Jenny K Hoang, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

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Reporting Distributions on Your Return the premiums for long-term care insurance (item (1)) How you report your distributions depends on whether or that you can treat as qualified medical expenses are sub not you use the distribution for qualified medical expenses ject to limits based on age and are adjusted annually hair loss from thyroid order propecia 1 mg online. For tion but you have to report the distribution on Form item (4) hair loss in men razors order 5 mg propecia otc, if you, the account beneficiary, aren?t 65 or older, 8889. However, the distribution of an excess contribu Medicare premiums for coverage of your spouse or a de tion taken out after the due date, including extensions, pendent (who is 65 or older) generally aren?t qualified of your return is subject to tax even if used for quali medical expenses. You deduct the contributions on your the end of the year are generally carried over to the next business income tax return for the year in which you make year (see Excess contributions, earlier). Next, the contribution requirement for these employees if by complete a controlling Form 8889 combining the amounts April 15, 2020, you contribute comparable amounts plus shown on each of the statement Forms 8889. You must report the contributions in box 12 of the previously under Other health coverage. This includes the amounts the employee elected to contribute through a cafeteria plan. Publication 969 (2019) Page 11 You can have no other health or Medicare coverage ex cept what is permitted under Other health coverage, later. You were an active participant for any tax year ending ployer who had an average of 50 or fewer employees dur before 2008, or ing either of the last 2 calendar years. You became an active participant for a tax year end small employer is modified for new employers and grow ing after 2007 by reason of coverage under a high de ing employers. Under these plans, if you meet the individual Limits deductible for one family member, you don?t have to meet the higher annual deductible amount for the family. If you don?t qualify to contribute the full amount ily member is less than the minimum annual deductible for the year, determine your annual deductible limit by us ($4,650) for family coverage. Is available without a prescription (an over-the-coun counts, to figure the excise tax. The excise tax applies to ter medicine or drug) and you get a prescription for it, each tax year the excess contribution remains in the ac or count. Any person you could have claimed as a dependent come on your tax return for the year you withdraw the on your return except that: contributions and earnings. The person filed a joint return; Deducting an excess contribution in a later year. Any excess contributions remaining at the end of a tax year are subject to the excise tax. Page 14 Publication 969 (2019) You can?t deduct qualified medical expenses as Reporting Distributions on Your Return! You can, however, treat pre distribution but you have to report the distribution on miums for long-term care coverage, health care coverage Form 8853. The follow If an amount (other than a rollover) is contributed ing situations result in deemed taxable distributions from! Examples of prohibited transactions include the direct or indirect: Additional tax. There is a 20% additional tax on the part of your distributions not used for qualified medical expen-. Amounts you contribute to your em eficiary within 1 year after the date of death. You must report the contributions in box 12 of the Form W-2 you file for each employee. Enter ?state custodial savings account that you set up with a financial ment at the top of each Form 8853 and complete the form institution (such as a bank or an insurance company) in as instructed. Next, complete a controlling Form 8853 which the Medicare program can deposit money for quali combining the amounts shown on each of the statement fied medical expenses. Attach the statements to your tax return after taxed if it is used for qualified medical expenses, and it the controlling Form 8853. However, the this section contains the rules that employers must follow policy must be approved by the Medicare program. No employment or Page 16 Publication 969 (2019) federal income taxes are deducted from your contribution. Generally, contributed amounts that aren?t spent by the For information on the interaction between a health end of the plan year are forfeited. You must be able Reimbursements may be tax free if you pay qualified to receive the maximum amount of reimbursement (the. See Qualified medical expenses, time during the coverage period, regardless of the amount later. If the use of these cards meets cer Certain limitations may apply if you are a highly tain substantiation methods, you may not have to provide! A medicine or drug will be a qualified medical ex surance must be included in income. Is available without a prescription (an over-the-coun At the beginning of the plan year, you must designate how ter medicine or drug) and you get a prescription for it, much you want to contribute. Then, your employer will de or duct amounts periodically (generally, every payday) in ac 3. You can change or re voke your election only if there is a change in your Qualified medical expenses are those incurred by the employment or family status that is specified by the plan. Any person you could have claimed as a dependent Plans may allow up to $500 of unused amounts remain on your return except that: ing at the end of the plan year to be paid or reimbursed for a. The person filed a joint return; qualified medical expenses you incur in the following plan year. If the plan permits a carry or over, any unused amounts in excess of the carryover c. A plan may allow either the grace period or a carryover, but it may not allow both. The plans must also comply with rules appli see Notice 2002-45, Part V, 2002-28 I. The contribution can?t be tions made after June 17, 2008, if the plan has been paid through a voluntary salary reduction agreement on amended to allow these distributions. Employees are reimbursed tax report the distribution as wages on your Form W-2 for the free for qualified medical expenses up to a maximum dol year in which the distribution is made. Reimbursements may be tax free if you pay qualified the plan can provide for either a grace period or a carry medical expenses. Employers have complete flexibility to of fer various combinations of benefits in designing their 1. Any person you could have claimed as a dependent Certain limitations may apply if you are a highly on your return except that:! Requires a prescription, Debit cards, credit cards, and stored value cards given to you by your employer can be used to reimburse partici 2. If any distribution is, or can be, made for other than the reimbursement of qualified medical expenses, any distri-. Amounts that aren?t covered under another health bution (including reimbursement of qualified medical ex plan. These you get answers to some of the most common tax amounts may never be used for anything but reimburse questions. How To Get Tax Help If you have questions about a tax issue, need help prepar Tax reform. Tax reform legislation affects individuals, ing your tax return, or want to download free publications, businesses, and tax-exempt and government entities. We use these tools to share public informa or in your local community if you qualify. Al offers free tax help to people with low-to-moderate in ways protect your identity when using any social network comes, persons with disabilities, and limited-Eng ing site. If you plies to the entire refund, not just the portion associ prefer, you can order your transcript by calling ated with these credits. Once you if: you complete the online process, you will receive im mediate notification of whether your agreement has. The in vide service by appointment so you?ll know in advance that you can get the service you need without long wait formation is categorized by tax topic in the order of the times. In addition, clinics can provide information about taxpayer rights and responsibili ties in different languages for individuals who speak Eng How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer lish as a second language. Go to Page 22 Publication 969 (2019) To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries. Physical health, cognition, language, and social and emotional development underpin school readiness. In the United States, where the rate of child poverty Critical dimensions of child development are self is substantially higher than that of most other major regulation, the establishment of early relationships, 11 Western industrialized nations, children are almost knowledge acquisition, and the development of speci? These dimensions are affected by individual Among children under age 18, 16% (more than 11 neurobiology, relationships with caregivers, and physi million children) live in families with incomes below the federal poverty threshold ($13,861 for a family of From the Division of Prevention Research and Analytic Methods, 11 Epidemiology Program Of? Early childhood intervention pro Prevention (Anderson, Shinn, Carande-Kulis), Atlanta, Georgia; the grams seek to prevent or minimize the physical, cogni Task Force on Community Preventive Services and Columbia Univer sity (Fullilove), New York, New York; the Task Force on Community tive, and emotional limitations of children disadvan 12 Preventive Services and University of Illinois, Chicago, School of taged by poverty. A special supple cascade of consequences of early academic failure and ment to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, school behavioral problems: dropping out of high ?Introducing the Guide to Community Preventive Ser school, delinquency, unemployment, and psychological vices: Methods, First Recommendations and Expert 14 21 and physical morbidity in young adulthood. Head Start, the national preschool education pro gram designed to prepare children from disadvantaged Healthy People 2010 Goals and Objectives backgrounds for entrance into formal education in 16 22 primary grades, tries to bridge the achievement gap. The ulti hood development opportunities are an intermediate mate goal of Head Start is ?To bring about a greater determinant of individual and community health out degree of social competence in pre-school children comes. Communities, states, and national organizations 17 are urged to ?take a multidisciplinary approach to from low-income families. Link children and families to needed community (created in 1994 by the Goals 2000: Educate America services. Supports are most critical for children who are at high developmental risk due to poverty. The Task education programs should be more widely imple Force is developing the Guide to Community Preventive mented. Future interventions directed at infants and Services (the Community Guide) with the support of the young children should focus on strengthening other U. Programs are ?center-based and for developing capacity serve as intermediate indicators. Each outcome was evaluated by higher educational attainment and a reduced drop-out rate. Cognitive outcomes: academic achievement test ment, helps to decrease social and health risk behaviors. The family tests and dental examination within past year; and component promotes both a supportive home environment for healthy development?which may be enhanced by partic-. Published annotated articles, most were excluded because they were descrip bibliographies on Head Start and other early childhood tive reports and not intervention studies. The opment program within the United States, remaining 16 studies (in 23 reports) were considered. Measures and effect sizes are provided in Appen ported a negative effect, and two studies provided dix A. All three studies demonstrated in this measure can be understood as standard deviation creases in school readiness for students enrolled in an units when comparing mean scores between the inter early childhood development program. The study reported a 44% 28,31?33,36,39,41 qualifying studies (reported in seven pa difference in receipt of eight health screening exami 28,31,32,36,39,41 pers). Four of these studies demonstrated nations and a 61% difference in receipt of dental decreases in retention rates for students. Another examinations among program participants compared 33 study reported a positive effect for early childhood with controls. According to Community Guide rules of 25 development programs on retention rates but provided evidence, because of limitations in design and execu no data to calculate effect sizes. Children placed in special education be and household receipt of public assistance, and found cause of developmental delays, disabilities, or other 47 positive effects for each of these outcomes. More than 70% of the dents enrolled in an early childhood development effects reported were in the cognitive domain, with 38 limited evidence available for social, health screening, program, and one showed a negative effect for pro gram participants. The Perry Preschool program, which followed placement in special education classes because of learn participants to age 27 and was the intervention exam ing problems. The Task Force considered (1) retention 41 in grade and (2) placement in special education as ined in these studies, yielded noteworthy results. Various target populations were studied: Evidence of improvements in the results of standard 29,36,39,40,43,45 African American in six studies and mixed ized academic achievement and school readiness tests populations, including Latino, Asian, Native American, supports this conclusion. Seven studies did according to Community Guide rules of evidence, evi not report the ethnicity of the population stud dence about the effects of early childhood develop 27,28,30,33?35,42 ied. The study was conducted in Research Issues preschool facilities and homes throughout the low income community. The population consisted of 128 the search for suitable studies evaluating the effective African-American 3-year-olds of low socioeconomic sta ness of early childhood development programs on tus, from a single school attendance area. The comparison group did not receive a pre report on Head Start found the body of research school program. The Perry Preschool pro child health screening outcomes, and family outcomes gram differs from other programs, however, in terms of is noteworthy, especially because these outcomes relate the degree of support and quality of implementation, speci? It is encouraging that, in addition to the high level of national attention generated by the results of the Perry Conclusions Preschool program, other promising longitudinal stud A strong body of evidence shows that early childhood ies with strong research designs examining the impact development programs have a positive effect on pre of early childhood development programs have re venting delay of cognitive development and increasing cently been published and have garnered interdiscipli readiness to learn, as assessed by reductions in grade nary interest.

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An emergency department septic shock protocol and care guideline for children initiated at triage hair loss journey discount 5mg propecia mastercard. Serum lactate is associated with mortality in severe sepsis independent of organ failure and shock hair loss in men red propecia 1mg for sale. Time and fluid-sensitive resuscitation for hemodynamic support of children in septic shock: barriers to the implementation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine/Pediatric Advanced Life Support Guidelines in a pediatric intensive care unit in a developing world hair loss in men magazine purchase 1 mg propecia with mastercard. Efficacy and safety of dopamine versus norepinephrine in the management of septic shock hair loss cure keratosis generic propecia 5mg fast delivery. Surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016 hair loss due to thyroid discount 5 mg propecia with visa. A prospective randomized controlled study of two fluid regimens in the initial management of septic shock in the emergency department hair loss legs men discount propecia 5 mg online. A multidisciplinary community hospital program for early and rapid resuscitation of shock in nontrauma patients. Out-of-hospital characteristics and care of patients with severe sepsis: a cohort study. Revision Date September 8, 2017 105 Sickle Cell Pain Crisis Aliases None Patient Care Goals 1. Patient with known sickle cell disease experiencing a pain crisis Exclusion Criteria 1. Obtain vital signs including pulse, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, and blood pressure 3. Provide evaluation and management of altered mental status per the Altered Mental Status guideline 4. Obtain vascular access as necessary to provide analgesia and/or fluid resuscitation 6. Assess for potentially serious complications other than pain crisis which may include: a. Assess for signs of shock If shock is present, treat per the appropriate Shock guideline 106 Treatment and Interventions 1. Reassess vital signs and response to therapeutic interventions throughout transport 2. Transport in a position of comfort unless clinical condition requires otherwise Patient Safety Considerations None recommended Notes/Educational Pearls Key Considerations 1. Assess for life-threatening complications of sickle cell disease these patients have significantly higher risk of numerous complications in addition to pain crises 2. These patients may have a higher tolerance to narcotic pain medications if they are taking them on a regular basis 4. Patients with sickle cell trait can have acute pain crises in extreme conditions. Patients suffering cardiac arrest due to severe hypothermia [see Hypothermia/Cold Exposure guideline] 2. Patients in arrest due to traumatic etiology [see General Trauma Management guideline] Patient Management Assessment 1. The patient in cardiac arrest requires a prompt balance of treatment and assessment 2. In cases of cardiac arrest, assessments should be focused and limited to obtaining enough information to reveal the patient is pulseless 3. Once pulselessness is discovered, treatment should be initiated immediately and any further history must be obtained by bystanders while treatment is ongoing Treatment and Interventions the most important therapies for patients suffering from cardiac arrest are prompt cardiac defibrillation and minimally interrupted effective chest compressions 1. In the case of monophasic devices, the setting should be 360 J (or 4 J/kg for children) 3. Chest compressions should resume immediately after defibrillation attempts with no pauses for pulse checks for 2 minutes regardless of the rhythm displayed on the cardiac monitor 4. All attempts should be made to prevent avoidable interruptions in chest compressions, such as pre-charging the defibrillator and hovering over the chest, rather than stepping away during defibrillations 5. Continue the cycle of chest compressions for 2 minutes, followed by rhythm analysis and defibrillation of shockable rhythms; during this period of time, the proper strategy of airway management is currently not defined and many options for airway management exist Regardless of the airway management and ventilation strategy, consider the following principles: a. Successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest depends primarily on effective, minimally interrupted chest compressions and prompt defibrillation; airway management is of secondary importance and should not interfere with compressions and defibrillation Options for airway management include: i. High flow oxygen is applied via a non-rebreather mask with an oropharyngeal airway 2. Pediatric Consideration: For neonates, 3:1 is the recommended compression to ventilation ratio. Either a supraglottic airway or an endotracheal tube may be placed without interruption of compressions 2. Pediatric Consideration: for children, 1 breath every 3-5 seconds is recommended (12-20 breaths/minute) c. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the routine administration during cardiac arrest 8. Hypothermia additions to care include attempts at active rewarming [see Hypothermia/Cold Exposure guideline] b. The dialysis patient/known hyperkalemic patient Additions to care include the following: i. If resuscitation remains ineffective, consider termination of resuscitation [see Termination of Resuscitative Efforts guideline] Patient Safety Considerations 1. Performing manual chest compressions in a moving vehicle may pose a provider safety concern 111 2. In addition, manual chest compressions during patient movement are less effective in regards to hands on time, depth, recoil and rate 3. Ideally, patients should be resuscitated as close to the scene as operationally possible 4. Risks and benefits should be considered before patient movement in cardiac arrest situations. Effective chest compressions and defibrillation are the most important therapies to the patient in cardiac arrest. Avoid excessive ventilation and consider delayed airway management If no advanced airway, consider: a. If an advanced airway is placed, ventilations should not exceed 10 breaths/minute (1 breath every 6 seconds or 1 breath every 10 compressions) in adults. Pediatric Consideration: For children with an advanced airway, 1 breath every 3-5 seconds is recommended (equivalent to 12-20 breaths/minute) 3. Consider additional monitoring with biometric feedback which may improve compliance with suggested resuscitation guidelines 4. Chest compressions are usually the most rapidly applied therapy for the patient in cardiac arrest and should be applied as soon as the patient is noted to be pulseless. If the patient is being monitored with pads in place at the time of arrest, immediate defibrillation should take precedence over all other therapies, however, if there is any delay in defibrillation (for instance, in order to place pads), chest compressions should be initiated while the defibrillator is being applied. There is no guidance on how long these initial compressions should be applied; however, it is reasonable to either complete between 30 seconds and 2 minutes of chest compressions in cases of no bystander chest compressions or to perform defibrillation as soon as possible after chest compressions initiated in cases of witnessed arrest 112 5. Chest compressions should be reinitiated immediately after defibrillation as pulses, if present, are often difficult to detect and rhythm and pulse checks interrupt compressions 7. Patients should therefore be resuscitated as close to the point at which they are first encountered and should only be moved if the conditions on scene are unsafe or do not operationally allow for resuscitation b. The maximum setting on the defibrillator should be used for initial and subsequent defibrillation attempts. In the case of monophasic devices, the setting should be 360 J (or 4 J/kg for children) 10. At present, the most effective mechanism of airway management is uncertain due to some systems managing the airway aggressively and others managing the airway with basic measures and both types of systems finding excellent outcomes. There is uncertainty regarding the proper goals for oxygenation during resuscitation i. This should not be continued into the post-resuscitation phase in which the goal should be an oxygen saturation of 94-98%. Pediatric Considerations: Special attention should be applied to the pediatric population and airway management/respiratory support. However, the order of Circulation-Airway-Breathing is still recommended as the order of priority by the American Heart Association for pediatric resuscitation in order to ensure timely initiation of chest compressions to maintain perfusion, regardless of the underlying cause of the arrest ii. Position the patient in the supine position with a second rescuer performing manual uterine displacement to the left in an effort to displace the gravid uterus and increase venous return by avoiding aorto-caval compression iii. If manual displacement is unsuccessful, the patient may be placed in the left lateral tilt position at 30. This position is less desirable than the manual uterine displacement as chest compressions are more difficult to perform in this position iv. Chest compressions should be performed slightly higher on the sternum than in the non-pregnant patient to account for elevation of the diaphragm and abdominal contents in the obviously gravid patient v. High-performance systems should practice teamwork using ?pit crew techniques with predefined roles and crew resource management principles. During the first four cycles of compressions/defibrillation (approximately 10 minutes) avoid advanced airway placement vi. One responding provider assumes code leader position overseeing the entire response vii. Part 11: Pediatric Basic Life Support: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Minimally interrupted cardiac resuscitation by emergency medical services for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Part 6: alternative techniques and ancillary devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Part 12: Pediatric Advanced Life Support: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Amiodarone as compared with lidocaine for shock-resistant ventricular fibrillation. The cardiocerebral resuscitation protocol for treatment of out-of-hospital primary cardiac arrest. Improved patient survival using a modified resuscitation protocol for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Implementation of pit crew approach and cardiopulmonary resuscitation metrics for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest improves patient survival and neurological outcome. Acute hospital administration of amiodarone and/or lidocaine in shockable patients presenting with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide cohort study. Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcome reports: update and simplification of the Utstein templates for resuscitation registries. Part 5: Adult Basic Life Support: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Part 4: systems of care and continuous quality improvement: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Amiodarone for resuscitation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. Part 10: cardiac arrest in special situations: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Part 7: adult advanced cardiovascular life support: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Part 1: executive summary: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines update for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Continuous quality improvement efforts increase survival with favorable neurologic outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The goal is therefore to optimize neurologic and other function following a return of spontaneous circulation following resuscitated cardiac arrest. Patient Presentation Inclusion Criteria Patient returned to spontaneous circulation following cardiac arrest resuscitation Exclusion Criteria None recommended Patient Management Assessment, Treatment, and Interventions 1. Support life-threatening problems associated with airway, breathing, and circulation. Consider transport patients to facility which offers specialized post-resuscitative care 11. Prehospital initiation of therapeutic hypothermia is not routinely recommended 118 Notes/Educational Pearls Key Considerations 1. Hyperventilation is a significant cause of hypotension and recurrence of cardiac arrest in the post resuscitation phase and must be avoided 2. Most patients immediately post resuscitation will require ventilatory assistance 3. The condition of post-resuscitation patients fluctuates rapidly and continuously, and they require close monitoring. Death by hyperventilation: a common and life-threatening problem during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Treatment of comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with induced hypothermia. Part 8: Post cardiac arrest care: 2015 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Effect of prehospital induction of mild hypothermia on survival and neurological status among adults with cardiac arrest. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognostication. A scientific statement from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation; the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee; the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; the Council on Cardiopulmonary, Perioperative, and Critical Care; the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Council on Stroke. Effect of prehospital induction of mild hypothermia on survival and neurological status among adults with cardiac arrest: a randomized clinical trial. Pilot randomized clinical trial of prehospital induction of mild hypothermia in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients with a rapid infusion of 4?C normal saline. Cold infusions alone are effective for induction of therapeutic hypothermia but do not keep patients cool after cardiac arrest. Targeted temperature management at 33 degrees C versus 36 degrees C after cardiac arrest.

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If the school provides child care beyond regular public school hours or for children who are not regularly enrolled in kindergarten programs or grades one through twelve hair loss 4 months after giving birth cheap propecia 5 mg with amex, that portion of the school providing such care shall be considered a child care facility and is subject to the provisions of this article hair loss reviews propecia 5 mg. Any facility that provides training only in specific subjects, including dancing, drama, music, self-defense or religion and tutoring provided by public schools solely to improve school performance. Any facility that provides only recreational or instructional activities to school age children who may enter into and depart from the facility at their own volition. The facility may require the children to document their entrance into and departure from the facility and this documentation does not affect the exemption under this paragraph. The facility shall post a notice stating it is not a licensed child care facility under section 36-882. A facility that provides only educational instruction for children who are at least three and not older than six years of age if all the following are true: (a) the facility instructs only in the core subjects of math, reading and science. A facility that operates a day camp that provides recreational programs to children if all of the following are true: (a) the day camp is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting organization for day camps as approved by the department. The department or designated local health departments or its agents may at any time visit during hours of operation and inspect a child care facility to determine if it complies with this article and rules adopted under this article. The department shall visit each child care facility as often as necessary to assure continued compliance with this article and department rules. The person affected by the notice shall, within ten days from its receipt, cease and desist operation or show proof of having a valid license. The person may, within ten days, request in writing a hearing before the director. On application of the department, a magistrate shall issue a warrant to the department authorizing inspection of a child care facility if there is probable cause to believe that a person is operating the facility without a license. If a person does not comply with this section the department shall notify the county attorney of the county in which the child care facility is being operated of the violation and request that criminal prosecution be commenced against the violator. Any person who continues to maintain or operate a child care facility without a license ten days after receipt of notice from the department is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. If the department believes that a child care facility is operating under conditions that present possibilities of serious harm to children, the department shall notify the county attorney or the attorney general who shall immediately seek a restraining order and injunction against the facility. Records maintained by the department for child care facilities are available to the public for review and copying. Personally identifiable information that relates to a child, parent or guardian is confidential. The department may deny, suspend or revoke a license for a violation of this article or department rules. The department shall issue this notice by registered mail with return receipt requested. If the person does not respond to the written notice the department, at the expiration of the time fixed in the notice, shall take the action prescribed in the notice. If the person, within the period fixed in the notice, conforms the application or the operation of the child care facility to the applicable statute or rule, the department may grant the license or withdraw the notice of suspension or revocation. Each licensee, other than a corporation, a limited liability company, an association or a partnership, shall be a citizen of the United States who is a resident of this state, or a legal resident alien who is a resident of this state. A corporation, association or limited liability company shall be a domestic entity or a foreign entity that is qualified to do business in this state. A partnership shall have at least one partner who is a citizen of the United States and who is a resident of this state, or who is a legal resident alien and who is a resident of this state. The applicant or licensee shall notify the department within thirty days after the election of any new officer or director or of any change in the controlling persons and shall provide the department the name and business or residential address of each controlling person and an affirmation by the applicant that no controlling person has been denied a certificate to operate a child care group home or a license to operate a child care facility for the care of children in this state or another state or has had a license to operate a child care facility or a certificate to operate a child care group home revoked for reasons that relate to the endangerment of the health and safety of children. Each applicant or licensee shall designate an agent who is authorized to receive communications from the department, including legal service of process, and to file and sign documents for the applicant or licensee. Decisions All decisions rendered by the director, pursuant to the applicable law and regulations, shall be in writing and filed of record in the office of the department. If no appeal is taken by any such person or licensee within the time provided by law, the decision of the director shall be final and conclusive. The director may impose a civil penalty on a person who violates this article or rules adopted pursuant to this article in an amount of not more than one hundred dollars for each violation. The director may issue a notice that includes the proposed amount of the civil penalty assessment. If a person requests a hearing to appeal an assessment, the director shall not take further action to enforce and collect the assessment until the hearing process is complete. The director shall impose a civil penalty only for those days on which the violation has been documented by the department. In determining the civil penalty pursuant to subsection A, the department shall consider the following: 1. If a civil penalty imposed pursuant to subsection A is not paid, the attorney general or a county attorney shall file an action to collect the civil penalty in a justice court or the superior court in the county in which the violation occurred. Unless a license is revoked or suspended, the director shall place the license of a child care facility subject to a civil penalty pursuant to subsection A on provisional license status for a period of time not to exceed six months in addition to other penalties imposed pursuant to this article. Civil penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the state general fund. The department shall develop an instrument that documents compliance and noncompliance of child care facilities according to the criteria prescribed in its rules governing child care facility licensure. Blank copies of the instrument, which shall be in standardized form, shall be made available to the public. The director shall establish a child care facility training program to provide training for child care facilities and users of child care services, technical assistance materials for child care facilities and information to enhance consumer awareness. If the director has reasonable cause to believe that a licensee is violating this article or rules adopted pursuant to this article and that the health or safety of the children is endangered, the director may impose, on written notice to the licensee, one or more of the following intermediate sanctions until the licensee is in substantial compliance with this article: 1. A child care facility sanctioned pursuant to this section shall notify the department in writing when it is in substantial compliance. If the department determines that the facility is in substantial compliance the director shall immediately rescind the sanctions. If the department determines that the facility is not in substantial compliance the sanctions remain in effect. The facility may then notify the department of substantial compliance not sooner than fourteen days after the date of that inspection. If the department determines on the return inspection that the facility is still not in substantial compliance the sanctions remain in effect. Thereafter, a facility may notify the department of substantial compliance not sooner than thirty days after the date of the last inspection. A facility shall make all notifications of substantial compliance by certified mail. The department shall conduct all inspections required pursuant to this subsection within fourteen days after receipt of notification of substantial compliance. If the department does not conduct an inspection within this time period, the sanctions have no further effect. The office of administrative hearings shall conduct an administrative hearing within seven business days after the notice of appeal has been filed with the office of administrative hearings. A hearing conducted pursuant to this section shall comply with the requirements of title 41, chapter 6, article 10. Violation; classification Any person violating the provisions of the applicable law, or regulations, is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor unless another classification is specifically prescribed in this article. The director may continue to pursue any court, administrative or enforcement action against the licensee even though the 67 facility is in the process of being sold or transferred to a new owner. A person, including a cardholder as defined in section 36-2801, may not lawfully possess or use marijuana in any child care facility in this state. The department of health services shall license child care facilities and monitor their operation to ensure that the level of care being provided is adequate. The department of economic security shall not duplicate the monitoring functions of the department of health services and shall accept the decisions of the department of health services concerning compliance with licensing standards. The department of economic security may prepare and enter into financial agreements with child care providers as defined in section 46-801. Procedures for providing the notification including: (a) Procedures for written notification to parents, guardians or an individual authorized by a parent or guardian during a regular child care session. Procedures for requiring any contracted pest control applicator to provide detailed and sufficient information to licensees for the purpose of completing the posting materials. Nonresidual pesticide applications performed or contracted by public health agencies for adult vector control. Any pesticide exempt from regulation by the United States environmental protection agency pursuant to the federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act (7 United States Code section 136w). Each licensee shall maintain written records of pesticide application notifications for a period of at least three years after the application. The licensee may delegate to the pest control applicator the duty to fill out and post notices required by department policy. A licensee is not required to maintain records of pesticides that are exempt pursuant to subsection C of this section. What are the benefits of adopting a school policy requiring the examination prior to kindergarten entry or first-time first grade entry? What is the relationship between the first grade health examination and the kindergarten immunizations required for school entry? How can schools help children know if they qualify for a health examination at no cost. When should parents/guardians present the "Report of Health Examination" to the school? If a child has had a health examination in Head Start or State Preschool does he/she need another? Is this first grade entry requirement different for children who attend a charter school or a home school? What if a child comes to California from out-of-state or out-of-country and enters the first grade after the start of school? It has been found to be most effective to collect the health examination forms at kindergarten entry along with the required immunization records. Immunization requirements may be found at the California Department of Health Services Immunization Branch website ( Although the California Department of Health Services strongly advises that children receive a health examination, parents may decline the exam for their child. When should schools inform parents or guardians about the required health examination? Public school districts and private schools are encouraged to adopt policies which require proof of health examination or a signed waiver before admission into kindergarten or first grade. Simplifying for parents or guardians the kindergarten and first grade health entry requirements (California School Immunization Record and Report of Health Examination) by using the same deadline; and. Ensuring school compliance with the California law requiring health examinations for children entering first grade. What immunizations are required for students entering California public or private schools at any time? Check with your health officer at the local health department for local requirements. A licensed physician, certified pediatric nurse practitioner or certified family nurse practitioner performs or supervises the appropriate health examination screening procedures and completes the Report of Health Examination for School Entry form documenting that the child has received the appropriate health screening procedures. Children from low-income families may be eligible for a health examination at no cost to the family. How can schools help children know if they qualify for a health examination at no cost? What is accepted as documentation that a required health examination has been completed? The waiver is primarily intended for use for reasons of deeply held personal beliefs, not as a matter of convenience. According to California law (Health and Safety Code, Section 124085), if the waiver indicates that the parent or guardian was unable to obtain the services for the child, the waiver is to include the reasons why. If the reason for not obtaining the exam is because parents or guardians cannot afford it, every effort should be made to help families find resources to enable them to get the examination. When should parents or guardians present the "Report of Health Examination" to the school? Parents or guardians should present the ?Report of Health Examination when registering their child in school. The report of health examination or a waiver must be presented within 90 days of entry into first grade. The law does not require exclusion for failure to submit the health examination report or waiver, but a school board may establish a more stringent policy in accordance with Section 124105 of the Health and Safety Code. If a "Report of Health Examination" is not on file and the child will be 6 years old before December 2nd of the school year (the age of first grade entry), the "Report of Health Examination" must be submitted within 90 days of the start of the school year. If the report is not on file, a report must be submitted within 90 days of the commencement of the current school term. If the examination was given within the 18 month period prior to first grade entry, it will meet the school entry requirements. Is the first grade entry requirement different for children who attend a year-around school? The requirement of 18 months prior to first grade entry and 90 days after entry applies for children attending a charter school or a home school. Class rosters can be used to record when pupils have submitted a health examination record or waiver. However the "Report of Health Examinations Annual School Report" (included in this handbook) provides a convenient place to record, track and tally compliance with the health examination requirement. The Legislature recognizes the importance of health to learning and the important role of schools in ensuring the health of students through health education and the maintenance of minimal health standards.

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The names and addresses of the owners or lessees of each parcel of agricultural land located within one-fourth mile of the facility hair loss prevention mens health buy propecia 1 mg without a prescription, and ii hair loss in men grooming quality propecia 5 mg. If the applicant is a business organization hair loss in men who men order propecia now, a form provided by the Department that contains: i hair loss jokes generic propecia 5 mg fast delivery. The name hair loss laser discount propecia on line, street address hair loss 1 year postpartum discount 5mg propecia free shipping, city, state, and zip code of the business organization; ii. The name, date of birth, title, street address, city, state, and zip code of each controlling person; iv. Documentation of good standing issued by the Arizona Corporation Commission and dated no earlier than three months before the date of the application; and vi. A statement signed by the applicant stating: (1) That each controlling person has not been denied a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility in this state or another state, and (2) That each controlling person has not had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked in this state or another state for endangering the health and safety of children; m. If the applicant is a public school, a form provided by the Department that contains: i. The name, title, street address, city, state, and zip code of each responsible party, if the responsible party is an individual, or each individual in the group, if the responsible party is a group of individuals; iii. A statement signed by the applicant stating: (1) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(m)(ii) has not been denied a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility in this state or another state, and (2) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(m)(ii) has not had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked in this state or another state for endangering the health and safety of children; and iv. A letter from the school district governing board or school district superintendent designating a signatory, if applicable; n. If the applicant is a charter school, a form provided by the Department that contains: 12 i. A statement signed by the applicant stating: (1) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(n)(i) has not been denied a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility in this state or another state, and (2) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(n)(i) has not had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked in this state or another state for endangering the health and safety of children; and iii. A letter from the school district governing board in which the charter school is located, the Arizona State Board of Education, or the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools, approving the applicant to operate the charter school; and o. If the applicant is a governmental agency, a form provided by the Department that contains: i. The name, title, street address, city, state, and zip code of each responsible party, if the responsible party is an individual, or each individual in the group, if the responsible party is a group of individuals; ii. A statement signed by the applicant stating: (1) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(o)(i) has not been denied a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility in this state or another state, and (2) That each individual in subsection (A)(5)(o)(i) has not had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked in this state or another state for endangering the health and safety of children; and iii. A letter from the individual in the senior leadership position with the agency designating a signatory. The Department does not require a separate application and license for a structure that is: 1. Can be enclosed by a single unbroken boundary line that does not encompass property owned or leased by another; 2. The overall time-frame for each type of approval granted by the Department under this Article is listed in Table 2. The applicant and the Department may agree in writing to extend the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame. An extension of the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame may not exceed 25% of the overall time-frame. The administrative completeness review time-frame for each type of approval granted by the Department under this Article is listed in Table 2. An application packet for a license is not complete until the date, provided to the Department with the application packet or by written notice, that the child care facility is ready for an on-site licensing inspection. The Department shall send a notice of administrative completeness or deficiencies to the applicant within the administrative completeness review time-frame. A notice of deficiencies shall list each deficiency and the items needed to complete the application packet. The administrative completeness review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the date that the notice of deficiencies is issued until the date that the Department receives all of the missing items from the applicant. If an applicant for a license or an approval of a change affecting a license fails to submit to the Department all of the items listed in the notice of deficiencies within 180 calendar days after the date that the Department sent the notice of deficiencies, the Department shall consider the application or request for approval withdrawn. If the Department issues a license or other approval to the applicant during the administrative completeness review time-frame, the Department shall not issue a separate written notice of administrative completeness. The substantive review time-frame for each type of approval granted by the Department under this Article is listed in Table 2. As part of the substantive review for a license application, the Department shall conduct an inspection that may require more than one visit to the facility. As part of the substantive review for a request for approval of a change affecting a license that requires a change in the use of physical space at the facility, the Department shall conduct an evaluation of the request to determine compliance with applicable rules and statutes that may include an on-site inspection. The Department shall send a license, a written notice of approval, or denial of a license or other request for approval to an applicant within the substantive review time-frame. During the substantive review time-frame, the Department may make one comprehensive written request for additional information, unless the Department and the applicant have agreed in writing to allow the Department to submit supplemental requests for information. If the Department determines that an applicant or a facility is not in substantial compliance with A. An applicant shall submit to the Department all of the information requested in the comprehensive written request for additional information and documentation of the corrections required in the statement of deficiencies, if applicable, within 120 days after the date of the comprehensive written request for additional information. The substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the date that the Department issues a comprehensive written request for additional information or a supplemental request for information until the date that the Department receives all of the information requested, including documentation of corrections required in a statement of deficiencies, if applicable. If an applicant fails to submit to the Department all of the information requested in a comprehensive written request for additional information or a supplemental request for information, including documentation of corrections required in a statement of deficiencies, if applicable, within the time prescribed in subsection (C)(4)(b), the Department shall deny the application. The Department shall issue a license or other approval if the Department determines that the applicant and facility are in substantial compliance with A. If the Department determines that a license or other approval is to be denied, the Department shall send to the applicant a written notice of denial complying with A. The fingerprint clearance card application that the staff member submitted to the Department of Public Safety under A. If a staff member possesses a fingerprint clearance card that was issued before the staff member became a staff member at the facility, a licensee shall: 1. Contact the Department of Public Safety within seven working days after the individual becomes a staff member to determine whether the fingerprint clearance card is valid; and 2. Document this determination, including the name of the staff member, the date of contact with the Department of Public Safety, and whether the fingerprint clearance card is valid. A licensee shall not allow an individual to be a staff member if the individual: 1. Is a parent or guardian of a child adjudicated to be a dependent child as defined in A. Has been denied or had revoked a certificate to operate a child care group home or a license to operate a child care facility for care of children in this state or another state; 5. Has been denied or had revoked a certification to work in a child care facility or a child care group home in this state or another state; 6. If applicable, is disqualified from employment or volunteer service as a staff member according to A. The Department licenses child care facilities using the following service classifications: 1. A licensee shall not provide child care services in a service classification for which the licensee is not licensed. Except as provided in subsection (B), the fees for an applicant submitting an application or a licensee submitting licensure fees are: 1. For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of 5 to 10 children, $1,000; 2. For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of 11 to 59 children, $4,000; and 3. For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of 60 or more children, $7,800. If an applicant or licensee participates in a Department-approved program, the Department may discount the fee in subsection (A), based on available funding. Invalid License If a licensee does not submit the licensure fee as required in R9-5-205(2), the facility license is no longer valid, and the facility is operating without a license. The name, telephone number, and fax number of a point of contact for the request; 4. If the intended change affects individual rooms, the following information about each affected activity area, as applicable: i. If the intended change is to increase licensed capacity, the square footage of the outdoor activity area; and c. If the intended change includes an alteration or addition to the physical plant of a licensed facility, the following, as applicable: i. If the facility is not located in a public school or if providing child care services to infants, one-year-old children, or two-year-old children in a facility located in a public 17 school, the information required in R9-5-201(A)(5)(f) and (A)(5)(g) showing the intended change; or ii. If the facility is located in a public school and provides child care only for three-year-old, four-year-old, or five-year-old, or school-age children, a set of final construction drawings or a school map, including the information required in R9-5-201(5)(i) showing the intended change. If the intended change in subsection (B) includes an increase in the licensed capacity, a licensee shall submit the fee for an increase in licensed capacity in R9-5-206(C) with the written request for approval. If requesting a diaper changing area outside an infant room or indoor activity area to allow privacy for diapering an enrolled child with special needs, submit a written request for an approval; and 1. For a license application, submit physical plant documents required by R9-5-201(A)(5)(g) that designate the location of the proposed diaper changing area; 2. For a licensed facility, submit a drawing of the proposed diaper changing area to the Department before installing the diaper changing area. Within 30 calendar days after the date of the receipt of the request, the Department shall send written notice to the licensee of approval or disapproval. Not use a diaper changing area located outside of an activity area until the Department approves the use of the diaper changing area; E. The Department shall review a request submitted under subsection (B) according to R9-5-202. A licensee shall not implement any change described under subsection (B) until the Department issues an approval or amended license. At least 30 days before the date of a change in ownership of a facility, a licensee shall send the Department written notice of the change. A new owner shall obtain a new license as prescribed in R9-5-201 before the new owner begins operating the facility. Within 30 calendar days after a change in a controlling person, a licensee shall send the Department written notice of the change that includes: 1. The name, title, street address, city, state, and zip code of each controlling person; 4. A statement that each controlling person has not been denied a certificate to operate a child care group home or a license to operate a child care facility for the care of children in this state or another state; 5. A statement that each controlling person has not had a certificate to operate a child care group home or a license to operate a child care facility revoked in this state or another state for reasons that relate to endangerment of the health and safety of children; 6. A statement that the information provided in the written notice is accurate and complete; and 7. If the change in subsection (I) is a change in a controlling person who is a designated agent, a licensee shall include a copy of one of the following for the designated agent: 18 1. Within 30 calendar days after changing a responsible party, a licensee shall send the Department written notice of the change that includes: 1. The name, title, street address, city, state, and zip code of each responsible party, if the responsible party is an individual, or each individual in the group, if the responsible party is a group of individuals; and 4. That each individual in subsection (K)(3) has not been denied a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility in this state or another state, and b. That each individual in subsection (K)(3) has not had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked in this state or another state for endangering the health and safety of children. A licensee shall allow the Department immediate access to all areas of the facility affecting the health, safety, or welfare of an enrolled child or to which an enrolled child has access during hours of operation. A licensee shall permit the Department to interview each staff member or enrolled child as part of an investigation. The Department may deny, revoke, or suspend a license to operate a facility if an applicant or licensee: 1. Has had a certificate or license to operate a child care group home or child care facility revoked or suspended in any state; 4. Has been denied a fingerprint clearance card or has had a fingerprint clearance card revoked under A. In determining whether to deny, suspend, or revoke a license, the Department shall consider the threat to the health and safety of children in a facility based on such factors as: 1. Designate a facility director who acts on behalf of the licensee and is responsible for the daily on-site operation of a facility; 2. Submit the name of the designated facility director in writing to the Department before a license is issued; 3. Designates, in writing, an individual who meets the requirements of R9-5-401(2) to act on behalf of the facility director when the facility director is not present in the facility; 2. Supervises or assigns a teacher-caregiver to supervise each staff member who does not meet the qualifications of R9-5-401(3); 3. Prepares a dated attendance record for each day and ensures that each staff member documents on the attendance record the time of each arrival and departure of the staff member; and 4. Maintains on the facility premises, the dated attendance record required in subsection (B)(3) for 12 months after the date on the attendance record. A licensee shall develop and implement written facility policies and procedures required for the daily on-site operation of the facility as prescribed in A. A licensee shall ensure that the following individuals are allowed immediate access to facility premises during hours of operation: 1. A parent of an enrolled child or an individual designated in writing by the parent of an enrolled child; or 2. A licensee shall, with the exception of individuals listed in subsection (D)(2), ensure that a staff member supervises any individual that is not a staff member who is on facility premises where enrolled children are present. A licensee shall ensure that a staff member submits, on or before the starting date of employment or volunteer services, one of the following as evidence of freedom from infectious active tuberculosis: 1.
