Andrew Perron, MD
- Program Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine Medical
- Center, Portland, ME, USA
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Regional difference in expression of charac teristic abnormality of harlequin ichthyosis in affected fetuses. Harlequin ichthyosis model mouse reveals alveolar collapse and severe fetal skin barrier defects. A mouse model of harlequin ichthyosis delineates a key role for Abca12 in lipid homeostasis. The proteins elafn, flaggrin, keratin intermediate flaments, loricirn, and small proline-rich proteins 1 and 2 are isodipeptide cross-linked components of the human epidermal cornifed cell envelope. Transglutaminase 1 mutations in autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis: private and recurrent mutations in an isolated population. Concurrence between the molecular overlap regions in keratin intermediate flaments and the locations of keratin mutations in genodermatoses. Selective involvement of keratins K1 and K10 in the cytoskeletal abnormality of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma). Mild recessive bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma due to a novel homozygous keratin 10 nonsense mutation. Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens: its correct diagnosis facilitated by molecular genetic testing. Ichthyosis vulgaris: identifcation of a defect in synthesis of flaggrin correlated with an absence of keratohyaline granules. Characterization of a class of cat ionic proteins that specifcally interact with intermediate flaments. Common loss-of-function variants of the epidermal barrier protein flaggrin are a major predisposing factor for atopic dermatitis. Unique mutations in the flaggrin gene in Japanese patients with ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis. Lys4021X in the C-terminal imperfect flaggrin repeat in Japanese patients with atopic eczema. Japanese-specifc flaggrin gene mutations in Japanese patients suffering from atopic eczema and asthma. Characteristic morphologic abnormality of harlequin ichthyosis detected in amniotic fuid cells. Prenatal exclusion of harlequin ichthyosis; potential pitfalls in the timing of the fetal skin biopsy. The expres sion of congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma in second trimester fetuses of the same family: morphologic and biochemical studies. Prenatal diagnosis of lamellar ichthyosis by direct mutational analysis of the keratinocyte transglutaminase gene. Prenatal exclusion of lamellar ichthyosis based on identifcation of two new mutations in the transglutaminase 1 gene. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma (epidermolytic hyperkeratosis) by fetal skin biopsy. We do this through world-leading science, knowledge and intelligence, advocacy, partnerships and the delivery of specialist public health services. We are an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care, and a distinct delivery organisation with operational autonomy. The Screening Quality Assurance Service ensures programmes are safe and effective by checking that national standards are met. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This practical guidance supports healthcare professionals and stakeholders in the operational delivery of the screening pathway. New screening coordinators, screening support sonographers and laboratory leads will find the handbook a source of information to support their induction and practice. It refers to supporting documents and clinical guidance that providers should take into account to deliver a high quality screening programme. They can then be offered information, further tests and appropriate treatment to reduce their risk and/or any complications arising from the disease or condition. They support and manage on-going roll out, further technical and professional development of the programme and ensure quality and safety standards are maintained and continuously improved. The screening programme has evolved from its establishment in 2001 when the majority of screening was performed using maternal biochemistry in the second trimester. Education and training resources are available for staff covering all stages of the process, from informing women of test availability, through to understanding and supporting their decisions. The test of choice for both singleton and twin pregnancies is first trimester combined screening. The timing of the scans allows for further diagnostic tests if required and ensures women have time to consider decisions about continuing their pregnancy. Although the result may be calculated by the sonographer, the laboratory remains responsible for the software that calculates the screening result. Midwifery and/or ultrasound departments must have a process in place to share ultrasound measurements and final screening results with the laboratory to enable timely audit of all results. Although this combination of markers has a lower detection and a higher screen positive rate than the combined test, it is the nationally recommended screening strategy for the second trimester. For more information regarding the practicalities of a solution to combining dating and screening requirements at the first pregnancy scan see Chudleigh et al 2011. The older a mother, the more chance she has of having a baby with one of these conditions. Screening laboratories must use the recommended combination of biochemical markers for both the first and second trimester screening tests. Its level in fetal serum increases until the end of the first trimester and then gradually decreases. Concentrations are much lower in maternal serum but they continue to rise until about week 32. An increased level in maternal serum is associated with a possible open neural tube defect such as spina bifida, although ultrasound scanning is the recommended screening test for neural tube defects. Unconjugated oestriol (uE3) Oestriol is one of the three main steroid hormones produced by the feto-placental unit during pregnancy. It is made in the placenta from the 16 hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone produced by the fetal liver. Once in the maternal circulation most of the oestriol undergoes conjugation with glucuronides or sulphate but about 10% remains as the unconjugated form. It is produced by the corpus luteum and the placenta during pregnancy with levels increasing during the first trimester, then declining to reach a plateau in the second trimester before increasing again in the third trimester. Where screening in the first trimester using the combined screening strategy is accepted, the biochemical component of the test must be completed. For women screened using the quadruple test a single term chance of T21 will be reported. Each feto-placental unit will contribute to the concentrations of the biochemical markers used in the chance calculation. Combined screening in twin pregnancies the test of choice for twin pregnancies is first trimester combined screening. Every opportunity must be made to maximise the offer of first trimester combined screening. This means the decision making process is more difficult for women as this test is less sensitive than first trimester combined screening and any subsequent decisions about invasive diagnostic testing and selective reduction will have to be made later in the pregnancy. There are likely to be between 500-1600 women with twin pregnancies in the eligible population each year who fall outside of the combined testing programme who may be offered second trimester quadruple testing. Pregnancies in this group are likely to be of uncertain chorionicity compared to the general population of twin pregnancies. This is the established methodology currently available and simply means that the chance would be accurate in predicting a false-positive rate (which relates only to the marker distributions in unaffected twin pregnancies). Because the calculation of chance results in twin pregnancies relies on limited evidence and assumptions, the chance estimate should be interpreted by suitably experienced practitioners. The risks of miscarriage and other procedure related complications are higher in twin pregnancies, usually quoted as 1 in 50. There is a significant fetal loss rate between the time of screening and birth but the loss rate is not exactly known. A chance at the time of screening would need to make assumptions about the fetal loss rate during the various stages of pregnancy. The screening programme developed a specification for the chance result calculation software for laboratories in England. Software in use in screening laboratories must meet the requirements of this specification. This specifies in detail all the aspects that need to be incorporated into the software package to provide consistent chance results across the country. Some variables that need to be entered into the software are defined by the local user to take account of the reagents used for screening and the characteristics of the local population they are screening. Date of birth Address Postcode Requesting details: Hospital name/code Consultant name/code Midwife name/code Hospital/clinic contact no. Achieving the right balance is important to ensure adequate information is given to understand the chance assessment report versus too much information that has the potential to cause confusion. In a monochorionic twin pregnancy both fetuses are either affected or unaffected so the chance will be the same and a single chance will be reported. It is important that the correct order of draw is followed and that a screening sample should always be taken first if a full blood count sample is being taken at the same time. This effect is temperature dependant and the rate of deterioration of the sample increases with increasing temperature. The guidance below is for samples transported and stored at room temperature as this is most likely to be the conditions in clinics and during transport to laboratories. It is good practice for the sample to be centrifuged and separated from the clot, if a gel separator tube is not used, within 24 hours of collection. If this is not possible, samples may remain as whole blood at room temperature for up to 48 hours.
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Early in the newborn period, help asking visitors to leaveit babies eat frequently, and nd com works! Please let us baby with you helps you learn how to know how we can best assist you. Skin-to-skin means your full-term, healthy baby is placed belly-down, directly on your chest, right after birth. Your care provider dries your baby off, puts a hat on him or her, covers him or her with a warm blanket, and gets your baby settled on your chest. The rst hours of snuggling skin-to skin let you and your baby get to know each other. If your baby needs to meet the pediatrician rst, or if you deliver by c-section, you can unwrap your baby and cuddle shortly after birth. Eight different research studies have shown that babies who have had the benet of skin-to-skin breastfeed better. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all breastfeeding babies spend time skin-to-skin right after birth. Keeping your baby skin-to skin in the rst few weeks makes it easy to know when to feed your baby, especially if your baby is a little sleepy. A smooth transition Your chest is the best place for your baby to adjust to life in the outside world. Compared with babies who are swaddled or kept in a crib, skin-to-skin babies stay warmer and calmer, cry less, and healthier blood sugar levels. Researchers have watched mothers and infants in the rst few days after birth, and they noticed that skin-to-skin moms touch and cuddle their babies more. Even a year later, skin-to skin moms snuggled more with their 115 117 babies during a visit with the pediatrician. Notes Skin-to-skin beyond the delivery room Keep cuddling skin-to-skin after you leave the hospital. Your baby will stay warm and comfortable on your chest, and the benets for bonding, soothing, and breastfeeding will likely continue. If your baby is sleepy, skin-to-skin can help keep your baby interested in nursing. Babies are comforted by skin to skin during procedures Skin-to-skin may enhance brain development. Fathers and mothers who hold babies skin to skin are thought to have increased condence and are more relaxed. All rights reserved Index# 15276 116 118 Breastfeeding: the First Weeks Getting started the rst weeks of breastfeeding are a learning time for you and your baby. You are learning how to care for and feed your baby, and your baby is discov ering how to breastfeed and ask for comfort. A nurse or lactation consultant will observe you and your baby breastfeeding before you leave the hospital. During the rst weeks, your milk will change from colostrum (a thick, rich uid) to mature milk (a thinner, whitish uid). Offer your breast whenever your baby shows feeding cues such as mouthing, lip smacking, turning toward the breast, sucking on sts. For this or under your arms to support your position, your baby is supported on a baby and avoid straining your back. If you are in pain, take medicine be fore breastfeeding to help make you Pillows should also support both more comfortable. Do this by gently close to you as possible, skin-to-skin placing your hand behind your contact is best. The palm comfortable for both you and your of your hand is placed between your baby. When baby opens his/her mouth wide, you push with the palm of your hand from between the shoulder blades. Most newborns are very breast and four ngers underneath, comfortable in this position. It also away from the dark area around helps when a mother has a forceful the nipple (areola). Soon after you place a square of toilet paper on top will notice a slower, steady sucking of the diaper. When your baby uri pattern and will hear your baby nates, the toilet paper will be wet. Later on, some breastfed one to three hours during the day babies might only have one stool and night. Your baby might want to To see if your baby is gaining nurse every hour or so for several enough weight, weight checks are feedings (this is called cluster available at your local breastfeeding feedings). Let your baby breastfeed for as long as your baby is nursing vigorously Breast care longer on the rst breast until he or Wash your hands before breastfeed she seems satised. A bath or shower once a day is need to limit the length of the feed all you need to keep your nipples ings unless your nipples are sore. Do not use soap or other Burp your baby and then offer your products when washing your other breast. To avoid sore How do I know if my baby is nipples, follow these guidelines: getting enough milk In fact, avoid sup health care provider, for short plements, as they will decrease your term relief. Frequent emptying of the breast is important to establish If your nipples remain sore or are your milk supply. After the Your baby controls your milk supply rst three to four weeks, once you by feeding often. As your baby and your baby have become com grows, there will be times when he fortable with breastfeeding, bottles or she breastfeeds more than usual, can be introduced. It might help if and this will increase your milk someone other than you feeds your supply. How can I take care of myself You might choose to pump your the first weeks after delivery Whenever the baby an occasional or regular bottle is sleeping, you should rest, too. Follow the same guidelines for Your health care provider can help healthy eating as you did during you learn how to hold your baby pregnancy. Your breasts might be tender provider might recommend that you the rst few days, but this soreness continue to take a prenatal vitamin should go away as you continue to while you are breastfeeding. Pain can make breastfeed ts you are gaining for you and your ing more difcult, since it can inter baby are worth it. There are many Pain medicines prescribed by your ways for you to learn about breast health care provider will not harm feeding. In most cases, Ask your health care provider or nurses and lactation consultants are lactation consultant about the safety also available to give you informa of any medicine you might need to tion and support. Most breastfeeding moms might be prescription drugs or over-the helpful and make you feel more counter medicines are safe to take comfortable. The amount of your shoulder or around your baby milk your breasts make will depend so no one can see your breast. Feeding your baby takes time, no Eat four servings of calcium-rich matter which method you choose. If you can take your baby with you, Please feel free to discuss your your baby can eat when he or she is concerns with your health care hungry. How can the dad or partner bond that someone else can feed your with the baby if I am breastfeeding Dad or When you return to work, you can partner can also take the baby for a learn to pump or "express" your milk walk in a front carrier or a sling and and store it so that someone else can help with basic baby care. All rights reserved For more information on breastfeed ing for working mothers, go to: Index# 3992 123 125 Over-the-Counter Medicines and Breastfeeding Is it safe to take over-the-counter medicines while I am breastfeeding my baby In the rare situation when you should not take a drug, you may try an alter native drug, a non-drug, or a procedure. Some of the medicines that require Also avoid "sustained-release" temporary weaning are those that preparations and medicines contain radioactive compounds and taken only once or twice a day. Although such reactions rarely occur, call your health care Of course not smoking would be the provider if you see such changes. If you smoke less than a half a any precautions or warnings pack a day, the risks to the baby are about taking the drug while small. Can I safely drink alcohol while Drinking up to two 5-ounce cups of breastfeeding Some conservative side, wait at least two babies are sensitive to any amount hours for every drink you consume of caffeine. Or alterna tively, use expressed milk to feed Remember to consider the amount your baby after consuming alcohol. Moderate-to-heavy alcohol con Please consult your health care sumption by a breastfeeding provider for advice. Your baby should not sleep in an adult bed, on Give your baby plenty of Tummy Time when he or a couch, or on a chair alone, with you, or with she is awake and when someone is watching. Ofer a pacifer, not attached to a string, at nap and sleep time once breastfeeding is established. Always place your baby on his or her Do not use back to sleep, for pillows, blankets, naps and at night. Dress your baby in light sleep clothing, such as a Keep soft objects, one-piece sleeper, toys, and loose and do not use a bedding out blanket.
A cognitive dual task resulted 10 m without stopping limb support time to double limb motion system brunswick pain treatment center brunswick ga generic benemid 500 mg mastercard. The mean severity was between 1 (mild) and 2 (moderate) Two neurologists reviewed the tape and rated the dystonia using a scale developed for the study pain treatment center london ky order benemid on line. A 14m walking area will be marked pain treatment herniated disc purchase generic benemid pills, with 2 m on either side allowed for Equipment: stopwatch chronic pain treatment options benemid 500 mg otc, rolling tape measure chronic pain treatment center venice fl generic 500 mg benemid visa, track/loop walkway starting and stopping of walking (acceleration and deceleration) pain treatment contract buy genuine benemid on-line. Subjects Instructions: Monitor vital signs before and after each test if indicated. Give the same verbal instructions Subjects will be excluded from participating in this test if they are unable each time. If you total time to complete 10m, as well as the number of steps taken during those need to rest, you can stop until you feel ready to go again. Light-headedness individual to stand up from a standard arm chair (approximate seat height b. Confusion of 46 cm, arm height 65 cm), walk a distance of 3 meters (approximately c. Ataxia, staggering unsteadiness 10 feet), turn, walk back to the chair, and sit down. Pallor their regular footwear and uses their customary walking aid (none, cane. Nausea the chair, their arms resting on the armrests, and their walking aid at hand. Unusual fatigue a comfortable and safe pace to a line on the foor 3 meters away, turn, i. Signs of peripheral circulatory insuffciency return to the chair and sit down again. Claudication or other signifcant pain once before being timed in order to become familiar with the test. Facial expressions signifying distress stopwatch or a wristwatch with a second hand can be used to time the trial. Systolic blood pressure drops > 10 mmHg walk back to the chair and sit down again. Diastolic blood pressure rises to > 120 mmHg You may have the patient walk at a fast pace to see how quickly they can d. Also you could have them turn to the left and to the right to test walking the last minutes of the test versus resting) any differences. Before beginning this task, alert the subject to the possibility of pen is lifted from the page at the end of the sentence. All words must developing chest pain or shortness of breath and inform the subject to be included and legible. Period need not be included for task to be tell you if any of these symptoms occur. Five kidney beans are placed in a bowl, 5 inches from the edge of the completed (up and down is one fight). With subject in a corridor or in and open room, ask the subject to turn 360 degrees. Turn 360 degrees Discontinuous steps = 0 Task Time Scoring Score Continuous steps = 2 1. From lying in bed, are you able to get up to sit on the edge of the bed on your own Can you (using hands and an aid if necessary) stand up from a chair in less than 15 seconds, and stand there for 15 seconds 5. Can you walk 10 metres inside with no calliper, splint or aid and no standby help If you drop something on the foor, can you manage to walk 5 metres to pick it up and walk back Are you able to climb up and down four steps with no rail but using an aid if necessary The index should be used as a record of what a patient does, not as a Instructions to Participants: record of what a patient could do. The main aim is to establish degree of independence from any help, the activity without losing your balance or becoming unsteady from choosing physical or verbal, however minor and for whatever reason. Asking the patient, friends/relatives and nurses are the usual do the activity or hold onto someone, rate your confdence as it you were sources, but direct observation and common sense are also important. If you have any questions about answering any of these However direct testing is not needed. Middle categories imply that the patient supplies over 50 per cent of the confdence by choosing a corresponding number from the following rating effort. In most items, the subject is asked to maintain a given position for a 4 able to sit safely and securely for 2 minutes specifc time. Subject should understand that they must maintain their balance 0 unable to sit without support 10 seconds while attempting the tasks. Chairs used 4 sits safely with minimal use of hands during testing should be a reasonable height. Either a step or a stool of 3 controls descent by using hands average step height may be used for item # 12. You may use 4 able to stand without using hands and stabilize independently two chairs (one with and one without armrests) or a bed and a chair. Repeat to the 3 able to place feet together independently and stand 1 minute with right. Examiner may pick an object to look at directly behind the subject to supervision encourage a better twist turn. Stretch out your fngers and reach forward as far as 4 able to turn 360 degrees safely in 4 seconds or less you can. The 2 able to turn 360 degrees safely but slowly recorded measure is the distance forward that the fngers reach while the 1 needs close supervision or verbal cuing subject is in the most forward lean position. When possible, ask subject to 0 needs assistance while turning use both arms when reaching to avoid rotation of the trunk. Continue until each foot has 0 loses balance while trying/requires external support touch the step/stool four times. If you feel that you cannot place your foot directly in front, try to step far enough ahead that the heel of your forward foot is ahead of the toes of the other foot. Eyes Closed (at maximum position of item 6) Unsteady =0 Balance Tests Steady =1 Initial instructions: Subject is seated in hard, armless chair. Sitting Balance Continuous steps =1 Leans or slides in chair =0 Unsteady (grabs, staggers) =0 Steady, safe =1 Steady =1 2. Sitting Down Unable without help =0 Unsafe (misjudged distance, falls into chair) =0 Able, uses arms to help =1 Uses arms or not a smooth motion =1 Able without using arms =2 Safe, smooth motion =2 3. Immediate Standing Balance (frst 5 seconds) Unsteady (swaggers, moves feet, trunk sway) =0 Steady but uses walker or other support =1 Steady without walker or other support =2 5. Standing Balance Unsteady =0 Steady but wide stance(medial heals > 4 inches apart) and uses cane or other support =1 Narrow stance without support =2 6. Step Length and Height < 19 high fall risk, Right swing foot 19-24 medium fall risk, Does not pass left stance foot with step =0 25-28 low fall risk Passes left stance foot =1 Right foot does not clear foor completely With step =0 Right foot completely clears foor =1 Left swing foot Does not pass right stance foot with step =0 Passes right stance foot =1 Left foot does not clear foor completely With step =0 Left foot completely clears foor =1 12. Step Symmetry Right and left step length not equal (estimate) =0 Right and left step length appear equal =1 13. Step Continuity Stopping or discontinuity between steps =0 Steps appear continuous =1 14. Path (estimated in relation to foor tiles, 12-inch diameter; observe excursion of 1 foot over about 10 ft. Scoring: (0) Severe Impairment: Cannot change speeds, or loses balance and has to A four-point ordinal scale, ranging from 0-3. Gait level surface (3) Normal: Performs head turns smoothly with no change in gait. When you come to the second cone (3) Normal: Performs head turns smoothly with no change in gait. Walks slower than contemporaries on the level because of breathlessness, or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace 4. It starts at number 0 where your breathing is causing you no diffculty at all and History and Systems Review: Ms. J was a 50-year woman, referred to progresses through to number 10 where your breathing diffculty is maximal. She regularly rode to work a 5 Severe distance of about 7 miles and had participated in many bike adventure trips.
The leaders of other countries have chronic back pain treatment guidelines benemid 500mg sale, as we have seen best pain medication for shingles safe benemid 500 mg, at times attempted to disavow their cultural heritage and shift the identity of their country from one civilization to another back pain treatment videos buy benemid 500mg without prescription. In no case to date have they succeeded and they have instead created schizophrenic torn countries pain management utica buy benemid 500 mg visa. Instead of attempting to identify the United States with another civilization pain management treatment plan discount 500 mg benemid fast delivery, however joint and pain treatment center thousand oaks buy cheap benemid on-line, they wish to create a country of many civilizations, which is to say a country not belonging to any civilization and lacking a cultural core. History shows that no country so constituted can long endure as a coherent society. A multicivilizational United States will not be the United States; it will be the United Nations. The multiculturalists also challenged a central element of the American Creed, by substituting for the rights of individuals the rights of groups, defined largely in terms of race, ethnicity, sex, and sexual preference. The Creed, Gunnar Myrdal said in the 1940s, reinforcing the comments of foreign observers dating from Hector St. John de Crevecoeur and Alexis de Tocqueville, has been "the cement in the structure of this great and disparate nation. The fate of the Soviet Union, the other major country whose unity, even more than that of the United States, was defined in ideological terms is a. Far from being the alternative to Marxism and the reigning ideology at the end of history, liberalism will be the next domino to fall. In a multicivilizational world where culture counts, the United States could be simply the last anomalous holdover from a fading Western world where ideology counted. Rejection of the Creed and of Western civilization means the end of the United States of America as we have known it. If the United States is de-Westernized, the West is reduced to Europe and a few lightly populated overseas European settler countries. Americans cannot avoid the issue: Are we a Western people or are we something else The futures of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans reaffirming their commitment to Western civilization. Internationally it means rejecting the elusive and illusory calls to identify the United States with Asia. Whatever economic connections may exist between them, the fundamental cultural gap between Asian and American societies precludes their joining together in a common home. Americans are culturally part of the Western family; multiculruralists may damage and even destroy that relationship but they cannot replace it. In the mid-1990s new discussion occurred of the nature and future of the West, a renewed recognition arose that such a reality had existed, and heightened concern about what would insure its continued existence. It also more broadly reflected anxiety about the future unity of the West in the absence of a Soviet threat and particularly what this meant for the United States commitment to Europe. As Western countries increasingly interact with increasingly powerful non-Western societies they become more and more aware of their common Western cultural core that binds them together. Leaders from both sides of the Atlantic have emphasized the need to rejuvenate the Atlantic community. In late 1994 and in 1995 the German and British defense ministers, the French and American foreign ministers, Henry Kissinger, and various other leading figures all espoused this cause. Simultaneously many European political and business leaders endorsed the creation of a transatlantic free trade area. It was also supported by conservatives both European (Margaret Thatcher) and American (Newt Gingrich), as well as by Canadian and other British leaders. The West, as was argued in chapter 2, went through a first European phase of development and expansion that lasted several centuries and then a second American phase in the twentieth century. First, statesmen can constructively alter reality only if they recognize and understand it. The emerging politics of culture, the rising power of non-Western civilizations, and the increasing cultural assertiveness of these societies have been widely recognized in the non-Western world. European leaders have pointed to the cultural forces drawing people together and driving them apart. American elites, in contrast, have been slow to accept and to come to grips with these emerging realities. The Bush and Clinton administrations supported the unity of the multicivilizational Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, and Russia, in vain efforts to halt the powerful ethnic and cultural forces pushing for disunion. They attempted to develop close relationships with the core states of other civilizations in the fond of a "global partnership" with Russia or "constructive engagement" with China, in the face of the natural conflicts of interest between the United States and those countries. Pursuing the chimera of a multi civilizational country, the Clinton administration denied self-determination to the Serbian and Croatian minorities and helped to bring into being a Balkan one-party Islamist partner of Iran. The Clinton administration initially appeared oblivious to the shifting balance of power between the United States and East Asian societies and hence time and again proclaimed goals with respect to trade, human rights, nuclear proliferation, and other issues which it was incapable of realizing. Second, American foreign policy thinking also suffered from a reluctance to abandon, alter, or at times even reconsider policies adopted to meet Cold War needs. With some this took the form of still seeing a resurrected Soviet Union, as a potential threat. More generally people tended to sanctify Cold War alliances and arms control agreements. Neither, however, is it necessarily in the interests of the United States or the West for them to be continued in their Cold War form. Increasingly doubts are being raised in Japan about the American military presence there and in the United States about the need for an unreciprocated commitment to defend Japan. The principal impact of the agreement now is to create difficulties for Russia in dealing with what it perceives to be security threats from Muslim peoples to its south. Third, cultural and civilizational diversity challenges the Western and particlarly American belief in the universal relevance of Western culture. Descriptively it holds that peoples in all societies want to adopt Western values, institutions, and practices. If they seem not to have that desire and to be committed to their own traditional cultures, they are victims of a "false consciousness" comparable to that which Marxists found among proletarians who supported capitalism. Normatively the Western universalist belief posits that people throughout the world should embrace Western values, institutions, and culture because they embody the highest, most enlightened, most liberal, most rational, most modern, and most civilized thinking of humankind. In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western : belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous. That it is false has been the central thesis of this book, a thesis well summed up by Michael Howard: the "common Western assumption that cultural diversity is a historical curiosity being rapidly eroded by the growth of a common, western-oriented, Anglophone world culture, shaping our basic values. The almost-universal reach of European power in the late nineteenth century and the global dominance of the United States in the late twentieth century spread much of Western civilization across the world. American hegemony is receding if only because it is no longer needed to protect the United States against a Cold War-style Soviet military threat. If non-Western societies are once again to be shaped by Western culture, it will happen only as a result of the expansion, deployment, and impact of Western power. In addition, as a maturing civilization, the West no longer has the economic or demographic dynamism required to impose its will on other societies and any effort to do so is also contrary to the Western values of self-determination and democracy. As Asian and Muslim civilizations begin more and more to assert the universal relevance of their cultures, Westerners will come to appreciate more and more the connection between universalism and imperialism. Western universalism is dangerous to the world because it could lead to a major intercivilizational war between core states and it is dangerous to the West because it could lead to defeat of the West. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Westerners see their civilization in a position of unparalleled dominance, while at the same time weaker Asian, Muslim, and other societies are beginning to gain strength. Hence they could be led to apply the familiar and powerful logic of Brutus: Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe. There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. The West differs from other civilizations not in the way it has developed but in the distinctive character of its values and institutions. These include most notably its Christianity, pluralism, individualism, and rule of law, which made it possible for the West to invent modernity, expand throughout the world, and become the envy of other societies. These are European ideas, not Asian, nor African, nor Middle Eastern ideas, except by adoption. The principal responsibility of Western leaders, consequently, is not to attempt to reshape other civilizations in the image of the West, which is beyond their declining power, but to preserve, protect, and renew the unique qualities of Western civilization. Because it is the most powerful Western country, that responsibility falls overwhelmingly on the United States of America. In the aftermath of the Cold War the United States became consumed with massive debates over the proper course of American foreign policy. In this era, however, the United States can neither dominate nor escape the world. Neither internationalism nor isolationism, neither multilateralism nor unilateralism, will best serve its interests. Those will best be advanced by eschewing these opposing extremes and instead adopting an Atlanticist policy of close cooperation with its European partners to protect and advance the interests and values of the unique civilization they share. Such a war, we have suggested, could corn about from the escalation of a fault line war between groups from different civilizations, most likely involving Muslims on one side and non-Muslims on the other. Escalation is made more likely if aspiring Muslim core states compete to provide assistance to their embattled coreligionists. It is made less like by the interests which secondary and tertiary kin countries may have in not becoming deeply involved in the war themselves. A more dangerous source (a global intercivilizational war is the shifting balance of power among civilizations and their core states. If it continues, the rise of China and the increasing assertiveness of this "biggest player in the history of man" will place tremendous stress on international stability in the early twenty-first century. The emergence of China as the dominant power in East and Southeast Asia would be contrary to American interests as they have been historically construed. Given this American interest, how might war between the United States and China develop American troops are out of Korea, which has been reunified, and the United States has a greatly reduced military presence in Japan. The development of the oil resources in the South China Sea has proceeded apace, largely under Chinese auspices but with some areas under Vietnamese control being developed by American companies. Its confidence boosted by its new power projection capabilities, China announces that it will establish its full control of the entire sea, over all of which it has always claimed sovereignty. The Vietnamese resist and fighting occurs between Chinese and Vietnamese warships. The United States says it cannot accept Chinese conquest of Vietnam, calls for economic sanctions against China, and dispatches one of its few remaining carrier task forces to the South China Sea. The Chinese denounce this as a violation of Chinese territorial waters and launch air strikes against the task force. Chinese submarines and land-based aircraft operating from both Taiwan and the mainland impose serious damage on U. Fear of such attacks, however, exists in both societies and is particularly strong in the United States. This leads many Americans to begin to ask why they are being subjected to this danger What difference does it make if China controls the South China Sea, Vietnam, or even all of Southeast Asia Meanwhile, however, the war is having an impact on the major states of civilizations. India becomes bogged down fighting Iranian troops and Pakistani guerrillas from several different ethnic groups. Both Pakistan and India appeal to Arab states for support -India warning of the danger of Iranian dominance of Southwest Asia -but the initial successes of China Against the United States have stimulated major anti-Western movements in societies. One by one the few remaining pro-Western governments in Arab countries and in Turkey are brought down by Islamist movements powered by final cohorts of the Muslim youth bulge. The surge of anti provoked by Western weakness leads to a massive Arab attack on which the much-reduced U. The United States declares a blockade of American and Japanese ships engage in sporadic duels in the Western pacific. Chinese successes, have just the opposite effect on Russia than they had on Japan. As Russia moves in an anti-Chinese direction and begins to reinforce in Siberia, the numerous Chinese settlers in Siberia interfere with these movements. China then intervenes militarily to protect its countrymen and occupies Vladivostok, the Amur River valley, and other key parts of eastern Siberia. Despite extensive investment in nuclear energy, Japan is still highly dependent on oil imports and this strengthens its inclination to accommodate China its flow of oil from the Persian Gulf, Indonesia, and the South. During the course of the war, as Arab countries come under the Islamic militants, Persian Gulf oil supplies to the West diminish to a the West consequently becomes increasingly dependent on Russian, and Central Asian sources. This leads the West to intensify its efforts to enlist Russia on its side and to support Russia in extending its control over the oil-rich Muslim countries to its south. Meanwhile the United States has been eagerly attempting to mobilize the full support of its European allies. While extending diplomatic and economic assistance, they are reluctant to become involved militarily. China and Iran, however, are fearful that Western countries will eventually rally behind the United States, even as the United States eventually came to the support of Britain and France in two world wars. To prevent this they secretly deploy intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles to Bosnia and Algeria and warn the European powers that they should stay out of the war. As was almost always the case with Chinese efforts to intimidate countries other than Japan, this action has consequences just the opposite of what China wanted. Croatia joins in and the two countries occupy and partition Bosnia, capture the missiles, and proceed with efforts to complete the ethnic cleansing which they had been forced to stop in the 1990s.
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It is the most common bone tumour in children and adolescents with a peak incidence between ten and 20 years. It is also the third most common malignancy in childhood following leukaemia and lymphoma. The two most common of these variants are the surface or juxtacortical group and the telangiectatic osteosarcomas. The surface osteosarcomas arise on the surface of long bones, most prominently the posterior aspect of the femur. Many carcinogens 9 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (skin pigmentation, and oncogenes have been proposed. This is is known to have mutations in the p53 tumour suppressor generally worsened by physical exertion. Nearly half of the patients sarcomas, breast carcinomas and adrenal cortex tumours. In a recent study by Widhe10 in Sweden it was found that in only 30% of first consultations was a diagnosis of a tumour made. Some incorrect non-specific diagnoses such as tendinitis, osteitis, chondromalacia patella and even Osgood-Schlatter disease were made. Therefore these diagnoses should be made with care in the child and adolescent presenting with pain around the knee. The incidence of pathological fractures either at presentation or during therapy varies between 5% and 10%. Combination of sclerotic changes plain radiographs corresponding to new bone formation with the X-ray holds the key to confirm a clinical suspicion. Conventional osteosarcomas are usually found eccentri cally in the metaphysis of long bones with areas of radio dense, radiolucent or mixed patterns (Figures 1 and 2). This should be evident in recognising cortical destruction, soft tissue infiltration and a wide zone of transition in the medulla (Figures 3 and 4). The objectives of a good workup are to delineate the local extent of the tumour, to discov er any skip lesions in bone and to locate any distant metastases. It provides a good assessment of the degree of medullary infiltration, cortex destruction, soft tissue inva sion, neurovascular bundle invasion and it identifies skip lesions13 (Figure 3). Note the soft tissue element and the border between the tumour and cartilaginous areas tumour infiltration into epiphysis very well12 (Figure 3). Scintigraphy (nuclear bone scan) Bone scans with technetium-99m show an increased uptake in primary tumour corresponding with bone for mation and increased vascularity in the tumour area. Nuclear bone scanning is therefore very useful in evaluat ing skip metastases and metastases in other skeletal sites. Concentration of this marker in sarcomatous areas is an indicator of increased metabolic activity. Macroscopic the tumour is hard and compact, light yellow in colour, localised to the medulla of the metaphysis and tends to penetrate the soft tissue via cortex destruction. Generally the tumour does not cross the physis; howev er some osteosarcomas in children do cross the physis and extend into the epiphysis. Well differentiated sarcomatous osteoblasts are the exception and bizarre undifferentiat ed spindle cells in masses of osteoid seem to predomi nate. Bone production is in a rather disorganised woven fashion with sheets of malignant cells pushed against malignant bone. This subtype is con sidered when spindle cells are so poorly differenti ated that it is impossible to distinguish between the sarcomatous or epitheloid origin of tumour. Osteosarcoma as such is a rather rare disease and some of these variants are extremely rare and beyond this dis cussion. However, some of these variants present radio logically very differently from the conventional picture. It is a low or medium grade tumour that is Other malignant tumours such as chondrosarcoma and predominantly chondroid tissue. It usually arises in the fibrosarcoma as well as benign tumours can also devel diaphysis of the tibia. These tumours arise from cells in the Biopsies should be planned with caution and should be periosteum. Histologically this is a low grade tumour and 3 anatomical considerations (such as the anterior-superior has a good prognosis. Huvos33 histological grading system grades the response to Medical treatment chemotherapy looking at the percentage of necrosis (Table V). Most patients treated with an amputation for Unfortunately there are relatively few drugs that are local disease eventually developed metastatic disease. Subsequently doxorubicin, cisplatin and in some institu tions ifosfamide were added. It is thought that following neo-adjuvant chemotherapy zoledronic acid enhances specific T-cell major histo compatibility complex mediated lysis that is capable of Grade Percentage of tumour necrosis 43 unrestricted tumour cell destruction. Many tumour 1 <50% of tumour is necrotic cells express tumour-specific, major histocompatibility 2 Most of the tumour is necrotic <90% complexes on their surfaces that could be the target for these T-cells. Since the introduction of chemotherapy, limb salvage New cytotoxic drugs therapy has become an option. A radical margin is obtained when the whole lates a cell-mediated response with the release of multiple compartment involved (bone and/or myofascial tissue) cytokines that could be tumouricidal. This is therefore only possible if the leg improved overall survival and improved event-free survival, is amputated. This drug could show py changed the biological behaviour of most tumours but benefits in patients with metastatic lung disease or as did not prevent local recurrence rates. Therefore radical prophylaxis in patients with high risk of developing (amputation) resections were still advocated. For distal femoral lesions it is unnecessary to do In the 90s Rougraff et al49 showed that, when compared a hip disarticulation and an above-knee amputation is to amputation, limb salvage therapy produced a better safe. These results Rotationplasty eventually led to better surgical techniques and to the Rotationplasty remains an alternative for an amputation in development of hardware to facilitate limb salvage sur children with distal femoral lesions. Amputation is also problematic in the very young due to the Limb salvage surgery short lever arm for prosthesis fitting. Rotationplasty can be considered if the follow-up imaging modalities serves as an excellent reconstructive procedure and is gen show tumour shrinkage or a reduced inflammatory zone erally very well tolerated by children. Limb salvage can only be considered if there is no pro gression locally or distally and if blood vessels and nerves Treatment protocol summary are free from tumour. Surgical ablation of tumour either with limb sal considered for limb salvage therapy and amputation usu vage procedure or amputation. If <90% necrosis, postoperative chemotherapy gests that young children cope very well with an protocol is started. Rothmund-Thomson indicator of histological response to neo-adjuvant syndrome and osteosarcoma. Med PediatrOncol chemotherapy, and therefore a good pre-workup prognos 1996;26:414. Jaffe N, Spears R, Efthekari F, Robertson R, Congir A, Osteosarcoma is a solid bone tumour usually affecting the Takaue Y, Carrasco H, Wallace S, Agala A, Raymond adolescent and young adult. Skeletal In the past five years good progress has been made in the Radiol 1983;10:137-46. Radionuclide bone scanning of early and to establish a histological diagnosis as soon as osteosarcoma: Falsely extended uptake patterns. Detection of and better surgical hardware it has become possible to local recurrence of soft-tissue sarcoma with positron emis cure and salvage limbs, and therefore sustaining a good sion tomography using [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose. Tumor metabolic rates in sarcoma the content of this article is the sole work of the author. Over-expres cial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this sion of facilitative glucose transporter genes in human article. Periosteal osteogenic dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma: Diagnosis, treat osteosarcoma. Emerging applications of recombinant Joint Committee on cancer: Cancer staging manual. Initial tumor size predicts histological response duced B16 melanoma cells are highly susceptible to lysis and survival in localised osteosarcoma patients. J Surg by normal murine macrophages and poorly tumorigenic in Oncol 2008;97:456-61. J ty: Updated results of the multi-institutional osteosarcoma Clin Oncol 1988;17(9):2781-8. Sarcomata of Osteosarcoma cell line growth inhibition by zoledronate the osteogenic series (osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chon stimulated effector cells. J Bone pelvis: experience of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Joint Surg [Am] 1966;48:1-26. Local recurrence after amputation methotrexate and citrovorum-factor treatment of for osteosarcoma. The effect of adju chemotherapy for the primary treatment of osteosarcoma vant chemotherapy on relapse-free survival in patients with of the extremities. Winkler K, Beron G, Delling G, Heise U, kabisch H, salvage treatment versus amputation for osteosarcoma of Purfurts C, Berger J, Ritter J, Jurgens H, Gerein V, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [ Am] Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of osteosarcoma: results of a 1986;68:1331-7. Limb salvage compared with amputation for with chemotherapy, en bloc resection, and prosthetic bone osteosarcoma of the distal end of the femur. Prognostic factors in the addition of muramyl tripeptide to chemotherapy osteosarcoma: A critical review. People with arthritis can fnd strength in each other, manage stress and take control of their health care through informed choices. Last year we began to elevate the level of patient involvement in the creation of Arthritis by the Numbers. We believe patients must be fully integrated into everything we do, and that their diverse needs and outcomes, the ones that are most important to them, are represented. It can be used by a wide audience as a trustworthy set of verifed facts, meant to inform patients and patient advocacy thought-leaders, elected offcials, academics, drug/device industry professionals, rheumatology health care providers, researchers and many others. By prioritizing policies that further advance the needs of people with arthritis, we can accelerate the science of fnding better treatments and cures. We invite you to get started with us by fipping through the 2019 Arthritis by the Numbers. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis (see Appendix 1) and related conditions. People of all ages, genders and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Conservative estimates only include patients who report they have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, indicating that more than 54 million adults and almost 300,000 children have arthritis or another type of rheumatic disease.
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