies have found no significant differences between the two modalities, some have found that in-person delivery has generated slightly better process outcomes (Morland, Pierce, & Wong, 2004; Frueh et al. The effectiveness of telephone delivery of case management and support has been well proven for a wide variety of behavioral health interventions. A small cohort study demonstrated that telephone based monitoring and support improved patient satisfaction and entry into aftercare compared to the treatment-as-usual condition (Rosen et al. In summary, telephone delivery and videoconferencing can be effectively used to overcome geographical barriers to mental healthcare. There is preliminary evidence to suggest that psychotherapy delivered via these modalities is as effective as face-to face care. Web-based applications can deliver elements of treatment (such as psychoeducation or skills training) in the absence of provider contact or with reduced contact, and it is possible that access to help via technologies may increase engagement in care by reducing the stigma associated with treatment-seeking and increasing accessibility of care. Newly developed technologies can present significant challenges related to patient confidentiality and safety, and they must be addressed carefully by both the individual providers and the organization delivering these interventions. The Internet provides a potential resource for delivery of both information (psychoeducation) and more complex interventions. At present, while there is much traumatic stress-related information available on the Web, the accuracy and authoritativeness of the information can be difficult for consumers to determine. Bremner, Quinn, Quinn, and Veledar (2006) reviewed the quality of 80 websites related to psychological aspects of trauma and found that 42 percent of sites had inaccurate information, 82 percent did not provide a source of content, and 41percent did not use a mental health professional in the development of the content. The authors concluded that although abundant, websites providing information about traumatic stress are often not useful and can sometimes provide inaccurate and potentially harmful information to consumers of medical information. Internet sites from established healthcare agencies or patient advocacy organizations are recommended over chat rooms or non-specialist or commercial sites. In addition, this was not a pure internet-based intervention, as it involved a 2-hour initial face-to-face session in addition to periodic telephone contact. Reger and Gahm (2009) also noted many methodological problems with current studies and indicated that additional research is needed to determine evidence for effectiveness. The use of the Internet may have relevance as adjunctive modalities in assisting distressed traumatized individuals and complementing other evidence-based treatment interventions. As with face-to-face treatments, it is important to recognize that existing studies have looked at the effectiveness of specific web-based protocols. Thus, it cannot be inferred that the studied modalities are generalizable to other web-based treatments. Three of the studies cited above relate to one intervention, entitled Interapy (Lange, et al. These evidence-supported web based protocols are also therapist-assisted, with significant input from the provider. For example, Interapy involves a mean per-patient total of 14 hours of therapist time. Evidence from research on other mental health problems indicates that rates of attrition from web-based interventions are high in the absence of provider contact to facilitate completion. Newly developed technologies can present significant challenges related to patient confidentiality and safety, and these must be addressed carefully by both the individual providers and the organization delivering these interventions. Other sources were evaluated when randomized controlled trials and observational studies were not available or did not provide adequate evidence. Studies were excluded if they did not evaluate response to pharmacotherapy and if they did not evaluate individuals exposed to trauma. Other drugs that have not been reported in published studies or were tested in open-label trials have not been considered and therefore do not appear in the table (see Table I 6). Risks and benefits of long-term pharmacotherapy should be discussed prior to starting medication and should be a continued discussion item during treatment. Monotherapy therapeutic trial should be optimized before proceeding to subsequent strategies by monitoring outcomes, maximizing dosage (medication or psychotherapy), and allowing sufficient response time (for at least 8 weeks). If there is some response and patient is tolerating the drug, continue for at least another 4 weeks. If the drug is not tolerated, discontinue the current agent and switch to another effective medication. Recommend assessment of side effects and management to minimize or alleviate adverse effects. Providers should give simple educational messages regarding antidepressant use. Recommend atypical antipsychotics as adjunctive therapy: risperidone or olanzapine [B] or, quetiapine [C]. Over 3000 patients have participated in studies of paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine. One study reported that 50 percent of patients experienced worsening symptoms when placebo was substituted for active drug, and in the second report, patients on placebo were 6. Duloxetine and desvenlafaxine have not been studied and can not be recommended at this time. In a 24-week comparison trial, venlafaxine performed as well as sertraline in a civilian population (Davidson, 2006b). Nefazodone has demonstrated efficacy equivalent to sertraline in two fair-quality trials (McRae, 2004; Saygin, 2002). Two trials with mirtazapine (Davidson, 2003; Chung, 2004) have demonstrated positive findings. However, in the placebo-controlled trial (Davidson, 2003), both mirtazapine and placebo had large effect sizes. In a trial of military veterans, mirtazapine was as efficacious as sertraline, but there was no placebo comparison arm (Chung, 2004). Atypical Antipsychotics Although atypical antipsychotics are not effective as monotherapy, significant efficacy as adjunctive treatment to antidepressants has been shown in trials composed primarily of veterans. In six trials risperidone was used as an augmentation to other medications, rather than as a primary treatment. Only topiramate has been studied in this role in veterans, with negative results (Lindley, 2007). Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines are widely used for symptomatic control of insomnia, panic/anxiety, and irritability; there is no evidence that they reduce the core symptoms. A slight reduction in anxiety symptoms was offset by withdrawal effects documented after only five weeks of treatment. The study showed no significant difference between the benzodiazepine and placebo treatments. Although anxiety initially improved with treatment, the improvement was short lived and resulted in tolerance to increasing doses and eventual failure of the treatment. The key problem was encountered upon attempting to gradually withdraw the medication after determining that ongoing treatment was not going to be of further benefit. All 8 patients experienced severe reactions, including anxiety, sleep disturbance, rage, hyper-alertness, increased nightmares, and intrusive thoughts; 6 of the 8 veterans developed a level of rage with homicidal ideation that they had never encountered previously. A single clinical investigation of the effect of the antibiotic D-cycloserine (Heresco Levy et al. High attrition rates 37 I F Sub Saygin et al, 2002 Nefazodone is effective as sertraline and well tolerated 54 I F Sub Earthquake survivors Zisook et at. Psychosocial Rehabilitation involves clinicians providing family psychoeducation, supported employment, supported education, and supported housing; some serving as case managers; or others working with peer counselors. Evidence-based research from randomized clinical trials is now available to support recommending psychosocial rehabilitation when treating veterans (Glynn, Drebing, & Penk, 2009). Psychosocial Rehabilitations are not limited to veterans with schizophrenia or other psychoses. Family psychoeducation is a treatment modality in which families are a partner in providing services to each other: Families are not objects in treatment. Studies from different countries over the past 20 years show that family psychoeducation reduces the rates of re-hospitalization by an average of 50 percent. There is clinical consensus that appropriate outcomes would be improvement in self-care, family function, independent living, social skills, and maintenance of employment. Thus, interventions that provide housing support are critical to success in rehabilitation (Mares, Kasprow, & Rosenheck, 2004). Of note, marriage counselling is typically contraindicated in cases of domestic violence, until the batterer has been successfully (individually) rehabilitated. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 provide a recent instance of this phenomenon. In a study of religiously active trauma survivors, positive relationships were found between a measure of positive religious coping, seeking spiritual support, and posttraumatic growth. In the same study a negative religious coping indicator, religious strain, was associated with increased post-traumatic symptoms (Harris et al. Hypothetical pathways for positive physical/mental health benefits from religious/spiritual practice include; (1) reduction of behavioral risks through healthy religious lifestyles. Chaplains/pastoral care teams work can work in close collaboration with mental health providers to ensure that patients who desire it are presented with a spiritual care experience that results in emotional comfort and improved satisfaction with care (Clark et al. For some, Chaplains may play an important role in helping individuals regain a sense that their basic life assumptions are true. They can also provide opportunities for participation in prayers, mantras, rites, and rituals, and appropriate end-of life care as determined important by the patient (Canda & Phaobtong, 1992; Lee, 1997). The act of talking to a Chaplain is unlikely to be accompanied by the same perception of stigma as the seeking of mental health treatment, and, in active duty military settings, Chaplains are more able to provide confidentiality than their mental health provider colleagues. Therefore, in addition to providing counseling services, Chaplains can play a key role in encouraging participation in treatment for those who may require it. Symptom reductions at end treatment were maintained at the 3-month follow-up for both interventions. Some patients who may be reluctant to accept mental health labels or interventions may be more accepting of these novel treatment approaches. Since complementary medicine may relate to particular cultural backgrounds or other belief systems, health professionals should be aware of, and sensitive to , the needs and desires of the patient and the family. Health professionals should be willing to discuss the effectiveness of therapy and different options of care within the context of the current healthcare system. Generally consistent with the schema offered by the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine these groups are: Natural Products (Biologically Based Practices): Biologically based therapies that use natural substances. Mind-Body Medicine: Approaches that seek to enhance general well-being through balancing mind and body. These practices emphasize the use of the mind, the body, or a combination of mental and physical activities to harmonize mind-body functioning to promote health and well-being. Those that emphasize the integration of mind and body for experiencing more fundamental processes underlying cognitive reflection include meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, breath-oriented therapies, and expressive arts therapies (such as dance, music, and art therapies). Research has shown positive outcomes for biofeedback for pain, sleep, and anxiety. Various relaxation skills (such as progressive muscle relaxation) are utilized as part of biofeedback. Manipulation and Body Based Practices (Exercise and Movement): these ractices are based on the manipulation of one or more parts or systems of the body. Energy medicine: Energy-focused practices that involve connecting with and balancing energetic fields that purportedly surround and penetrate the human body. Whole Medical Systems: Traditional medicine systems based upon comprehensive systems of theory and practice for improving overall health and correcting health imbalances that focus on both improving overall lifestyle (diet exercise, social and emotional functioning), and specific methods of herbal and somatic interventions, such as Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture), and naturopathy (which combines disciplines from the above categories). However, providers should discuss the evidence for effectiveness and risk-benefits of different options, and ensure that the patient is appropriately informed. Herbs and supplements are believed to boost health functioning through micronutrients that are directly used by body tissues, either targeting a specific organ or system, or through balancing systems that interact with each other. Although individual consumers may purchase individual herbs or vitamins, practitioners typically recommend combinations based upon both the suspected pathology as well as the patient in order to boost their host resistance. Herbal remedies such as Kava Kava have been shown to reduce anxiety (Pitler & Ernst, 2003), while others (valerian root, typically in combinations of herbs) has been shown to improve sleep (Bent et al. Homeopathic theory is entirely different from herbal medicine and supplements, although both are widely utilized throughout the world.

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Pressure ulcers develop as a result of pressure, force or friction concentrated on a small area over a bone of the foot. Treatment options for foot ulcerations include local wound care, surgical intervention and topical nerve growth factors. Initial Assessment Assessment of foot ulcer should exclude diagnoses that need aggressive or highly restrictive treatment, or involve inadequately treated underlying disease. The patient should be assessed for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory disorders, peripheral neuropathy, systemic and localized infection. Ensure that the patient is free of fever and chills, compromise of skin in other areas than the affected foot, and sensory changes. Physical Examination the size, depth, and location of and condition of the area surrounding an ulcer should be recorded. Check for exudate, odor, tunneling, undermining, sinus tracts, necrosis or eschar formation, infection, and signs of healing (granulation and epithelialization). Assess the wound margins and areas around the wound, including for induration, and tracking of infection or inflammation. Sensation of the foot and bone and joint deformities should be carefully assessed. Evaluation of perfusion of the foot and ankle, including dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses, and of capillary refill is helpful. Footwear should be assessed for good repair, provision of comfort and support, and freedom from protruding, abrasive, or sharp features. Diagnostic Studies X-rays are indicated for those with concerns about possible underlying boney involvement, particularly including concerns about osteomyelitis and are Recommended, Insufficient Evidence (I). Bone scans are also indicated for those with further questions of boney involvement, particularly with indeterminate x rays, and are Recommended, Insufficient Evidence (I). Recommendation: Patient Education for Diabetic Foot Complications Patient education is recommended for prevention of diabetic foot complications. Recommendation: Infrared Temperature Monitoring for Diabetic Foot Complications Infrared temperature monitoring is recommended for prevention of diabetic foot complications. Trend of and Kidney footwear (n = survival better in Diseases, 58) vs enhanced therapy National Structured foot than standard Institutes of exam group: therapy or Health. The usefulness and optimal delivery of education to such a high risk group requires further evaluation. Education weeks, care and intervention group knowledge Research had greater foot and self Foundation care knowledge efficacy as and Carl M. Assessment and remained simple, suggested Group: 5-min high after follow relevant, that a brief foot risk up in all groups. One comparative trial found no differences between 3 types of dressings and concluded that the least expensive should then be utilized. With almost no head-to-head trials for comparison, there is no recommendation for a particular formulation or product. N-A/Inadine/and reason why the no difference No mention chronic full Inadine or an Aquacel; 25. Aquacel managed in National Health age was 60 a newer product each group; N Service, thus years. Short No mention wounds, proprietary ionic pressure ulcers acceptability follow-up. Followed significantly surgery, Dermacyn up weekly for 6 shorter in Group systemic Wound months or until A vs. Also recommended for prevention in particularly susceptible patients at high risk of complications. These interventions include assessing whether there are poorly fitting shoes, and lack of movement producing sustained localized mechanical compression. Yet, approaches to reduce these forces are widely used, assumed to be of major importance, and assumed to have efficacy as localized pressure is generally presumed to be a causal factor. These techniques are not invasive, have low adverse effects, and are generally low cost. They are recommended for treatment of foot ulcerations, as well as prevention in susceptible populations. Two moderate-quality trials suggested improved wound healing with a vacuum-assisted device compared with moist gauze therapy. He has stock ownership in Diabetica Solutions and Prizm Medical and holds patents with Diabetica Solutions. Q Texas follow-ups at day than control in a higher 48hrs), Diabetic Foot 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, group (p = proportion of which may Wound 84, and 112. Wounds wounds that bias in favor Classification healed by healed, faster of usual system. Reconstructi infection, Treatment by conventional therapy on conventiona ve Surgery contaminatio conventional moist moist-treated wound healing, l treatment Esser n, or chronic gauze therapy two wounds (p = expressed as a group of foundation, character. Foot waffle support braces are low cost, not invasive, but also do not appear effective and thus are not recommended. The antibiotic selection may require tailoring to anticipated organism(s) and are Recommended, Insufficient Evidence (I)] in workers. Recommendation: Becaplermin (Regranex) for Select Non-healing Diabetic Neuropathic Ulcers Becaplermin is recommended as adjuvant therapy to wound care for select non-healing diabetic neuropathic ulcers. Recommendation: Autologous-derived Growth Factors for Select Non-healing Diabetic Ulcers Autologous-derived growth factors are recommended as adjuvant therapy to wound care with collagen and oxidized regenerated cellulose for select non-healing diabetic ulcers. Recommendation: Topical nerve growth factors for Select non-healing diabetic ulcers Topical Nerve Growth Factors are recommended for select patients with foot ulcers. Recommendation: Topical basic fibroblast growth factors for Select non-healing diabetic neuropathic ulcers There is no recommendation for or against topical basic fibroblast growth factor for non-healing diabetic ulcers. Becaplermin is non-invasive, has some adverse effects, is labor-intensive and is high cost; however, in select circumstances is recommended as an adjuvant to good ulcer care to speed healing. There is one low quality trial regarding topical basic fibroblast growth factor and thus insufficient evidence for a recommendation. Author/Year Scor Sample Comparison Results Conclusion Comments Study Type e (0 Size Group 11) Becaplermin Blume 2011 7. Other authors were principal investigators and have no financial relationship with Cardium Therapeutic s. Substantiati Regranex with Regranex for on of a secondary Plantar Ulcers; 14 blinding dressing and (52%) vs. All and necrotic and 44% of the healing whether received tissue (n = 68) Becaplermin negatively; there was a sharp vs. At 10 thickness covered with (18/58) placebo greater weeks, chronic moist saline group, p <0. Sponsored 13%, full Talactoferrin 75% compared to diabetic Small by Agennix, thickness gel group (n = 25% of neuropathic foot samples. Sponsored for the weeks or until achieved complete Chrysalin for Data by Chrysalis saline ulcer reached closure vs 52% treatment of suggest BioTechnolo placebo, 1, complete (11/21) in 1mg diabetic foot efficacy. Support standard difference times higher included wound care between groups probability of compensatio management for time it took to healing n to study (n = 39). No mention thickness plus mineral weeks and only were treated of wounds for oil-soaked fluff 4/14 patients in with Graftjacket, sponsorship at least 6 compression the control group. Evidence for the Use of Prostacyclin Analogues (Iloprost) There is 1 low-quality in the Appendix. Additional, confirmatory studies are needed before an evidence-based recommendation is made. It is indicated, particularly for devascularized, callus, wound edge tissue and foreign debris (Ottawa 14; Braun 14; Caputo 08) and is Recommended, Insufficient Evidence (I) in workers. Recommendation: Tissue-engineered Skin Grafts for Non-healing Diabetic Ulcers Tissue-engineered skin grafts are moderately recommended for highly select non-healing diabetic neuropathic ulcers. Should only be used in addition to debridement, pressure relief and infection control. Recommendation: Sheets of Cultured Allogeneic Keratinocytes for Non-healing Diabetic Ulcers Sheets of cultured allogeneic keratinocytes are recommended for select non-healing diabetic ulcers. Should only be used in addition to debridement, systemic antibiotic(s), pressure relief, and infection control. Tissue grafts are not invasive, have low adverse effects, are costly but are recommended for select ulcers. One moderate-quality trial found better healing using cultured allogeneic karatinocytes compared to Vaseline gauze (You 12). This is a non-invasive treatment with low adverse effects, high cost but with significant evidence of efficacy and this thus recommended for highly select patients. The ease of pressure There were no application is relieving significant exceptional. Mean on Laserskin treatment as healing time 63 cannot be graft group (n = days in treatment differentiated 36). Group to complete dorsal foot different nonadherent healing not ulcer between the paraffin gauze significant population. Median time used for differences employed total of 8 pieces for complete pivotal studies in baseline by and hold and 4 wound closure of dermagraft comparabilit stock in applications (n was 12 weeks in as an active y. Group Group A and >12 wound groups Tissue C: One piece of weeks in the healing agent depicts Sciences, Dermagraft remaining groups. Median in receive Group D: time to 50% dermagraft funds from Control group, closure was 2. Primary follow to provide 28 weeks up for 12 significantly for control weeks, improved group. Mean Conventional groups median quick and cm) but Sponsored age (range) debridement surface area of effective favoring by Smith & 68. Wound closure between patients treated with Versajet vs conventional debridement (p = 0. Wound Care, Subungual Hematoma, Contusions See Hand, Wrist, and Forearm guideline. Charcot Joint (Neurogenic Arthropathy) Charcot joints are theorized to be caused by either: 1) a neuropathy with loss of position sense and chronic ongoing joint trauma; or 2) an autonomic neuropathy with secondary bone loss. Work-related causes are extremely rare, but may theoretically include impacts of a toxic neuropathy or spinal cord injury.

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Combination chemotherapy is the synergis stages of malignant disease, but pain will affect individu tic use of several agents, each with an effect against a als who are terminally ill with cancer. Cancer-associated certain cancer, used to avoid single-agent resistance and pain arises from multiple sources. Also, lower doses of each agent obstruction, invasion of sensitive structures, stretching may be used, causing fewer side effects and less toxicity. Induction chemotherapy seeks to cause site of the primary tumor or from a metastatic lesion. Adjuvant chemotherapy is given after Fatigue is the most frequently reported symptom of surgical excision of a cancerous lesion with the goal of cancer and cancer treatment. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy include sleep disturbance, biochemical changes, psy is given prior to localized surgery or radiation. Decreased muscle contractibility and function excessive toxicity and to avoid damage to normal are observed in individuals with cancer. Rapidly renewing and dividing cells Cachexia is a wasting, emaciation manifesting symp are generally more radiosensitive than other cells. Radiation therapy is well suited to Individuals show hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, treat localized disease in areas that are difficult to reach hyperglycemia, and abnormal blood glucose tests. A common radiation delivery system is a cancer, protein is used to meet energy needs rather than targeted external beam. Known routes of metastasis include: neoplasm is accessible and has not yet spread beyond a. Study pages 257 and 260; refer to Figure 10-1 and Study pages 253 and 257; refer to Table 10-1. At the cellular level, cancer is influences individual risk of cancer; however, it consti genetic. Preventing exposures to individual carcinogens, tutes a small percentage of the population. Epigenetic changes collaborate such as smoking, excessive alcohol, and poor diet; and with genetic changes with environmental-lifestyle factors involuntary or unknowing exposures in air, water, and to cause the development of cancer. These changes are occupational environments are major contributors to mitotically and meiotically heritable. Breast cancer, for example, is Environmental-lifestyle factors act on individuals through prevalent among northern Europeans and Americans out life, changing gene expression through epigenetic but is relatively rare among women in developing coun mechanisms with subsequent implications for health or tries. Nutrition influences metabolic of the environment they move to within one to two effects associated with energy balance. In addition, cancers development, and inflammatory bowel disease is are associated with areas of high pesticide use, toxic related to methylation in the colon. Indicate the role of in utero and early life Susceptibility to disease is set in utero or neonatally conditions in cancer development. Epidemiologic It is widely accepted that a long latency period studies have linked higher risks of childhood leuke precedes the onset of adult cancers. Chapter 10 Cancer Epidemiology Developmental plasticity is the ability to develop in oxidase, xanthine oxidases, and peroxidases. Sensitivity to in the liver and provide clearance of compounds through environmental-lifestyle factors influences the mature the portal circulation, thereby preventing the potentially phenotype and depends on the interactions of the genome carcinogenic agent(s) from entering the body through the and epigenome. Epigenetic mechanisms are responsible for tissue mental or industrial contaminants such as the particulate specific gene expression during cellular differentiation, and matter of diesel exhaust, contaminating pesticides in food these mechanisms modulate developmental phenotypic and water supplies, and in certain prescribed and over changes. Hypomethylation can cause overexpression of the transcription of proto-oncogenes, increased recombina Cigarette smoking is carcinogenic and remains the tion and mutation, and loss of imprinting. Tobacco in four ways: (1) they may influence the supply of methyl use is also associated with squamous and small cell groups; (2) they may modify the use of methyl groups; adenocarcinomas. Nonsmokers who live with smokers there were higher rates of death from esophageal, stomach, are at greatest risk for lung cancer as well as numerous colorectal, liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, prostate, and noncancerous conditions. People are constantly exposed to a variety of com Abdominal obesity, as defined by waist circumference pounds termed xenobiotics that include toxic, mutagenic, or waist/hip ratio, has been shown to be more strongly and carcinogenic chemicals. Many of these chemicals are related to some tumor types than obesity as defined by found in the human diet. Enzymes that activate xenobiotics are Adiposity influences the synthesis and bioavailability called phase I activation enzymes and are represented of endogenous sex steroids, the estrogens, progesterone, by the multigene cytochrome P450 family, aldehyde and androgens. It is known that radiation may induce a type of For breast and endometrial cancers, a central role of genomic instability in the progeny of the directly irra estrogens and progesterone is established from a large diated cells over many generations of cell irradiation. These sex the instability leads to an increased rate of mutations/ steroids are important regulators of cellular prolifera chromosomal aberrations in these distant progeny. In addition, carcinogenesis is thought to be related to endogenous the directly irradiated cells can lead to genetic effects in hormone metabolism. The bystander related with the pathogenesis of colon, breast, pancreatic, and genomic instability effects also have been termed and endometrial cancers. Bystander effects are con sidered manifestations of a radiation-induced genomic 6. Alcohol interacts with smoke, raising the risk of natural and artificial sources; however, the principal malignant tumors, possibly by acting as a solvent for the source of exposure for most people is sunlight. The development of that alter mucosal integrity, metabolic function, and melanoma is associated with the loss of E-cadherin and structure. Identify the carcinogenic risks to individuals in the epidermis, which may reduce immune surveillance of ionizing, ultraviolet, and electromagnetic against skin cancer. Chapter 10 Cancer Epidemiology nonionizing, low-frequency radiation without enough Air pollution can be carcinogenic. A person inhales energy to break off electrons from their orbits around about 20, 000 L of air in 1 day; thus, even modest con atoms and ionize the atoms. Microwaves, radar, and tamination of the atmosphere can result in inhalation of power frequency radiation associated with electricity appreciable doses of pollutants. Contaminants include and radio waves, fluorescent lights, computers, and other outdoor and indoor air pollutants. Identify behaviors and environment agent the most hazardous houses can be identified by testing exposures associated with carcinogenesis. For breast cancer, vigorous physical activity may develop in a particular way depending on the decrease exposure of breast tissue to ovarian hormones, environment. A randomized trial found that after 12 months of moderate-intensity exercise, post 4. Physical activity also helps prevent type 2 diabetes, which has been associated with risk of cancer 5. One notable occupational factor is asbestos, which increases the risk of mesothelioma and lung cancer. The most relevant carcinogens produced by cooking Carcinoma of the bladder has been linked with the manufacture of dyes, rubber, paint, and aromatic amines. Higher is associated radioactive decay of uranium, can be trapped in with gastrointestinal, reproductive, renal, and homes, and is carcinogenic to humans. Chapter 10 Cancer Epidemiology this page intentionally left blank 11 Cancer in Children Foundational objeCtives have a peak incidence before the child is 5 years of age. Central nervous sys reproduction and differentiation and determine tem tumors are more common in children younger than their specific anatomical site selection. Bone tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, and lympho Review Foundational Objectives in Chapter 9. Describe the genetic etiologic factors After studying this chapter, the learner will be able to for childhood cancers. Describe the incidence and types of childhood Some environmental and host factors predispose a cancers. Childhood An analysis of cancer incidence rates for children 0 cancer most likely can be attributed to the complex inter to 19 years of age by primary site for all types of child action of both genetic and environmental factors. The statistics showed rates per 100, 000 individu tions, single-gene defects, or chromosome abnormali als. For children with this syndrome, the risk for devel kidney, and the lymphatic system. Thus, the more com opment of leukemia is 10 to 20 times greater during the mon childhood cancers are leukemias, sarcomas, and first 10 years of life than the risk is in healthy children. Embryonic tumors originate during Wilms tumor is particularly recognized for its intrauterine life and contain immature tissue unable to association with a number of genitourinary malfor mature or differentiate into functional cells. Embryonic mations, congenital absence of the iris of the eye, tumors are diagnosed early, usually by 5 years of age. Approximately 10% of children diagnosed with cancers usually result from environmental carcinogens Wilms tumor demonstrate one of these abnormalities. Retinoblastoma, a malignant embryonic increase between the ages 15 and 19 years and become tumor of the eye, occurs as an inherited defect or as the most common cancer type after adolescence. Single-gene defects have been associated mia, accounting for more than one third of childhood with the subsequent development of childhood tumors. The second most common group is cancers of Two autosomal recessive diseases involving increased the nervous system, primarily brain lesions. All other chromosomal fragility, Fanconi anemia and Bloom pediatric malignancies occur much less often. Rhabdomyosarcoma lance system during intrauterine life may explain the is a soft tissue sarcoma of striated muscle. During rapid prolifera bone tumors, osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma, occur tion and differentiation of cells in the developing fetus, in children. Childhood cancers usually are diagnosed during peak A few malignancies seem to demonstrate a familial times of growth and maturation. Chapter 11 Cancer in Children has a risk for leukemia that is two to four times greater chemotherapy, multimodal treatment for childhood solid than that for a child with a normal sibling. The occurrence tumors, improvement in supportive care, and develop of leukemia in monozygous twins is estimated as being ment of research centers for childhood treatment. These late effects are suppressor gene, the risk for development of cancer in more significant in children than in adults because child childhood or adulthood is significantly higher than that hood treatment occurs in a physically immature, growing in the unaffected population. The incidence for adult cancers is much higher than Study page 291; refer to Table 11-5. In childhood cancers, the ori ing radiation have been linked to subsequent cancers. The prognosis is of the vagina has developed in a small percentage of the better for children than adults. Childhood exposures to drugs, ionizing radiation, and viruses have been implicated as risk factors for PraCtiCe examination specific cancers. Drugs implicated include: (1) anabolic True/False: androgenic steroids, which are used in the treatment of aplastic anemia or used illegally by teenaged athletes 1. Childhood cancers are more common than adult for body development and have been associated with cancers. Childhood cancers have a strong relationship to may predispose a child to leukemia in later years; and environmental agents. Among childhood cancers in Caucasian children, cancer therapy and, possibly, their genetic constitution. Childhood cancers have more long-term able treatments and are better able to tolerate the imme consequences than adult cancers. Childhood cancers have a better prognosis than rates in pediatric oncology are the use of combination adult cancers. The overall incidences of cancer are nearly equal in Caucasian and Hispanic children. Fewer than 50% of children diagnosed with cancer can expect to survive for 5 years. Identify the structures responsible for maintaining and protecting the central nervous After reviewing this chapter, the learner will be able to system. Compare the functions of neurons with those of Review pages 310, 311, and 313; refer to Figures neuroglia; identify the parts of neurons. Describe the circumstances under which nervous Review pages 311-313; refer to Figure 12-24. Identify the three main divisions of the brain; Review pages 313 and 316; refer to Figures 12-25 characterize their associated structures and through 12-27. Identify the significance of contralateral control Review pages 317, 320, and 321; refer to Figures of motor fibers. Describe the location and structure of the spinal functional changes that occur with aging. The composition of cerebrospinal fluid is: body and a single axon at the other end of the cell a.

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