John M. Murkin, MD, FRCPC
- Professor of Anesthesiology (Senate)
- Director of Cardiac Anesthesiology Research
- Schulich School of Medicine
- University of Western Ontario
- London, Ontario, Canada
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Palliative oxygen (administration in nonhypoxic patients) has consistently been shown not to improve dyspnea in individual studies and systematic reviews. Rather than use a costly and inefective intervention for dyspnea, care should be focused on those interventions which have demonstrated efcacy such as immediate release opioids. The increase is not thought to be attributable to a similar rise in medical conditions in pregnancy that warrant induction of labor. Researchers have demonstrated that induction of labor for any reason increases the risk for a number of complications for women and infants. Induced labor results in more postpartum hemorrhage than spontaneous labor, which increases the risk for blood transfusion, hysterectomy, placenta implantation abnormalities in future pregnancies, a longer hospital stay, and more hospital re-admissions. Induction of labor is also associated with a signifcantly 11 higher risk of cesarean birth. For infants, a number of negative health efects are associated with induction, including increased fetal stress and respiratory illness. Research on the risk-to-beneft ratio of elective augmentation of labor is limited. However, many of the risks associated with elective induction may extend to augmentation. In a recent systematic review, the authors found that women with slow progress in the frst stage of spontaneous labor who underwent augmentation with exogenous oxytocin, compared with women who did not receive oxytocin, had similar rates of cesarean. Such results call into question a primary rationale for labor augmentation, which is the reduction of cesarean surgery. In addition to the serious health problems associated with non-medically indicated induction of labor, hospitals, insurers, providers and women must consider a number of fnancial implications associated with the practice. In the United States, the average cost of an uncomplicated cesarean birth is 68% higher than the cost of an uncomplicated vaginal birth. Further, women who deliver vaginally have shorter hospital stays, fewer hospital readmissions, faster recoveries and fewer infections than those who have cesareans. Prescription opioids are among the most efective medications for the treatment of pain. However, regular or long-term use of opioids can create physical dependence and in some cases, addiction. Women who are prescribed, or continue to use, opioids during pregnancy may not understand the risks to themselves or their babies. Women using opioids during pregnancy were shown to have higher rates of depression, anxiety and chronic medical conditions as well as increased risks for preterm labor, poor fetal growth and stillbirth. Women who used opioids during pregnancy were four times as likely to have a prolonged hospital stay compared to nonusers and incurred signifcantly more per-hospitalization cost. In utero exposure to these substances can cause a newborn to experience withdrawal symptoms after birth. Instead, help the mother to place her newborn in skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and encourage her to keep her newborn in her room during hospitalization after the birth. Keeping mothers and newborns together promotes maternal-infant attachment, early and sustained breastfeeding and physiologic stability. Early 13 initiation of skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding promotes optimal outcomes and can signifcantly reduce morbidity for healthy term and preterm or vulnerable newborns. Breastfeeding is the ideal form of infant nutrition and should be the societal norm. Given the numerous health benefts for infant and mother and the health care cost savings associated with breastfeeding, breastfeeding has become a global public health initiative that can improve the overall health of nations. The most important step in treating delirium is identifying, removing and treating the underlying cause(s) of delirium. Delirium is often a direct physiological consequence of another medical condition, substance intoxication or withdrawal, exposure to a toxin, or is due to multiple etiologies. Clinicians should 14 therefore perform a detailed history and physical exam, order appropriate laboratory/diagnostic tests, conduct a thorough medication review, and discontinue any potentially deliriogenic medications. Because numerous medications or medication classes are associated with the development of delirium. Moreover, due to the potential for harm and lack of sufcient evidence supporting the safety and efcacy of antipsychotics for the prevention and treatment of delirium, these medications should be administered only at the lowest efective dose, for the shortest amount of time, in patients who are severely agitated and/or at risk for harming themselves and/or others. In terms of delirium prevention, it is recommended health systems should implement multicomponent, nonpharmacologic interventions that are delivered consistently throughout hospitalization by the interdisciplinary team. Delirium is common in older adults, especially in the hospital setting, yet delirium is frequently unrecognized and not documented by nursing or 15 medical staf. Delirium occurs in as much as 50% of older adults in the hospital and delirium superimposed on dementia occurs in as high as 90% of hospitalized older adults. Delirium is associated with very poor clinical outcomes, including prolonged length of stay, high costs and lower quality of life for older adults when not detected early. Delirium is treatable and often reversible and dementia is not, so mislabeling older adults with dementia may miss a life threatening underlying condition causing the delirium such as an infection, medication side efect or subdural hematoma. Delirium is extremely costly to the health care system and to society with estimates ranging from $143 to $152 billion annually. Children have an increased risk of cancer with exposure to higher cumulative 16 radiation doses. Febrile seizures are the most commonly occurring seizures in the frst 60 months of life. Classic spine surgical treatment involves bilateral dissection of paraspinal muscles to expose the involved levels. Treatment of these spasms should include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions. Age-related changes in adults 18 can afect both metabolism and drug elimination in the body, resulting in a prolonged half-life for medications. Among the benzodiazepines, diazepam is particularly problematic due to its long half-life and many active metabolites. Benzodiazepines can lead to over-sedation, potential for respiratory depression, increased risk of delirium, and extended in-hospital recovery time. Benzodiazepines have consistently been associated with falls in the aging population and should be avoided. Efective non-pharmacological interventions for use include heat, cold, repositioning, and massage. Medical and surgical treatment decisions are based on relieving intracranial pressure. Inaccurate pressure readings can lead to unnecessary surgeries such as cranial vault expansion, shunt revisions and placement of lumbar-peritoneal shunts as well as unnecessary medical treatments. It is 20 associated with an increased risk of aspiration, pneumonia, prolonged hospital stay, disability, and death. Swallow screening is critical in the rapid identifcation of risk of aspiration in patients presenting with acute stroke symptoms. Because formal swallowing evaluation is not warranted in all patients with acute stroke, the purpose of a swallowing screen is to identify those who do not need a formal evaluation and who can safely take food and medication by mouth. Thromboembolic disease is a signifcant cause of complications and mortality in hospitalized patients and a growing public health issue. However, when pulse oximetry and physiologic monitoring are used inappropriately, signifcant cost burdens can afect the entire healthcare system. In addition, the high number of alarm alerts and level of noise created by these alarms leads to alarm fatigue. When high levels of false alarms occur in the work environment, clinically signifcant alarms may be masked by being silenced or unrecognized when clinicians become desensitized. Continuous bedside monitoring should not be used in place of hourly safety checks. Clinical instability is defned by physiologic criteria such as age-specifc tachycardia or hypotension, tachypnea, low urine output, altered mental status, or any signifcant clinical deterioration that warrants increased level of care and investigation. Therefore, the routine use of repeat laboratories studies in children with isolated solid organ injury who have physiologically normal vital signs for their age is not necessary. Despite the high human and dollar costs associated with these symptoms, their treatment continues to challenge practitioners and remains a top research priority in long-term care settings. Removing hair at the surgical site has long been believed to be associated with an increased rate of surgical site infections because of razor-induced microtrauma. Postoperative wound infections increase the costs and the length of hospital stay. For example, during emergent craniotomies or any time a surgeon deems hair removal necessary for the surgical procedure. When hair removal is necessary, hair at the surgical site should be removed by clipping or depilatory methods. In a landmark nonexperimental study of 23, 649 surgical wounds, Cruse (1973) found a 2. In addition, most patients dread the thought of having the hair on their head removed, and hair shaving can negatively afect their body image. How this List Was Created the American Academy of Nursing has convened a workgroup of member fellows who are leaders of professional nursing organizations representing a broad range of clinical expertise, practice settings and patient populations. The workgroup collaboratively identifes nursing/interdisciplinary interventions commonly used in clinical practice that do not contribute to improved patient outcomes or provide high value. An extensive literature search and review of practice guidelines is conducted for each new proposed recommendation for the list. The supporting evidence is then reviewed by the respective nursing organization(s) with the most relevant expertise to each recommendation. The Academy workgroup fellows narrow the recommendations through consensus, based on established criteria. How nurses decide to ambulate hospitalized older adults: development of a conceptual model. Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Organizational characteristics and restraint use of hospitalized nursing home residents. Avoiding restraints in patients with dementia: understanding, prevention, and management are the keys. Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections in acute care: the bundle approach.
Furthermore antibiotic name list purchase lquin 500 mg amex, approximately 80% of long-term survivors will maintain an intact bladder with this approach (Mak infection jaw bone buy lquin us, 2014; Rodel antibiotics with or without food purchase 500 mg lquin with amex, 2002) antimicrobial eye drops purchase 250 mg lquin fast delivery. Data from a retrospective series demonstrate higher local recurrence rates in patients with T3-T4 disease antibiotics fragile x buy generic lquin from india, positive nodes or positive surgical margins (Herr virus ev-d68 order lquin from india, 2004). The benefit of postoperative radiation and reducing local recurrence and improving disease-free survival has been shown in several studies (Bayoumi, 2014; Zaghloul, 1992; Nasr 2015). As a result, the use of radiation in the postoperative setting is considered medically necessary for an individual with pT3-T4 disease, positive lymph nodes and/or positive surgical margins. In an individual with evidence of metastatic disease, palliative radiation is medically necessary, up to 20 fractions using 3D techniques. Local control of muscle-invasive bladder cancer: preoperative radiotherapy and cystectomy versus cystectomy alone. Combined-modality treatment and selective organ preservation in invasive bladder cancer: long-term results. Postoperative radiotherapy in bladder cancer patients: 5-year institutional experience of National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. Planned preoperative irradiation in the management of clinical stage B2-C (T3) bladder carcinoma. Following simulation, a teletherapy isodose plan and monitor unit calculation is performed. Radium-223 (Xofigo) is medically necessary for the treatment of castration resistant prostate cancer for an individual with all of the following: A. Who has received and exhausted all medical or surgical-ablative hormonal treatments. Worsening of existing bone metastases or development of new bone metastases on a bone scan performed within the past 60 days despite androgen-deprivation treatment Xofigo is administered intravenously once a month for 6 months. Randomized trials comparing single fraction of 8 Gy with multiple fraction radiotherapy regimens (20 to 30 Gy in 5 to 10 fractions) reveal similar overall response rates. Pain relief is typically achieved 1 to 4 weeks after treatment and the duration of response is 12 to 24 weeks. In a pooled analysis of patients with bone metastases, approximately one-third of patients will have complete pain relief and an additional one-third of patients will have partial relief of pain, irrespective of the dose-fractionation used. While retreatment was higher with patients treated with a single fraction (18% vs. The study concluded that with or without the effect of retreatment, single fraction and multi-fraction radiation provided equal palliation. A shorter course of radiation offers equivalent palliation and increased convenience for the individual and caregivers. Vertebral body resection and radical decompressive surgery with postoperative radiotherapy was found to be superior to radiotherapy alone in the only randomized trial of spinal cord compression conducted to date (Regine et al. Patients with a single site of cord compression and a minimum three-month life expectancy were enrolled. In a total of 32 patients who could not walk at the time of enrollment, 56% of those who received surgery and conventional radiation therapy recovered the ability to walk versus 19% who received conventional radiation therapy alone. The targeted nature of Radium-223 with alpha particles of short range minimizes myelosuppression and has limited effects on the normal tissue. Stereotactic body radiotherapy for spinal metastases: current status, with a focus on its application in the postoperative patient. Meta-analysis of dose-fractionation radiotherapy trials for the palliation of painful bone metastases. Whose systemic disease is under control or good options for systemic treatment are available and c. Note that all lesions present on imaging must be targeted as a single episode of care. A combination of up to 4 resected and unresected lesions that are individually < 4 cm in size Key Clinical Points I. Many patients develop brain metastases late in the course of their disease when progressive extracranial disease dictates survival. The clinical response rate, degree of response, and duration of response depend on the extent of tumor and the severity of initial neurologic deficits. Shorter course regimens are appropriate for patients at increased risk of early death, such as those with a poor performance status and progressive systemic disease. In patients with a poor performance status, a shorter course of radiation using 20 Gy in 5 fractions should be utilized. Therefore, postoperative whole brain radiotherapy can be recommended for individuals who undergo resection of a solitary metastasis and who have controlled extracranial disease. Due to the palliative nature of the treatment, and dose delivered construction of a dose volume histogram is not medically necessary. In cases where the patient has received prior radiation 3D planning techniques will be considered. One strategy to reduce the neurocognitive decline following whole brain radiation is the use of memantine. A single randomized study found a decrease in cognitive decline in patients who were started on memantine compared to observation, (hazard ratio 0. Including thatFor instance, the improved survival seen on 0933 could explain the improvement in neurocognitive decline. Patients were stratified by recursive portioning analysis class and prior therapy. There was no difference in intracranial progression free survival or overall survival. Therefore, policy regarding the necessity of hippocampal avoidance will be reexamined upon publication. A recent prospective nonrandomized study revealed radiosurgery could be utilized in the treatment of up to 10 brain metastases with similar efficacy and no increase in toxicity as long as the cumulative volume < 15 mL. Following radiosurgery alone, approximately 25 to 50 % of patients will develop new metastases within the first year (Ayala-Peacock, 2014; Gorovets, 2017). In individuals who do experience further recurrence in the brain following radiosurgery it is critical to risk stratify this cohort to determine who will benefit from further radiosurgery vs. Patients eligible included those with one resected brain metastasis (with a resection cavity under 5 cm) with up to an additional 3 unresected metastases (each under 3 cm). Patients were stratified according to age, duration of extracranial disease control, number of brain metastases, histology, and diameter of resection cavity Page 98 of 311 and treatment center. A nomogram for predicting distant brain failure in patients treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery without whole brain radiotherapy. The palliation of brain metastases: final results of the first two studies by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. Multi-institutional nomogram predicting survival free from salvage whole brain radiation after radiosurgery in patients with brain metastases. Cavity-directed radiosurgery as adjuvant therapy after resection of a brain metastasis. Post-operative stereotactic radiosurgery versus observation for completely resected brain metastases: a single centre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Postoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of single metastases to the brain: a randomized trial. Summary report of the graded prognostic assessment: an accurate and facile diagnosis-specific tool to estimate survival for patients with brain metastases. For an individual receiving radiation treatment to the whole breast with or without treatment to the low axilla, the use of a hypofractionated regimen is preferred (see Key Clinical Points below). Indications for post mastectomy radiotherapy include the presence of multiple positive axillary lymph nodes, positive or narrow margins (< 1 mm), or large primary tumor size (> 5 cm). In some women over the age of 70 who have been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, radiation therapy may be safely omitted, especially if they have comorbidities. At 10 Page 103 of 311 years, the hypofractionated regimen was not inferior to standard fractionation with respect to recurrence, survival or toxicity. The recently updated evidence-based guideline on radiation therapy for the whole breast has expanded upon the original 2011 recommendations (Smith et al. The guideline now recommends a hypofractionated regimen for all age groups and all stages as long as additional fields are not used to encompass regional lymph nodes. The volume of breast tissue receiving greater than 105% of the dose should be kept to a minimum. Page 104 of 311 Boost the guideline also discusses recommendations concerning a boost. Between May 2007 and October 2010, 2018 women with low risk, early stage breast cancer who underwent breast conserving surgery were randomized to whole breast radiation therapy versus partial breast radiation. Patients were randomized to receive 40 Gy in 15 fractions to the whole breast, 36 Gy in 15 fractions to the whole breast, or 40 Gy in 15 fractions to the partial breast. The study required that all patients receive 3D conformal radiation therapy using forward-planned, field in field radiation techniques. The treatment was delivered with medial and lateral tangential beams to minimize dose to surrounding lung and heart and to ensure that the beams exit within the breasts. The estimated 5-year absolute differences in local relapse compared with the control group were 0. The patients in the partial breast group reported statistically significant fewer adverse cosmetic events (change in breast appearance, p=0. As this study used the same dose fractionation scheme for the whole breast and the partial breast group, this study concluded that partial breast radiation using standard external beam radiation therapy techniques is non-inferior to standard dose whole breast radiation therapy in terms of local relapse and resulted in a lower rate of adverse late tissue effects. Participation in clinical trials and protocols was recommended for proton beam, intraoperative radiation therapy, and electronic brachytherapy. There is, as yet, little clinical information available on the long-term results in patients treated with this technique. This analysis, including the non inferiority test statistic, is therefore unreliable. Page 110 of 311 Electronic Brachytherapy As the updated American Brachytherapy Society Consensus Statement recommends patients treated with eElectronic brachytherapy should not be be placed offeredoutside onf clinical trial. Locoregional radiation therapy may be considered for women who initially present with metastatic disease but after surgery and/or chemotherapy are found to have no clinical evidence of disease. In such a scenario, the use of up to 25 fractions is considered medically necessary. A dosimetric comparison of electronic compensation, conventional intensity modulated radiotherapy, and tomotherapy in patients with early-stage carcinoma of the left breast. The rationale, technique, and feasibility of partial breast irradiation using noninvasive image-guided breast brachytherapy. The American Brachytherapy Society consensus statement for accelerated partial-breast irradiation. Dose modeling of noninvasive image-guided breast brachytherapy in comparison to electron beam boost and three-dimensional conformal accelerated partial breast irradiation. Limitations of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology consensus panel guidelines on the use of accelerated partial breast irradiation. Technological Updates on Targeting Partial Breast Dose via Non-Invasive Brachytherapy. All clinically visible lesions confined to the cervix with or without extension to the parametria, pelvic sidewall(s), lower third of vagina, or causing hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney 4. Tumor invading the mucosa of the bladder or rectum, and/or extending beyond the true pelvis 5. In the non-curative setting and where symptoms are present, palliative external beam photon radiation therapy may be medically necessary. Key Clinical Points Within the United States in 2018, 13, 240 new cases of cervical cancer are projected resulting in approximately 4, 170 deaths. The prognosis of an individual with cervical cancer is markedly affected by the extent of disease at the time of diagnosis. It is recognized that disease presentations and anatomic deformity may result in less than optimal dosimetry using conventional radiation applicators, and that supplementary interstitial brachytherapy may be required on an individual basis to achieve optimal therapeutic effect. The type of implant may include tandem and ovoids, tandem alone, ovoids only, interstitial, or vaginal cylinder only. Page 115 of 311 Electronic/kilovoltage brachytherapy will be approved for a vaginal cylinder. Surgical findings of clinical relevance include the size of the primary tumor, depth of stromal invasion, and presence of lymphovascular invasion. Positive pelvic and/or para-aortic nodes, surgical margins, and involvement of the parametrium are also important. An intracavitary boost may be clinically appropriate in the setting of positive surgical findings. Management of the para-aortic nodes the treatment of para-aortic nodal regions may be indicated in the following clinical situations: A. For concurrent treatment, up to 6 gantry angles are approved, and a conedown (additional phase) may be appropriate.
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Submucous myo including blind attempts with a curette or mas may invade the uterine wall virtually in polyp forceps once the polyp has been diag their totality and show antibiotics for treatment of uti in pregnancy cheap 750 mg lquin, like an iceberg bacteria reproduction discount lquin online amex, only nosed and located bacteria dichotomous key order lquin amex. Removal of this type of tumor benefits most from resec these tumors must be accomplished via toscopic shaving of the myoma antibiotic bone penetration 500 mg lquin with visa, which caus endoscopes antibiotics for acne scars discount lquin online master card, which require more experience es the uterus to contract so that the myoma to use antibiotics for face redness order lquin 250 mg overnight delivery. Several hysteroscopic methods are that is intramural becomes intraluminal, available to remove submucous leiomyomas allowing its complete removal. This can be uterine wall to avoid digging deeply into assessed preoperatively by vaginal ultra the myometrium. When the leiomyoma is sessile laparoscope should be used when resecting or has a broad pedicle, the best method of large submucous tumors that invade the removal is by resectoscopy to shave system myometrium deeply or when resection atically the leiomyoma from top to bottom becomes difficult due to location, for exam until the myometrium is reached. Tactile sensation with an inactivated loop will also provide a feel of the resolution of abnormal bleeding in the hardness of this tissue as compared to patients with submucous leiomyomas that do the soft fascicularis layer composed by the not harbor additional large intramural myometrium. The size of the radius of the leiomyomas is impressive: over 95% of these cutting loop should be known, to enable patients obtain resolution of abnormal bleed application to the myoma surface according ing provided that the tumor is removed in its to the size of the intraluminal portion and totality. Patients who have a portion of the to use shallow cuts when reaching the uter leiomyoma left behind may require a second ine surface. The shavings of myoma are removed as they impair visi bility, and the uterine cavity is re-examined to determine whether any protrusion of intramural leiomyoma still requires shaving. The tissue is visualized to identify the fascic ularis layer of the myometrium from the Figure 7. It is important to monitor the amount Practical considerations in the of fluid administered and recovered to calcu treatment of myomas late the deficit, and to attach an indwelling catheter to monitor urine output. If a diffi Resection of endometrial polyps, particu cult myomectomy is suspected, the patient larly those of the sessile type, should be should be prepared for laparoscopy. Uterine septa cause reproductive failure in Uterine bleeding due to submucous about 25% of patients with this condition leiomyomas may be evaluated by endome (Figure 7. These patients have repetitive trial biopsy and ultrasound to determine pregnancy losses in the late first trimester or the presence of other myomas as well as early second trimester with a minilabor, their number, size and location. When other reasons patients, a hysterosalpingogram should be for the reproductive failure are excluded, performed to determine the degree of dis these patients become good candidates for tortion of the uterine cavity and condition hysteroscopic surgery. Care must be taken to watch for bleeding after decreasing the intrauterine the uterine septum is usually divided hys pressure by slowing the influx of distending teroscopically with semirigid scissors medium. The hysteroscop ic division of a septum is performed with pressure of the distending fluid can be concomitant laparoscopy to monitor the decreased; if arterial bleeding occurs, selec amount of light shining through the translu tive coagulation can be performed with a cent uterine wall. A medium with tematically from side to side until the utero out electrolytes such as glycine or sorbitol tubal openings can be seen and bleeding is should be used. Once the resectoscope can be used to coagulate septal division is complete, the intrauterine selectively each bleeding arteriole. For ferred method for treating this condition thick and broad septa, the resectoscope fitted (Table 7. The reproductive outcome fol with a thin cutting electrode is useful, as this lowing hysteroscopic treatment of a sympto type of electrode can reach the lateral por matic septate uterus has equaled and even tions of the septum to avoid bleeding. The patient is spared a laparotomy and hys On completion of septal division, the terotomy, thereby eliminating the potential intrauterine pressure can be decreased for pelvic adhesions as well as the associated slightly so that bleeding can be select pain, disability and expense. Patients treat ively coagulated before the procedure is ed hysteroscopically need to wait for only 4 terminated. The early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is chosen in menstruating patients who Practical considerations in the demonstrate intrauterine adhesions on hys treatment of septa terosalpingography (Figure 7. An times a day orally, or doxycycline 100 mg operative hysteroscope and semirigid hys intravenously and 100 mg twice daily orally teroscopic scissors are used to divide these for 1 week until the splint is removed. In many of these in the rapid re-epithelization of the uterine patients, the endometrium has been trau cavity, conjugated estrogens are prescribed. When laparoscopy is ment and once withdrawal bleeding ceases, performed, tubal patency is evaluated by a hysterosalpingogram is performed to injecting indigocarmine dye transcervically. Depending on the extent of uterine cavity Normal menstruation has been re-estab occlusion, an intrauterine splint is left in the lished in over 90% of patients treated for uterus to keep the uterine walls separated. Overall, restoration of normal menses occurred in 90% of patients and a term pregnancy was achieved in 80%. Other methods of treating intrauterine adhesions include the use of a resectoscope or fiberoptic lasers (Figures 7. When using the resec markedly improved the management of toscope, only fine electrodes should be used these patients by identifying the type of and the adhesions selectively divided to adhesions present and allowing the selec avoid contact with the surrounding tive division of adhesions atraumatically endometrium. Similar precautions apply without further damage to the remaining with the use of vaporizing electrodes. The reproductive outcome using lasers, only sculpted fibers with thin is better than with the earlier blind meth conical tips should be selected. Today, the treatment of the use of hysteroscopy in the treat choice for intrauterine adhesions is hys ment of intrauterine adhesions has teroscopic division. For fibromuscular and moderate or severe adhesions require a fol thick adhesions producing moderate occlu low-up hysterosalpingogram on completion sion of the uterine cavity, the reproductive of hormonal treatment to evaluate the uter outcome is 70%; in patients with thick con ine cavity. Unnecessary irradiation may occur when X-rays are used routinely for diagnostic purposes. Potentially traumatic manipula Practical considerations in the tions are often performed in an attempt to treatment of intrauterine adhesions remove the devices. This procedure sors are useful for selectively and systemati requires only local anesthesia and can easily cally dividing these adhesions. Sculpted or be performed in an outpatient ambulatory extruded fiberoptic lasers with sharp tips surgical unit or, if the instrumentation is may also be used. When the bleeding is these plaques is accomplished under direct due to an organic uterine pathology, the vision in order to re-establish normalcy to condition must be treated by removing the the uterine cavity and restore fertility offending lesion or, when this is not possible (Figures 7. Many patients object to hysterec tomy unless it is absolutely necessary and enthusiastically choose endometrial ablation. These patients should be assessed to rule out malignant or premalignant conditions of the endometrium and other organic pathology. In the absence of organic pathology, abnor mal bleeding from the uterus is usually due to either hormonal imbalances or local fac Laser endometrial ablation tors interfering with appropriate hemosta sis. There is a group of patients, however, To thin the endometrium and make the sur who do not respond to hormonal therapy face more uniform, it is important to treat and require hysterectomy to treat abnormal these patients hormonally prior to the pro bleeding. The treated area is thus blanched but, as no fur Dragging or touching rows or sulci are made, the chances of fluid the bare fiber is dragged across the intravasation are decreased as no additional endometrial surface (Figures 7. To ensure that all of the tissue is treat not occur as the treatment is strictly by ed, it is important to treat surfaces system coagulation. Once dragging, it is important to draw lines of this is accomplished, treatment can then demarcation or quadrants in the uterine extend to the anterior, lateral and posterior cavity to avoid leaving behind untreated walls as far as the internal os. The technique is similar to dragging vical stenosis, care should be taken not to in terms of the order in which different treat the endocervical tissue. This is the most commonly loop electrode or coagulation with a roller used method of endometrial ablation by laser. Although coagulating or damped and benefit from this alternative should they modulated outputs can be used, they are object to hysterectomy. They should be high-voltage and produce more bubbling made aware of the requirements and limi when used in the uterus which interferes tations inherent with this approach. Additionally, a damped more details on resectoscopic endometrial and modulated output is more erratic and ablation, see Chapter 8. Nonetheless, the same rules as for tomy; the patient should be carefully evalu any method of endometrial ablation ated to confirm that bleeding is not of apply, such as good patient selection, organic etiology. Other symptoms such as preparation of the patient with complete cyclical pain may represent adenomyosis. In uterine evaluation to rule out organic addition, the physician and patient should pathology or malignant or premalignant have realistic expectations as the goal of this endometrial lesions, and continued fol procedure is not to obtain amenorrhea, but low-up. Patients Tubal occlusion at the cornual regions can be who fail to respond to the procedure may detected during hysterosalpingography in attempt a second endometrial ablation, if the evaluation of infertile patients (Table 7. It is important to rule may be due to temporary spasm, these out organic conditions such as myomas patients require additional evaluation to rule and/or adenomyosis that may increase the out such a possibility. Rules out distal tubal occlusion Most infertile patients require laparoscopy Requires fluoroscopic cannulation if previous laparoscopy normal or contraindicated If fluoroscopic cannulation fails, proceed with hysteroscopic cannulation (more accurate) and sedatives, have been used to reduce significant number of patients who have spasm, but none has been successful in elimi cornual occlusions may also harbor pelvic nating this problem. Therefore, laparoscopy pathology such as pelvic adhesions, under general anesthesia has been the endometriosis or distal tubal occlusion, the method of choice. When laparoscopy demon need for laparoscopy encouraged physi strates a true tubal cornual occlusion, the cians to use the hysteroscope as a more pre patient becomes a candidate for microsurgery cise and direct method of cannulating the to remove the occluded segments and subse Fallopian tubes with concomitant lapar quent anastomosis (Figure 7. Because fre oscopy not only to evaluate the pelvis, quently the tubal segments removed do not ovaries and Fallopian tubes, but also to rule demonstrate true occlusion, the question aris out patients who have spasm rather than es as to the origin of the occlusion. A 3-Fr occlusion was due to tenacious mucus plugs catheter inserted into a 5-Fr catheter is the or amorphous proteinaceous material that most commonly used coaxial system (Figure could be dislodged by probing. A soft guidewire that fits inside the confirmed previous clinical observations and 3-Fr catheter and measures no more than prompted the use of tubal cannulation to 0. The coaxial catheters are inserted While hysteroscopic tubal cannulation into the operating channel of an operative began in the early 1920s with attempts to hysteroscope (Figure 7. The introduced by Menken, and perfected by coaxial catheters are directed towards the Quinones in the early 1970s. Borrowing uterotubal cornua and the soft guidewire from the experience obtained with vascular used to probe the tubal opening without cannulation and angioplastic procedures, forcing its entrance. The distal portion of tubal cannulation was initiated by radiolo the guidewire can be stiffened as the gists in the early 1980s with the soft, flexi catheters are slid forward and, should the ble, coaxial catheters used in angiographic inner catheter and soft wire become too procedures. This method proved to be fea stiff, the catheters can be withdrawn to sible, effective and reproducible. The same procedure is per and is the best initial diagnostic method and formed in the opposite tube should bilater an excellent therapeutic alternative for al obstruction be present. Because patients with tubal occlusions guidewire and catheter into the Fallopian may have concomitant pelvic pathology, tube, the operation should be aborted as such as adhesions and/or endometriosis, this indicates that the tube has a fibrotic these conditions may also be evaluated and occlusion rather than a mucous or pro treated during laparoscopy. These patients should be offer ed either microsurgical treatment or in vitro Practical considerations in tubal fertilization. No additional coaxial Laparoscopy is performed to evaluate catheters are needed as these 60-cm the pelvis and rule out additional pathology catheters can be inserted directly into the such as adhesions, endometriosis and/or 2 mm operative channel and selectively bent distal tubal occlusion. Should these types of or steered to a position in apposition to the pathology be found, they can be treated tubal opening (Figure 7. If tubal method is followed when using small-cal distal occlusion is diagnosed, the tubal can iber hysterscopes with continuous-flow sys nulation procedure should be aborted, as tems and 5-Fr operative channels (Figure these patients will benefit more from the 7. During these procedures, as with any other hysteroscopic therapeutic procedure, a video system is mandatory as it increases the awareness of the assisting physicians and permits sharing the operation with the operating team. Although some physicians prefer to per ceptive system was developed by the form tubal cannulation under fluoroscopy, California-based company, Conceptus, Inc. Tubal and peritoneal plete tubal occlusion to resolve problems pathology cannot be evaluated without with the original transcervical sterilization laparoscopy, particularly tubal and/or ovar methods, such as difficulty in securing tubal ian adhesions, endometriosis and distal devices in situ and consistent occlusion of tubal occlusion. The into the space between the inner and the wheel in the handle is activated until a stop outer coil. This response was consistent occurs, showing the microinsert in the tubal throughout 3 months of wearing (Figures lumen still not deployed and housed in the 7. A metal notch marker comes into view signifying good placement, and by pressing the small button in the handle, the Technique of insertion and deployment microinsert is deployed. Further turning of the wheel in the handle will demonstrate the the patient is placed in the dorsal lithotomy anchoring of the microinsert by expansion position and the vaginal area and cervix of the spring outer coils. A parac clockwise turns finally detach the delivery ervical block is performed with a local anes system, and the microinsert proximal end is thetic. The same proce anesthetic is preferable, such as chloro dure is performed in the opposite Fallopian procaine (Nesacaine) 1% solution, injecting tube. The uterine cavity is evaluated and the operative hysteroscope should be both tubal openings are observed. Manipulation to evacuate any blood clots or debris that of the operative instruments, particularly may obscure the view. It is important to use those of the semirigid type, should be per this maneuver even before uterine distention formed with care to avoid excessive bending, begins, as dilatation of the cervix usually as these instruments are easily broken. If causes bleeding that may obscure the view bleeding occurs, and a continuous-flow sys when injecting fluids.
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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in posttraumatic stress disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Social support protects against the negative effects of partner violence on mental health. Integrating complementary therapies into community mental health practice: an exploration. Tiagabine for posttraumatic stress disorder: effects of open-label and double-blind discontinuation treatment. Dissemination and feasibility of a cognitive behavioral treatment for substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder in the Veterans Administration. Randomized controlled comparison of cognitive behavior therapy with rogerian supportive therapy in chronic post-traumatic stress disorder: A 2-year follow-up. A pilot controlled study of the effects of flumazenil in posttraumatic stress disorder. Creamer M, Parslow R: Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in the elderly: a community prevalence study. Population-based norms for the Mini-Mental State Examination by age and educational level. Preventing the incidence of new cases of mental disorders: a meta analytic review. Public service reductions associated with placement of homeless persons with severe mental illness in supportive housing. Efficacy of sertraline in preventing relapse of posttraumatic stress disorder: results of a 28-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Venlafaxine extended release in posttraumatic stress disorder: a sertraline and placebo-controlled study. The Efficacy and Tolerability of Tiagabine in Adult Patients With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Maintenance therapy with fluoxetine in posttraumatic stress disorder: a placebo-controlled discontinuation study. Multicenter, double-blind comparison of sertraline and placebo in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Divalproex in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in a veteran population. A placebo-controlled study of nefazodone for the treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: a preliminary study. A placebo-controlled trial of guanfacine for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans. Posttraumatic stress disorder in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review. Evaluation of physical activity habits in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. The lifetime prevalence of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder in the Netherlands. Some implications of former massive traumatization upon the actual analytic process. Preventing psychological trauma in soldiers: the role of operational stress training and psychological debriefing. The effects of an aerobic exercise program on posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity in adolescents. Meta-analytic evaluation of skills training research for individuals with severe mental illness. Similarity of prior trauma exposure as a determinant of chronic stress responding to an airline disaster. Antidepressant treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression in veterans. The New Hampshire study of supported employment for people with severe mental illness. The impact of enhanced incentives on vocational rehabilitation outcomes for dually diagnosed veterans. Adding contingency management intervention to vocational rehabilitation: outcomes for dually diagnosed veterans. Efficacy of buspirone in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: an open trial. Post-traumatic stress disorder in the context of terrorism and other civil conflict in Northern Ireland: Randomised controlled trial. Risk factors for clinically recognized opioid abuse and dependence among veterans using opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. A randomized controlled trial of cognitive therapy, a self-help booklet, and repeated assessments as early interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder. Hypnotic change in combat dreams of two veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. The effects of group psychological debriefing on acute stress reactions following a traffic accident: a quasi-experimental approach. Relationship of physical symptoms to posttraumatic stress disorder among veterans seeking care for Gulf War-related health concerns. Fluvoxamine treatment in veterans with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Multiple channel exposure therapy: combining cognitive-behavioral therapies for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder with panic attacks.
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