Ana Paola Uranga, MD, MBA
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- University of California, San Francisco-Fresno
- Fresno, California
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Physical activity during leisure time and primary prevention of coronary heart disease: an updated meta-analysis of cohort studies. Progressive resistance strength training for improving physical function in older adults. Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial. The acute risks of exercise in apparently healthy adults and relevance for prevention of cardiovascular events. Exercise and acute cardiovascular events placing the risks into perspective: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the Council on Clinical Cardiology.
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Smith Michael Dis Established in 2000 by an anonymous donor tinguished Professor in Urology [1988]: in memory of James B. Hendrix Professorship in Gastroenterology Arnall Patz Distinguished Professorship [2006]: Steven Meltzer, M. Funding for this professorship provides facul Funded by gifts from family, friends, col ty support in the Division of Gastroenterology leagues, and grateful patients of Dr. Patz, who was Director of the Wilmer Eye Daniel Nathans Directorship of the Depart Institute and Director of the Department of ment of Molecular Biology and Genetics Ophthalmology from 1979-1989. Funding provided by the estate of Helen Nathans joined the faculty in 1962 and went G. Moses Paulson on the direct the Department of Microbiol who was a practitioner of internal medicine ogy and Molecular Biology and Genetics. He was served as interim president of the University a member of the part-time faculty of the from 1995 to 1996. Hendrix, Mark Donowitz, and of a restriction enzyme as biochemical scis Francis Giardello. The determining the causes, prevention and recipient is to be a superior clinician commit management options for pancreatic cancer ted to meeting the medical challenges of the research. The income of the principal will be used for the Noxell Company was a cosmetics com the beneft of the Chair of Nephrology for pany founded and based in Maryland which Johns Hopkins Medicine. Ort family Dallas, Texas out of his respect and admira for the support of diagnosis and management tion of Dr. Funding provided by a bequest in the will of Rainey Professorship in Pediatric Hema Dr. The Professorship is graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of named for the frst Director of the Department Medicine and practiced internal medicine of Medicine, Dr. Rogers Chair in Anesthesiology Charitable Foundation to be designated for and Critical Care Medicine [1992]: John A. Rogers discoveries and treatments in the area of was Director of the Department of Anes colon cancer. Funding provided by friends, patients, and Funding provided by Trustee Mark Ruben colleagues of Dr. Ravitch to pro stein and his children, David, Jonathan, and mote surgical scholarship. He was a general, thoracic, and Funding provided by the Samsung Corpora pediatric surgeon best known for the intro tion to endow a chair in the Department of duction of surgical stapling and the surgical Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine. Herman and Walter Samuelson Founda Rose-Lee & Keith Reinhard Professorship tion Professorship in Oncology [1999]: in Urologic Pathology [2001]: Jonathan I. Funding provided by the Herman and Wal Funding provided by Rose-Lee and Keith ter Samuelson Foundation for the purpose of Reinhard to honor Patrick Walsh, M. William Schlott Professorship in Medicine ing an endowed professorship in the Brady [2001]: Unoccupied Urological Institute. Walsh is the Director Funding provided by friends, patients and of the Department of Urology. Lawrence Cardinal Shehan Chair in Physi Funding provided by the family, friends, col cal Medicine and Rehabilitation [1993]: leagues, and patients of Dr. Riley was Director of the Depart Hospital to support the Director of Physical ment of Orthopaedic Surgery from 1979-1991. Professorship in Riviere Professorship in Endocrinology Immunology [2003]: Gregory J. Irving Sher Norma Rodriguez de Riviere for thyroid relat man for the Department of Neurosurgery. Robinson Chair in Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering [2008]: Raimond Surgery [1972]: Unoccupied L. Established by contributions from grateful Funding provided by the Raj and Neerah patients and colleagues of Dr. Stevens, a 1955 gradu faculty member specializing in computational ate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medi medicine. Smith Charitable Trust Professorship directed the division within the Department of in Immunology [2002]: Daniel Drachman, Medicine. Funding provided to support a deserving fac Alfred Sommer Professorship in Ophthal ulty member. Taussig, a 1927 graduate of the the endowment will support research in brain Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, founded disorders, especially schizophrenia and bipo the specialty of pediatric cardiology. TeLinde Distinguished Pro Mary Wallace Stanton Professorship for fessorship of Gynecological Pathology Faculty Affairs [2004]: Janice Clements, [1989]: Robert J. Stermer Family Professorship in Pediatric Therapeutic Cognitive Neuroscience Pro Infammatory Bowel Disease [2001]: Maria fessorship [2000]: Barry Gordon, M. Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medi Funding provided by colleagues, friends and cine [2003]: Myron Yaster, M. Welch, the frst Dean of the Johns Hopkins Thomas and Dorothy Tung Professor in School of Medicine. Income from the principal will support the Wellcome Professorship in Clinical Phar Tung Professor. Lawson Wilkins, the father of Pedi family, friends, colleagues, and grateful atric Endocrinology. Wagley, a 1943 gradu William Holland Wilmer Professorship in ate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Ophthalmology [1925]: Peter J. Woodruff was a distinguished teacher and cli Funding provided by friends and trainees. Walsh has been the Director of Funding provided by the Department of Oph thalmology Unit Executive Funds to support the Department of Urology since 1974. Abraham & Virginia Weiss Professorship 1 A date in brackets indicates year the named professor in Cardiology [2004]: David A. A group of donors expressed their interest the Herter Lectureship: In November, 1902 in making their donations in recognition of Dr. Upon her death the University edge of the researches of foreign investiga received from her estate a legacy amounting tors in the realm of medical science. According to ment fund, the income of which is to be devot the present terms of the gift, some eminent ed to the continuation of these lectures. The selec the departments of pharmacology, chemistry, tion of a lecturer is to be left to a committee and medicine. This lectureship was the Johns Hopkins University to endow a lec inaugurated in the academic year 1960-61 tureship to be known as The William Sydney with the frst Gilman Lecture being appro Thayer and Susan Read Thayer Lectureship priately given by Dr. Gould Lectureship in Radiol the expenses of one or more annual lectur ogy: In 1962 friends and former associates ers on subjects in Clinical Medicine, Pedi of Dr. Gould was a member of the to be made by a Committee composed of Johns Hopkins faculty from 1947 to 1955. Gould was Professor of Radiology lishment of a lectureship in the History of at the University of Colorado. Lawson Wilkins, it year a course of lectures in memory of her has been possible to establish a distinguished deceased husband, Charles E. Dohme, a lectureship designed to commemorate his well-known pharmaceutical chemist of Balti great contribution to pediatric endocrinology. The purpose of these lectures was to the Stanhope Bayne-Jones Memorial promote the development of a more intimate Lectureship: An anonymous donor has relationship between chemistry, pharmacy, established an annual lectureship to honor and medicine. Dohme for alumnus of the Johns Hopkins University this purpose up to the time of her death in School of Medicine. Lectureship: In the Alfred Blalock Lectureship: the Sec 1971 a grateful patient announced her inten tion of Surgical Sciences in 1982 established tion to endow a lectureship in clinical sur a commemorative lectureship to honor Dr. Lecturers are selected from Through her generous gifts to the University, individuals who have made important contri the Lectureship was formally established in butions in clinical or investigative surgery and 1973. The lecturers are to be selected from the selection is made by a committee repre scholars distinguished in clinical or investiga senting the Section of Surgical Sciences. The pur gave to the School of Medicine a sum of pose of this visiting professorship is to foster $10,000 for the establishment of a lecture the appreciation and understanding of ethi ship in honor of Dr. The lectures cal issues in basic and clinical research and under this endowment are given each year by patient care. Samuel Novey wished sorship: the family, colleagues, and friends to establish a lectureship to honor his con of Dr. Alan Coopersmith have established a tributions as practicing physician, and as a lectureship (or in special circumstances, a teacher of psychiatry and psychoanalysis. He had also for many House Staff (1971-1973) and a Fellow in Pedi years been actively engaged in teaching and atric Hematology from 1973 until the time of research at the Johns Hopkins University his death on December 5, 1974. Because he held joint for patients and their problems and his incisive appointments in the Departments of Psy approach to complex clinical situations dem chiatry and Medicine, it seemed especially onstrated his excellence as a clinician. Also appropriate to designate the broad feld of evident was his desire to explore the unknowns psychological medicine as the topic to which of medicine by developing investigative skills the lectures would be addressed. Lecturers will be chosen the Willard Sears Simpkins Lectureship from distinguished scholars in clinical and/or Fund An annual lectureship has been estab research Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Shelley in 1974, his colleagues, director of the Institute, was instrumental in friends and former students generously cre assuring this memorial. The lecturers are to ated a Visiting Professorship in his memory, be selected from scholars distinguished in formally established in 1977. A graduate of clinical or scientifc aspects of child develop the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and ment or the related medical sciences. The former member of the Pathology house staff, selection of the lecturers will be left to a com Dr. Shelley served on the Pathology faculty mittee representing the Department of Pedi from 1960 to 1970. The the Johns Hopkins University School of Medi Visiting Professor is chosen from scholars cine for the establishment of an annual Visit distinguished in diagnostic pathology by a ing Professorship of Clinical Pharmacology committee representing Pathology, Surgery in honor of the distinguished pharmacologist. Dandy Visiting Professor lectures in Physiology, particularly as related ship: Established in 1985, the Walter E. The selection of the lec Dandy Visiting Professorship enables out turer or lecturers is to be made by a commit standing persons to be invited to spend a tee of those who are from time to time occu short period of time at Johns Hopkins review pying the chairs of Physiology, Biological ing research, meeting with students and fac Chemistry, Pediatrics, and Medicine. Clemens Von Pirquet as Pro surgeon, whose outstanding research and fessor of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Uni neurosurgical abilities were summarized by versity. He is widely credited with establish his colleague Warfeld Longcope, Profes ing academic pediatrics as it is known today, sor of Medicine, who wrote that Dandy -had and with creating the frst successful full-time the genius of Lister combined with the bril university clinical department in this country. He commanded He was a superb clinician, teacher, and clini respect and admiration from everyone who cal investigator, for example, concerning aci came in contact with him, and for those of dosis and diarrhea, and calcium metabolism us who saw him often, these were combined in tetany and in rickets. Kroc Lec cian investigators, recommended by the Aca tureship: In 1985 the Kroc Foundation demic Affairs Committee of the Department endowed a visiting scientist and lectureship. Kunkel Lectureship: the of multiple sclerosis and other neurological family, friends and former students of Henry disease research at Johns Hopkins Univer G. Each year an eminent neuroscientist immunology commemorating this outstand is invited for a visit of several days to meet ing immunologist and clinical investigator. The selection of the lecturer is made University School of Medicine, was Profes by a committee chaired by the Director of the sor and Senior Physician at the Rockefeller Department of Neurology. His of the most infuential and important American demonstration that myeloma proteins closely obstetricians, served for more than 20 years resemble normal immunoglobulins laid the as Obstetrician-in-Chief at the Johns Hop foundation upon which the present knowl kins Hospital and Director of the Department edge of immunoglobulin structure and led to of Obstetrics in the Johns Hopkins University the recognition of IgM and IgA as separate School of Medicine. On behalf of his the Leslie Hellerman Lectureship: the former students, residents and friends, the Leslie Hellerman Lectureship was estab Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine lished in 1983 by the Department of Physi is happy to perpetuate his contributions to ological Chemistry (now Department of obstetrics and gynecology through the Nich Biological Chemistry) of the Johns Hopkins olson J. University School of Medicine, and by the the Israel Zeligman Lectureship in Der family, friends, and former students of Pro matology: the Israel Zeligman Lectureship fessor Hellerman (1896-1981) to honor his in Dermatology was established in 1983 to memory. In 1927 he joined the Department honor the contributions of Israel Zeligman, of Physiological Chemistry and formally M. He had been responsible Belfer Laboratories at the Johns Hopkins for the teaching of all the residents that had Medical Institutions in 1973 in memory of passed through the Department of Derma their youngest son, Peter, who was a patient tology Residency Program at that time. Since that time, the Belfer family and freely of his time to promote the clinical train their friends have displayed unfagging inter ing program at the Johns Hopkins University est and continued generosity in the support School of Medicine. Mountcastle Lectureship: lecture was established within the Division of Upon the retirement of Vernon Mountcastle Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the from the Hopkins faculty in 1992, his friends Johns Hopkins School of Medicine following and colleagues contributed funds to establish the death of Dr. The lectureship this lectureship attests to the esteem in honors the major contributions of Dr. Mount which she was held by the division as well as castle to neuroscience and to Johns Hopkins her commitment to excellence, the humanis University. Each year a world class research tic missions of the clinicians, and the contri er is invited to the Medical School to lecture bution of women to medicine. Lehninger served Chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery as Professor and DeLamar Professor of the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Department of Biological Chemistry from Michael J. He was then appointed Univer Chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery sity Professor of Medical Science, a position Northwestern University created to honor his distinguished service to Why Neurosurgery is So Different the University, his scientifc discoveries, and his teaching and writing achievements. Garrett who in Physiology 1890 provided the fnal funding necessary to Director, Neuroregeneration and Stem Cell open the Johns Hopkins University School Programs, Institute for Cell Engineering of Medicine with the provision that women be Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine admitted under the same terms as prescribed Signaling Networks Regulating Survival and for men. Myron Belfer in honor of his par Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Surgery ents, Ira and Jean Belfer.
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They should be kept scrupulously clean, and in order that they may be so they should be washed out carefully with soap, and well rinsed each time they have been used. Some people, however, like to have a stone jar containing a solution of soda by the sink and to keep the dish cloths in it when not in use. We judge our neighbor as queer and eccentric, but with the same measure comes back his judgment of us. Have it to fall about three inches below the edge of the shelves and ruffle the edge of the paper by stretching it lightly between forefinger and thumb. The heat of the iron acts upon the magnesia and when the iron and the paper are removed and the magnesia brushed off the spot will have disappeared. All plain pieces may then be rolled up and laid in the basket as they are taken down, while starched articles need but a little further hand sprinkling on portions not exposed. Then turn the skin back in cup form, making a pretty decoration for the table and serving as handles. This admits air that is sifted free from smoke and soot, before it comes into the pantry. Make it a rule to come to the table smiling, and continue to smile, though the food does not suit you and everyone else is down on their luck. They may be kept fresh indefinitely, if wiped perfectly dry and placed in a sealed top glass jar. Among the other things potato cakes browned on a hot greased griddle are especially crisp and delicious. This steam is unnatural and should be allowed to escape or it soaks into the bread, making it clammy and more liable to sour. Let the bread cool gradually then put a clean cloth in a large stone jar, place the bread in and cover with the cloth, before covering with the stone, or wooden lid. Also it will absorb any drop of oil which might gather and spoil the first piece of fabric stitched, and will keep the needle from becoming blunted. Insert edge of ruffle under tuck, flatten down tuck over the ruffle edge and stitch on edge of tuck. If the ruffle is desired on very bottom of garment, make a quarter of an inch of tuck, leaving about half of an inch of goods underneath. Baste and stitch wrong side of ruffle to wrong side of half-inch piece, about quarter of an inch from edge. Next baste the seams, cover with a damp cloth and press on the right side with a medium warm iron. Meat which is fresh and good does not loose an ounce of weight, but swells rather, when it is being boiled. Have it cover the whole front of your skirt, and make a large bib on it, and you will find, when you are through doing a washing, that you will be as dry as you were before you began. If a piece of heavy cloth is hung across the tub where the wringer fastens to it, you will find that it will fasten and hold as securely as to the old-fashioned wooden tub. There should be brass hooks for hanging up all the articles that can be suspended from the walls. If they persist in running accounts for groceries and other staples they should have a book and see to it that the right price is put down the minute anything is bought. The boiled and mashed pulp may be used as one would use meat or vegetable, even croquettes being made of it. If you judge as evil the actions of another, through the judging comes evil to you. The towel will absorb all the scorch taste sent up by the steam and the family need never know it was burned. They are equally useful for fruit salads as the fine skin which separates the sections of the grape fruit and oranges is easily clipped off. Apply the blacking to the stove as you would paint, and use a newspaper to polish with, which can be burned. In this way the hands do not come in contact with the blacking during the whole operation, and unsightly cloths and brushes, which soil the hands, are done away with. There are thick ones, with straps across the wrist to wear when polishing the ranges, then there are others to put on when scrubbing the sink or floors, and still thinner ones with chamois cloth inside to use for polishing silverware. These mittens are a great protection to the hands and finger-nails, and they really simplify the work to a great extent. Make the shortcake as you would for a fruit filling, a rather short biscuit dough, and put between the layers creamed chicken or creamed veal, and have it served with plenty of gravy. Often one notices dusty places, on the furniture, windows or banisters while doing the morning work, and the dust-cloth is at hand. It is equally handy for holding a few clothes pins, while hanging out the clothes; in fact the large pocket is recognized as something decidedly useful in the kitchen apron. Cut the buttonhole and work; you will find that the work is easily done and the buttonhole will not ravel. Place the meal in a dish, pour gasoline over it, then press and rub through the hands. The pin is very sharp, and is easily thrust through the material into the board, and leaves a hole about the size of that made with a needle. Flour the bottom of the glass and press it into the unbaked cookie until the indentions are imprinted upon the cake. Have You Been Hoarding an Old Foulard Dress-One of that kind of dresses which you liked and hated to part with, but it went out of style. Get it out, clean it, rip it, and if there is not enough in it to make a scant shirt-waisted one-piece empire dress, make it into a pretty shirt-waist, with knife plaiting down the front. Put a stitch in each mesh, and you will have a neat lace seam which, when pressed, can scarcely be observed, and it will not fray. Colored goods, however, should be sponged with a solution of bicarbonate of soda as the latter does not affect coloring matter. If the stationary table is covered on all sides with a curtain and furnished with an undershelf, it will hold as much as a cupboard. Two large shelves will be found very convenient, even though it will be necessary to mount a chair or stool to reach the kitchen articles. Usually extremely small kitchens are more convenient than large ones, in which many steps must be taken. In cooking all meats, poultry, and in making soup the grease should be carefully skimmed off and saved. Wash the greasy spots by rubbing vigorously, then rinse in clear water the same way and dry in the sun. It is no trouble whatever to make a pot of yellow butter, fresh and sweet, by the aid of one of these convenient little churns. After it is made it may be rolled into a delicate little pat and kept in an earthen jar made purposely for butter. Cut a piece of salt pork into strips quarter of an inch thick and two or three inches long. Slip these into a larding needle and draw the needle through the meat, so either end of the pork will protrude beyond the meat. Clear black coffee diluted with water containing a little ammonia, will clean and restore black clothes. Insert a piece of rubber hose pipe a few inches long, first covering the exposed end of the tube with strong netting. Sew the ticking firmly to it and then hang all day on the line, in the air punching and shaking many times during the day. Do not let the tomatoes stand in the water long enough to heat through, and plunge into cold water immediately from the hot. In this way the tomato does not need scalding, and according to epicures is more tasty. This however, should never be done, for the creases so formed are most obstinate and in fact, often only disappear with wear, despite all pressing. When any part of the sole becomes badly worn, it should be mended at once, for usually a shoe will wear out at one point more quickly than elsewhere, and by paying ten or fifteen cents to have that part mended it saves dollars in time. Gunmetal shoes are preferable for everyday wear, for such shoes are lusterless and can be cleaned with oils instead of polish, which is destructive to the best leather, even when sparingly used. The reference calendar which can be very small and inconspicuous should have its special hook on the desk or table. This is better than placing the towels on a nail against the wall as is usually done, and it permits them to dry out quickly. If you feel yourself becoming a mere drudge, if your family is growing away from you mentally, if your nerves are weakening under a fetish of cleanliness, get time to read. If the spot cleaned seems lighter than the surrounding color it may be toned down by a gentle rubbing with a clean chamois skin. The bucket is to be fitted with a wire soap tray on the outside, for often the soap is wasted while floating in the water if there is no convenient place to put it, while scrubbing. Holes can be punctured in the bucket and the wire tray fastened on with a heavy cord or a pliable wire, 230. If you have pieces that are so shabby that they must either be painted or thrown away, try the salt water treatment first. When it is new, before using it, put it in a pail of hot water and let it remain there until the water is quite cold. Always clean it after sweeping, by dipping in water and shaking well before putting it away and occasionally give it a thorough washing in hot soda water. Kerosene too is very good, while crude oil may be used to darken wood that has not been varnished. Let the starch remain several hours and brush it out with a fine whiskbroom, then hang in the sun and heat well before putting down. This method is recommended for fine, silky rugs, as it injures neither tint nor texture and makes a beautifully clean surface. It is a good plan, for it preserves the brush and keeps it clean, and at the same time saves your hands. Treated in this way berries will remain firm and bright for a long time, and may be used in many ways. These rocker tires are procurable at any furniture establishment and are easily adjusted. One method of catching and killing them, without having disagreeable looking fly paper lying around is to prepare a mixture of cream, sugar and pepper. They will instantly seek the open air and it is easy to brush them from the screen doors. The cold water in no way destroys the plants, in fact, they can endure the coldest water, and last year her ferns grew to an enormous size all due to the daily supply of water from the refrigerator. If she wants to be benefited physically, while putting her house in order, let her make it like outdoors, with the windows wide open so the fresh air can sweep through the rooms. If necessary she can wear a jacket while making beds and sweeping, and by the time her work is done she is bound to be in a healthy glow. If she does not do housework she must go outdoors, and walk, and indeed, a little walking is desirable even for the housekeeper. The wise housekeeper writes on the top of her screen, where it is hidden from view by the upper sash, the room and window where it belongs. She also covers the wires with a coating of vaselin and stores them in a dry place with a cover thrown over them. Should the wire have become shabby and rusty looking it can be freshened up with a coat of paint. If the wires have gone into holes and are badly bulged, replace with copper wire netting. The wooden shelf is a good place for the clock, candlesticks, and a few simple flower vases. Nothing that can be done should be omitted to make it an occasion of agreeable interchange of thought and conversation, and when this is done, not only the body, but the mind and nerves are refreshed. A good way to do this is to loosen one thread, not to pull out but sufficiently draw it to show the straight line, and crease the tuck in this line. After the width of the tuck and space between each is decided use a notched card as a measure for all the other tucks. It is advisable to keep a piece of a discarded tablecloth in the mending basket for that purpose. It can be held over the gas or before the coal fire, and the bread will toast in a few minutes. Soak in cold water, to which has been added one teaspoonful of vinegar and a half teaspoonful of salt to each quart. If they would just lay the patterns out flat and put them where they might stay that way, all this trouble would be avoided. The best way to get this flatness is to draw the thread of the lace and fasten one end to the linen, leaving enough to make a neat seam, and then to adjust fullness so that it lies evenly.
Specimens for C trachomatis culture should be collected from the anus in both boys and girls and from the vagina in girls gastritis diet ìòñ order generic macrobid online. Completion of the hepatitis B immunization series should be documented gastritis diet õ??õýëäýéí purchase 50mg macrobid with visa, or the patient should be screened for hepatitis B surface antibody gastritis diet jokes trusted macrobid 50 mg. In an infant or toddler in diapers gastritis chronic fatigue order cheapest macrobid, genital herpes may result through any of these mecha nisms gastritis symptoms shortness breath order macrobid overnight delivery. In a perinatally infected infant gastritis symptoms back pain generic macrobid 50 mg visa, vaginal discharge can persist for several weeks; accordingly, intense social investigation may not be warranted. However, a new diagnosis of trichomoniasis in an older infant or child should prompt a careful investigation, including a child protective services investigation, for suspected sexual abuse. Physicians are required by law to report known or suspected abuse to their local state child protective services agency. Most experts recommend universal screening of postpubertal patients who have been victims of sexual abuse or assault because of the possibility of a preexisting asymp tomatic infection. A follow-up visit approxi mately 2 to 6 weeks after the most recent sexual exposure may include a repeat physical examination and collection of additional specimens. Postmenarcheal patients should be tested for pregnancy before antimicrobial treatment or emergency contraception is provided. Prophylaxis After Sexual Victimization: Postpubertal Adolescents Antimicrobial prophylaxisa is recommended to include an empiric regimen to prevent chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. Although levonorgestrel emergency contraception is most effective if taken within 72 hours of event, data suggest it is effective up to 120 hours. On any given day, approximately 120 000 adolescents are held in juvenile correctional facilities or adult prisons or jails. Infected juveniles place their communities at risk after their release from detention. Personal knowledge of an infection and its transmis sibility may allow youth to take preventive measures to reduce their risk of transmitting infection to others. Prevention and control of infections with hepatitis viruses in cor rectional settings. Most juvenile offenders ultimately are returned to their community and, without intervention, resume a high-risk lifestyle. Correctional facilities, in partnership with public health departments and other commu nity resources, have the opportunity to assess, contain, control, and prevent liver infection in a highly vulnerable segment of the population. The extremely high rate of chronic carriage after infection increases the risk of transmission when youth are released into their communities. However, adolescents who have signs or symptoms of hepatitis should be tested for acute hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Correctional facilities in all states should consider routine HepA immunization of all adolescents under their care because of the likelihood that most adolescents in the juvenile correctional system have indications for HepA immuniza tion. Adolescent female inmates present additional challenges for hepatitis B assess ment and management if they are pregnant during incarceration, in which case coordina tion of care for mother and infant becomes paramount. Adolescent detainees with signs and symptoms of hepatitis disease should be tested for serologic markers for acute hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, and hepatitis C to determine the presence of acute or chronic infection and coinfection. All adolescents receiving medical evaluation in a correctional facility should begin the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine series or complete a previously begun series unless they have proof of completion of a previous HepB immunization series. Beginning a HepB vaccine series is critical, because a single dose of vaccine may confer protection from infection and subsequent complications of chronic carriage in a high-risk adolescent who may be lost to follow-up. Routine preimmunization and postimmunization serologic screening is not recommended. Chronically infected people may remain infectious to sexual and household contacts for life and must be counseled accordingly to protect sexual partners and household contacts. Inmates commonly refuse testing, even when at high risk of hepatitis, to avoid persecution from fellow prisoners. The lack of a vaccine for hepatitis C places a substantial burden on prevention counseling to elicit changes in high-risk behaviors and health maintenance counseling to decrease health risks in people already infected. This includes lifestyle alterations and avoidance of street drug and alcohol abuse, which increase morbidity and mortality from hepatitis C. Focused screening of adult inmates on the basis of risk criteria has proven reliable and cost-effective for correctional facilities that use it consistently. Incarcerated adolescents with hepatitis C-related chronic liver disease or with ongoing risk behaviors should receive HepA and HepB vac cines if not already immunized. In recent years, more than 90% of international adoptees were from Asian (China, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and Philippines), Latin American and Caribbean (Guatemala and Colombia), Eastern European (Russia and the Ukraine), and African (Ethiopia, Nigeria) countries. The diverse birth countries of these children, their unknown medical histories before adoption or immigration, their previous living circumstances (eg, orphanages and/or foster care), and the limited availability of reliable health care in some resource-limited countries make the medical evaluation of these children a challenging and important task. The child should be seen by his or her pediatrician or a physician who specializes in adoption medicine as soon as possible after arrival in the United States to begin all preventive health services, including immunizations. Prevention of illness in refugee and immigrant children presents special challenges because of the infectious diseases to which they may have been exposed and the different immunization practices in their native countries. Children who resided in refugee-processing camps for a few months often have had access to medical and treatment services, which may have included some immunizations. Only written documentation of testing results, treatment, or administration of immuniza tions should be considered for acceptance. See Children Who Received Immunizations Outside the United States or Whose Immunization Status is Unknown or Uncertain (p 98) for recommendations regarding immunizations. Internationally adopted children typically differ from refugee children in terms of their access to medical care and treat ment before arrival in the United States and in the frequency of certain infectious dis eases. The history of access to and quality of medical care for international adoptees can be variable. During preadoption visits, pediatricians can stress to prospective parents the importance of acquiring immunization and other health records. Adopting parents generally have limited information about a child before adoption. Parents who have not met with a physician before adoption should notify their physician when their child arrives so that a timely medical evaluation can be arranged. Children may be asymptomatic, and the diagnoses must be made by laboratory or other tests in addition to history and physical examination. In addition, hepatitis A (HepA) vaccine should be administered before the arrival of the adoptee to all susceptible nontraveling people who anticipate having close personal contact with the child adopted internationally from a country with high or intermediate hepatitis A endemicity. The prevalence of intestinal parasites varies by age of the child and country of origin. Additionally, for refugees, guidelines differ depending on whether the child received presumptive therapy overseas ( In addition, Cryptosporidium species is a leading cause of moderate to severe 1 diarrhea in infants in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Therapy for intestinal parasites generally will be successful, but complete eradication may not occur. Proof of eradication is not recommended for individuals who are asymptomatic following therapy. If symptoms persist after treatment, however, ova and parasite testing should be repeated to ensure successful elimination of parasites. Children who fail to demonstrate adequate catch-up growth, who have unexplained anemia, or who have gastrointestinal tract symptoms or signs that occur or recur months or even years after arrival in the United States should be reevaluated for intestinal parasites. In addition, when newly arrived adoptees have acute onset of diarrhea, stool specimens also should be tested for Salmonella species, Shigella species, Campylobacter species, and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, including E coli O157:H7. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing should be performed if bacterial pathogens are isolated to inform decisions regarding possible treatment and public health measures. Children 15 years and older should have had serologic testing for syphilis as part of the required overseas medical assessment. Children who had posi tive test results are required to complete treatment before arrival in the United States. After arrival in the United States, clinicians should screen children for syphilis by reliable nontreponemal and treponemal serologic tests, regardless of history or a report of treat ment (see Syphilis, p 755). Information about the screening and implementation requirements is available at Technical report: interferon-release assays for diagnosis of tuberculosis infection and disease in children. The risk of Chagas disease is low in internationally adopted children from countries with endemic infection, and treatment of infected chil dren is highly effective. Countries with endemic Chagas disease include Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Transmission within countries with endemic infection is focal, but if a child comes from a country with endemic Chagas disease or has received a blood transfusion in a country with endemic disease, testing for Trypanosoma cruzi should be considered. Serologic testing should be performed only in children 12 months or older because of the potential presence of maternal antibody. Diseases such as typhoid fever, malaria, leprosy, or melioidosis are encountered infrequently in internationally adopted children. If the child came from a country where malaria is present, malaria should be considered in the differential diagnosis (see Malaria, p 528). Measles elimination has been achieved only in the Americas; transmission continues in other parts of the world. All people born after 1957 should receive 2 doses of mea sles-containing vaccine after the age of 12 months in the absence of documented measles infection or contraindication to the vaccine (see Measles, p 535). Clinicians should be aware of potential diseases in internationally adopted children and their clinical manifestations. In most cases, the longer the interval from adoption to development of a clinical syndrome, the less likely the syn drome can be attributed to a pathogen acquired in the country of origin. Standard wound cleansing and care is indicated; such wounds rarely require closure. A tetanus toxoid containing vaccine, with or without Tetanus Immune Globulin, should be considered as appropriate for the age, the severity of the injury, the immunization status of the exposed person, and the poten tial for dirt or soil contamination of the needle (see Tetanus, p 773). Tetanus and diphthe ria toxoids (Td) vaccine should be used if the patient has already received all necessary doses of pertussis containing vaccine. Pediatric injuries from needles discarded in the community: epidemiology and risk of seroconversion. Children who have needle stick injuries and who have not completed the 3-dose hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine series should receive a dose of HepB vaccine and, if indicated, should be scheduled to receive the remaining doses required to complete the schedule. Preventing Needlestick Injuries Needlestick injuries of both children and adults can be minimized by implementing pub lic health programs on safe needle disposal and programs for exchange of used syringes and needles from injection drug users for sterile needles. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports needle exchange programs in conjunction with drug treatment and within the context of con tinuing research to assess their effectiveness. In addition, children should be educated to avoid playing in areas known to be frequented by injecting drug users and to avoid play ing with discarded needles and syringes. Bite Wounds As many as 1% of all pediatric visits to emergency departments during summer months are for treatment of human or animal bite wounds. An estimated 5 million bites occur annually in the United States; dog bites account for approximately 90% of those wounds. The rate of infection after cat bites is as high as 50%; rates of infection after dog or human bites are 10% to 15%. Although postinjury rates of infection can be minimized through early administration of proper wound care principles, the bites of humans, wild animals, or nontraditional pets potentially are sources of serious morbidity. Parents should be informed to teach children to avoid contact with wild animals and should secure gar bage containers so that raccoons and other animals will not be attracted to the home and places where children play. Nontraditional pets, including ferrets, iguanas and other reptiles, and wild animals also pose an infection as well as an injury risk for children, and their ownership should be discouraged in households with young children. Potential transmission of rabies is increased when a bite is from a wild animal (especially a bat or a carnivore) or from a domestic animal with uncertain immunization status that cannot be captured for adequate quarantine (see Rabies, p 658). Because of the small number of prospective controlled studies of the topic, the con sideration of whether to suture closed bite wounds remains controversial except when Table 2. Management of Human or Animal Bite Wounds Category of Management Management Cleansing Remove visible foreign material Cleanse the wound surface with clean water or saline. Antimicrobial or anti-infective solutions offer no advantage and may increase tissue irritation. However, published data support surgical closure with interrupted sutures or adhesive strips of recent, apparently uncontaminated, low-risk lesions after thorough wound cleansing, irrigation, removal of foreign materials, and debridement. Bite wounds on the face seldom become bacterially infected, but if a wound has important cosmetic considerations, it should be closed whenever possible. Surgical closures can be performed at the time of initial management (primary) or delayed until the patient has received a brief course of antibiotic therapy (delayed primary closure). Smaller, cosmetically unimportant wounds can be cleansed and allowed to heal by secondary intent. More complicated injuries should be managed in consulta tion with an appropriate surgical specialist. Approximation of margins and closure by delayed primary or secondary intent is prudent for infected nonfacial wounds. To minimize risk of infection, bite wounds should not be sealed with a tissue adhesive, no matter their age or appearance. Limited data exist to guide short-term antimicrobial therapy for patients with wounds that do not appear infected. Children at high risk of infection (eg, children who are immunocom promised or who have crush injuries or deep tissue, compartment, or joint penetra tion) should receive preemptive antimicrobial therapy. Guidelines for initial choice of antimicrobial therapy for human and animal bites are provided in Table 2. The treatment of choice following most bite wounds for which therapy is provided is amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (Table 2. Treatment of the child with a serious allergy to penicillin and a human or animal bite wound is problematic. Extended-spectrum cephalosporins, such as cefotaxime or ceftriaxone parenter ally or cefpodoxime orally, do not have good anaerobic spectra of activity but can be used in conjunction with clindamycin as alternative therapy for penicillin-allergic patients who can tolerate cephalosporins.
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