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Its presence in adults is indicative of diffuse premotor frontal disease, this being a primitive reex or frontal release sign. A number of parameters may be observed, including latency of saccade onset, saccadic amplitude, and saccadic velocity. Of these, saccadic velocity is the most important in terms of localization value, since it depends on burst neurones in the brainstem (para median pontine reticular formation for horizontal saccades, rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus for vertical saccades). Assessment of saccadic velocity may be of particular diagnostic use in parkinsonian syndromes. In progressive supranuclear palsy slowing of vertical saccades is an early sign (suggesting brainstem involvement; horizontal saccades may be affected later), whereas vertical saccades are affected late (if at all) in cor ticobasal degeneration, in which condition increased saccade latency is the more typical nding, perhaps reective of cortical involvement. Several types of saccadic intrusion are described, including ocular utter, opsoclonus, and square wave jerks. This is a late, unusual, but diagnostic feature of a spinal cord lesion, usually an intrinsic (intramedullary) lesion but sometimes an extramedullary compression. Spastic paraparesis below the level of the lesion due to corticospinal tract involvement is invariably present by this stage of sacral sparing. Sacral sparing is explained by the lamination of bres within the spinotha lamic tract: ventrolateral bres (of sacral origin), the most external bres, are involved later than the dorsomedial bres (of cervical and thoracic ori gin) by an expanding central intramedullary lesion. Although sacral sparing is rare, sacral sensation should always be checked in any patient with a spastic paraparesis. The outstanding ability may be feats of memory (recalling names), calculation (especially calendar calculation), music, or artis tic skills, often in the context of autism or pervasive developmental disorder. Scanning speech was originally considered a feature of cerebellar disease in multiple sclerosis (after Charcot), and the term is often used with this implica tion. Scanning speech correlates with midbrain lesions, often after recovery from prolonged coma. The examiner then places the tuning fork over his/her own mastoid, hence comparing bone conduc tion with that of the patient. If still audible to the examiner (presumed to have normal hearing), a sensorineural hearing loss is suspected, whereas in conductive hearing loss the test is normal. Mapping of the defect may be performed manually, by confrontation testing, or using an automated system. In addition to the peripheral eld, the cen tral eld should also be tested, with the target object moved around the xation point. A central scotoma may be picked up in this way or a more complex defect such as a centrocaecal scotoma in which both the macula and the blind spot are involved. Infarction of the occipital pole will produce a central visual loss, as will optic nerve inammation. Scotomata may be absolute (no perception of form or light) or relative (preservation of form, loss of colour). A scotoma may be physiological, as in the blind spot or angioscotoma, or pathological, reecting disease anywhere along the visual pathway from retina and choroid to visual cortex. It has been claimed as a reliable test of poste rior column function of the spinal cord. Errors in this test correlate with central conduction times and vibration perception threshold. The utility of testing tactile perception of direction of scratch as a sensitive clinical sign of posterior column dysfunction in spinal cord disorders. Seizure morphology may be helpful in establishing aetiology and/or focus of onset. Partial: simple (no impairment of consciousness), for example, jerk ing of one arm, which may spread sequentially to other body parts (Jacksonian march); or complex, in which there is impairment or loss of consciousness: may be associated with specic aura (olfactory, deja vu, jamais vu) and/or automatisms (motor. Otherwise, as for idiopathic generalized epilepsies, various antiepileptic medica tions are available. Best treated with psychologi cal approaches or drug treatment of underlying affective disorders; antiepileptic medications are best avoided. The differentiation of epileptic from non-epileptic seizures may be difficult; it is sometimes helpful to see a video recording of the attacks or to undertake in-patient video-telemetry. This pattern is highly suggestive of a foramen magnum lesion, usually a tumour but sometimes demyelination or other intrinsic inammatory disorder, sequentially affecting the lamination of corticospinal bres in the medullary pyramids. Cross References Hemiparesis; Paresis; Quadriparesis, Quadriplegia Setting Sun Sign the setting sun sign, or sunset sign, consists of tonic downward deviation of the eyes with retraction of the upper eyelids exposing the sclera. Setting sun sign is a sign of dorsal midbrain compression in children with untreated hydrocephalus. Metallic poisonings (mercury, bismuth, lead) may also produce marked salivation (ptyalism). Recently, the use of intraparotid injections of botulinum toxin has been found useful. Botulinum toxin treatment of sialorrhoea: comparing different thera peutic preparations. Cross References Bulbar palsy; Parkinsonism Sighing Occasional deep involuntary sighs may occur in multiple system atrophy. Sighing is also a feature, along with yawning, of the early (diencephalic) stage of cen tral herniation of the brainstem with an otherwise normal respiratory pattern. Recognition of single objects is preserved; this is likened to having a fragment or island of clear vision which may shift from region to region. There may be inability to localize stim uli even when they are seen, manifest as visual disorientation. Ventral simultanagnosia is most evident dur ing reading which is severely impaired and empirically this may be the same impairment as seen in pure alexia; otherwise decits may not be evident, unlike dorsal simultanagnosia. Visual agnosia: disorders of object recognition and what they tell us about normal vision. This is thought to reect damage to otolith-ocular pathways or vestibulo-ocular pathways. Skew deviation has been associated with posterior fossa lesions, from mid brain to medulla. Ipsiversive skew deviation (ipsilateral eye lowermost) has been associated with caudal pontomedullary lesions, whereas contraversive skew (contralateral eye lowermost) occurs with rostral pontomesencephalic lesions, indicating that skew type has localizing value. Skew deviation with ocular torsion: a vestibular brainstem sign of topographic diagnostic value. Dysarthria, facial paresis, hemiparesis with or without hemihypoaesthesia, and excessive laughing with or without crying were common accompanying features in one series. Sensory nasal trigeminal afferents run to a putative sneeze centre, localized to the brain stem based on lesions causing loss of sneezing following lateral medullary syndrome and medullary neoplasm. Integration of inputs in this centre reaches a threshold at which point an expiratory phase occurs with exhalation, forced eye closure, and contraction of respiratory musculature. Cross Reference Lateral medullary syndrome Snoring Reduced muscle tone in the upper airway during sleep leads to increased resis tance to the ow of air, and partial obstruction often results in loud snoring. Cross Reference Hypersomnolence Snouting, Snout Reex Sometimes used interchangeably with pout reex, this term should probably be reserved for the puckering or pouting of the lips induced by constant pressure over the philtrum, rather than the phasic response to a tap over the muscle with nger or tendon hammer. Cross References Frontal release signs; Pout reex; Primitive reexes Somatoparaphrenia Ascription of hemiplegic limb(s) to another person. For example, exor spasms in patients paraplegic due to upper motor neurone lesions are sudden contractions of the exor musculature, particu larly of the legs, either spontaneous or triggered by light touch. Spasm may also refer to a tetanic muscle contraction (tetany), as seen in hypocalcaemic states. Infantile seizures consisting of brief exion of the trunk and limbs (emposthotonos, salaam or jack-knife seizures) may be known as spasms. This is usually a benign idiopathic condition, but the diagnosis should prompt consideration of an optic pathway tumour. Spasmus nutans-like nystagmus is often associated with underlying ocular, intracranial, or systemic abnormalities. The excessive resistance evident at the extremes of joint displacement may suddenly give way, a phenomenon known as clasp-knife (or, confusingly, clasp-knife rigidity). The amount and pattern of spasticity depends on the location of the lesion and tends to be greater with spinal cord than cortical lesions. Scales to quan titate spasticity are available (Ashworth, modied Ashworth, pendulum test of Wartenberg) but have shortcomings. Spasticity may also vary in distribution: for lesions above the spinal cord it typically affects the arm exors and the leg extensors to a greater extent (hemiparetic posture). Slow, laboured speech, with slow voluntary tongue movements, may be referred to as spastic dysarthria, which may occur in the context of a pseudobulbar palsy. The pathogenesis of spasticity has traditionally been ascribed to damage to the corticospinal and/or corticobulbar pathways at any level from cerebral cortex to spinal cord. Physiologically, spasticity has been characterized as an exaggeration of the muscle stretch reexes, with reduced threshold (hyperexcitable motor neurones) and abnormal reex transmission (increased gain). Treatment of severe spasticity, for example, in multiple sclerosis, often requires a multidisciplinary approach.

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The development of credible outcome measures is a current challenge in the eld of sudden-onset neuropsychiatric dis Several of the studies included patients receiving oprotocol study orders with proposed autoimmune etiology. No study, a majority of the patients received multiple treatments, yet the signicant between-group dierence in treatment eect was found, outcomes are reported on a treatment-by-treatment basis (Calaprice possibly owing to the small sample size. These patients had no psychiatric symptoms, which may require high doses of psychotropic history of exacerbations related to streptococcal infections. Adverse events coinciding with the beginning of treatment, the treatment eect could be overestimated. Most of the adverse events reported in the articles reviewed herein Relevance of the outcome measures also should be considered. These outcome measures were used in several studies included in this review (Garvey et al. Supplementary data articles and extraction of data from 77 articles that met inclusion cri teria were carried out by both investigators, reading all articles. Our Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the goal was to obtain a complete data set; therefore, we included all ar online version, at doi:doi. However, we excluded articles that were not in English, which eliminated articles in Swedish (Bejerot et al. Separation anxiety triggered by systematic evaluations of treatments in this review (Calaprice et al. Despite the inherent limitations of using a survey to study treat Child Psychology Psychiatry. Our liberal inclusion strategy enabled us to conduct a more neuropsykiatriska symtom infektion bakom sjukdomen Langvarig anti complete review, but the permissive application of inclusion criteria biotikabehandling bor overvagas. Therapeutic response to plasma pheresis in four cases with obsessive-compulsive disorder and tic disorder triggered by streptococcal infections. Spasmodic dysphonia in an adolescent diagnostic workup, identication of pathogeneses, appropriate treat patient with an autoimmune neurologic disorder. Tonsillectomy or adeno tonsillectomy versus non-surgical treatment for chronic/recurrent acute tonsillitis. For instance, the use of antibiotics and tonsillectomy may Cochrane Database Syst. Treatment of pediatric acute-onset neu ropsychiatric disorder in a large survey population. The relationship between group A beta Orebro, for her help while conducting the database searches. This re hemolytic streptococcal infection and psychiatric symptoms: a pilot study. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric dis associated with streptococcal infections. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections. Autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococci: a case report. Stuttering onset associated with ropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection): a case report. Autoimmune neurological disorders cebo-controlled pilot study of azithromycin in youth with acute-onset obsessive 64 S. Antibiotic prophylaxis with azi therapy augmentation of antibiotic treatment in youth with pediatric acute-onset thromycin or penicillin for childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorders. Infection-triggered anorexia nervosa in children: clinical description of childhood-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without poststreptococcal exacerba four cases. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric sessive-compulsive disorder: a meta-analysis and qualitative review of the literature. From research subgroup to clinical syn pulsive disorder in the national comorbidity survey replication. Disappearance of obsessive-compulsive intravenous immunoglobulin for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders symptoms after oral penicillin therapy. However, this is not a systematic review, and at the speed with which discoveries are being made, certain references included are preprint papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed. The subgroups of the coronavirus family are alpha, beta, 4 September 2020 gamma, and delta coronavirus. The genome is split into 14 open reading frames, which include 16 nonstructural proteins and four structural proteins: the spike (S), membrane (M), envelope (E), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins. It is expressed on the surface of lung alveolar epithelial cells and enterocytes of the small intestine. The newly formed infectious virions are then released from the host cell by exocytosis (3). Nevertheless, viral mutations occur, and can rise in frequency either due to natural selection of favorable mutations, random genetic drift, or epidemiological factors. Nevertheless, higher viral loads do not prove per se an increased transmission potential, and the debate whether G614 is more infectious than D614 is ongoing, as nicely summarized by Grubaugh et al (6). No viable virus could be Last update measured after 4 hours on copper and after 24 hours on cardboard. Cloth masks the possibility of asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic transmission (see lower) has fueled the debate on whether face masks should be universally recommended, not to protect the wearer but mainly to prevent spread from asymptomatic individuals. The authors screened 20 013 records and included 172 studies in the systematic review and 44 comparative studies in the meta analysis. There was no direct comparison of protection offered by surgical masks with protection offered by respirators. However, the effect seemed greater for N95 respirators than for surgical masks, albeit that there may be residual confounding due to greater use (and effectiveness of) respirators in health care settings and lacking information on aerosol-generating procedures. Aerosol-generating procedures Aerosols differ from droplets because of their smaller size, which allows them to stay suspended in the air for much longer. However, because these findings were identified from only a few studies of very low quality, interpretation and practical application are difficult (50). Buonanno and colleagues calculated that in a fitness centre with a ventilation of 0. A German team analyzed samples from 9 patients but reported that infectious virus (as proven by viral culture) was readily isolated from throat and lung derived samples but not from stool samples, despite high viral load. In the third study, a very recent pre-print (80), authors argue that issues with the sampling process hinder viral culture. Reassuringly, all these outbreaks involve prolonged exposure in poorly ventilated areas. Analysis Last update of 90 pairs of confirmed cases in Italy, showed a mean serial interval (the period between onset of 18 September symptoms in the primary case and onset of symptoms in the secondary case) of 6. Larger studies and meta-analysis have since been carried out, and confirm a median incubation period ranging between 5 and 6 days (95, 96). There is still much uncertainty about the weight of pre-symptomatic transmission on the overall dynamics of the pandemic. In the study from Singapore, only 10/157 (6, 4%) locally acquired cases were caused by pre-symptomatic transmission (112). Similarly, early data from Lombardy (Italy) showed only a limited number of asymptomatic cases identified through contact tracing, suggesting a minor role for asymptomatic individuals in the overall spread of infection (94). Four individual studies from Brunei, Guangzhou China, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea have shown that between 0% and 2. In the study in Brunei, household attack rates of symptomatic cases were higher (14. End of contagious period: When the contagious period ends, is not very clear either. Although viral loads drop after the first week, prolonged shedding has been described up to 104 days (116), and several studies report positive tests up to 82 days after initial negative results (117, 118). Overall, major uncertainties remain with regard to the influence of asymptomatic infections on the overall transmission dynamics of the pandemic. In the Diamond Princess Cruise ship, the estimated asymptomatic proportion was 17. The actual number of asymptomatic infections might be even higher since it seemed that symptomatic persons were more likely to respond to the invitation. Notably, anosmia has been reported after infection with other respiratory or coronaviruses (140). Data from more than 72, 000 cases from China classified cases as mild (81%), severe (14%), or critical (5%) (141). The actual number of mild presentations is probably higher, as due to detection policies this dataset contains only 1, 2% asymptomatic cases, much lower than is currently thought to be the case (cfr. Complications As aforementioned, according to the Chinese experience, severe cases and critical cases occur in and mortality approximately 14% and 5% respectively. This phenomenon refers to a state of severe hypoxia associated with little or no respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea. It results from concomitant hypoxia and hypocapnia, a state that does not lead to the stimulus of the respiratory center of the brain. These patients go from a seemingly stable clinical state to a rapid deterioration of respiratory function within a few hours. In Wuhan, in admitted patients, mortality reached 25% in the middle of the epidemic (133). For Belgium, mortality is reported within the daily and weekly epidemiological reports link. In children, reports of a Kawasaki-like disease are increasingly reported, see section epidemiology > children. May 2020 Here we focus on the possible mechanisms involved in the development of severe disease. The excessive infiltration of the lung tissue by inflammatory cells results in lung injury (155). Post-mortem autopsies of 3 patients have revealed the presence of viral elements within endothelial cells and an accumulation of inflammatory cells, with evidence of endothelial and inflammatory cell death. In a single center study of 183 hospitalized patients, non-survivors (n=21) revealed significantly higher D-dimer and fibrinogen/fibrin degradation product levels, and longer prothrombin times compared to survivors (n=162, discharged or hospitalized with stable conditions). In addition, the activation of complement pathways may play a role in severe disease. However, significant deposits of complement components were found in the microvasculature of the lung and/or the skin (purpuric lesions) that were consistent with systemic activation of the alternative and lectin-based complement pathways (162). Also, their absence after infection may not exclude acquired immunity as other immunological response mechanisms may be at play, in particular the T-cell response. Notably, 30% of the recovered patients generated very low titers, and nAbs could not be detected in 10 patients (173). In individuals that had developed only modest nAb titers following infection, nAbs became undetectable or approached baseline after +/ 50 days. However, protection against reinfection, due to the limited duration or spread of these epidemics, is unknown. Reinfection with these coronaviruses are frequent, and are possible within the same a year. The weak pathogenicity of these seasonal coronaviruses, with possibly an immune response restricted to the upper respiratory tract mucosa, may be the reason for short-lived immunity (177). Studies have shown that, after exposure, virus-specific T cell responses can be developed even in the absence of seroconversion (preprint) (179), and robust memory T cell responses have been detected after asymptomatic and mild-infections (180). Time from initial symptom onset and re-positivity sampling ranged from 8 to 82 days (average 44. An additional case of reinfection, occurring in the Netherlands in an immunocompromised elderly, was declared in a news report. In addition, timing of testing with regards to symptom onset is an important factor to consider when comparing the diagnostic tools.

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Complications during cataract and glaucoma surgeries leading to an uncovered posterior cornea are also included. We discuss the newer treatment strategies that are alternatives for current Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty and Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, including partial grafts and stripping of the diseased cell layer. In more than half of the cases reviewed, corneal transparency returned despite incomplete or no corneal endothelial cell transplantation. We question the existing paradigm concerning corneal endothelial wound healing in vivo. The data support further clinical study to determine the safety of simple descemethorexis in central endothelial pathologies, such as Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy, where presence of healthy peripheral cells may allow successful corneal recompensation without the need for donor cells. The endothelium achieves this by a mechanism known as the 1 pump-and-leak hypothesis. If this were to continue unabated, however, the excessive passage of fluid through the barrier would swell the cornea and reduce transparency. These cells possess Na /K pumps that create local osmotic gradients and actively draw fluid back into the anterior chamber, 2 reaching a state of equilibrium and corneal transparency (. Finally, the high rate of cellular metabolism with chronic ultraviolet light exposure results in an accumulation of 9, 13 reactive oxygen species that can promote a state of stress-induced senescence. Corneal endothelial cell density is the highest in newborns but dramatically decreases when the corneal surface expands. Its prevalence is difficult to estimate because of the lack of symptoms in the early stage, slow progression, and regional 14 differences. Guttae begin centrally and slowly accumulate over time, leading to endothelial cell degeneration due to increased cellular apoptosis and 15 eventually resulting in corneal decompensation. Despite the major advances in cataract surgery and ophthalmic viscosurgical devices, phacoemulsification can damage the endothelial layer and result in corneal decompensation. In these cases, the endothelial damage is not restricted to the central cornea but may manifest anywhere in the endothelium, from limbus to limbus. Using different 3D rendering techniques, the mushroom cloud appearance of the guttae is visible displaying how they may physically disrupt the barrier function of endothelial cells. When penetrating keratoplasty was performed in 1905, it became the first successful treatment for 22, 23 severe endothelial dysfunction. Although penetrating keratoplasty provides good visual out comes, this may require hard contact lenses, and using a full-thickness graft is associated with a prolonged recovery, suture complications, astigmatism, and the potential for rejection. Penetrating keratoplasty may still be superior in terms of 24 endothelial cell preservation and longevity, but this is yet to be proven. This results in a thicker graft that is easier to handle but can cause refractive errors in the recipient eye between the host-donor interface. The thinner graft is harder to position and unroll but has better visual outcomes due to lack of an optical interface. These techniques all maintain biomechanical stability of the cornea better than penetrating keratoplasty as complete corneal trepanation can be avoided. Another significant advantage of avoiding trepanation is that surgery can also be performed under local anesthesia. Despite all these advantages, the visual results in some patients may be less than optimal even with fully functional grafts with no ocular comorbidities, suggesting that 32 there is a ceiling on what can be achieved in some cases. In the United States, the corneal donor supply currently meets the demand, but a global donor 34 shortage limits corneal transplantations to 1 in 70 potential patients. Most cases are treated rapidly by repositioning or rebubbling the graft or replacing it with an entirely new graft. Without intervention, the cornea is not expected to improve, rather it is expected to progress to severe edema. In rare cases, however, the cornea does improve and clears with the reformation of an intact and functional endothelial cell layer. Whether the clinical improvement is due to enlargement and spreading of the cells or true cell division is unclear, but both challenge what we currently know about the cornea. In this review we present an overview of the mounting evidence to support endothelial regeneration as well as the current hypotheses and scientific evidence that may account for these cases. Reports of spontaneous regeneration of the corneal endothelium are increasingly appearing in the literature, questioning what is perceived to be the regenerative capacity of the corneal endothelium. We shall summarize the data from case reports of intentional or accidental removal of the endothelium where an intact and functional endothelial barrier reformed. We also review the current hypotheses and scientific evidence that may account for these cases as well, as the potential application of innovative treatment strategies in the treatment for corneal endothelial diseases. In Vivo Endothelial Regeneration 183 Figure 5 Different representations in which unexpected and spontaneous corneal clearing has been observed. B: Conditions where the size of the graft does not completely cover the bare stroma, due to either a large descemetorhexis or a small (left) or decentered graft (right). D: Diagram of a cornea with a descemetorhexis and no corneal endothelial graft insertion, either intentionally or by inadvertent viscodissection during cataract surgery. Endothelial barrier restoration on pharmacological treatment 184 Chapter Eight Complication Ref. Once the air resorbs, the graft is unsupported and can detach from the posterior cornea. The lack of sutures, however, can lead to a higher incidence of graft detachment requiring intervention. A: Specular microscopy preoperatively showing numerous guttae in and between the endothelium. C: Initially, the cornea was the thickest at the point of attachment and started clearing from the opposite site. When detachment occurred, it could be subdivided into three classifications: inverted grafts, subtotal detachment, and total detachment (. It can be difficult to tell preoperatively whether the graft is correctly oriented or upside-down, and in five reported cases, the surgery was completed with the stromal side down. During the postoperative period, all grafts detached, with the expected increase in corneal edema. All but one case improved within months, though with low subsequent endothelial cell counts. Subtotal detachment occurs where the graft is inserted in the correct orientation but comes loose to varying degrees from the early postoperative period to three months after transplantation (. In most cases where this was reported (n = 29/34), the cornea cleared despite the regions of uncovered stroma. When we observed this in our center, we noted that the corneal clearing occurred from the opposite side of where the graft was attached. Peripheral endothelial damage is a relatively common minor complication usually associated with the corneal incision. When the visual axis is involved, In Vivo Endothelial Regeneration 187 however, significant corneal edema can result. In most of the surgeries, the cause of endothelial damage was viscodissection of the endothelium or mistaking the Descemet membrane for the anterior lens capsule during capsulorhexis. Even when the endothelial damage is noted peroperatively, emergency replacement with donor material is not feasible in most centers. Of all the reported cases (Table 2), four patients had central defects of less than 50% of the endothelial surface area, and six 188 Chapter Eight had near total (>90%) accidental removal of the endothelium. Despite the trauma, all patients regained corneal clarity without the use of replacement tissue. The corneas remained clear over the follow-up period, ranging from 6 weeks to 16 years 56 postoperatively. Although cataract surgery accounts for most of these accidents, other surgeries have 57 also resulted in an unintentional descemetorhexis. Viscocanalostomy and 58 trabeculectomy have also been associated with unintentional detachment of the Descemet membrane. In both cases, the Descemet membrane flap was allowed to hang loose and was not repositioned. Despite lack of reattachment, the bare regions 57, 58 of both corneas became transparent after a few months. Even in cases of complete graft attachment, bare areas of uncovered corneal stroma are frequently seen. This occurs either from graft decentration producing an arc of bare stroma or a large descemetorhexis that is not completely covered by smaller graft, leaving an annulus of bare stroma (. All eyes showed repopulation of the bare stromal patches with corneal clearing occurring between three and six months postoperatively. Whether the cells that fill the gap are derived from the donor or the recipient is still unknown. The single donor endothelial graft of 11-12 mm in diameter is cut into two semicircular pieces used to treat two patients (. The corneal edema improved over the following twelve months, beginning centrally and spreading 69 peripherally. This raises an interesting question regarding the amount endothelial graft material needed for transplantation: how low can you go The underlying rationale was to remove the central corneal endothelium and Descemet 190 Chapter Eight membrane where the highest density of guttae appear (. Patients were treated with a simple descemetorhexis with the aim of both removing the central changes as well as the contact inhibition preventing migration of peripheral healthy cells. If we assume that the posterior corneal surface is a circle of 11 mm in Figure 7 Simple Descemet stripping. B: the peripheral cells could of 8 mm would still leave half of the repopulate the posterior stroma by means of proliferation and migration to re-establish an osmotic gradient and endothelial cells to migrate and restore corneal transparency. Extracting useful data from this cohort is difficult as the ages ranged from 34 to 91 years and the diameter of the descemetorhexis ranged from 4 to 9 mm. In fact, the patient who underwent a 9-mm stripping was originally planned 77 to receive graft material but surgery was halted because of an acute cardiac event. In this heterogenous collection of cases, a clear cornea was observed more than 65% of patients (n = 31/47), with improvement detected as early as 1 month postoperatively, whereas edema did not resolve when it was still present after 6 months. The surgical view was slightly obscured by the corneal 192 Chapter Eight guttae, so an 8-mm descemetorhexis was performed during the cataract surgery. During the waiting period, the corneal edema improved and her vision improved to 1. A: Preoperative specular microscopy revealed almost no healthy endothelial centrally. Peripheral cell density was still high and with no apparent involvement in the disease process. B: After an 8-mm diameter endothelial stripping, the cornea became edematous, revealing the border of Descemet dissection. C and D: After a follow-up of 1 year, the cornea remained clear with somewhat enlarged and pleomorphic corneal endothelial cells detectable. It is therefore tempting to consider pharmacological treatments as an adjunct to surgery. Corneal edema was reduced after six months, and there was no significant difference between the 89 groups. In 2015, the same investigators reported an adapted treatment protocol for patients who lost half (n = 1) or more than two-thirds (n = 2) of their endothelium during cataract surgery. At three months posttreatment, corneal edema was 90 reduced, but the numbers remain too low to make definitive conclusions. In the first nonresponder, Y-27632 was applied topically but was replaced by another topical formulation of Ripasudil, thereby effectively clearing the cornea within ten days. Similarly, two other responders and an additional patient with a small edematous patch were administered Ripasudil, all resulting in a transparent cornea within 14 days. Other growth factors have been shown to enhance the regeneration 91 of the endothelium. Apart from concentrating on regeneration of endothelial cells in vivo, others have been trying to reduce the rate of apoptotic cell death. In the cases of corneal endothelial trans plantation (Table 1), when a gap in the barrier is filled, it is often not possible to tell whether the gap was filled by migrating donor or recipient cells. Jacobi and colleagues reported five cases of previously denuded areas that were repopulated by cells with a 66 morphology resembling a healthy hexagonal phenotype. The peripheral cells in these cases still displayed an irregular pleomorphic phenotype and were therefore considered unlikely to be the source of the new cell layer. Other similar observations of recellularization have also been described, where a reduction in cellular polymegathism occurred over a period of three years and was attributed to donor cell 63 migration. Cells in these regions have also shown rejection-like immune In Vivo Endothelial Regeneration 195 65 deposition.

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Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phone on auditory and vestibular labyrinth. Significance of the determination of lymphocyte subpopulations in the environmental medicine. Zentralblatt fur Hygiene und Umweltmedizin = International journal of hygiene and environmental medicine. Pain, pain intensity and pain disability in high school students are differently associated with physical activity, screening hours and sleep. Exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from mobile telephony and the association with psychiatric symptoms. Assessment of the temporal trend of the exposure of people to electromagnetic fields produced by base stations for mobile telephones. The influence of the molecular structure of lipid membranes on the electric field distribution and energy absorption. Absence of synergistic effects on micronucleus formation after exposure to electromagnetic fields and asbestos fibers in vitro. Stimulation of phagocytosis and free radical production in murine macrophages by 50 Hz electromagnetic fields. Quality Matters: Systematic Analysis of Endpoints Related to "Cellular Life" in Vitro Data of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure. Pseudarthrosis after lumbar spine fusion: nonoperative salvage with pulsed electromagnetic fields. When I visited a friend in the hospital recently, I was annoyed that I was not allowed to use my cell phone. The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the radio-frequency range on the health status and morbidity of an organized group. Response to pulsed and continuous radiofrequency lesioning of the dorsal root ganglion and segmental nerves in patients with chronic lumbar radicular pain. Non-ionising radiation human exposure assessment near telecommunication devices in Croatia. Effects of electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones on the nervous system. Cell phone electromagnetic field radiations affect rhizogenesis through impairment of biochemical processes. Acute Effect of Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Mobile Phone on Visual Evoked Potential in Adult Male: A Preliminary Study. The immunostimulating properties of erythrocytes subjected to the action of ultraviolet irradiation and electromagnetic radiation during vibration exposure. Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields of transformers and possible biological and health effects. Evaluation of non ionizing radiation around the dielectric heaters and sealers: a case report. Total antioxidant capacity, total oxidant status and oxidative stress index in the men exposed to 1. Inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock from a transcutaneous muscle stimulation device therapy. Norms and standards for radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in Latin America: guidelines for exposure limits and measurement protocols. Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of high-voltage laboratory cable splicers exposed to electromagnetic fields. Low frequency electromagnetic fields in the working environment-exposure and health effects. The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the meter wavelength on operators of short-wave radio transmitters. Comments on "Extremely low frequency electric fields and cancer: assessing the evidence" by Kheifets et al. Effect of the weak magnetic field of the Earth on cellular composition of spermatogenic epithelium of testes in rats. Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine. Implanted devices and electromagnetic interference: case presentations and review. Peripheral nerve stimulation by gradient switching fields in magnetic resonance imaging. Health effects of occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in view of studies performed in Poland and abroad. Comparison of hair reduction with three lasers and light sources: prospective, blinded and controlled study. Effect of exposure to an extremely low frequency-electromagnetic field on the cellular collagen with respect to signaling pathways in osteoblast-like cells. Childhood brain tumour risk and its association with wireless phones: a commentary. Mobile and cordless telephones, serum transthyretin and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: a cross-sectional study. Review of four publications on the Danish cohort study on mobile phone subscribers and risk of brain tumors. Use of wireless phones and the risk of salivary gland tumours: a case-control study. Use of wireless telephones and serum S100B levels: a descriptive cross-sectional study among healthy Swedish adults aged 18 65 years. Ownership and use of wireless telephones: a population-based study of Swedish children aged 7-14 years. Congenital anomalies in the offspring of rats after exposure of the testis to an electrostatic field. Living near overhead high voltage transmission power lines as a risk factor for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a case-control study. Treatment of patients with cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators during radiotherapy. Pulsed or continuous electromagnetic field induce p53/p21-mediated apoptotic signaling pathway in mouse spermatogenic cells in vitro and thus may affect male fertility. A local health agency approach to a permissible environmental level for microwave and radiofrequency radiation. Initial experience in ablation of typical atrial flutter using a novel three-dimensional catheter tracking system. Effect of environmental factors and cell physiological state on Pulsed Electric Fields resistance and repair capacity of various strains of Escherichia coli. Organic acids make Escherichia coli more resistant to pulsed electric fields at acid pH. Recovery of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sublethally injured cells after Pulsed Electric Fields. The use of geographic information technologies in the sanitary control of an environmental electromagnetic field. Maternal occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields before, during, and after pregnancy in relation to risks of childhood cancers: findings from the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers, 1953-1981 deaths. Occupational exposure to magnetic fields relative to mortality from brain tumours: updated and revised findings from a study of United Kingdom electricity generation and transmission workers, 1973-97. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator and 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields exposure in the workplace. A scientific journey: electromagnetic fields, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators. The influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on implantable cardiac medical devices. Assessment of nuclear abnormalities in exfoliated cells from the oral epithelium of mobile phone users. Electromagnetic effects on forearm disuse osteopenia: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study. The safety of digital mobile cellular telephones with minute ventilation rate adaptive pacemakers. Occupational exposures and brain cancer mortality: a preliminary study of east Texas residents. Different roles of electromagnetic field experts when giving policy advice: an expert consultation. Biologic effects and health consequences of low and high (radio) frequency electromagnetic fields. Sribhen K, Bhuripanyo K, Raungratanaamporn O, Kiartivich S, Leowattana W, Chaithiraphan S. Improved detection of radiofrequency current-induced minor myocardial injury by cardiac troponin T measurement. The possible role of radiofrequency radiation in the development of uveal melanoma. Characterization of In-Body to On-Body Wireless Radio Frequency Link for Upper Limb Prostheses. Absence of chronic effect of exposure to short-wave radio broadcast signal on salivary melatonin concentrations in dairy cattle. Inaccurate official assessment of radiofrequency safety by the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation. Comment on the paper: enhanced deposition of radon daughter nuclei in the vicinity of power frequency electromagnetic fields. Stathopoulos I, Karampinas P, Evangelopoulos D-S, Lampropoulou-Adamidou K, Vlamis J. Radiation-free distal locking of intramedullary nails: evaluation of a new electromagnetic computer-assisted guidance system. Assessment of radiofrequency device sensitivity for the detection of retained surgical sponges in patients with morbid obesity. Safety of radiofrequency ablation of myocardium and lung adjacent to the heart: an animal study. Hypersensitivity reactions associated with electricity and computer terminals require serious measures. Occupational exposure to magnetic fields in relation to male breast cancer and testicular cancer: a Swedish case-control study. Minimizing electromagnetic interference from surgical instruments on electromagnetic surgical navigation. Alcohol consumption and urinary concentration of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin in healthy women. Re: "Magnetic fields and cancer in children residing near Swedish high-voltage power lines. Mobile telecommunications and health: report of an investigation into an alleged cancer cluster in Sandwell, West Midlands. Pretraining exposure to physiologically patterned electromagnetic stimulation attenuates fear-conditioned analgesia. In vitro studies of microwave-induced cataract: separation of field and heating effects. The automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: evaluating suspected inappropriate shocks. Automated external defibrillators appropriately recognize ventricular fibrillation in electromagnetic fields. Results of a 5-year multi-institutional national cooperative trial in advanced cancer patients. Re: "Cancer risks associated with occupational exposure to magnetic fields among electric utility workers in Ontario and Quebec, Canada, and France: 1970-1989". Relationship between deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease- environmental implications. Stoupel E, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Abramson E, Bernotiene G, Bacevichiene M. Stoupel E, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, Israelevich P. Enhanced mortality of rat pups following inductions of epileptic seizures after perinatal exposures to 5 nT, 7 Hz magnetic fields. Experimental induction of intermale aggressive behavior in limbic epileptic rats by weak, complex magnetic fields: implications for geomagnetic activity and the modern habitat Electromagnetic exposure compliance estimation using narrowband directional measurements. Exposure facilities for study of the effect of high frequency electromagnetic fields on biological systems. A failure of conduction anesthesia in a patient with latent pathology of the peripheral nervous system. Proliferation of bone marrow cells upon exposure to constant magnetic fields of ultra-high strength. Cellular composition of the spermatogenic epithelium in mice during and after exposure to permanent magnetic fields of various durations. Human body exposure to power lines: relation of induced quantities to external magnetic fields.
